Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC 1 expanded class m

  up    m    organisms 

down details        76  [mU]      to beneficiary, patient, assistee, addressee
down details        U  [mqvtgq] humanity, humans
down details        j6v           algae  « ml
down details        j6w           plants  « mp
down details        j6x           animals including corals  « mq
down details        jy      soils  [soil science, pedology]  « l m
down details        m organisms, eukaryote organisms, eukaryotes  « l
down details        m0  [V]      under aspect
down details        m05  [ysl]           studied by biological discipline
down details        m07  [V]           applied to
down details        m2  [jU]      in region
down details        m25  [ny]           in habitat
down details        m29  [tU]           in country
down details        m3  [:]      with physiological process  [physiology]
down details        m30  [:]           affected by disease, pest  [pathology]
down details        m36  [V]           affected by factor
down details        m3r           reproduction
down details        m4  [:]      with differentiated cells  [cytology]
down details        m44  [f]           with molecule  [molecular biology]
down details        m45  [:]           with organelle
down details        m46  [k]           with gene, genome
down details        m5  [:]      with organ, system, apparatus  [anatomy]
down details        m53  [l3m]            metabolic process
down details        m54  [:]           with tissue  [histology]
down details        m6  [mY]      descendant of ancestor  [genealogy]
down details        m66  [mY]           born from, son of parent
down details        m7  [l7]      performing function
down details        m70  [m30]           keeping safe against danger
down details        m78  [:]           tending to health
down details        m8  [ny]      adapted to, fitting habitat, environmental pressure
down details        m81  [:]            growth stage, developmental stage  [ontogeny, embryology]  « bp31
down details        m84  [an]           weighing g weight
down details        m9  [:]       sex, gender
down details        m9f           female
down details        m9k           indeterminate gender
down details        m9m           male
down details        mU  [mqvtgq]      human organisms, men  [biological anthropology]
down details        mU5  [mq5]           with human organ  [human anatomy]
down details        mX      kingdoms
down details        mXX           phyla, divisions, types
down details        mY       individual, specimen
down details        me      excavates, excavata including Euglena, Tripanosoma, Trichomonas
down details        mf      rhizaria
down details        mfc           cercozoa
down details        mff           forams, foraminifera
down details        mfr           radiolarians, radiolaria
down details        mh      chromalveolata, including ciliates, water molds, dinoflagellata
down details        mhr           red algae, rhodophyta
down details        mj      amoebozoa including Amoeba
down details        mn      fungi  [mycology]
down details        mnc           chytrids, chytridiomycota
down details        mnd           blastocladiomycota
down details        mne           neocallimastigomycetes, neocallimastigomycota
down details        mng           zygomycota, zygomycetes and trichomycetes including black bread mold, Rhizopus
down details        mnh           glomeromycota
down details        mno           ascomycetes, ascomycota, sac fungi including morels, truffles, yeasts, cup fungi
down details        mns           basydiomicetes, basydiomycota, club fungi including mushrooms, puffballs, stinkhorns
down details        mp      plants  [botany SS]
down details        mp5  [:]           with organ, functional system  [plant morphology]
down details        mpa           chlorophytes, chlorophyta, green algae (partim)
down details        mpc           charophytes, charophyta, green algae (partim)
down details        mpe           liverworts, marchantiophyta
down details        mph           hornworts, anthocerotophyta
down details        mpj           mosses, bryophyta  [bryology]
down details        mpl           club mosses, lycopodiophyta
down details        mpn           ferns, pteridophytae, filicophyta, polypodiophyta, polypodiopsida  [pteridology]
down details        mpo           cycads, cycadophyta
down details        mpq           ginkgos, ginkgophyta
down details        mpr           conifers, pinophyta, coniferophyta
down details        mpt           gnetophytes, gnetophyta including Gnetum, Ephedra, Welwitschia
down details        mpw           flowering plants, angiospermae, magnoliophyta
down details        mq      animals, metazoa  [zoology]
down details        mq5  [:]           with organ, system  « l7
down details        mqU           animals of special interest for man
down details        mqa           mesozoa
down details        mqb           sponges, porifera
down details        mqc           cnidaria, coelenterata including jellyfish, hydra, corals, sea anemones
down details        mqd           ctenophora
down details        mqe           platyhelminthes
down details        mqf           gnathostomulida
down details        mqg           nemertinea, rhynchocoela
down details        mqh           rotifera
down details        mqi           nematoda, nemathelminthes
down details        mqj           bryozoa, ectoprocta
down details        mqk           phoronida
down details        mql           brachiopoda
down details        mqm           mollusca  [malacology]
down details        mqn           annelida
down details        mqo           sipuncula
down details        mqp           echiura
down details        mqq           priapulida
down details        mqr           arthropoda
down details        mqs           chaetognata
down details        mqt           echinodermata including starfish, sea urchins
down details        mqv           chordates, chordata
down details        n populations, groups, wildlife  [ecology]  « m
down details        n5  [m9]      composed of component
down details        n51  [m81]           with age class
down details        n9  [m]      of species
down details        ne9  [m]           of species
down details        nmU           human populations  « mU
down details        ns4  [m]           formed with species
down details        ntd           parasitism  [parasitology, pathology]  « mq306p
down details        ny      ecosystems, biomes, biocores  [environmental sciences]  « m l j
down details        o4  [mq5]      with organ
down details        o68  [mq]           communicating with interactor
down details        o7  [m7]      for function
down details        o9  [mq]      of species
down details        o91  [m81]            subject of age class
down details        o99  [m9]            sex
down details        oso           giving birth  « l7r m81d
down details        p consciousness, personhoods, subjects, souls  [psychology]  « mq5nr
down details        p4  [mq5nr]      located in brain region
down details        p81  [m81]            age class
down details        p9  [mq]      of being, animal
down details        p99  [:]            gender  « m9
down details        q4  [mq5]      produced with organ
down details        q76  [mq]           to addressee, receiver
down details        q7r           individual recognition, identity  « mqY
down details        q9  [mq]      by sender, utterer
down details        q91  [m81]           by sender of age class
down details        q99  [m9]           by sender of sex
down details        qc8  [m]           similar to, imitating model
down details        qc9  [mq]           of mimic
down details        s51  [m81]            age group
down details        s55  [m9]            gender  [gender studies]
down details        t governments, political power, political units, sovereign states  [political sciences]  « os mU
down details        t6g           succession law  « m81w
down details        v30  [m30]           affected by pest
down details        v36  [V]           by worker, team  « mU
down details        v76  [mU]           for beneficiary
down details        vc6  [mq]           taking fish, animal
down details        ve6  [m]           keeping wildlife  « mq mp
down details        vf6  [mp]           exploiting tree
down details        vhf           fruit farming  « mp5t
down details        vm6  [mpw]            crop
down details        vo6  [mq]           of livestock, tame species
down details        vq6  [m]           with ingredient
down details        w4b           bone  « mq5q
down details        y knowledge, public knowledge, recorded knowledge, works, cultural heritage, sciences  « p mU

current: 3 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z


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Facets key
0  under aspect      +
1  at time           +
2  in place          +
3  through process   +
4  made of element   +
5  with organ        +
6  from origin       +
7  to destination    +
8  like pattern      +
9  of kind           +


ILC 1 expanded class m — ISKO Italia <> : 2011.07.15 - 2011.07.19 -