Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   x   creative arts
   xm   music
   xm93   by
   xm93pwusl   Richard Strauss   ☛

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defined foci:
verbal caption:Richard Strauss
synonyms (UF):
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:x [] creative arts
x18 [w1] in historical period
x2 [] in art environment
x27 [uU] in region
x3 [X] by art tool
x35 [U] performed by performer
x36 [t7] for audience
x4 [] aesthetic limitation
x45 [s4] damaged by damaging factor
x5 [] creation
x6 [] genre
x61 [ty] set in epoch
x62 [uU] set in place
x63 [o] set after antecedents
x65 [o] narrating plot
x66 [y84] fictionality
x67 [U] with character
x674 [U] opposed by evil character
x675 [U] for beneficiary character
x677 [U] helped by friend character
x678 [U] with hero
x68 [o] aiming at mission
x7 [X] art component
x71 [an] sequential part
x73 [xm7] with musical instrument
x75 [x] with artistic component
x76 [r9] made of material
x77 [sf] with costume
x78 [X] with tone
x8 [X] pace
x81 [an89] duration
x818 [an] duration min
x82 [an89] size
x86 [] number of elements
x88 [] quantity of elements
x89 [X] mode
x9 [] style
x91 [w1] typical of time
x92 [uU] typical of country
x922 [jU] typical of region
x923 [jU] descending from region
x93 [U] created by artist
x95 [qv] in language
xm [] music
xm35 [] performed by music performer
xm7 [] for instrument
xm769 [] timbre
xm8 [] musical tempo
xm86 [] ensemble
xm88 [] medium broad size
xm89 [xmbXX] in tonality
xm895 [ann] scale type
xm896 [xmbXX] musical mode
xm897 [ann] number of pitch classes
xm899 [] tonality type
xm92 [] of original region
xm93 [] by composer
x{} [] work entitled
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:
DDC map:
record updated:2023-06-07 16:22:01

The entry 'Richard_Strauss' in Wikipedia:

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -