Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   u   polities
   uU   contemporary political divisions
   uUn   India   ☛
   uUnb   Madhya Pradesh
   uUnc   Uttar Pradesh
   uUnd   Bihar
   uUne   Jharkhand
   uUnf   Chhattisgarh
   uUng   Telangana
   uUnh   Karnataka
   uUnhzg   Goa
   uUni   Maharashtra
   uUnj   Gujarat
   uUnk   Rajasthan
   uUnl   Haryana
   uUnm   Punjab
   uUnn   Himachal Pradesh
   uUno   Uttarakhand
   uUnp   Sikkim
   uUnq   Assam
   uUnr   Arunachal Pradesh
   uUnrzn   Nagaland
   uUns   Manipur
   uUnszm   Mizoram
   uUnszt   Tripura
   uUnszw   Meghalaya
   uUnt   West Bengal
   uUnu   Odisha
   uUnv   Andhra Pradesh
   uUnw   Tamil Nadu
   uUnx   Kerala
   uUny   union territories of India

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defined foci:
verbal caption:India
synonyms (UF):Republic of India
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):jUjv jUjw jUjx
special facets:u [] polities
u17 [w1] in fiscal year
u27 [uU] in region
u3 [] by political group
u31 [uU] derived from previous polity
u35 [U] ruled by ruler
u39 [] party platform
u4 [] committing crime
u43 [uU] against enemy polity
u49 [] subjected to sanction
u5 [] procedure
u579 [] step in policy cycle
u6 [] regime
u63 [wt] inspired to religion
u66 [p6] promoting principle
u69 [] law type
u7 [] department
u72 [uU] regional subdivision
u87 [an89] groups
u88 [an] producing $/y output
u91 [w1] founded in foundation time
u917 [w1] office start
u919 [ty] of historical period
u92 [uU] in capital place
u922 [jU] of territory
u927 [uU] in jurisdiction
u94 [uU] related to related polity
u943 [uU] influenced by dominant polity
u949 [uU] cooperating with cooperating polity
u95 [qv] speaking official language
uU [] contemporary political divisions
uUn [] India
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:ttn India
DDC map:
record updated:2024-08-01 16:18:28

The entry 'India' in Wikipedia:    — or look at synonyms search results

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -