Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC edition 2
Expanded class rabqo

    broader class

          rabqo /rɛbaco/                     2000 to 2099 AD; 21st century
          rabqoo /rɛbacojo/                          2000-2009; the Two Thousands
          rabqooo /rɛbacojojo/                               2000
          rabqoop /rɛbacojopa/                               2001
          rabqooq /rɛbacojoca/                               2002
          rabqoor /rɛbacojora/                               2003
          rabqoos /rɛbacojosa/                               2004
          rabqoot /rɛbacojota/                               2005
          rabqoou /rɛbacojou/                               2006
          rabqoov /rɛbacojova/                               2007
          rabqoow /rɛbacojowa/                               2008
          rabqoox /rɛbacojoxa/                               2009
          rabqop /rɛbacopa/                          2010-2019; the Tens; 2010s
          rabqopo /rɛbacopo/                               2010
          rabqopp /rɛbacopapa/                               2011
          rabqopq /rɛbacopaca/                               2012
          rabqopr /rɛbacopara/                               2013
          rabqops /rɛbacopasa/                               2014
          rabqopt /rɛbacopata/                               2015
          rabqopu /rɛbacopu/                               2016
          rabqopv /rɛbacopava/                               2017
          rabqopw /rɛbacopawa/                               2018
          rabqopx /rɛbacopaxa/                               2019
          rabqoq /rɛbacoca/                          2020-2029; the Twenties; 2020s
          rabqoqo /rɛbacoco/                               2020
          rabqoqob /rɛbacocoba/  ⋄                                    January 2020
          rabqoqobb /rɛbacocobaba/  ⋄                                    1st January 2020
          rabqoqomyzɭ /rɛbacocomaɟazala/  ⋄                                    31st December 2020
          rabqoqp /rɛbacocapa/                               2021
          rabqoqq /rɛbacocaca/                               2022
Connected classes:

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  despite disorder   +
5  with transformation+
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  as form            +
9  of kind            +


ILC edition 2. Expanded class rabqo / — ISKO Italia <> : 2019.09.18 - 2019.10.22 -