Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC edition 2
Expanded class mpwt

    broader class

          mpwt /mapawata/                asteridae
          mpwtb /mapawataba/                     gentianales
          mpwtbc /mapawatabaʃa/                          loganiaceae
          mpwtbe /mapawatabe/                          retziaceae
          mpwtbg /mapawatabaga/                          gentianaceae
          mpwtbi /mapawatabi/                          saccifoliaceae
          mpwtbp /mapawatabapa/                          apocynaceae
          mpwtbs /mapawatabasa/                          asclepiadaceae
          mpwtd /mapawatada/                     solanales
          mpwtdd /mapawatadada/                          duckeodendraceae
          mpwtdf /mapawatadafa/                          nolanaceae
          mpwtdh /mapawatadaɣa/                          solanaceae
          mpwtdhb /mapawatadaɣaba/                               belladonna; deadly nightshade; Atropa
          mpwtdhp /mapawatadaɣapa/                               peppers; Capsicum
          mpwtdhs /mapawatadaɣasa/                               Solanum including nightshades, horsenettles
          mpwtdhse /mapawatadaɣase/                                    eggplants; aubergines; brinjals; Solanum melongena
          mpwtdhsp /mapawatadaɣasapa/                                    potatoes; Solanum tuberosum
          mpwtdhst /mapawatadaɣasata/                                    tomatoes; Solanum lycopersicum
          mpwtdht /mapawatadaɣata/                               tobacco plants; Nicotiana
          mpwtdɭ /mapawatadala/                          convolvulaceae
          mpwtdn /mapawatadana/                          cuscutaceae
          mpwtdq /mapawatadaca/                          menyanthaceae
          mpwtds /mapawatadasa/                          polemoniaceae
          mpwtdu /mapawatadu/                          hydrophyllaceae
          mpwtdx /mapawatadaxa/                          retziaceae
          mpwtf /mapawatafa/                     lamiales
          mpwtfɭ /mapawatafala/                          lennoaceae
          mpwtfo /mapawatafo/                          boraginaceae
          mpwtfv /mapawatafava/                          verbenaceae
          mpwtfy /mapawatafaɟa/                          lamiaceae
          mpwtfys /mapawatafaɟasa/                               Salvia including common sage
          mpwti /mapawati/                     callitrichales
          mpwtih /mapawatiɣa/                          hippuridaceae
          mpwtiɭ /mapawatila/                          callitrichaceae
          mpwtiy /mapawatiɟa/                          hydrostachyaceae
          mpwtɭ /mapawatala/                     plantaginales
          mpwtɭp /mapawatalapa/                          plantaginaceae
          mpwto /mapawato/                     scrophulariales
          mpwtob /mapawatoba/                          buddlejaceae
          mpwtoe /mapawatoe/                          oleaceae olive family
          mpwtoef /mapawatoefa/                               ashes; Fraxinus
          mpwtoej /mapawatoeʒa/                               jasmines; Jasminus
          mpwtoeɭ /mapawatoela/                               lylacs; Syringa
          mpwtoeo /mapawatoeo/                               olive trees; Olea
          mpwtoh /mapawatoɣa/                          scrophulariaceae
          mpwtok /mapawatoka/                          globulariaceae
          mpwtom /mapawatoma/                          myoporaceae
          mpwtoo /mapawatojo/                          orobanchaceae
          mpwtoq /mapawatoca/                          gesneriaceae
          mpwtos /mapawatosa/                          acanthaceae
          mpwtou /mapawatou/                          pedaliaceae
          mpwtov /mapawatova/                          bignoniaceae
          mpwtox /mapawatoxa/                          mendonciaceae
          mpwtoy /mapawatoɟa/                          lentibulariaceae
          mpwtq /mapawataca/                     campanulales
          mpwtqc /mapawatacaʃa/                          pentaphragmataceae
          mpwtqf /mapawatacafa/                          sphenocleaceae
          mpwtqi /mapawataci/                          campanulaceae
          mpwtqɭ /mapawatacala/                          stylidiaceae
          mpwtqo /mapawataco/                          donatiaceae
          mpwtqr /mapawatacara/                          brunoniaceae
          mpwtqu /mapawatacu/                          goodeniaceae
          mpwtr /mapawatara/                     rubiales
          mpwtrr /mapawatarara/                          rubiaceae
          mpwtrrc /mapawatararaʃa/                               coffee plants; Coffea
          mpwtrt /mapawatarata/                          theligonaceae
          mpwts /mapawatasa/                     dipsacales
          mpwtsc /mapawatasaʃa/                          caprifoliaceae
          mpwtso /mapawataso/                          adoxaceae
          mpwtsv /mapawatasava/                          valerianaceae
          mpwtsy /mapawatasaɟa/                          dipsacaceae
          mpwtu /mapawatu/                     calycerales
          mpwtuc /mapawatuʃa/                          calyceraceae
          mpwtw /mapawatawa/                     asterales
          mpwtwc /mapawatawaʃa/                          asteraceae; compositae
          mpwtwcb /mapawatawaʃaba/                               Ambrosia
          mpwtwcc /mapawatawaʃaʃa/                               chicory; Cichorium
          mpwtwcd /mapawatawaʃada/                               Dahlia
          mpwtwce /mapawatawaʃe/                               Dendranthema
          mpwtwcf /mapawatawaʃafa/                               Argyranthemum
          mpwtwcg /mapawatawaʃaga/                               Gerbera
          mpwtwch /mapawatawaʃaɣa/                               Helianthus
          mpwtwchf /mapawatawaʃaɣafa/                                    sunflowers; Helianthus annuus
          mpwtwcht /mapawatawaʃaɣata/                                    Jerusalem artichoke; Helianthus tuberosus
          mpwtwci /mapawatawaʃi/                               Zinnia
          mpwtwcj /mapawatawaʃaʒa/                               Artemisia
          mpwtwcjb /mapawatawaʃaʒaba/                                    absinthe; Artemisia absinthium
          mpwtwcjd /mapawatawaʃaʒada/                                    tarragon; Artemisia dracunculus
          mpwtwck /mapawatawaʃaka/                               knapweed; Centaurea
          mpwtwcɭ /mapawatawaʃala/                               Lactuca
          mpwtwcɭs /mapawatawaʃalasa/                                    lettuce; Lactuca sativa
          mpwtwcm /mapawatawaʃama/                               Smallanthus
          mpwtwcms /mapawatawaʃamasa/                                    yacón; Smallanthus sonchifolius
          mpwtwcn /mapawatawaʃana/                               Senecio
          mpwtwcnv /mapawatawaʃanava/                                    groundsel; Senecio vulgaris
          mpwtwco /mapawatawaʃo/                               goldenrod; Solidago
          mpwtwcp /mapawatawaʃapa/                               Calendula
          mpwtwcq /mapawatawaʃaca/                               safflower; Carthamus tinctorius
          mpwtwcr /mapawatawaʃara/                               Chrysanthemum
          mpwtwcs /mapawatawaʃasa/                               ragwort; Senecio jacobaea
          mpwtwct /mapawatawaʃata/                               dandelion; araxacum
          mpwtwcu /mapawatawaʃu/                               tagetes
          mpwtwcy /mapawatawaʃaɟa/                               globe artichoke; Cynara scolymus
Connected classes:
  ⌕        wbbɭɭ                     lettuce  ↞ mpwtwcls 
  ⌕        wbbn                eggplants; aubergines; brinjals  ↞ mpwtdhse 
  ⌕        wbbp                peppers  ↞ mpwtdhp 
  ⌕        wbbrp                     potatoes  ↞ mpwtdhsp 
  ⌕        wbbt                tomatoes  ↞ mpwtdhst 
  ⌕        wbbv                table olives  ↞ mpwtoeo 
  ⌕        wboo                olive oil  ↞ mpwtoeo 
  ⌕        wbvst                     coffee  ↞ mpwtrrc 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  despite disorder   +
5  with transformation+
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  as form            +
9  of kind            +


ILC edition 2. Expanded class mpwt / — ISKO Italia <> : 2019.09.18 - 2019.10.22 -