Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
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pronounciation:/\\ /
defined foci:
verbal caption:
synonyms (UF):Monk C
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:1 [X] at position
1(Y) [] are at
11 [an] at rank
12 [w1] in moment
13 [w1] from start time
134 [w1] until end time
14 [w1] before subsequent time
144 [w1] after preceding time
15 [j189] at day time
157 [j179] in day part
16 [j1] in date
165 [j159] on week day
166 [j169] in lunar phase
167 [j19] in season
17 [w1] in historical time
18 [i1] in age
188 [cc] in absolute time
19 [] at special stage
2 [X] in situation
2(Y) [] are in
21 [an] in position
214 [uU] in front of place behind
216 [uU] above lower place
218 [uU] on the left of place on the right
22 [jU] near zone
23 [jU] from provenance
234 [jU] towards destination
237 [j7] from cardinal direction
24 [jU] away from far place
248 [an89] centrality
25 [ny] in environment
256 [j39] in regime
26 [j7] towards cardinal point
27 [uU] in region
276 [jU] in geographical region
28 [j8] at latitude degrees
286 [an8] at altitude Km
288 [j88] at longitude degrees
29 [] in special place
3 [] by agent
3(Y) [] are affected by
31 [U] evolved from originator
32 [uU] native to homeland
33 [U] made by creator
34 [U] interacting with interagent
35 [U] played by operator
357 [U] through collaborator
36 [t7] for beneficiary
37 [X] through tool
38 [X] resulting from force
39 [] with special tool
4 [X] contrasting opposition
4(Y) [] is opposed to
41 [] passing through crisis
42 [] limited by problematic context
43 [] conflicting with antagonist
431 [] tainted by taint
434 [] against risk
44 [] ending by destruction
45 [] undergoing malfunction
46 [] having symptom
47 [] worsened by hindrance
474 [] altered from
48 [] constrained by restriction
49 [] special disorder
5 [X] transformation
5(Y) [] undergo actual change
51 [] developed through history
52 [an89] dynamicity
525 [an89] dynamicity change
527 [an89] standard deviation
528 [an] dynamicity measure
529 [an89] stability
53 [] undergoing operation
55 [] process change
56 [] way
562 [uU] towards term
566 [an] tending towards equilibrium value
568 [] according to path
57 [] stage
58 [os] through activity
59 [] through special process
6 [X] having property
6(Y) [] have
61 [] epoch
615 [] developing
619 [an] age
62 [] shape
63 [] tradition
64 [] violating regulation
65 [an89] stability
66 [] agreeing with template
661 [] style of epoch
662 [] local style
668 [an89] quality
67 [aw6] mechanicity
68 [g8] appearance
687 [] facet
69 [] special property
7 [X] constituent
7(Y) [] have as part
71 [] span
72 [] sector
73 [] tie
74 [an89] integration
748 [an89] continuity
75 [] organ
76 [] material
77 [] element
78 [an89] complexity
785 [an89] structure change
788 [] made of quantity of elements
79 [] special part
8 [X] consisting in quantity
8(Y) [] consist of actual quantity
81 [an89] span measure
818 [X] lasting standard duration measure
82 [an89] size
825 [X] growth rate
827 [X] length
8277 [X] height
8278 [X] width
828 [X] size measure
829 [X] extent
83 [X] consistence
84 [ac9] intensionality
85 [an89] getting changed quantity
86 [an89] amounting to quantity
87 [an89] fraction
878 [ann] numerical fraction
88 [an] number
89 [] special measure
9 [X] of quality
9(Y) [] are of
91 [X] of sequential position
92 [X] of context
93 [X] of origin
94 [X] anti defining opposition
95 [X] doing qualifying transformation
96 [X] having defining property
97 [X] with qualifying part
974 [X] without missing part
98 [X] of quality
99 [X] special quality
mq4ipl430sh(7) [] drug
sr90sh(7) [] pharmacies
xm7(6) [] timbre
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:
DDC map:
record updated:2024-05-22 10:44:14

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ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -