ISKO Italia

Call for Papers

Knowledge Organisation and social responsibility
Theoretical, economical and ethical aspects

9. Conference of the ISKO German Chapter (Knowledge Organisation 2004)
November 5. - 7., 2004
University of Duisburg (Conference Center Wolfsburg)

Information- and library sciences are discussing social responibility in professional knowledge organisation for quite a while. Unviversities are covering information theory, economics and ethics in their courses. In the light of social changes within the past few years responsibility in knowledge organisation has become a major problem for research, training and practice: Commerzialisation of knowledge products leads to new exclusions and controls in association with knowledge and scientific achievements. Quality Management and sustainability are coming in the force of knowledge production and knowledge distribution.

ISKO's German Chapter Conference 2004 should contribute to the enhancement of social responsibility in knowledge organisation within the scope of basic principles, training and knowledge organisation in practice. The conference will focus on responible action in the connexion of practice and scientific reflexion. Empirical, legal and economical Questions are as relevant as theoretical and systematical Discussion.

The following topics outline possible questions. Relevant contributions out of the sketched framework are welcome.

The concerence is adressed to scientists, science managers, sociologists, information- and librarian scientists and others who are interested in social response of knowledge organisation and knowledge distribution. Contributions of adjecting disciplines (Education Science, Sociology, Communication Science, Philosophy) and from practice are welcome. Contributions can be made as a plenary talk (20 minutes with 10 minutes comment), talk (15 minutes with 15 minutes discussion), workgroup (three talks, 90 minutes), panel discussion, workshop or poster. Comments for plenary talks will be invited by the conference board. Involvement of participants is an inmportant part of the conference.
Please send proposals with titel and abstract (max. one page) as e-mail to until 3.31.2004. Abstracts should refer to the subject of the conference, mention the relevance of the problem discussed and state the represented thesis and methodology. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed. Contributors will be informed by the 4.30.2004 if their suggestion is accepted. Abstracts will be published on the webpage of the conference.

Contributions will be published in the proceedings of the conference. To allow contemporary publishing elaborations are asked for within six weeks after the conference. The articles will be peer-reviewed.

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Budin, Wien
Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Norbert Meder,Duisburg-Essen
Eduard Jacob MD, Groningen
H. Peter Ohly, Bonn (Dt. ISKO-Vorsitz)
Dr. Otto Sechser (Zürich)
Alexander Sigel, Köln
Dr. Martin van der Walt, Stellenbosch
Dr. Karsten Weber (angefragt)

Dr. Christian Swertz
Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Pädagogik
Postfach 100131
D-33501 Bielefeld
Tel.: +49-521-106-3299
Fax: +49-521-106-6028

31.03.2004 Deadline for Abstracts
12.05.2004 Notification of Contributors
5.-7.11.2004 Conference in Duisburg
15.12.2004 Deadline for Articles

Knowledge organisation and social responsibility : theoretical, economical and ethical aspects / Peter Ohly, Claudio Gnoli, Lorena Zuccolo (( ISKO Italia -- <> : 2004.03.01 - 2004.05.21 -