Where the Apennine begins

Books and articles

Results of the search by class

To the class  Staffora valley and Oltrepò  associated with  Scuropasso valley  correspond these 2 documents. In order to extract only those associated to another class, please click on the corresponding term. To make the search wider try a more general class.
hs JQ JS sedimentary rocks : Scuropasso valley : Versa valley Osservazioni sui depositi conglomeratici dello Sperone collinare di Stradella / PL Vercesi, G Scagni = Rendiconti della Società geologica italiana. 7. p 23-27 – 1985
j t1 JQ territory : history : Scuropasso valley La Vallescuropasso e i suoi dintorni : cenni geografici, statistici e storici : con appendice sul tornado del 1957 / Paola Nascimbene : cur' – tip' Valdonio : Santa Maria della Versa : 197_

Where the Apennine begins. Books and articles. Results of the search by class / Gabriele Merli, Fulvio Bisi, Claudio Gnoli : interface with the database -- <https://www.iskoi.org/ilc/4p/libri.en.php> : 2005.11 - 2008.12 -