ISKO Italia
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Università di Torino. Rettorato. Sala Principe d'Acaja
via Po 17 o via Verdi 8
About 40 people attended the fourth national meeting of the Italian chapter of ISKO. This time the event was organized in the historical centre of Turin, thanks to technical collaboration by the Digital Bibliographic Service Staff of the University of Turin, led by Paolo Gardois.
In the morning, the discussion focused on the role of traditional cataloguing techniques in the extended context of knowledge organization. The special guest was widely estimated librarian Carlo Revelli, who shared his views and long experience on the topic. Other classical library tasks were addressed by Emanuela Casson, reporting a case of collection reclassification in a mathematics library, and by Ilde Menis, discussing indexing questions in a university OPAC. The scope of cataloguing issues was then broadened by Stefania Vecchio, who is working with cultural heritage records, considering similarities and differences with the librarians community.
Barbara De Santis illustrated her PhD project on multilinguality in thesauri; then, together with Casson and Claudio Gnoli, she reported on the advancement of organization work for the next international ISKO conference, to be held in Rome in February 2010. This is now the main task for the Italian chapter, after a series of more specialized events, and besides the continued efforts of various working groups and collaborations.
The afternoon saw a markedly technological shift, with illustration of research and many applications at the University of Calabria (Roberto Guarasci) and at the Food and Agriculture Organization (Margherita Sini). Mela Bosch introduced the different strategies used to make search engines more semantic. Information architecture issues were discussed by Andrea Cuna, focusing on the approach pioneered by the Flamenco project, and by Luca Rosati and Andrea Resmini, speculating on how in a close future digital semantics could pervade everyday life, e.g. product search and evaluation in a retail. Eugenio Gatto was charged with final comments to many of the issues mentioned along the day.
As usual, the meeting took place in an informal and lively environment, and was continued nearby with an aperitif. Some texts, presentations, audio recordings, and photos are available from this page.
4' Incontro ISKO Italia : Torino : 3 aprile 2009 = (ISKO Italia) — <> : 2009.01.26 - 2009.04.07 -