Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC 1 expanded class o

  up    o    instincts 

down details        oWp mind
down details        o instincts, action patterns, behavioural modules, animal behaviour, animated beings  [ethology, neurosciences]
down details        o1  [t1]      in period
down details        o2  [jU]      in region
down details        o24  [j4]            direction
down details        o25  [ny]           in environment
down details        o28  [j9]           at latitude
down details        o3  [:]      by mechanism
down details        o30  [V]            inhibition, blocking mechanism
down details        o31  [:]           at phase
down details        o36  [V]           reacting to, sparked off by, triggered by, driven by stimulus
down details        o3e           input, perception, afferent signal
down details        o3l           elaboration
down details        o3o           output, effectors, efferent signal
down details        o4  [mq5]      with organ
down details        o4k           hormones  [etoendocrinology]
down details        o4n           nervous system  [neuroethology]
down details        o5  [:]      with sense, perceptive faculty
down details        o5d           sight, vision  « cll
down details        o5e           electroception, electroreception  « cl
down details        o5f           chemical perception  « f
down details        o5g           touch, tactition  « g65
down details        o5h           hearing, audition  « g3
down details        o5j           echolocation, biosonar, biological sonar including bats and dolphin clicks
down details        o5l           pressure detection, by lateral line
down details        o5m           magnetoception, magnetoreception
down details        o5n           nociception, perception of pain
down details        o5o           thermoception, heat perception  « g5
down details        o5p           proprioception, kinesthetic sense, body awareness
down details        o5q           equilibrioception, vestibular sense, perception of balance
down details        o6  [:]      learnt by learning
down details        o61  [:]           evolved through phylogeny
down details        o65  [:]           determined by factor
down details        o68  [mq]           communicating with interactor
down details        o6a           innate knowledge, unconditioned, endogenous
down details        o6c           facilitation
down details        o6d           habituation, stimulus specific fatigue
down details        o6g           classic conditioning
down details        o6i           instrumental conditioning
down details        o6m           imprinting
down details        o6p           playing
down details        o6t           imitation
down details        o6u           cultural learning
down details        o6x           insight
down details        o7  [m7]      for function
down details        o8  [V]      perceiving object
down details        o9  [mq]      of species
down details        o91  [m81]            subject of age class
down details        o99  [m9]            sex
down details        o9U           humans  [human ethology]
down details        oa      autonomous activities, rhythmic activities  [neurophysiology]
down details        of      reflexes, refexive movements
down details        oh      hereditary coordinations, modal action patterns, instinctive movements
down details        ohp           postures, positions
down details        ok      taxes and tropisms
down details        om      locomotion
down details        ome           swimming, diving
down details        omk           walking
down details        omn           flying
down details        op      fixed action patterns, FAPs
down details        os      behavioural sequences, chains, functional cycles, instinctive actions, impulse actions
down details        osa           resting
down details        osc           sheltering  « l7h
down details        ose           vigilance, watching
down details        osf           flight, escape
down details        osg           aggressivity
down details        osi           moving, displacement  « om
down details        osk           feeding  « l7n
down details        osm           mating, sexuality  « l7r
down details        oso           giving birth  « l7r m81d
down details        osp           parental cares
down details        osr           aggregating
down details        oss           social interactions, sociality
down details        oy      life habits, strategies  [behavioural ecology, natural history]  « ny
down details        oyh           home range
down details        oyk           feeding strategies  « osk
down details        oym           sexual systems  « osm
down details        oys           social structures  [sociobiology]  « oss
down details        p6a           instinct, innateness, genetic predisposition  « o k
down details        q5  [o5]      through channel
down details        q6  [o6]      learned by, learning process
down details        q61  [o61]           evolved through
down details        q7  [os]      for function, expected effect  [pragmatics]
down details        shb           childbirth assistance  [obstetrics]  « oso
down details        t governments, political power, political units, sovereign states  [political sciences]  « os mU
down details        v8f           nutrition, food  « fo fp ft glU osk
down details        v8h           housing  « osc
down details        z9f           phallist, sexual worship  « osm

current: 3 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z


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Facets key
0  under aspect      +
1  at time           +
2  in place          +
3  through process   +
4  made of element   +
5  with organ        +
6  from origin       +
7  to destination    +
8  like pattern      +
9  of kind           +


ILC 1 expanded class o — ISKO Italia <> : 2011.07.15 - 2011.07.19 -