Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC edition 2
Expanded class mqvo

    broader class

          mqvo /macavo/                birds; aves  [ornithology]  ≈ DDC 598
          mqvob /macavoba/                     archaeornites; Archaeopterix
          mqvobzhWc /macavobazaɣawawʃa/                     odontognathae
          mqvobzh /macavobazaɣa/                     hesperornithiformes
          mqvoc /macavoʃa/                     ichthyornithiformes
          mqvoczn /macavoʃazana/                     tinamiformes
          mqvoczr /macavoʃazara/                     rheiformes
          mqvoczs /macavoʃazasa/                     struthioniformes
          mqvoczu /macavoʃazu/                     casuariiformes
          mqvoczv /macavoʃazava/                     aepyornithiformes
          mqvoczw /macavoʃazawa/                     dinornithiformes including moas, kiwis
          mqvod /macavoda/                     podicipediformes including Podiceps
          mqvoe /macavoe/                     anseriformes including geese, ducks, swans
          mqvoezc /macavoezaʃa/                     ciconiiformes
          mqvoezp /macavoezapa/                     phoenicopteriformes
          mqvof /macavofa/                     falconiformes; diurnal raptors
          mqvog /macavoga/                     galliformes including chickens, pheasants, Perdix
          mqvogs /macavogasa/                          phasianidae
          mqvogsɭ /macavogasala/                               junglefowl; Gallus
          mqvogsɭg /macavogasalaga/                                    chickens; red junglefowls; Gallus gallus
          mqvoh /macavoɣa/                     gruiformes; ralliformes including Rallus, Fulica, Grus, Otis, Tetras
          mqvoi /macavoi/                     charadriiformes including gulls, Scolopax, Vanellus, Sterna
          mqvoj /macavoʒa/                     columbiformes including pigeons
          mqvok /macavoka/                     psittaciformes including parrots
          mqvoɭ /macavola/                     cuculiformes
          mqvom /macavoma/                     caprimulgiformes
          mqvon /macavona/                     strigiformes; nocturnal raptors
          mqvoo /macavojo/                     apodiformes including Apus, humming-birds
          mqvoq /macavoca/                     coliiformes
          mqvor /macavora/                     trogoniformes
          mqvot /macavota/                     coraciiformes including kingfishers, Upupa
          mqvou /macavou/                     piciformes
          mqvov /macavova/                     passeriformes including sparrows and most small birds, Corvidae
          mqvow /macavowa/                     gaviiformes; colymbiformes
          mqvox /macavoxa/                     penguins; sphenisciformes
          mqvoy /macavoɟa/                     procellariiformes
          mqvoyzp /macavoɟazapa/                     pelecaniformes including Pelecanus, Phalacrocorax, Sula, Fregata
Connected classes:
  ⌕        mqUC  [mqvogslg]                chickens
  ⌕        wafk                down feather  ↞ mqaox mqvo 
  ⌕        wbj           eggs  ↞ mqvo 
  ⌕        wbj97  [mqvo]                     of bird species
  ⌕        wbjc                chicken eggs  ↞ mqvogslg 
  ⌕        wbmp                poultry  ↞ mqvo 
  ⌕        wbmpc                     chicken  ↞ mqvogslg 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  despite disorder   +
5  with transformation+
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  as form            +
9  of kind            +


ILC edition 2. Expanded class mqvo / — ISKO Italia <> : 2019.09.18 - 2019.10.22 -