Integrative Levels Classification | project | ILC2 schedules | developing schedules | how it works | people | references |
This paper shows how a variety of theories employed across a range of social sciences could be classified in terms of theory type. In each case, notation within the Integrated Level Classification is provided. The paper thus illustrates how one key element of the Leon Manifesto — that scholarly documents should be classified in terms of the theory(ies) applied can be achieved in practice.
The conference proceedings contain an abridged version of this paper, fulfilling the standard length limitations:
Culture and identity in knowledge organization: proceedings of the Tenth international ISKO conference, 5th-8th August 2008, Montréal, Canada, edited by Clément Arsenault and Joseph T. Tennis, Ergon, Würzburg, 2008, p. 203-209.
The full version, including additional examples of theories classification at the end, is available here as a PDF file.
Classifying by phenomena, theories and methods : examples with focused social science theories / by Rick Szostak and Claudio Gnoli = (ILC) — ISKO Italia <> : 2009.06.11 - 2011.07.19 - [montreal.htm until 2011.07.19]