ISKO Italia. Documenti
Library-Bibliographical Classification (LBC)
The national classification system of the Russian Federation
by Eduard Sukiasyan, LBC chief editor
Text in Russian and English
This review outlines the Library-Bibliographical Classification,
the history of its development, distribution, variants and editions,
contents and structure, combinational and other features.
Free distribution!
Contents (of English language part)
- Preface
- Historical background. Steps of the development
- Editions and variants of 1960–1990-s
- The LBC and the automated search
- Extensions and corrections to the LBC
- The State Prize Award; The LBC implementation to the library practice
- The LBC abroad
- The LBC in a new period of history
- Description and analysis of the LBC as a classification system
- LBC structure
- The system of LBC tables (standard subdivisions)
- The general standard subdivisions
- The territorial standard subdivisions
- The standard subdivisions of social systems
- The language standard subdivisions
- The ethnical standard subdivisions
- The notation of the LBC
- Composition an structure of the classification division
- Combination possibilities
- Alphabetical-subject index
- Conclusion
- Bibliography (articles in English language)
Library-Bibliographical Classification (LBC) : the national classification system of the Russian Federation / by Eduard Sukiasyan = (ISKO Italia. Documenti) — <> : 2016.01 -