Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   f   molecules
   f96i   neutral   ☛

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defined foci:
verbal caption:neutral
synonyms (UF):
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:f [] molecules
f25 [f] in milieu
f3 [] by bond
f36 [f] giving by-product
f37 [f] by catalyst
f38 [f] from reactant
f48 [an] needing kJ/mol potential barrier
f5 [] reaction
f52 [an] reactivity
f526 [an] solubility
f55 [an] boiling at K boiling point
f556 [an] melting at K melting point
f57 [an] rate of reaction
f58 [an] J enthalpy change
f59 [] reaction type
f65 [g] aggregation state
f66 [d9] statistics
f7 [X] molecular structure
f77 [e] made up of chemical element
f83 [an] weighing molecular weight
f837 [an] dense g/cm3 density
f86 [an89] quantity
f88 [an] mmol
f9 [X] kind
f96 [an89] acidity
f968 [an] ph
f97 [f] formed with radical
f98 [an8] ionization
uUde(91px)f [] Franche-Comté
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:f99i neutral
DDC map:
record updated:2021-03-31 15:24:00

The entry 'neutral' in Wikipedia:

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -