Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC 1 expanded class sh

  up    sh    health care 

down details        sh      health care, healthcare  [medicine]
down details        sh3  [:]           through healing, therapy, treatment, assistance
down details        sh31  [:]                by healing stage
down details        sh31a                     prevention
down details        sh31c                     check up
down details        sh31d                     first aid, rescue
down details        sh31e                     physical examination
down details        sh31f                     laboratory examination, test
down details        sh31i                     diagnosis
down details        sh31p                     prognosis, prospect
down details        sh31r                     prescription
down details        sh32  [:]                in assistance place
down details        sh32a                     outside
down details        sh32b                     patient home
down details        sh32f                     physician's office, doctor's office
down details        sh32g                     gymnasium, gym
down details        sh32h                     hospital
down details        sh32i                     clinic
down details        sh32n                     nursing home, skilled nursing facility, SNF, rest home
down details        sh32o                     hospice
down details        sh34  [:]                by equipment
down details        sh36  [:]                by assistant  « mU
down details        sh36i                     physician assistant
down details        sh36n                     nurse
down details        sh36p                     physical therapist
down details        sh36s                     physician, doctor
down details        sh3a                medical advice, consultation
down details        sh3e                physical exercise prescription
down details        sh3ef                     flexibility exercises
down details        sh3efs                          stretching
down details        sh3ei                     aerobic exercises
down details        sh3eik                          walking  « omk
down details        sh3eir                          running
down details        sh3eirj                               jogging
down details        sh3en                     anaerobic exercises
down details        sh3ene                          weight training
down details        sh3ens                          sprinting
down details        sh3g                massage, rubdown
down details        sh3o                diet prescription
down details        sh3p                drug administering, pharmacological therapy  [pharmacology]
down details        sh3p34  [f]                          by drug, medication
down details        sh3pc                     oral intake, consumption
down details        sh3ph                     suppository insertion
down details        sh3pi                     injection, shot, hype
down details        sh3s                surgery
down details        sh5  [s5]           for patients
down details        sh51  [m81]                 patient age class
down details        sh51i                     children  [pediatrics]
down details        sh51v                     old people, elderly, seniors  [geriatrics, gerontology]
down details        sh55  [s55]                 patient gender
down details        sh55f                     women  [gynecology]
down details        sh55m                     men  [andrology]
down details        sh5Vmq           animals  [veterinary medicine]
down details        sh6  [s6]           by system
down details        sh6pi                     private system
down details        sh6pu                     social health insurance
down details        sh7  [:]           aiming at, restoring, sustaining wellness, well-being, quality of life, homeostasis, state of balance  [biostatistics]
down details        sh70  [mq30]                against disease, infirmity  [epidemiology]
down details        sh706  [mq306]                     after acquisition, cause
down details        sh70nr                          cancer  [oncology]
down details        sh74  [mq304]                observing symptom, clinical or laboratory finding
down details        sh747  [mq3047]                     with complication, sequela, secondary effect
down details        sh75  [mq5]                of treated part
down details        sh75d                     digestive system  [gastroenterology]
down details        sh75dbt                               teeth  [dentistry]
down details        sh75e                     respiratory system  [pneumology]
down details        sh75i                     circulation
down details        sh75ih                          heart  [cardiology]
down details        sh75j                     blood, immune and lymphatic systems
down details        sh75jb                          blood  [haematology]
down details        sh75jl                          lymphatic system
down details        sh75l                     endocrine system  [endocrinology]
down details        sh75n                     nervous system  [neurology]
down details        sh75u                     urinary system  [nephrology]
down details        sh75x                     skin  [dermatology]
down details        sh77  [mq307]                towards outcome, prognosis
down details        sh9  [:]           by, according to tradition, school, approach
down details        sh9d                ayurveda
down details        sh9i                traditional Tibetan medicine
down details        sh9j                traditional Chinese medicine, TCM
down details        sh9jp                     acupuncture
down details        sh9k                traditional Korean medicine
down details        sh9u                herbalism, herbal medicine, phytotherapy  [herbology, botanical medicine]
down details        sh9u4  [mp]                     by plant
down details        sh9v                allopathic medicine, biomedicine, Hyppocratic tradition
down details        sh9w                osteopathy, osteopathic medicine
down details        sh9x                alternative medicine, complementary medicine
down details        sh9xh                     homeopathy, homoeopathy
down details        sh9xn                     natural medicine, naturopathic medicine, naturopathy
down details        shb           childbirth assistance  [obstetrics]  « oso
down details        shb3  [:]                through midwifery
down details        shb36  [:]                     by obstetrician
down details        ssb           ambulances, emergency medical service  « sh

current: 99 



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or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  under aspect      +
1  at time           +
2  in place          +
3  through process   +
4  made of element   +
5  with organ        +
6  from origin       +
7  to destination    +
8  like pattern      +
9  of kind           +


ILC 1 expanded class sh — ISKO Italia <> : 2011.07.15 - 2011.07.19 -