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ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   -A   all
   -T   as in another KOS
   -U   those
   -V   these
   -W   spanning to
   -X   some
   -Y   the
   -Z   the mentioned
   0   as for
   0(Y)   are seen from
   1   at
   1(Y)   are at
   2   in
   2(Y)   are in
   3   by
   3(Y)   are affected by
   4   contrasting
   4(Y)   is opposed to
   5(Y)   undergo
   6   having
   6(Y)   have
   7(Y)   have as part
   8   consisting in
   8(Y)   consist of
   9   of
   9(Y)   are of
   A   reality
   AW(Z)   the
   B   the first ones
   C   the second ones
   D   the third ones
   E   the fourth ones
   F   the fifth ones
   G   the sixth ones
   H   the seventh ones
   I   the eighth ones
   J   the ninth ones
   K   the tenth ones
   L   the eleventh ones
   M   the twelfth ones
   N   the thirteenth ones
   O   the fourteenth ones
   P   the fifteenth ones
   Q   the sixteenth ones
   R   the seventeenth ones
   S   the eighteenth ones
   T   those
   U   persons by birth time
   V   the present
   W   everything until
   X   something
   Y   the existent
   Z   the following
   a   forms
   a3   implied by
   a4   with
   aa   nothing
   ab   individuals
   ac   classes
   ad   properties
   ae   relations
   af   predications
   ag   operations
   ai   statements
   aj   formal languages
   ak   spaces
   al   algebraic structures
   am   combinatorial structures
   an   quantities
   aq   functions
   at   algorithms
   au   probabilities
   aw   systems
   b   quantum fields
   bzb   branes
   bzp   preons
   c   spacetime
   d   particles
   e   atoms
   f   molecules
   g   bulk matter
   h   celestial objects
   i   rocks
   j   landforms
   k   genes
   l   cells
   m   organisms
   mq4ipl430sh(7)   drug
   n   populations
   o   agency
   p   consciousness
   q   language
   r   production
   s   services
   sr90sh(7)   pharmacies
   t   civil society
   u   polities
   uUdd(91px)c   Champagne-Ardenne
   uUdd(91px)e   Alsace
   uUdd(91px)l   Lorraine
   uUde(91px)b   Bourgogne
   uUde(91px)f   Franche-Comté
   uUdf(91px)e   Auvergne
   uUdf(91px)r   Rhône-Alpes
   uUdh(91px)i   Midi-Pyrénées
   uUdh(91px)l   Languedoc-Roussillon
   uUdi(91px)i   Aquitaine
   uUdi(91px)l   Limousin
   uUdi(91px)p   Poitou-Charentes
   uUdl(91px)h   Haute Normandie
   uUdl(91px)s   Basse Normandie
   uUdm(91px)n   Nord-Pas de Calais
   uUdm(91px)p   Picardie
   v   legal entities
   w   customs
   x   creative arts
   x{}   work entitled
   y   scholarship

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ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -