Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   p   consciousness
   p91   born on
   p912   born in   ☛

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defined foci:jU
verbal caption:born in
synonyms (UF):
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:p [] consciousness
p4 [] mental disorder
p5 [] living experience
p6 [] driven by desire
p66 [_] looking for goal
p7 [X] faculty
p72 [mq7nr] located in brain region
p8 [] arousal
p88 [an8] valence
p91 [w1] born on birth time
p912 [jU] born in birthplace
p914 [w1] dead on death time
p9142 [jU] dead in deathplace
p915 [w1] living in time
p92 [uU] living in homeland
p96 [t7] of person class
p968 [q388] wealth class
p97 [mq] of organism
uUdi(91px)p [] Poitou-Charentes
uUdm(91px)p [] Picardie
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:p912 born in
DDC map:
record updated:2019-12-18 10:16:06

The entry 'born_in' in Wikipedia:

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -