j /ʒa/
land; landforms; regions; geographical features [physical geography; topography; geomorphology] ↞ i rocks ≈ DDC 551 910 |
j91 /ʒaɲɔmpɔ/ []
formed in era |
j92 /ʒaɲɔntɔ/ []
in region |
j93 /ʒaɲɔɲcɔ/ []
hit by atmospheric phenomenon |
j94 /ʒaɲɔŋkɔ/ []
hit by; epicentre of earthquake |
j95 /ʒaɲɔlpɔ/ []
undergoing; modelled by physiographic process |
j96 /ʒaɲɔltɔ/ []
with climate |
j97 /ʒaɲɔjɔ/ []
cardinal part |
j98 /ʒaɲɔrkɔ/ []
at latitude |
j99 /ʒaɲɔɲɔ/ []
at altitude Km a.s.l.; terrain; relief |
jU /ʒuj/
regions of the contemporary Earth ↞ js fresh water systems hU the Earth |
jUX /ʒujxaw/
continents and oceans of contemporary Earth |
jUe /ʒuje/
Europe ≈ DDC 914 |
jUg /ʒujga/
Asia ≈ DDC 915 |
jUi /ʒuji/
Africa ≈ DDC 916 |
jUk /ʒujka/
Oceania ≈ DDC 919 |
jUn /ʒujna/
North America ≈ DDC 917 |
jUq /ʒujca/
South America ≈ DDC 918 |
jUs /ʒujsa/
Antarctica ≈ DDC 919 |
jUu /ʒuju/
Southern Ocean; Antarctic Ocean; Austral Ocean ↞ jyo oceans |
jUv /ʒujva/
Pacific Ocean ↞ jyo oceans |
jUw /ʒujwa/
Indian Ocean ↞ jyo oceans |
jUx /ʒujxa/
Atlantic Ocean ↞ jyo oceans |
jUy /ʒujɟa/
Arctic Ocean ↞ jyo oceans |
jab /ʒɛba/
week days |
jac /ʒɛʃa/
lunar phases; phases of the Moon |
jad /ʒɛda/
day times; periods |
jae /ʒɛe/
times |
jag /ʒɛga/
months |
jai /ʒɛi/
seasons ↞ h958 orbiting |
jak /ʒɛka/
weather [meteorology] ↞ hUap atmosphere |
jaɭ /ʒɛla/
climates [climatology] ↞ jak weather |
jap /ʒɛpa/
modelling processes; physiographic processes |
jaq /ʒɛca/
earthquakes; quakes; tremors; temblors [seismology; seismic] ↞ it tectonic plates |
jav /ʒɛva/
cardinal directions; cardinal points; points of the compass |
jax /ʒɛxa/
longitude degrees; primes ↞ bcdyau spherical surfaces |
jay /ʒɛɟa/
latitude degrees; primes ↞ bcdyau spherical surfaces |
jb /ʒaba/
morphological elements |
jbd /ʒabada/
pits |
jbf /ʒabafa/
pools |
jbh /ʒabaɣa/
channels |
jbɭ /ʒabala/
local plains |
jbp /ʒabapa/
passes; gaps |
jbr /ʒabara/
ridges |
jbx /ʒabaxa/
peaks |
jd /ʒada/
mountains; hills; ridges; ranges [orography] ↞ isax orogeny |
jdU /ʒaduj/
mountain ranges of contemporary Earth ↞ hU the Earth |
jdc /ʒadaʃa/
volcanic mountains ↞ iac volcanism |
jdf /ʒadafa/
fold mountains |
jdk /ʒadaka/
fault-block mountains |
jdm /ʒadama/
uplifted passive margins |
jdr /ʒadara/
residual mountains |
jdu /ʒadu/
dunes ↞ japv deposition |
jdw /ʒadawa/
moraines ↞ jr glaciers |
jf /ʒafa/
stone runs; stone rivers; stone streams; stone seas |
jj /ʒaʒa/
valleys; dales |
jjf /ʒaʒafa/
river valleys; vales; V-shaped valleys ↞ jsr rivers |
jji /ʒaʒi/
rift valleys ↞ it tectonic plates |
jjɭ /ʒaʒala/
glacial valleys ↞ jr glaciers |
jjo /ʒaʒo/
box valleys |
jɭ /ʒala/
plains |
jɭh /ʒalaɣa/
high plains; highlands; uplands; plateaus; tablelands; mesas |
jɭo /ʒalo/
lowlands |
jɭt /ʒalata/
coastal plains |
jo /ʒo/
soils; pedosphere [soil science; pedology; edaphology] ↞ l bacteria m organisms |
joc /ʒoʃa/
permafrost and stony soils |
joe /ʒoe/
soils influenced by water |
jof /ʒofa/
soils set by Fe/Al chemistry |
joi /ʒoi/
soils with stagnating water |
joo /ʒojo/
organic high base soils |
jos /ʒosa/
less soluble salts and non-saline soils |
jot /ʒota/
clay-enriched soils |
jov /ʒova/
young and little profile soils |
jox /ʒoxa/
histosols; soils with thick organic layers; HS |
joy /ʒoɟa/
soils with strong human influence |
jq /ʒaca/
aquifers; ground water; water-bearing strata [hydrogeology] ↞ fU water |
jr /ʒara/
glaciers; glacial systems [glaciology] ↞ ibeb ice |
jrc /ʒaraʃa/
ice sheets; ice caps |
jrd /ʒarada/
ice domes |
jri /ʒari/
icestreams |
jrɭ /ʒarala/
icefields |
jro /ʒaro/
outlet glaciers |
jrq /ʒaraca/
valley glaciers |
jrs /ʒarasa/
piedmont glaciers |
jru /ʒaru/
cirque glaciers |
js /ʒasa/
fresh water systems; drainage basins; watersheds [hydrology; hydrography; limnology] ↞ fU water |
jsɭ /ʒasala/
lakes; ponds; still water; stagnant water |
jsr /ʒasara/
rivers; streams; watercourses; flowing water [potamology] |
jst /ʒasata/
waterfalls; rapids; cataracts; cascades |
jv /ʒava/
shores; shorelines; coasts; coastal systems; rivieras [coastal morphology] |
jvb /ʒavaba/
bays; inlets; coves; gulfs; seas; sounds; bights |
jvɭ /ʒavala/
lagoons |
jvm /ʒavama/
salt marshes; saltmarshes |
jvp /ʒavapa/
peninsulas; promontories |
jw /ʒawa/
islands; isles |
jwc /ʒawaʃa/
microcontinental islands |
jwe /ʒawe/
barrier islands |
jwf /ʒawafa/
fluvial islands; alluvial islands ↞ jsr rivers |
jwo /ʒawo/
volcanic islands ↞ iac volcanism |
jwt /ʒawata/
atolls ↞ mqdc anthozoa |
jww /ʒawawa/
artificial islands ↞ v technologies |
jx /ʒaxa/
archipelagos; island groups; island chains ↞ jw islands |
jy /ʒaɟa/
seas [oceanography] |
jyo /ʒaɟo/
oceans |
Connected classes: |
⌕ 159 [jab]
on week day |
⌕ 169 [jac]
in lunar phase |
⌕ 179 [jae]
at day time |
⌕ 189 [jag]
in month |
⌕ 259 [jal]
in climate |
⌕ 279 [jav]
towards cardinal point |
⌕ 289 [jay]
at latitude degrees |
⌕ h92 [jay]
at declination; dec; δ |
⌕ i92 [jU]
in region |
⌕ j92 [jU]
in region |
⌕ j93 [jak]
hit by atmospheric phenomenon |
⌕ j94 [jaq]
hit by; epicentre of earthquake |
⌕ j95 [jap]
undergoing; modelled by physiographic process |
⌕ j96 [jal]
with climate |
⌕ j97 [jav]
cardinal part |
⌕ j98 [jay]
at latitude |
⌕ jU
regions of the contemporary Earth ↞ js hU |
⌕ jUu
Southern Ocean; Antarctic Ocean; Austral Ocean ↞ jyo |
⌕ jUv
Pacific Ocean ↞ jyo |
⌕ jUw
Indian Ocean ↞ jyo |
⌕ jUx
Atlantic Ocean ↞ jyo |
⌕ jUy
Arctic Ocean ↞ jyo |
⌕ jaɭ
climates [climatology] ↞ jak |
⌕ jdu
dunes ↞ japv |
⌕ jdw
moraines ↞ jr |
⌕ jjf
river valleys; vales; V-shaped valleys ↞ jsr |
⌕ jjɭ
glacial valleys ↞ jr |
⌕ jwf
fluvial islands; alluvial islands ↞ jsr |
⌕ jx
archipelagos; island groups; island chains ↞ jw |
⌕ m92 [jU]
distributed in range [biogeography] |
⌕ n92 [jU]
in areal [biogeography] |
⌕ ny
ecosystems; biomes; biocores [environmental sciences] ↞ m l j |
⌕ nyc
oceanic zones; marine zones ↞ jy |
⌕ nyd
intertidal zones ↞ jyai |
⌕ nye
estuary ecosystems ↞ jsrau |
⌕ nyf
salt marsh ecosystems ↞ jvm |
⌕ nyk
lentic ecosystems; slow-moving water ↞ jsl |
⌕ nyɭ
streams; becks; bournes; brooks; burns; lotic ecosystems; rapidly-moving water ↞ jsr |
⌕ ome
locomotion on water surface ↞ js |
⌕ q92 [jU]
in region |
⌕ qve
Indo-european languages ↞ jUe |
⌕ r92 [jU]
in territory; region |
⌕ s92 [jU]
in territory; region |
⌕ syb
Mesopotamian civilization ↞ jUgx |
⌕ syc
Ancient Egypt ↞ jUic rp |
⌕ syu
Sahelian kingdoms civilization ↞ jUi |
⌕ syv
civilizations of south-Sahelian empires 15th-19th centuries ↞ jUi |
⌕ syw
modern Western civilization; Occidental culture; Modern Era [modern history] ↞ jUe rt rs |
⌕ t
polities; political units; political power; governments [political sciences; law] ↞ s j |
⌕ t92 [jU]
in; based in capital place [political geography] |
⌕ tt
modern nation states; countries; sovereign states; unitary states ↞ jU st syw |
⌕ ttb
Britain ↞ jUeyj |
⌕ ttc
Germany ↞ jUer jUes jUet |
⌕ ttd
France ↞ jUek jUep jUeq |
⌕ tte
Spain ↞ jUel jUel jUem jUeo |
⌕ ttf
Italy ↞ jUej |
⌕ ttg
Russia ↞ jUgb jUgh jUgi jUgj |
⌕ tti
Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt ↞ jUic syc |
⌕ ttj
Nigeria; Federal Republic of Nigeria ↞ jUir jUis |
⌕ ttk
Kenya; Republic of Kenya ↞ jUie jUig |
⌕ ttm
Iran; Islamic Republic of Iran; Persia ↞ jUgx |
⌕ ttn
India; Republic of India ↞ jUgu jUgv jUgw |
⌕ tto
Indonesia; Republic of Indonesia ↞ jUgyw jUgyx |
⌕ ttp
Philippines; Republic of the Philippines ↞ jUgym jUgyn |
⌕ ttq
Japan; Nippon; Nihon Koku ↞ jUgyh jUgyi jUgyj |
⌕ ttr
China ↞ jUgo jUgp jUgq |
⌕ tts
Australia; Commonwealth of Australia ↞ jUkb |
⌕ ttt
Canada ↞ jUnj jUni jUnh |
⌕ ttu
United States of America; USA ↞ jUnj jUnl jUnm |
⌕ ttw
Cuba; Republic of Cuba ↞ jUnyu |
⌕ tue
European Union; EU ↞ jUe ttc ttd |
⌕ tug
Association of Southeast Asian Nations; ASEAN ↞ jUg |
⌕ v
technologies; technological systems; production systems [applied sciences] ↞ j m u |
⌕ v92 [jU]
in; spread in; adopted in area |
⌕ vc
fishing ↞ js jy |
⌕ vj
aquaculture; aquiculture; aquafarming ↞ js jy nyd vc |
⌕ w92 [jU]
typical of place |
⌕ wvɭ
vessels; watercraft ↞ js jy wuh |
⌕ wvm
submarines ↞ jy |
⌕ x92 [jU]
produced in place |
⌕ y92 [jU]
known in place |