ISKO Italia. Documenti

KO across disciplines and media: Brazitalian meeting
online : 14 June 2024

Interdisciplinary purposes of knowledge organization

Rick Szostak




The field of knowledge organization should recognize additional purposes beyond classifying documents for retrieval. These additional purposes can it turn guide us in developing knowledge organization systems. A synthetic phenomenon-based approach to classification mirrors ontological reality. It thus allows writers to better comprehend how their own ideas fit within the broader structure of human understanding. It also allows students (and others) to appreciate that every idea they encounter fits within a broader whole; it should enhance their interest and ability to seek information on any topic. Such an approach serves a third purpose of enhancing social justice: Such an approach to classification is both less biased by nature and easier to navigate. There may be other purposes that we could identify which could also inform our development of KOSs.

This presentation is an adaptation of the one presented at the International ISKO Conference in Wuhan.


Interdisciplinary purposes of KO / Rick Szostak = (KO across disciplines and media: Brazitalian meeting) = (ISKO Italia. Documenti) — <> : 2024.06.12 -