Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class

    broader class

          W                                     everything until
          Wj                                     material nature; psysical nature; inanimated entities
          Wo                                     nature
          Wq                                     non-artificial phenomena
          -WWİ  then coordinated class sharing no letter in ordered ser
          -W  spanning to
          -WA  and; together with coordinated class sharing no letter; joint class
          -WB  and coordinated class sharing one letter
          -WC  and coordinated class sharing two letters
          -WD  and coordinated class sharing three letters
          -WE  and coordinated class sharing four letters
          -WF  and coordinated class sharing five letters
          -WG  and coordinated class sharing six letters
          -WH  and coordinated class sharing seven letters
          -Wİ  and coordinated class sharing eight letters
          -WJ  and coordinated class sharing nine letters
          -WK  and coordinated class sharing ten letters
          -WT  then coordinated class in ordered series
          -We   ⋄ spanning to -e
          -A       all; the entirety position 0 in chain; universal quantifier  
          -B        position 1 in this chain; facet generalizer
          -C        position 2 in this chain; facet generalizer
          -D        position 3 in this chain; facet generalizer
          -T       as in another KOS standard subclasses from another scheme, e.g. ILC3
          -U       those; the typical favoured subclass in the present context
          -UA            those first
          -V       these; present; current demonstrative
          -X       some; any; unspecified indeterminative
          -XY            what; which; x; unknown variables
          -Y       the; actual; real; particular determinative; instance; name; proper noun
          -YU             prescriptive; instructional; imperative
          -YX            are...?; is it true? interrogative
          -YZ            it is these which rheme
          -Z       the mentioned; the following; that abbreviation; internal reference; phoric  
          -ZZ            the previously mentioned
          0   [A] as for; seen from; in light of; modelled in perspective; aspect; bias; viewpoint; model; relativity; interpretation; thirdness; phase relationship; dimension γ  ↞ ae relations
          0(Y)       are seen from
          00   [A]      as attested in; testified; witnessed; recorded; reported in document; carrier; medium; specimen; knowledge item; dimension δ
          000   [A]           as kept in knowledge context; collection theme; dimension ε
          0000   [A]                as relevant to information need; dimension ζ  
          00000   [A]                     as accessed by people; dimension η  ↞ t civil society
          000000                           as known by cognitive ability
          000003   [t7]                          as accessed by people class
          0007   [sx]                as collected in document collection
          0007l                      libraries
          0007mu                           museums
          001   [w1]           produced in; published in publication time
          002   [uU]           produced in; published in publication region
          003   [U]           by author; creator
          0032   [U]                distributed by distributor
          0033   [U]                published by publisher
          00337   [U]                     printed by printer; typographer
          0035   [U]                translated by translator
          0036   [U]                presented to; Festschrift for honoured author
          0037   [U]                with contribution by contributing author
          0038   [U]                edited by editor
          003ptusi   ⋄                                    William Shakespeare
          004   [y]           commenting on commented resource
          0043   [y]                building on; developing on; continuing basic resource
          0044   [y]                criticizing; opposing; against criticized resource
          0045   [y]                answering answered resource
          0046   [y]                commenting favourably; propaganda of
          0047   [y]                summarizing summarized resource
          0048   [y]                reviewing reviewed resource
          005   [qv]           in language  
          0053   [qv]                translated from original language
          0055   [qv]                paraphrased from original language
          0056   [q69]                 style; rhetorical strategy
          0058   [xl]                in literary form
          006   [t7]           treated for target; public
          0061   [uw]                for school level
          007   [yd]           as in document format
          0074   [s4]                corrupted by damage
          008   [an]           as in KB document size
          01   [w1]      as known in historical period
          02   [uU]      as known in region
          026   [ty]           as known in culture; civilization  
          03   [y5c]      studied by general research method  
          030   [A]           exemplified by study case; sample; specimen; example; ofness
          031   [y]           studied through research stage
          032   [y12]           studied in research environment
          033   [U]           studied by researcher
          035   [y5]           studied through research procedure
          037   [s]           using research tool
          038   [y]           studied using source
          039            studied by special method
          04   [A]      viewing; modeling; simulating; representing; interpreting modeled knowledge
          05   [q9]      conveying communicative function; act  
          06   [ysc9]      according to general theory; world view; Weltanschauung  
          060   [A]           theorized as rationale  
          060a   ⋄                rationality
          060d   ⋄                inherent nature
          060o   ⋄                intuition
          060t   ⋄                rule
          060u   ⋄                authority
          060v   ⋄                negotiation
          060w   ⋄                tradition
          0630   ⋄                ascribed to theorized agent; explanatory phenomenon  
          0630an   ⋄                          numbers; numerology
          0630g   ⋄                     matter; materialism
          0630j   ⋄                     natural phenomena
          0630p   ⋄                     intentional individuals
          0630q   ⋄                     meaning; hermeneutics
          0630r   ⋄                     artifacts
          0630v   ⋄                     organizations
          0630wo   ⋄                          spirit; spiritualism
          0640   [A]                theorized as interacting with interacting phenomenon  
          065   [cpo]           theorized as undergoing path; process  
          068   [an89]            theory applicability  
          068e                 situation-specific; idiographic
          068i                 partly generalizable
          068v                 highly generalizable; nomothetic
          07   [ys]      studied in discipline; field
          073   [t7]           among discourse community; social domain
          076   [s]           applied to activity field; sphere; domain; application  
          0760sj   ⋄                          welfare
          0760sw   ⋄                          education
          0760u   ⋄                     politics
          0760v   ⋄                     economy
          0760x   ⋄                     arts
          0760y   ⋄                     intellectual activities
          08   [y84]       veracity; fictionality
          080   [A]           as looking for quest; mission; objective
          081   [w1]           as set at time; epoch
          082   [uU]           as set in region
          083   [U]           as helped by friend character
          084   [U]           as opposed by evil force; enemy
          085   [os]           as narrated in story; plot
          086   [an89]           occurring
          086f                 sometimes; occasional; accidental; syntagmatical
          086y                 always; semantical
          087   [U]           as with character
          088   [an]            probability; likelihood  ↞ au probabilities
          08f            fictional
          08g            allegorical
          09       according to special theory
          1   [X] at position; sequential position; moment; stage; time
          1(Y)       are at
          10   [A]      during; at the same time as contemporary phenomena
          104   [A]           moment of; sequential position of
          10V            present; now
          10tywr   ⋄                          World War II
          11   [an]      at; ranked rank; ordinal number, place in classification
          11np                 first; #1
          11nq                 second; #2
          11nr                 third; #3
          12   [w1]      in moment; period; temporal context
          13   [w1]      from; since; beginning at; originated at start time
          134   [w1]           until; ending at end time
          14   [w1]      before subsequent time
          140   [A]           before subsequent phenomenon
          144   [w1]           after preceding time
          144V                 in the future
          14V            in the past
          15   [j189]      at day time
          157   [j179]           in day part
          157m   ⋄                morning
          15n   ⋄           noon
          16   [j1]      in date
          161   [an]           each days; periodicity
          161np                      daily
          161nv                      weekly
          161or                      monthly
          161prut                                yearly
          165   [j159]           on week day
          165b   ⋄                Sunday
          166   [j169]           in lunar phase
          167   [j19]           in season
          17   [w1]      in historical time
          17pU   ⋄                Middle Ages
          17pxux   ⋄                          1969
          18   [i1]      in age; geological era
          188   [cc]           in absolute time
          18ge   ⋄                Pleistocene
          19       at special stage; step; phase; event
          2   [X] in situation; condition; context; place
          2(Y)       are in
          20   [A]      in; within situation; condition; context  ↞ ae relations
          204   [A]           hosting; place of; venue of hosted phenomenon; event
          20V            here; in this condition
          21   [an]      in position; rank; spatial sequence
          214   [uU]           in front of; before (spatial) place behind
          216   [uU]           above; upon lower place
          218   [uU]           on the left of place on the right
          21nb                 first
          21y            last
          22   [jU]      near zone; area
          23   [jU]      from provenance; origin
          234   [jU]           towards destination
          237   [j7]           from cardinal direction
          24   [jU]      away from; outside far place; elsewhere
          248   [an89]            centrality
          248f   ⋄                peripheral
          248u   ⋄                central
          25   [ny]      in; within environment; niche; context; set; system; milieu; site; seat; venue; atelier; workroom
          256   [j39]           in regime; climate
          26   [j7]      towards cardinal point; sector
          27   [uU]      in region; place
          276   [jU]           in geographical region; area; basin
          28   [j8]      at latitude degrees; relative position
          286   [an8]           at altitude Km; orthogonal relative position  ↞ j99 
          288   [j88]           at longitude degrees; complementary position
          28ju   ⋄                Equator
          29       in special place; region; location
          3  by; affected by agent; actor
          3(Y)       are affected by
          30   [A]      due to; determinated by; explained by cause; aitia; less affected phenomenon
          304   [A]           affecting; to object; affected phenomenon
          31   [U]      evolved from originator
          310   [A]           evolved from; come from previous stage; origin; background; source; provenance; phylogeny  [phylogenetics]
          3140   [A]                becoming; evolving into
          32   [uU]      native to; of homeland; motherland
          33   [U]      made by; produced; created by creator; author; producer
          330            caused by efficient cause; causation
          3304   [A]                creating; making, causing product; creation
          34   [U]      interacting with; communicating with; reciprocally influencing interagent  
          340   [A]           interacting with other phenomenon
          35   [U]      played by; steered by operator
          357   [U]           through collaborator; mediator; influencer
          36   [t7]      for beneficiary; patient; assistee; addressee
          360   [A]           towards; for goal; purpose; destination; potential; sake; final cause  [teleonomy; teleology]  
          37   [X]      through; by tool; catalyzer
          370   [A]           through; exposed to; subjected to factor; mean; mediator; external tool
          3704   [A]                influencing influenced phenomenon
          38   [X]      resulting from force; pressure
          380   [A]           because of; entailed by; result of reason; rationale; premise
          39       with; by special tool; instrument; equipment
          3X       something
          4   [X] contrasting; versus; facing; limited by opposition; disorder; secondness
          4(Y)       is opposed to
          40   [A]      opposed to; contrary to; different from; alternative to; complementary to; facing opposed phenomenon; disturbance; secondness
          41       passing through crisis; critical stage
          42       limited by; conditioned by; facing problematic context; pitfall; trap
          43       conflicting with; altered by; tainted by; damaged by; weakened by antagonist; anti-agent; enemy; inhibitor; impactant; negative factor
          431            tainted by taint; inherited limitation
          434            against; contrasting; opposing risk; target; enemy
          44       ending by destruction; suppression; elimination; death
          45       undergoing malfunction; crisis; perturbation; deterioration; alteration course
          46       having symptom
          47       worsened by hindrance; obstruction; obstacle; negative factor; inhibitor; impactant; handicap; snag; hitch; holdback
          474            altered from; disintegrated from; former; ex; changed after; transformed from
          48       constrained by; forced; coerced by restriction; rule
          49        special disorder; problem; fault; abnormality
          5   [X] transformation; change; variation; process; mechanism; dynamics
          5(Y)       undergo actual change
          50   [A]      through transformation; change; external process
          504   [A]           changing; transforming; acting on affected object
          51       developed through; by history; evolution  ↞ ag operations   
          51i            beginning; start
          51k            first stages
          51m            developing
          51n            young
          51p            apex
          51q            decline
          51r            end
          52   [an89]       dynamicity
          525   [an89]            dynamicity change
          527   [an89]            standard deviation
          528   [an]            dynamicity measure
          529   [an89]            stability
          529f                 unstable; changeable; variable
          529u                 stable
          52c            non dynamic; still
          52f            slow
          52m            dynamic
          52u            quick
          53       undergoing operation; action
          55        process change; innovation
          56        way; behaviour; course; proceeding
          562   [uU]           towards term; aimed point; situation; promised land
          566   [an]           tending towards; regulating to equilibrium value; homeostasis; health  ↞ cpoh homeostasis
          568            according to path; procedure; checklist; schedule; chart
          57       stage
          58   [os]      through; by activity; mechanism; dynamics  ↞ ag operations   
          59       through special process; internal process
          5V       thus
          6   [X] having; being property; state; feature; attribute; form; firstness
          6(Y)       have
          60   [A]      having; being; featuring external property; state; feature; form; firstness
          604   [A]           qualifying; characterizing
          60a            logical
          60bb                 diachronical
          60bc                 spatial
          60bcb                      linear
          60bcc                      flat
          60bccbc                                circular
          60bcceU                                squared
          60bcd                      tree-dimensional; solid
          60bcdU                           cubic
          60bcdhfp                                     parallelepiped
          60bcdy                           spherical
          60bp                 dynamical; processual
          60bpe                      static
          60bpoc                           stochastic
          60e            atomical
          60f            chemical
          60g            material
          60gg                 gaseous
          60gl                 liquid
          60gs                 solid
          60h            celestial
          60i            mineral
          60j            geographical
          60k            genetic
          60m            living
          60n            wild; natural
          60o            instinctive; spontaneous; impulsive
          60p            conscious
          60q            verbal; linguistic
          60r            religious; sacred; holy
          60s            social
          60t            official
          60u            economical
          60v            technological
          60w            artificial
          60x            artistic
          60y            intellectual
          61        epoch
          615             developing; aging
          619   [an]            age
          62        shape
          63        tradition; history
          64       violating; disobeying regulation; norm; requirement; obligation
          65   [an89]       stability; regularity; continuity
          65f   ⋄           unstable
          65u   ⋄           stable
          66       agreeing with; conforming to; à la template; standard; reference; pattern; regulation; norm requirement; obligation; restraint
          661             style of epoch
          662             local style
          668   [an89]            quality
          668f                 bad; poor
          668u                 good
          67   [aw6]       mechanicity
          67c   ⋄           mechanical
          67r   ⋄           emergent
          67y   ⋄           holistic
          68   [g8]      appearance; look; colour
          680   [A]           equal to; identical to correspondent phenomenon
          6804   [A]                different from; dissimilar from; unlike different phenomenon
          687             facet; aspect
          6880   [A]                similar to; like alike phenomenon
          68e   ⋄           blue
          68r   ⋄           red
          69        special property
          6V       such
          7   [X] constituent; part
          7(Y)       have as part
          70   [A]      with; made of substance; matter; material; material cause; external system as part
          704   [A]           belonging to; part of whole
          71        span; period; interval
          72        sector; portion  
          73        tie; link; bond
          74   [an89]       integration; consistency
          748   [an89]            continuity
          748c                 discrete
          748y                 continuous
          74b            detached parts
          74c            independent parts
          74f            partially autonomous parts; federated; mechanical
          74m            integrated; emergent
          74u            very integrated; holistic
          75        organ; role; internal function
          76        material; stuff; substance
          77        element; subsystem; component  ↞ aw systems   
          78   [an89]       complexity; structure; degree of organization
          785   [an89]            structure change
          785f                 getting simpler
          785u                 getting complex
          788            made of quantity of elements; pieces
          78f            simple
          78u            complex
          79        special part
          8   [X] consisting in quantity; intensity; degree; extent
          8(Y)       consist of actual quantity
          80   [A]      as much as
          804   [A]           measure of
          80qig   ⋄                     a bag
          80qil   ⋄                     a bottle
          81   [an89]       span measure; sequentual extent; duration; average life
          810   [A]           as long as equally long phenomena
          8110   [A]                shorter than longer phenomena
          81140   [A]                     longer than shorter phenomenon
          818   [X]           lasting standard duration measure
          81f            short
          81u            long
          82   [an89]       size; magnitude; extent
          820   [A]           as big as equally big phenomena
          820mqri   ⋄                               as big as an insect
          8210   [A]                smaller than greater phenomena
          82140   [A]                     greater than smaller phenomena
          825   [X]            growth rate
          827   [X]            length; x axis
          8277   [X]                 height; z axis
          8278   [X]                 width; y axis
          828   [X]            size measure; volume
          829   [X]            extent; area
          82f            small
          82u            big
          83   [X]       consistence; consistency
          84   [ac9]       intensionality
          840   [X]           half-
          84b            its opposite; contrary
          84c            not; non-
          84g            quasi
          84l            little
          84t            typically; prototypically
          84v            very
          85   [an89]      getting changed quantity
          85b            diminishing; decreasing
          85m            growing; rising; augmenting
          85v            multiplicating; exponentially growing
          86   [an89]      amounting to quantity; amount; intensity; pattern; degree; extent; quantifier
          86c            none
          86e            very few
          86f            few; little
          86m            some plural
          86u            much; many
          86v            very many
          86y            all
          87   [an89]       fraction; proportion
          878   [ann]            numerical fraction
          878u   ⋄                60%
          878uqr   ⋄                          62.3%
          87e            a small minority
          87f            a minority
          87i            about half
          87m            some
          87u            most
          87v            a large majority
          88   [an]       number; numerical quantity; cardinality
          880   [A]           as many as
          8810   [A]                less than more numerous phenomenon
          88140   [A]                     more than less numerous phenomenon
          88n            some units; individuals
          88np   ⋄                one
          88o            some tens
          88ot   ⋄                five tens
          88ots   ⋄                     54
          89        special measure
          9   [X] of; for; qualified by; defined by; relative to quality; specification; relation; kind; differentia
          9(Y)       are of
          90   [A]      of; for; coping with; dealing with related phenomenon; application; function; sector; subject device
          904   [A]           qualifying qualified phenomenon
          91   [X]      of sequential position; moment; time
          92   [X]      of context; place; range; milieu
          93   [X]      of origin; author; provenance; descendance
          94   [X]      anti; against defining opposition; disturb
          95   [X]      doing qualifying transformation; process; procedure; participle  
          96   [X]      having; for defining property; product  
          97   [X]      with qualifying part  
          970   [A]           of substance; material
          974   [X]           without; lacking missing part  
          98   [X]      of; for; qualified by; defined by; relative to quality; relation; kind; differentia; function  ↞ ae8c binary
          99   [X]       special quality
          9V       of this kind
          9X       of what
          AW(Z)                                     the deictics; constants; known; preferred classes; shortened notations
          A  reality; being; everything; the world; the universe general class  [metaphysics; general philosophy]  ≈ DDC 000 110
          Aa       absolute; apeiron; logos; Tao; brahman; God; noumena; dyamical objects the indifferentiated whole; total symmetry; anything  [mystic; theology]  
          B  the first ones; a1
          C  the second ones; a2
          D  the third ones; a3
          E  the fourth ones; a4
          F  the fifth ones; a5
          G  the sixth ones; a6
          H  the seventh ones; a7
          İ  the eighth ones; a8
          J  the ninth ones; a9
          K  the tenth ones; a10
          L  the eleventh ones; a11
          M  the twelfth ones; a12
          N  the thirteenth ones; a13
          O  the fourteenth ones; a14
          P  the fifteenth ones; a15
          Q  the sixteenth ones; a16
          R  the seventeenth ones; a17
          S  the eighteenth ones; a18
          T  those; a0; the current; present; the domain of discourse favoured host class; local deictic; abbreviation in standard schedules followed by standard subclasses
          U   [px91] persons by birth time generally typical class
          UX       persons by birth millennium
          UXX            persons by birth century
          Um       persons born in 2nd millennium BCE
          Un       persons born in 1st millennium BCE
          Uni            persons born in 6th century BCE; Gautama Buddha
          Unig                 persons born in 579-570 BCE; Pythagoras
          Uniim                      persons born in 551 BCE; Confucius
          Unik                 persons born in 539-530 BCE; Heraclitus
          Unim                 persons born in 519-510 BCE; Parmenides
          Unj            persons born in 5th century BCE
          Unjg                 persons born in 470-479 BCE; Socrates; Mozi
          Unjl                 persons born in 420-429 BCE; Plato
          Unk            persons born in 4th century BCE
          Unkfj                      persons born in 384 BCE; Aristotle
          Unkih                      persons born in 356 BCE; Alexander III of Macedon the Great
          Unkjm                      persons born in 341 BCE; Epicurus
          Unl            persons born in 3rd century BCE
          Unlf                 persons born in 289-280 BCE; Archimedes
          Unm            persons born in 2nd century BCE
          Unn            persons born in 1st century BCE
          Unngn                      persons born in 70 BCE; Virgil
          Unnnj                      persons born in 4 BCE; Jesus Christ
          Uo       persons born in 1st millennium CE
          Uoo            persons born in 1st century
          Uooo                 persons born in 1-10 CE; Paul the Apostle; Saul of Tarsus
          Uop            persons born in 2nd century
          Uoq            persons born in 3rd century
          Uor            persons born in 4th century+
          Uorts                      persons born in 354 CE; Augustine of Hippo
          Uos            persons born in 5th century
          Uosv                 persons born in 470-479 CE; Boethius
          Uot            persons born in 6th century
          Uotvo                      persons born in 570; Muhammad
          Uou            persons born in 7th century
          Uov            persons born in 8th century
          Uovw                 persons born in 780-789; al-Khwarizmi
          Uow            persons born in 9th century
          Uox            persons born in 10th century
          Uoxwo                      persons born in 980; Ibn Sina; Avicenna
          Up       persons born in 2nd millennium CE
          Upo            persons born in 11th century
          Uposw                      persons born in 1048; Omar Khayyam
          Upp            persons born in 12th century
          Uppqu                      persons born in 1126; Ibn Rushd; Averroes
          Upq            persons born in 13th century
          Upqoo                      persons born in 1200; Dōgen Zenji
          Upqqt                      persons born in 1225; Thomas Aquinas
          Upqu                 persons born in 1260-1269; Dante Alighieri
          Upr            persons born in 14th century
          Upros                      persons born in 1304; Petrarch
          Uprrq                      persons born in 1332; Ibn Khaldun
          Ups            persons born in 15th century
          Upstp                      persons born in 1451; Christopher Columbus
          Upstq                      persons born in 1452; Leonardo da Vinci
          Upsvr                      persons born in 1473; Nicolaus Copernicus
          Upsvt                      persons born in 1475; Michelangelo
          Upt            persons born in 16th century
          Uptsv                      persons born in 1547; Miguel de Cervantes
          Uptus                      persons born in 1564
          Uptusd                           persons born in February 1-15, 1564; Galileo Galilei
          Uptusi                           persons born in April 16-30, 1564; William Shakespeare
          Uptvp                      persons born in 1571; Johannes Kepler
          Uptvv                      persons born in 1577; Peter Paul Rubens
          Uptww                      people born in 1588; Thomas Hobbes
          Uptxu                      persons born in 1596; René Descartes
          Upu            persons born in 17th century
          Upuou                      persons born in 1606; Rembrandt
          Upuqq                      persons born in 1622; Molière
          Upuqr                      persons born in 1623; Blaise Pascal
          Upurq                      people born in 1632
          Upurqq                           persons born in August 16-31, 1632; John Locke
          Upurqw                           persons born in November 16-30, 1632; Baruch Spinoza
          Upusq                      persons born in 1642; Isaac Newton
          Upusu                      persons born in 1646; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
          Upuwt                      persons born in 1685; Johann Sebastian Bach
          Upuxs                      persons born in 1694; Voltaire
          Upv            persons born in 18th century
          Upvov                      persons born in 1707
          Upvovh                           persons born in April 1-15, 1707; Leonhard Euler
          Upvovk                           persons born in May 16-31, 1707; Carl Linnaeus
          Upvpp                      persons born in 1711; David Hume
          Upvpq                      persons born in 1712; Jean-Jacques Rousseau
          Upvqs                      persons born in 1724; Immanuel Kant
          Upvru                      persons born in 1736; Joseph-Louis Lagrange
          Upvsx                      persons born in 1749; J. W. Goethe
          Upvux                      persons born in 1769; Napoleon
          Upvvo                      persons born in 1770
          Upvvoq                           persons born in August 16-31, 1770; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
          Upvvoy                           persons born in December 16-31, 1770; Ludwig van Beethoven
          Upvvv                      persons born in 1777; Carl Friedrich Gauss
          Upvxw                      persons born in 1798; Auguste Comte
          Upw            persons born in 19th century
          Upwox                      persons born in 1809
          Upwoxce   ⋄                               persons born on 19 January 1809; Edgar Allan Poe
          Upwoxdm                                persons born on 12 February 1809
          Upwoxdme                                     persons born on 12 February 1809 at 3 AM; Charles Darwin
          Upwoxdmh                                     persons born on 12 February 1809 at 6 AM; Abraham Lincoln
          Upwpt                      persons born in 1815; Ada Lovelace
          Upwpw                      persons born in 1818; Karl Marx
          Upwpx                      persons born in 1819; Queen Victoria
          Upwrp                      persons born in 1831; James Clerk Maxwell
          Upwrx                      persons born in 1839; Charles Sanders Peirce
          Upwtr                      persons born in 1853; Vincent van Gogh
          Upwts                      persons born in 1854; Henri Poincaré
          Upwtu                      persons born in 1856; Sigmund Freud
          Upwuq                      persons born in 1862; David Hilbert
          Upwux                      persons born in 1869; Mahatma Gandhi
          Upwvo                      persons born in 1870; Lenin
          Upwvq                      persons born in 1872; Bertrand Russell
          Upwvx                      persons born in 1879; Albert Einstein
          Upwwp                      persons born in 1881; Pablo Picasso
          Upwxs                      persons born in 1894; Norbert Wiener
          Upx            persons born in 20th century
          Upxoq                      persons born in 1902; Paul Dirac
          Upxor                      persons born in 1903
          Upxorv                           persons born in November 1-15, 1903; Konrad Lorenz
          Upxory                           persons born in December 16-31, 1903; John von Neumann
          Upxou                      persons born in 1906; Kurt Gödel
          Upxpq                      persons born in 1912; Alan Turing
          Upxpw                      persons born in 1918; Nelson Mandela
          Upxqw                      persons born in 1928; Stanley Kubrick
          Upxqx                      persons born in 1929; Martin Luther King
          Upxrp                      persons born in 1931; Michail Gorbačëv
          Upxru                      persons born in 1936; Jorge Mario Bergoglio pope Francis
          Upxso                      persons born in 1940; Pele
          Upxtt                      persons born in 1955
          Upxttl                           persons born in June 1-15, 1955; Tim Berners-Lee
          Uq       persons born in 3rd millennium CE
          Uqo            persons born in 21th century
          Uqoor                      persons born in 2003
          Uqoorb                           persons born in January 1-15, 2003; Greta Thunberg
          V  the present; here and now; Dasein
          X  something single rank; main classes
          XA       something any number of ranks
          XX        first-rank subclasses
          XXX             second-rank subclasses
          Xa       x0
          Xb       x1
          Xc       x2  
          Y  the existent; actual
          Y3Y            individual is affected by
          Z  the following; the mentioned; that internal reference, phoric
          ZZ       the aforementioned; previous anaphoric reference
          \\             ; Monk C
          aWc  information  
          aWz  phenomena; known entities  [ontology]  ≈ DDC 111  
          a  forms; structures; mathematical objects  [formal sciences; logic; mathematics]  ≈ DDC 510 160  
          a22   [a]           in neighbourhood
          a3       implied by; as a consequence of premise
          a4       with error
          a58   [ag]           through transformation; operation; function; map; morphism
          a6   [X]       property
          a60            equal to result
          a7        part; element; component
          a77   [a]           containing; ∋ member; individual
          a78   [a]           including; ⊃ subset
          a7t            elements
          a7u            subsets
          a7uc                 structure-preserving subsets
          a7ud                 divisor subsets
          a7ul                 lateral subsets
          a7un                 independent subsets
          a7uns                      bases  ↞ akc vector spaces
          a7us                 substructures
          a7usq                      quotient-capable substructures
          a7w            cosets
          a8   [X]       number
          a89   [X]            amount
          a9   [X]       kind
          aa       nothing
          ab       individuals; instances; particulars
          ac       classes; sets; collections; kinds; universals  [set theory]
          ac6             occasionality
          ac6o                 occasional; accidental attributes
          ac6s                 by definition; substantial; essential; intrinsical substantial classes
          ac9             intensionals; fuzzy classes  [fuzzy set theory; fuzzy logic]
          ac9b                 opposite; contrary
          ac9c                 not; other than; non-class
          ac9e                 hardly
          ac9g                 almost; about quasi-class
          ac9j                 scarcely; barely
          ac9l                 little; a bit
          ac9n                 partially  
          ac9q                 quite copula
          ac9s                 definitely; just
          ac9t                 typically; stereotype; typical specimen
          ac9v                 very; extremely
          aca            the empty class; empty set
          ad       properties; characteristics
          ae       relations; correspondences  
          ae23   [a]                from domain
          ae26   [a]                to range; image
          ae28   [a]                in field
          ae33   [a]                from set of departure
          ae36   [a]                to codomain; set of destination
          ae6             relation property
          ae6h                 reflexive
          ae6j                 symmetric  
          ae6l                 transitive
          ae6n                 connected
          ae6q                 equivalent  ↞ ae6h reflexive ae6j symmetric ae6l transitive   
          ae8             arity; adicity; dimension; number of arguments; places  ↞ anai 
          ae8a                 nullary
          ae8b                 unary; properties  [truth logic]
          ae8c                 binary; diadic; 2-place
          ae8d                 ternary; triadic; 3-place
          ae9             cardinality
          ae98   [a]                of argument; term
          ae9b                 one-to-one
          ae9d                 one-to-many
          ae9m                 many-to-one
          ae9n                 many-to-many
          aeb            identity  ↞ ae6q equivalent
          aeb98   [a]                     of term
          aee            equality
          aef            similarity
          aei            inequality
          aem            set membership; belonging
          aem97   [a]                     of instance
          aem98   [a]                     to class
          aep            parthood; part-whole; inclusion  [mereology]
          aep97   [a]                     of part
          aep98   [a]                     in whole
          aepp                 proper part-whole
          aept                 overlap
          aepu                 underlap
          aes            set inclusion; genus-species  
          aes97   [a]                     of species
          aes98   [a]                     in genus
          af       predications  [predicate logic]  
          af97   [a]                about object
          af98   [a]                of class; feature
          ag       operations; transformations; maps; morphisms
          ag6   [ag6]            operation property
          ag6i                 associative
          ag6m                 commutative
          ag6p                 idempotent
          ag96   [a]                equal to result
          ag98   [a]                of operand
          ag98kc                           vector spaces
          ag98kt                           topological spaces; continous functions
          ag98lt                           categories; functors
          agh            homomorphisms
          agh98   [a]                     of structure
          agh98lmm                                     monoids
          agh98lo                                groups
          agh98lr                                rings
          agh98me                                order homomorphisms; order-preserving functions
          agh98mr                                graphs
          agh98msm                                     matroids
          aghe                 epimorphisms; surjective morphisms
          aghi                 monomorphisms; injective morphisms
          aghm                 isomorphisms; bijective morphisms  ↞ aghe epimorphisms aghi monomorphisms
          aghn                 endomorphisms
          aghu                 automorphisms  ↞ aghm isomorphisms aghn endomorphisms
          agm            sum; union; addition
          agm96   [a]                     equal to sum
          agm98   [a]                     of term; addend; summand
          agm98kt                                topological spaces; topologies
          agm98me                                posets
          agm98msm                                     matroids
          agm98n                           quantities; numbers
          agm98nnr98nnq96nnt   ⋄                                    2 + 3 = 5
          agmd                 disjoint union
          agmo                 ordinal sum
          agn            difference; complement; subtraction  
          agn96   [a]                     equal to difference
          agn98   [a]                     of minuend
          agn983   [a]                          minus subtrahend
          agn98n                           quantities; numbers
          agn98nnt983nnq96nnr   ⋄                                    5 - 2 = 3
          agns                 symmetric difference; exclusive or; xor
          ago            direct-like operations
          agom                 direct sum
          agom98   [a]                          of structure
          agom98kc                                     vector spaces
          agom98msm                                     matroids
          agop                 direct product
          agop98   [a]                          of structure
          agop98lmm                                     monoids
          agop98lo                                     groups
          agop98lt                                     categories
          agp            product; intersection
          agp98   [a]                     of factor
          agp98n                           quantities; numbers
          agp98nnr98nnq96nnu   ⋄                                    3 x 2 = 6
          agpc                 Cartesian product; cross product
          agpc98   [a]                          of structure
          agpc98kt                                     topological spaces; Cartesian topologies
          agpc98me                                     posets
          agpc98mr                                     graphs
          agpe                 semidirect product
          agq            quotient; division; partition
          agqe                 Euclidean division; division with remainder
          agqe96   [an]                          equal to quotient
          agqe966   [an]                               with remainder
          agqe98   [an]                          of dividend
          agqe983   [an]                               by divisor
          agqe98oss983nr   ⋄                                    44 / 3
          agqs                 quotient structure
          agqs98   [a]                          of
          agqs98kt                                     topological spaces; topologies
          agt            tensor-like operations
          agtp                 tensor product
          agtp98   [a]                          of structure
          agtp98mr                                     graphs
          agu            lexicographic product
          agu98   [a]                     of structure
          agu98mr                                graphs
          agw            exponentiation; power
          agw98   [a]                     of base
          agw983   [a]                          raised to the power exponent
          agw98n                           quantities; numbers
          agw98nnq983nnr96nnw   ⋄                                    23 = 8
          agx            nth root
          agx983   [a]                          -th
          agx983nnq                                     square
          agx983nnr                                     cube
          agx98nnx983nnq96nnr   ⋄                                    √9 = 3
          agy            logarithm
          agy98   [a]                     of
          agy983   [a]                          to; base
          agy983nnq                                     2; binary logarithm
          agy983nnqU                                     e; natural logarithm
          agy983nop                                     10; common logarithm
          agy98nous983nnq96nnu   ⋄                                    log264 = 6
          aiWj       discrete structures  [discrete mathematics; combinatorics]  
          ai       statements; propositions  [classical logic]  
          ai9            truth value
          ai9d                 contradictory; paradoxical
          ai9f                 false
          ai9t                 true
          aii            implication  
          aii96   [a]                     is consequence
          aii98   [a]                     of premise  
          aiq            equivalence  
          ais            subjective propositions  [modal logic]
          aj       formal languages; theories
          ajo            recursively enumerated languages; type 0 languages
          ajp            context-sensitive languages; type 1 languages
          ajq            context-free languages; type 2 languages
          ajr            regular languages; type 3 languages
          ajt            formal theories
          ak       spaces; mathematical spaces  
          akc            vector spaces
          akc7t                      vectors
          akc7uc                           subspaces of vector spaces; hyperplanes
          akcl                 algebras
          ake            tensor spaces
          akf            affine spaces
          akn            unitary spaces
          akt            topological spaces
          akt7t                      elements of topological spaces; points
          akt7u                      subspaces of topological spaces
          aktd                 discrete topological spaces  [discrete topology]
          aktm                 metric spaces
          aktp                 compact spaces
          akts                 separable spaces
          aktso                      T0 spaces; Kolmogorov spaces
          aktsp                      T1 spaces; Fréchet spaces
          aktsq                      T2 spaces; Hausdorff spaces
          aktsr                      T3 spaces; regular spaces
          aktss                      T4 spaces; regular Hausdorff spaces
          aktw                 manifolds
          aktwd                      differentiable manifolds
          aktwds                           smooth manifolds
          aktwr                      Riemannian manifolds
          al       algebraic structures  [algebra; abstract algebra]  ≈ DDC 512  
          alb            general algebraic systems  [universal algebra]
          algWy            group-like structures
          alg            non-closed group-like structures; non-total group-like structures
          alge                 semigroupoids
          algp                 groupoids
          ali            non-associative group-like structures
          alim                 magmas
          aliq                 quasigroups
          aliu                 loops
          alm            non-commutative group-like structures
          alme                 semigroups
          almi                 inverse semigroups
          almm                 monoids
          almm7t                           monoid elements
          almm7u                           submonoids
          alo            groups  [group theory]
          alo7t                      group elements
          alo7u                      subgroups
          alob                 Abelian groups
          aloc                 cyclic groups
          aloe                 symmetric groups
          alog                 alternating groups
          aloh                 dihedral groups
          alom                 simple groups
          aloms                      sporadic groups
          alor                 free groups
          alos                 solvable groups
          alou                 Lie groups  
          alow                 topological groups  ↞ ams families of sets
          alr            ring-like structures
          alr7t                      ring elements
          alr7u                      subrings
          alr7ud                           divisor subsets
          alr7ul                           lateral subsets
          alre                 semirings
          alrj                 non-associative rings  [non-associative algebra]
          alrn                 non-unitary rings; rngs
          alrr                 rings  [ring theory; associative algebra]
          alrrc                      commutative rings  [commutative algebra]
          alrre                      Boolean rings
          alrrf                      unique factorization domains
          alrri                      principal ideal domains
          alrrk                      division rings; skew fields
          alrrn                      noetherian rings
          alrrr                      Artinian rings
          alrru                      Lie rings
          alrrx                      fields; polynomials  [field theory]
          alrrxn                           number fields
          alrrxt                           cyclotomic fields
          alt            categories  [category theory]  ↞ ac classes alg non-closed group-like structures
          alt7u                      category subsets
          altao                      objects
          altar                      morphisms; arrows
          altc                 pre-additive categories
          altdWy                 additive categories
          alte                 pre-Abelian categories
          altl                 Abelian categories
          altx                 exact categories
          am       combinatorial structures  [combinatorics]
          ame            posets; partially ordered sets  [order theory]
          ame7t                      poset elements; vertices; nodes
          ame7u                      subposets
          ame9p                      inverse posets; dual posets; dual operation
          ame9r                      linear extension of posets
          ame9v                      vertically-indecomposable poset component
          ame9x                      poset intervals
          amed                 total orders
          amei                 series-parallel posets
          amek                 graded posets
          amer                 reduced posets
          amev                 vertically irreducible posets
          aml            lattice-like structures
          amlj                 join-semilattices
          amlm                 meet-semilattices
          amlt                 lattices
          amltc                      complete lattices
          amltm                      modular lattices
          amlts                      distributive lattices
          amr            graph-like structures
          amr5Df                           strong product of graphs  ↞ agp product
          amr5Dg                           zigzag product of graphs  ↞ agp product
          amr5Dh                           rooted product of graphs  ↞ agp product
          amr7Dr                           edges; arcs; lines
          amr7Dv                           vertices; nodes; points
          amr7Dw                           graph bridges
          amr7Dx                           connected component of graphs
          amr7Dy                           graph clique
          amr7u                      subgraphs
          amrd                 directed graphs  ↞ ae relations
          amrdo                      oriented graphs
          amrdot                           tournaments
          amrn                 undirected graphs
          amrns                      simple graphs  ↞ ae6j symmetric   
          amry                 undirected hypergraphs
          ams            families of sets  ↞ amry undirected hypergraphs
          amse                 Sperner families
          amsh                 Helly families
          amsm                 matroids
          amsm6d                           dual matroids
          amsm6s                           independent sets of matroids
          amsm7t                           matroid elements
          an       quantities; amounts; numbers  ≈ DDC 513  
          an6e                 primes
          an6g                 even numbers  ↞ annq two
          an8            numerals; decimal digits
          an89                 quantifiers
          an89b                      negative  ↞ anb negative quantities
          an89c                      no  ↞ anc none
          an89d                      single
          an89e                      very few; very little
          an89f                      few; little
          an89i                      middle; average
          an89m                      some; a few; several; positive plural
          an89q                      quite; enough; fairly; rather
          an89u                      many; much
          an89v                      very many; many many; very much
          an89y                      all; the totality
          an8e                 -9
          an8f                 -8
          an8g                 -7
          an8h                 -6
          an8i                 -5
          an8j                 -4
          an8k                 -3
          an8l                 -2
          an8m                 -1
          an8n                 -0  
          an8o                 0
          an8p                 1
          an8q                 2
          an8r                 3
          an8s                 4
          an8t                 5
          an8u                 6
          an8v                 7
          an8w                 8
          an8x                 9
          an9i                 integer  [arithmetic; number theory]
          an9k                 exponential rational; Q
          an9r                 real; R; continuum
          an9t                 imaginary
          an9u                 complex
          an9w                 transcendent
          an9x                 transfinite
          anb            negative quantities
          anbd                 negative tens of billions or more; -10>9
          anbdx   [an8]                     negative hundreds of billions; -1011
          anbdy   [an8]                     negative tens of billions; -1010
          anbe   [an8]                negative billions; -109
          anbf   [an8]                negative hundreds of millions; -108
          anbg   [an8]                negative tens of millions; -107
          anbh   [an8]                negative millions; -106
          anbi   [an8]                negative hundreds of thousands; -105
          anbj   [an8]                negative tens of thousands; -104
          anbk   [an8]                negative thousands; -103
          anbl   [an8]                negative hundreds; -102
          anbm   [an8]                negative tens; -101
          anbmj   ⋄                     -4 tens
          anbmjl   ⋄                          -42
          anbn   [an8]                negative units; -100
          anbne                      -9
          anbnf                      -8
          anbng                      -7
          anbnh                      -6
          anbni                      -5
          anbnj                      -4
          anbnjl   ⋄                          -4.2
          anbnk                      -3
          anbnl                      -2
          anbnm                      -1; minus one
          anbnn                      -0
          anc            none; no; zero
          andWy            positive quantities
          and            less than billionths; 10-(>9)
          andw   [an8]                trillionths; pico-; p-; 10-12
          andx   [an8]                10-11
          andy   [an8]                10-10
          ane   [an8]           billionths; nano-; n-; 10-9
          anf   [an8]           10-8
          ang   [an8]           10-7
          anh   [an8]           millionths; micro-; μ-; 10-6; 0.00000
          ani   [an8]           10-5; 0.0000
          anj   [an8]           10-4; 0.000
          ank   [an8]           thousandths; milli-; m-; 10-3; 0.00
          anl   [an8]           hundredths; centi-; c-; 10-2; 0.0
          anm   [an8]           tenths; deci-; d-; 10-1; 0.
          anms   [an8]  ⋄                0.4
          ann   [an8]           units; 100
          anno                 no unit; 0
          annp                 one; a; single; 1
          annq                 two; a pair; a couple; 2
          annqU                      e; base of natural logarithm; 2.71828...
          annr                 three; 3
          annrU                      π; pi; 3.14...
          anns                 four; 4
          annt                 five; 5
          annu                 six; 6
          annv                 seven; 7
          annw                 eight; 8
          annx                 nine; 9
          ano            tens; deca-; da-; 10¹
          anoX   [an8]                 number of tens
          anoo                 no ten; less than ten
          anop                 one ten
          anopX   [an8]                      number of units beside one ten  
          anopo                      10; ten
          anopp                      11; eleven
          anopq                      12; twelve
          anopr                      13; thirteen
          anops                      14; fourteen
          anopt                      15; fifteen
          anopu                      16; sixteen
          anopv                      17; seventeen
          anopw                      18; eighteen
          anopx                      19; nineteen
          anoq                 two tens
          anoqo                      20; twenty
          anoqp                      21
          anoqq                      22
          anoqr                      23
          anoqs                      24
          anoqt                      25
          anoqu                      26
          anoqv                      27
          anoqw                      28
          anoqx                      29
          anor                 three tens
          anos                 four tens
          anot                 five tens
          anou                 six tens
          anov                 seven tens
          anow                 eight tens
          anox                 nine tens
          anp            hundreds; hecto-; h-; 10²
          anpX   [an8]                 number of hundreds
          anpp                 one hundred
          anppq   ⋄                     one hundred and two tens
          anppqo   ⋄                          one hundred twenty; 120
          anpq                 two hundreds
          anpqo   ⋄                     two hundreds and zero tens
          anpqoo   ⋄                          200
          anpqooo   ⋄                               200.0
          anpqos   ⋄                          204
          anpqost   ⋄                               204.5
          anq            thousands; kilo-; K-; 10³
          anqp                 one thousand
          anr            tens of thousands; myria-; 104
          ans            hundreds of thousands; 105
          ant            millions; mega-; M-; 106
          anu            tens of millions; 107
          anv            hundreds of millions; 108
          anw            billions; giga-; G-; 109
          anx            more than billions; 10>9
          anxb                 tens of billions; 1010
          anxc                 hundreds of billions; 1011
          anxd                 trillions; tera-; T-; 1012
          anxg                 quadrillions; peta-; P-; 1015
          anxj                 quintillions; exa-; E-; 1018
          anxk                 1019
          anxl                 1020
          any            infinity; ∞
          aq       functions; equations  [calculus; analysis]  ≈ DDC 515  
          aq96   [an]                having values; range output
          aq98   [an]                at x =; domain input
          aqb            constants  
          aqc            real functions  [real analysis]
          aqd            integrals  [measure; integration]
          aqe            functions of a complex variable
          aqf            potential  [potential theory]
          aqg            several complex variables; analytic spaces
          aqh            special functions
          aqi            ordinary differential equations; ODEs
          aqj            partial differential equations; PDEs
          aqk            dynamical systems  [ergodic theory]  ↞ cp processes
          aql            difference equations; functional equations
          aqm            sequences; series; summability
          aqn            approximations; expansions
          aqo            sinusoidal basis functions  [Fourier analysis]
          aqo9t                      Fourier transform
          aqp            basic waves  [abstract harmonic analysis]
          aqq            integral transforms  [operational calculus]
          aqr            integral equations
          aqs            spaces of functions  [functional analysis]
          aqt            operators  [operator theory]
          aqv            variations  [calculus of variations; optimal control]
          at       algorithms  [numerical analysis]  ≈ DDC 518
          at98   [aq]                by equation
          at98i                      ordinal differential equations
          au       probabilities  [probability theory; statistics]  ≈ DDC 519
          au88   [an]                among sample size; n
          au96   [an8]                 value 0.
          au96t   ⋄                     0.5; 50%
          au98   [a]                of event
          aw       systems; wholes; networks  [general systems theory; cybernetics]  ≈ DDC 003
          aw2            in environment
          aw4            disorders
          aw5            system dynamics
          aw5e                 passive reaction
          aw5i                 active action
          aw5n                 change in attitude
          aw6            mechanicity
          aw6c                 reductionistic; mechanical
          aw6r                 emergent
          aw6y                 holistic
          aw7            organs; differentiated parts; sublevels  
          aw79                 constituents; interchangeable parts
          aw7i                 isolated organs; disintegrative levels
          aw7l                 links; ties; bonds  
          aw9            order states
          aw9d                 order
          aw9h                 chaos
          aw9m                 complexity
          aw9o                 organization
          awg            aggregates  
          awi            integrates  
          awi1   [51]                integration stages
          awi1e                      integrands
          awi1v                      disintegrands
          awi1x                      remains
          awl            levels  
          awl38   [a]                     emerging from; originated by; produced after; overformed on; depending on lower level  [dynamic ontology; process ontology]
          awl5m                      emergence
          awl6                 having emergent property
          awll                 layers; overformed levels; integrative levels
          awls                 strata; overbuilt levels  
          bWo  nature s.s.  [natural sciences]  ≈ DDC 500
          b  quantum fields  [quantum field theory; theory of everything; GUT]
          b088                  probability
          b088t   ⋄                     0,5
          b09n                 string theory
          b09p                 loop theory
          b340                 interacting with object
          b6        field property
          b6w            waves
          b8        quanta
          bg       gravitational field; quantum gravity; space  [general relativity; GR]
          bg6w                 gravitational waves
          blWn       electroweak interaction
          blWs       QCD-electroweak interaction; electrostrong interaction
          bl       electromagnetic field; electromagnetic interaction; EMR  [quantum electrodynamics; QED]
          bl6w                 electromagnetic waves
          bn       weak interaction; weak nuclear force  [quantum flavourdynamics; QFD]
          bs       strong interaction; strong nuclear force  [quantum chromodynamics; QCD]
          bzb  branes; p-branes (hypothetical)  [string theory; M-theory; brane cosmology]  ≈ DDC 539.7258
          bzbX        dimensionality  ↞ an quantities
          bzbb       pointlike branes; 0-branes
          bzbc       strings; 1-branes
          bzbd       membranes; 2-branes
          bzp  preons; prequarks; rishons (hypothetical)  [Harari rishon model]
          bzpt       T; third; tohu
          bzpv       V; vanishes; va-Vohu
          c  spacetime; space-time; events; pacha  [special relativity]  ↞ bg gravitational field alo groups   ≈ DDC 530.1  
          c088                  spin network probability
          c09n                 Big Bang theory
          c5   [X]       spatiotemporal transformation
          c6   [X]       spatiotemporal property
          c7   [X]       spatiotemporal element
          c8        spatiotemporal quanta; spin network
          c88             spatiotemporal curvature
          c9   [X]       spatiotemporal kind
          cY       present; here and now
          cYb            this; here proximal
          cYd            that; there distal
          cYt            that yonder
          cb       time  [chronology]
          cb81   [an]                lasting s duration
          cb90                 as compared with reference entity
          cbX   [an]            time years
          cbY            present, past and future
          cbYc                 the past
          cbYn                 now; present time  ↞ cbxprsvxw present day
          cbYu                 the future
          cbb            Big Bang time; Planck epoch
          cbs            hundreds of thousands years
          cbsrv                      Cosmic Dark Age beginning; 370;000 years
          cbv            hundreds of millions years
          cbvu                 Renaissance of the Universe; visible light domination beginning; 600 M years
          cbw            billions years
          cbwp                 Galaxy Epoch beginning; 1 G years
          cbws                 Hadean Eon; Nectarian Era; 4;500 to 4;000 Ma
          cbwu                 Acceleration; dark energy domination beginning; 6 G years
          cbwx                 Solar Era; Solar System formation time; 9 G years
          cbx            more than billions years
          cbxb                 tens of billions years
          cbxbp                      Archean Eon; origins of life and plate tectonics; 13.4 to 13.55 billion years; 4;000 Ma
          cbxbq                      Proterozoic; 2;500 to 500 Ma
          cbxpr                      13 billions years
          cbxprs                           Phanerozoic; 500 Ma to present
          cbxprsv                                13.7 billions years
          cbxprsvx                                     13.79 billions years
          cbxprsvxw                                     present day; 13.798 billions years  
          cc       space; extension  [geometry; algebraic geometry; topology]  ≈ DDC 514 516
          cc6   [X]            property
          cc7   [X]            element
          cc9   [X]            kind
          ccX            dimensions  ↞ ann units
          cca            points
          ccb            straight lines; one-dimensional space
          ccb7                  line element
          ccb7s                      segment
          ccb82   [an]                     long m length
          ccc            surfaces; two-dimensional space; 2D
          ccc6                  regularity
          ccc6c                      cyclic
          ccc6d                      equilateral
          ccc6e                      equiangle
          ccc6f                      isogonal; vertex-transitive
          ccc6g                      tangential
          ccc6h                      regular
          ccc7                  surface element
          ccc7c                      centroid
          ccc7g                      angles
          ccc7gi                           interior angles
          ccc7gx                           exterior angles
          ccc7r                      vertices; corners
          ccc7ra                           vertex A
          ccc7rb                           vertex B
          ccc7rc                           vertex C
          ccc7s                      edges; sides
          ccc7sa                           edge AB
          ccc7sc                           edge BC
          ccc82   [an]                     large m² area
          ccc9                  convexity
          ccc9aWn                      simple
          ccc9a                      concave
          ccc9n                      convex  [convex geometry; discrete geometry]
          ccc9s                      star-shaped
          ccc9t                      self-intersecting
          ccc9y                      complex
          cccX   [an]                 number of sides; edges
          cccb                 plane curves
          cccb98   [aq]                          with equation  [differential geometry; differential topology]
          cccb9m                           smooth
          cccbc                      circles
          cccbe                      ellipses
          cccbf                      parabolas; parabolae
          cccbh                      hyperbolas; hyperbolae
          cccc                 angles degrees  [trigonometry]
          cccc69                            trigonometric function
          cccc69b                                sine
          cccc69c                                cosine
          cccc69e                                tangent
          cccc69g                                cotangent
          cccc69h                                secant
          cccc69i                                cosecant
          cccc69l                                arcsine
          cccc69m                                arccosine
          cccc69n                                arctangent
          cccc69o                                arccotangent
          cccc69p                                arcsecant
          cccc69q                                arccosecant
          ccccb                      0 to 15 degrees
          ccccbb                           0 degrees
          ccccc                      15 to 30 degrees
          ccccd                      30 to 45 degrees
          cccce                      45 to 60 degrees
          ccccf                      60 to 75 degrees
          ccccg                      75 to 90 degrees
          cccch                      90 to 105 degrees
          cccchb                           right angle; 90°
          cccci                      105 to 120 degrees
          ccccj                      120 to 135 degrees
          cccck                      135 to 150 degrees
          ccccl                      150 to 165 degrees
          ccccm                      165 to 180 degrees
          ccccn                      180 to 195 degrees
          ccccnb                           straight angle; 180°
          cccco                      195 to 210 degrees
          ccccp                      210 to 225 degrees
          ccccq                      225 to 240 degrees
          ccccr                      240 to 255 degrees
          ccccs                      255 to 270 degrees
          cccct                      270 to 285 degrees
          ccccu                      285 to 300 degrees
          ccccv                      300 to 315 degrees
          ccccw                      315 to 330 degrees
          ccccx                      330 to 345 degrees
          ccccy                      345 to 360 degrees
          ccccyp                           round angle; full circle; 360°
          cccdWs                 polygons
          cccd                 triangles
          cccd6Em                                acute-angled
          cccd6En                                right-angled; rectangled
          cccd6Eo                                obtuse-angled
          cccde                      equilateral triangles  ↞ ccc6e equiangle
          cccdi                      isosceles triangles
          cccds                      scalene triangles
          ccce                 quadrangles; quadrilaterals; tetragons
          ccceU                      squares  ↞ cccetprs squares
          cccet                      trapeziums; trapezoids
          cccetp                           parallelograms
          cccetph                                rhombuses; lozanges; diamonds  ↞ ccc6d equilateral
          cccetpr                                rectangles  ↞ ccc6e equiangle
          cccetpro                                     oblongs
          cccetprs                                     squares  ↞ ccc6d equilateral
          cccf                 pentagons
          cccg                 hexagons
          ccch                 heptagons
          ccci                 octagons
          cccj                 enneagons; nonagons
          ccck                 decagons
          cccl                 hendecagons; undecagons
          cccm                 dodecagons; duodecagons
          cccn                 tridecagons; triskaidecagons
          ccco                 tetradecagons; tetrakaidecagons
          cccp                 pentadecagons; pentakaidecagons
          cccq                 hexadecagons; hexakaidecagons
          cccr                 heptadecagons; heptakaidecagons  
          cccs   [an]                polygons with more than 17 edges
          cccsoqo   ⋄                               icosagons
          ccd            solids; three-dimensional space; 3D
          ccd7                  solid element
          ccd7r                      solid vertices
          ccd7s                      solid edges
          ccd7t                      solid faces
          ccd7u                      solid surfaces
          ccd82   [an]                     amounting to m³; big/small size; volume
          ccd827   [an]                          wide m width
          ccd8277   [an]                               high m height
          ccd8278   [an]                               deep m depth
          ccdU                 cubes  ↞ ccdhfpc cubes
          ccdh                 polyhedra; polyhedrons
          ccdhd                      tetrahedra; tetrahedrons; triangular pyramids
          ccdhe                      pentahedra; pentahedrons
          ccdhf                      hexahedra; hexahedrons
          ccdhfp                           parallelepipeds
          ccdhfpc                                cubes
          ccdy                 spheres
          ccdyau                           spherical surfaces
          cce            four-dimensional space; tetradimensional space
          cp       processes; occurrents; changes  [dynamics]  
          cp5            becoming; changing into
          cpc            continuants; objects; things
          cpe            states; properties  ↞ ae8c binary
          cpo            continued events; durative events
          cpoc                 stochastic changes  
          cpoh                 homeostasis; negative feedbacks; previous equilibria  
          cpol                 cycles; oscillations; repetition; periodicity
          cpon                 attractions; moves to attractor; new equilibrium
          cpop                 positive feedbacks  
          cpv            events; concluded events; done perfect  
          dWj  matter
          d  particles; wave-particles; wavicles; quantons  [quantum physics; high energy physics; particle ph.]  ↞ b quantum fields c spacetime   ≈ DDC 539.7
          d088                  position probability
          d34   [d]           entangled with entangled particle
          d340                 interacting with object
          d340dte   ⋄                               electron
          d38   [b]           by fundamental interaction; fundamental force
          d38g                 gravitational force
          d38l                 electromagnetic force
          d5       emitting; transmitting radiation  ↞ bl6w electromagnetic waves   ≈ DDC 539
          d58   [an]            brightness; intensity; amplitude  
          d59             electromagnetic component
          d59e                 electric field
          d59m                 magnetic field
          d5bWg            ionizing radiation
          d5c            alpha radiation  ↞ dv hadrons
          d5e            beta radiation  ↞ dte electrons
          d5hWy            non-ionizing radiation
          d5l            electromagnetic radiation  [electromagnetism]  ↞ dgp photons
          d5lX                  electromagnetic radiation by frequency; wavelength
          d5lc                 gamma rays
          d5lh                 X-rays
          d5lj                 ultraviolet rays
          d5ll                 visible light; colours; colors  [optics]
          d5llb                      black
          d5llc                      violet
          d5lle                      blue
          d5llg                      cyan
          d5lli                      green
          d5lll                      yellow
          d5llo                      orange
          d5llr                      red
          d5lly                      white
          d5ln                 infrared rays; infrared radiation
          d5lr                 radio waves
          d5lrc                      extremely high frequency; EHF
          d5lre                      super high frequency; SHF
          d5lrg                      ultra high frequency; UHF
          d5lri                      very high frequency; VHF
          d5lrk                      high frequency; HF
          d5lrm                      medium frequency; MF
          d5lro                      low frequency; LF
          d5lrq                      very low frequency; VLF
          d5lrs                      ultra low frequency; ULF
          d5lru                      super low frequency; SLF
          d5lrw                      extremely low frequency; ELF
          d5n            neutron radiation  ↞ dvu neutrons
          d5t            thermal radiation; black-body radiation
          d6        energy
          d65   [d6]           transforming into new energy form
          d6g            gravitational energy  ↞ bg gravitational field
          d6i            radiant energy  ↞ bl electromagnetic field
          d6l            electric energy  ↞ bl electromagnetic field
          d6lb                 electrostatic energy
          d6le                 electricity  ≈ DDC 537
          d6lm                 magnetic energy  ≈ DDC 538
          d6lt                 electromagnetic energy
          d6n            nuclear energy  ↞ dv hadrons
          d6q            chemical energy  ↞ e atoms
          d6s            mechanic energy  ↞ g bulk matter
          d6sk                 kinetic energy
          d6sp                 elastic potential energy
          d6ss                 surface energy
          d6su                 sound energy  ↞ g5n sound
          d6t            thermal energy  ↞ g5h heat
          d70            made of constituent
          d70dq   ⋄                     quark
          d8        quanta  ↞ b8 
          d81   [an]           lasting s average lifetime
          d858   [an]                 speed m/s
          d858vr                           c; 300K, light speed
          d9        particle statistics
          d96   [an89]           with spin
          d969   [an]                with isospin; isotopic spin; isobaric spin
          d96b                 negative spin
          d96m                 positive spin
          d98   [an89]           with charge
          d98b                 negative charge
          d98c                 null charge
          d98m                 positive charge
          d9b            bosons; Bose–Einstein statistics; integer spin
          d9f            fermions; Fermi–Dirac statistics; half-integer spin
          dgWi       elementary bosons  ↞ d9b bosons
          dg       gauge bosons
          dgg            gluons; g
          dgp            photons; γ
          dgw            W+ bosons
          dgx            W- bosons
          dgy            Z0 bosons
          dh       Higgs bosons; H
          di       gravitons (hypothetical)
          dqWt       elementary fermions; matter and antimatter  ↞ d9f fermions
          dq       quarks
          dqc            up quarks; u
          dqd            down quarks; d
          dqg            strange quarks; s
          dqh            charme quarks; c
          dqt            top quarks; truth quarks; t
          dqu            bottom quarks; beauty quarks; b
          dt       leptons
          dte            electrons; e-
          dtf            positrons; e+; β+
          dtm            muons; μ
          dtt            taus; τ
          dtu            neutrinos; neutral leptons; ν
          dtue                 electron neutrinos
          dtum                 muon neutrinos
          dtut                 tau neutrinos
          dv       hadrons  ↞ dq quarks dafs 
          dvm            mesons
          dvmj                 psions; J/Psi mesons; J/ψ
          dvmk                 kaons; K mesons; K
          dvmp                 pions; π
          dvsWy            baryons; nucleons  [nuclear physics]
          dvt            protons; p; N  ↞ dqc up quarks dqd down quarks
          dvu            neutrons; n  ↞ dqc up quarks dqd down quarks
          e  atoms; chemical elements  [atomic physics]  ↞ dte electrons dv hadrons   ≈ DDC 541
          e5        atomic reaction
          e5i            nuclear fission
          e5u            nuclear fusion
          e66   [d9]            statistics
          e66b                 boson
          e66f                 fermion
          e7        orbitals; electronic clouds  ↞ dte electrons   ≈ DDC 539
          e7X             principal quantum number; n
          e7XX                  azimuthal quantum number; angular momentum; l
          e7XXX                       magnetic quantum number; orientation; m
          e7XXXX                            spin quantum number; s
          e7XXXXm                                s=-1/2
          e7XXXXp                                s=+1/2
          e7XXXm                           -1/2
          e7XXXp                           +1/2
          e7XXk                      -4
          e7XXl                      -3
          e7XXm                      -2
          e7XXn                      -1
          e7XXo                      0
          e7XXp                      +1
          e7XXq                      +2
          e7XXr                      +3
          e7XXs                      +4
          e7Xb                 s orbitals; sharp; l=0
          e7Xc                 p orbitals; principal; l=1
          e7Xd                 d orbitals; diffuse; l=2
          e7Xf                 f orbitals; fundamental; l=3
          e7Xg                 g orbitals; l=4
          e7Xh                 h orbitals; l=5
          e7Xi                 i orbitals; l=6
          e7a            nucleus; nuclide  ↞ dv hadrons   ≈ DDC 539
          e7b            level 1 orbitals; n=1
          e7bb                 1s subshell
          e7c            level 2 orbitals; n=2
          e7cb                 2s subshell
          e7cc                 2p subshell
          e7ccn                      m=-1
          e7cco                      m=0
          e7ccp                      m=+1
          e7d            level 3 orbitals; n=3
          e7e            level 4 orbitals; n=4
          e7f            level 5 orbitals; n=5
          e7g            level 6 orbitals; n=6
          e7h            level 7 orbitals; n=7
          e83   [an]            atomic mass
          e836   [an]                weighing standard atomic weight; relative atomic mass; Ar
          e837   [an]                dense g/cm3 density
          e838   [an]                 atomic number; Z  ↞ dvt protons
          e838ops   ⋄                               14
          e85   [an]           with A; ampere electric current; I  ↞ d6l electric energy
          e98   [an8]            charge; ionization; ion
          e985   [an]                conducing S/m electrical conductivity ; σ
          e988   [an8]                with electronegativity in Pauling scale
          e988ppo   ⋄                               2.20
          e98k                 ---; -3
          e98l                 --; -2
          e98m                 -
          e98p                 +
          e98q                 ++; +2
          e98r                 +++; +3
          eU       metals  ↞ eXbWo metals
          eX       periods
          eXX            groups; families
          eXXX                 isotopes
          eXbWo            metals
          eXb            alkali metals; group 1 elements
          eXc            alkaline earth metals; group 2 elements
          eXdWm            transition metals
          eXd            group 3 elements
          eXe            group 4 elements
          eXf            group 5 elements
          eXg            group 6 elements
          eXh            group 7 elements
          eXi            group 8 elements
          eXj            group 9 elements
          eXk            group 10 elements
          eXl            group 11 elements
          eXm            group 12 elements
          eXn            boron group; group 13; 3 elements
          eXo            carbon group; group 14; 4 elements
          eXpWs            nonmetals
          eXp            nitrogen group; group 15; 5 elements
          eXq            chalcogens; group 6; 16 elements
          eXr            halogens; group 17; 7 elements
          eXs            noble gases; group 18; 8; 0 elements
          eb       period 1 elements
          ebXX                 period 1 isotopes
          ebb            hydrogen; H  ↞ dt87nb dle87nb 
          ebb98p                           H+
          ebbb                 protium; 1H
          ebbc                 deuterium; 2H
          ebbd                 tritium; 3H
          ebs            helium; He
          ebsd                 helium-3; 3He
          ebse                 helium-4; 4He
          ec       period 2 elements
          ecXX                 period 2 isotopes
          ecb            lythium; Li
          ecb98p                           Li+
          ecc            beryllium; Be
          ecn            boron; B
          eco            carbon; C
          eco98k                           C----
          eco98s                           C++++
          ecoc                 carbon-12; 12C
          ecod                 carbon-13; 13C
          ecoe                 carbon-14; 14C
          ecp            nitrogen; N
          ecp98k                           N---
          ecp98l                           N--
          ecp98m                           N-
          ecpf                 nitrogen-15; 15N
          ecq            oxygen; O
          ecq98l                           O--
          ecq98m                           O-
          ecr            fluorine; F
          ecr98m                           F-
          ecs            neon; Ne
          ed       period 3 elements
          edb            sodium; Na
          edb98p                           Na+
          edc            magnesium; Mg
          edc98p                           Mg+
          edc98q                           Mg++
          edn            aluminium; aluminum; Al
          edn98q                           Al++
          edn98r                           Al+++
          edo            silicon; Si
          edo98j                           Si----
          edo98s                           Si++++
          edp            phosphorus; P
          edp98k                           P---
          edpb                 phosphorus-31; 31P
          edq            sulfur; sulphur; S
          edq98l                           S--
          edq98m                           S-
          edr            chlorine; Cl
          edr98m                           Cl-
          eds            argon; Ar
          ee       period 4 elements
          eeb            potassium; K
          eeb98p                           K+
          eebk                 potassium-40; 40K
          eec            calcium; Ca
          eec98p                           Ca+
          eec98q                           Ca++
          eed            scandium; Sc
          eee            titanium; Ti
          eef            vanadium; V
          eeg            chromium; Cr
          eeh            manganese; Mn
          eeh98q                           Mn++
          eei            iron; Fe
          eei98q                           Fe++
          eei98r                           Fe+++
          eeih                 iron-57; 57Fe
          eej            cobalt; Co
          eek            nickel; Ni
          eel            copper; Cu
          eel98q                           Cu++
          eem            zinc; Zn
          een            gallium; Ga
          eeo            germanium; Ge
          eep            arsenic; As
          eeq            selenium; Se
          eer            bromine; Br
          ees            krypton; Kr
          ef       period 5 elements
          efb            rubidium; Rb
          efc            strontium; Sr
          efd            yttrium; Y
          efe            zirconium; Zr
          eff            niobium; Nb
          efg            molybdenum; Mo
          efh            technetium; Tc
          efi            ruthenium; Ru
          efj            rhodium; Rh
          efk            palladium; Pd
          efl            silver; Ag
          efm            cadmium; Cd
          efn            indium; In
          efo            tin; Sn
          efp            antimony; Sb
          efq            tellurium; Te
          efr            iodine; I
          efs            xenon; Xe
          eg       period 6 elements
          egb            caesium; Cs
          egc            barium; Ba
          egcz       lanthanoids
          egczb            lanthanum; La
          egczc            cerium; Ce
          egczd            praseodymium; Pr
          egcze            neodymium; Nd
          egczf            promethium; Pm
          egczg            samarium; Sm
          egczh            europium; Eu
          egczi            gadolinium; Gd
          egczj            terbium; Tb
          egczk            dysprosium; Dy
          egczl            holmium; Ho
          egczm            erbium; Er
          egczn            thulium; Tm
          egczo            ytterbium; Yb
          egd            lutetium; Lu
          ege            hafnium; Hf
          egf            tantalum; Ta
          egg            tungsten; W
          egh            rhenium; Re
          egi            osmium; Os
          egj            iridium; Ir
          egk            platinum; Pt
          egl            gold; Au
          egm            mercury; Hg
          egn            thallium; Tl
          ego            lead; Pb
          egp            bismuth; Bi
          egq            polonium; Po
          egr            astatine; At
          egs            radon; Rn
          eh       period 7 elements
          ehb            francium; Fr
          ehc            radium; Ra
          ehcz       actinoids
          ehczb            actinium; Ac
          ehczbf                 actinium-230; 230Ac
          ehczc            thorium; Th
          ehczcf                 thorium-230; 230Th
          ehczcg                 thorium-231; 231Th
          ehczd            protactinium; Pa
          ehcze            uranium; U
          ehczef                 uranium-235; 235U
          ehczej                 uranium-239; 239U
          ehczf            neptunium; Np
          ehczg            plutonium; Pu
          ehczh            americium; Am
          ehczi            curium; Cm
          ehczj            berkelium; Bk
          ehczk            californium; Cf
          ehczl            einsteinium; Es
          ehczm            fermium; Fm
          ehczn            mendelevium; Md
          ehczo            nobelium; No
          ehd            lawrencium; Lr
          ehe            ruthefordium; Rf
          ehf            dubnium; Db
          ehg            seaborgium; Sg
          ehh            bohrium; Bh
          ehi            hassium; Hs
          ehj            meitnerium; Mt
          ehk            darmstadtium; Ds
          ehl            roentgenium; Rg
          ehm            copernicium; Cn
          ehn            ununtrium; Uut
          eho            flerovium; Fl
          ehp            ununpentium; Uup
          ehq            livermorium; Lv
          ehr            ununseptium; Uus
          ehs            ununoctium; Uuo
          f  molecules; chemical substances; pure substances  [chemistry; molecular physics]  ↞ e atoms   ≈ DDC 540
          f25   [f]           in milieu
          f3       by bond
          f36   [f]           giving by-product
          f37   [f]           by catalyst
          f38   [f]           from reactant
          f3c            covalent bond
          f3f            ionic bond
          f3h            hydrogen bonding  ↞ ebb hydrogen
          f3n            Van der Waals bond
          f48   [an]           needing kJ/mol potential barrier; energy barrier; activation energy Ea
          f5        reaction  [stoichiometry; chemical kinetics]
          f52   [an]            reactivity
          f526   [an]                 solubility  ↞ fU water
          f55   [an]           boiling at K boiling point  ↞ gg gases gl liquids
          f556   [an]                melting at K melting point  ↞ gl liquids gs solids
          f55pqvr   ⋄                               273
          f55prvr   ⋄                               373
          f57   [an]            rate of reaction
          f57c                 equilibrium
          f58   [an]           J; joule enthalpy change; ΔH; heat of reaction
          f59             reaction type
          f59d                 endothermic
          f59h                 photochemical  [photochemistry]  ↞ d5ll visible light
          f59s                 exothermic
          f59x                 explosive
          f5b            synthesis
          f5d            decomposition
          f5f            single replacement
          f5g            double replacement
          f5i            reduction-oxidation; redox  ↞ ecq oxygen
          f5ic                 combustion; burning
          f5ie                 electrochemical reaction
          f5l            complexation  ↞ fgc classical complexes
          f5ll                 ligand exchange
          f5n            acid-base reaction  [Brønsted-Lowry acid-base theory]
          f5nn                 neutralization
          f5p            precipitation
          f5qWy            organic reaction
          f5s            substitution
          f5se                 electrophilic substitution
          f5sn                 nucleophilic substitution
          f5snb                      SN1
          f5snc                      SN2
          f5sr                 radical substitution
          f5u            addition
          f5ue                 electrophilic addition
          f5un                 nucleophilic addition
          f5ur                 radical addition
          f5v            elimination
          f5w            rearrangement
          f5wh                 hydride shift
          f5wi                 sigmatropic reaction
          f5wp                 pericyclic reaction
          f65   [g]            aggregation state
          f65g                 gaseous
          f65l                 liquid
          f65s                 solid
          f65x                 crystalline
          f66   [d9]            statistics
          f66b                 boson
          f66f                 fermion
          f7   [X]       molecular structure
          f77   [e]           made up of chemical element
          f83   [an]           weighing molecular weight
          f837   [an]                dense g/cm3 density
          f86   [an89]           quantity
          f88   [an]           mmol
          f9   [X]       kind
          f96   [an89]            acidity
          f968   [an]                 ph
          f968no                           0
          f968nv                           7
          f968os                           14
          f96f                 acid
          f96i                 neutral
          f96m                 amphoteric
          f96x                 base; basic; alkaline
          f97   [f]           formed with radical; functional group
          f98   [an8]            ionization
          f98k                 -3; ---
          f98l                 -2; --
          f98m                 -1; -
          f98o                 0
          f98p                 +1; +
          f98q                 +2; ++
          f98r                 +3; +++
          fU   [febb]      water; H2O
          fU65g                      steam
          fU65l                      liquid water
          fU65x                      ice
          fb       pure substances
          fb77bb                           molecular hydrogen; H2
          fb77cp                           molecular nitrogen; N2
          fcWe       inorganic compounds  [inorganic chemistry]  ≈ DDC 546
          fcWy       chemical compounds; complex substances
          fc       mineral acids; inorganic acids  ↞ ebb hydrogen f99f 
          fc78   [ann]                 chemical characteristic
          fc78p                      monoprotic acid
          fc78q                      diprotic acid
          fc78r                      triprotic acid
          fc9s                 strong acid
          fc9w                 weak acid
          fccWf            hydrogen halides  ↞ eXr halogens
          fcc            hydrofluoric acid; HF  ↞ ecr fluorine
          fcd            hydrochloric acid; HCl  ↞ edr chlorine
          fce            hydrobromic acid; HBr  ↞ eer bromine
          fcf            hydroiodic acid; HI  ↞ efr iodine
          fcm            nitric acid; HNO3  ↞ ecp nitrogen
          fcn            nitrous acid; HNO2  ↞ ecp nitrogen
          fco            halogen oxoacids  ↞ eXr halogens
          fcp            phosphoric acid; H3PO4  ↞ edp phosphorus
          fcq            sulfuric acid; sulphuric acid; oil of vitriol; H2SO4  ↞ edq sulfur
          fcr            fluorosulfuric acid; HSO3F  ↞ ecr fluorine edq sulfur
          fd       bases  ↞ f99x 
          fd9s                 strong base
          fd9w                 weak base
          fdd            ammonia; azane; NH3  ↞ ecp nitrogen
          fdh            hydroxides
          fdh98m                           hydroxide ion; OH-
          fdhc                 lithium hydroxide; LiOH  ↞ ecb lythium
          fdhd                 sodium hydroxide; NaOH  ↞ edb sodium
          fdhm                 magnesium hydroxide; Mg(OH)2  ↞ edc magnesium
          fe       oxides  ↞ ecq oxygen
          feb            hydrogen oxides  ↞ ebb hydrogen
          febb                 hydrogen oxide; water; H2O
          febc                 hydrogen peroxide; H2O2; dihydrogen dioxide; dioxidane
          fec            carbon oxides  ↞ eco carbon
          fecb                 carbon monoxide; CO
          fecc                 carbon dioxide; carbonic acid gas; carbonic anhydride; arbonic oxide; CO2
          fecc65s                                dry ice
          fed            nitrogen oxides; NOx  ↞ ecp nitrogen
          fedb                 nitric oxide; nitrogen monoxide; NO
          fedc                 nitrogen dioxide; NO2
          fedd                 nitrous oxide; nitrous; laughing gas; sweet air; N2O
          fee            lithium oxide; lithia; Li2O  ↞ ecb lythium
          fef            sodium oxide; Na2O  ↞ edb sodium
          feg            magnesium oxide; magnesia; MgO  ↞ edc magnesium
          feh            aluminium oxides  ↞ edn aluminium
          fehd                 aluminium oxide; alumina; aloxide; aloxite; alundum; Al2O3
          fei            silicon oxides  ↞ edo silicon
          feic                 silicon dioxide; silica; SiO2
          fek            potassium oxide; potash; K2O  ↞ eeb potassium
          fel            calcium oxides  ↞ eec calcium
          felb                 calcium oxide; quicklime; burnt lime; CaO
          fen            manganese oxides  ↞ eeh manganese
          fer            iron oxides; rust  ↞ eei iron
          ferd                 iron(III) oxide; ferric oxide; Fe2O3
          fere                 iron(II,III) oxide; Fe3O4
          fev            copper oxides  ↞ eel copper
          fevb                 copper(I) oxide; cuprous oxide; Cu2O
          fevc                 copper(II) oxide ; cupric oxide; CuO
          fevd                 copper peroxide; CuO2
          feve                 copper(III) oxide; Cu2O3
          few            zinc oxide; ZnO  ↞ eem zinc
          ff       salts
          ffcWf            halides  ↞ eXr halogens
          ffc            fluorides  ↞ ecr fluorine
          ffd            chlorides  ↞ edr chlorine
          ffdd                 sodium chloride; common salt; saline; table salt; regular salt; sea salt; NaCl
          ffdk                 potassium chloride; muriate of potash; KCl
          ffdl                 calcium chloride; CaCl2
          ffdm                 magnesium chloride; MgCl2
          ffe            bromides  ↞ eer bromine
          fff            iodides  ↞ efr iodine
          ffk            carbonates  ↞ eco carbon
          ffk98l                           carbonate ion; CO3--
          ffkf                 sodium carbonate; Na2CO3
          ffkg                 magnesium carbonate; magnesia alba; MgCO3
          ffkl                 calcium carbonate; CaCO3
          ffm            nitrates  ↞ ecp nitrogen
          ffm98m                           nitrate ion; NO3-
          ffmf                 sodium nitrate; Peru saltpeter; soda niter; cubic niter; NaNO3
          ffn            nitrites  ↞ ecp nitrogen
          ffn98l                           nitrite ion; NO2-
          ffp            phosphates  ↞ edp phosphorus
          ffp98k                           phosphate ion; PO4---
          ffq            sulfates  ↞ edq sulfur
          ffq98l                           sulfate ion; SO4--
          fg       complexes; coordination compounds
          fgc            classical complexes; Werner complexes
          fgo            organometallic compounds
          fgs            cluster compounds
          fgv            bioinorganic compounds
          fgzt       transition metal compounds
          fhWu       organic compounds  [organic chemistry]  ≈ DDC 547
          fh       hydrocarbons  ↞ eco carbon ebb hydrogen
          fhcWd            saturated hydrocarbons
          fhcWh            aliphatic hydrocarbons; acyclic hydrocarbons
          fhc            alkanes; paraffins
          fhcb                 methane; CH4
          fhcc                 ethane; C2H6
          fhcd                 propane; C3H8
          fhce                 butanes; C4H10
          fhceb                      n-butane
          fhcec                      isobutane; methylpropane
          fhcf                 pentanes; C5H12
          fhcfb                      n-pentane
          fhcfc                      isopentane; methylbutane
          fhcfd                      neopentane; dimethylpropane
          fhcg                 hexanes; C6H14
          fhch                 heptanes; C7H16
          fhci                 octanes; C8H18
          fhd            cycloalkanes; cyclic alkanes; naphthenes
          fhdd                 cyclopropane
          fhde                 cyclobutane
          fhdf                 cyclopentane
          fheWf            unsaturated hydrocarbons
          fhe            alkenes; olefins
          fhe9i                      vinyl group; ethenyl; -CH=CH2
          fhe9l                      allyl group; -CH2-CH=CH2
          fhec                 ethylene; ethene; C2H4
          fhf            dienes; diolefins
          fhg            alkynes; acetylenes
          fhgc                 acetylene; ethyne; C2H2
          fhm            annulenes; conjugated monocyclic hydrocarbons
          fhme                 cyclobutadiene
          fhmg                 benzene; benzol; C6H6
          fhmg98m                                phenyl group; phenyl ring
          fhmi                 cyclooctatetraene
          fhp            polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; polyaromatic hydrocarbons; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; PAHs
          fhpk                 naphthalene; C10H8
          fi       alcohols
          fib            monohydric alcohols
          fibb                 methanol; methyl alcohol; Columbian spirits; wood alcohol; CH3OH
          fibc                 ethanol; alcohol; ethyl alcohol; drinking alcohol; Cologne spirit; C2H5OH
          fibd                 propanol; propan-2-ol; isopropyl alcohol; rubbing alcohol
          fibe                 butanol; butan-1-ol; butyl alcohol
          fibf                 pentanol; pentan-1-ol; amyl alcohol
          fibq                 cetyl alcohol; hexadecan-1-ol
          fic            diols
          ficc                 ethylene glycol; ethane-1;2-diol
          ficd                 propylene glycol; propane-1;2-diol
          fid            triols
          fidd                 glycerol; glycerine; propanetriol; propane-1;2;3-triol
          fie            tetraols
          fiee                 erythritol; treitol; butane-1;2;3;4-tetraol
          fif            pentols
          fiff                 xylitol; pentane-1;2;3;4;5-pentol
          fig            hexols
          figg                 sorbitol; mannitol; hexane-1;2;3;4;5;6-hexol
          fih            heptols
          fihh                 volemitol; heptane-1;2;3;4;5;6;7-heptol
          fiu            unsaturated aliphatic alcohols
          fiud                 allyl alcohol; prop-2-ene-1-ol
          fiuk                 geraniol; 3;7-dimethylocta-2;6-dien-1-ol
          fiw            alicyclic alcohols
          fiwg                 inositol; cyclohexane-1;2;3;4;5;6-hexol
          fiwk                 menthol; peppermint camphor; 2-(2-propyl)-5-methyl-cyclohexane-1-ol
          fj       aldehydes; alkanals
          fj98m                      aldehyde carbonyl
          fjb            formaldehyde; methanal; CH2O
          fje            butyraldehyde; butanal
          fk       ketones; alkanones
          fkd            acetone; propanone; (CH3)2CO
          fkze       ethers
          fl       carboxylic acids; fatty acids  ↞ fc mineral acids ebb hydrogen
          fl98m                      carboxyls
          flb            formic acid; methanoic acid
          flc            acetic acid; CH3COOH
          fld            propionic acid; propanoic acid
          fle            butyric acid; butanoic acid
          flf            valeric acid; pentanoic acid
          fls            stearic acid; octadecanoic acid
          fly            alpha hydroxy acids; AHAs
          flyb                 glycolic acid; hydroacetic acid; hydroxyacetic acid
          flyc                 lactic acid; milk acid
          flyd                 malic acid
          flye                 tartaric acid; racemic acid; uvic acid
          flyf                 citric acid
          fm       esters
          fm98m                      O-alkyl groups; alkoxy
          fn       amines
          fnd            trimethylamine; TMA; N(CH3)3
          fng            aniline; C6H5NH2
          fno            amino acids
          fnoU                 proteinogenic amino acids
          fnoUb                      alanine; Ala; A
          fnoUc                      cysteine; Cys; C
          fnoUd                      aspartic acid; Asp; D
          fnoUe                      glutamic acid; Glu; E
          fnoUf                      phenylalanine; Phe; F
          fnoUg                      glycine; Gly; G
          fnoUh                      histidine; His; H
          fnoUi                      isoleucine; Ile; I
          fnoUk                      lysine; Lys; K
          fnoUl                      leucine; Leu; L
          fnoUm                      methionine; Met; M
          fnoUn                      asparagine; Asn; N
          fnoUp                      proline; Pro; P
          fnoUq                      glutamine; Gln; Q
          fnoUr                      arginine; Arg; R
          fnoUs                      serine; Ser; S
          fnoUt                      threonine; Thr; T
          fnoUv                      valine; Val; V
          fnoUw                      tryptophan; Trp; W
          fnoUy                      tyrosine; Tyr; Y
          fo       carbohydrates; saccharides
          fo9j                 aldoses
          fo9k                 ketoses
          focWj            monosaccharides; simple sugars
          foc            trioses
          fod            tetroses
          foe            pentoses
          foei                 ribose
          fof            hexoses
          foff                 glucose
          fofl                 galactose
          fofr                 fructose
          fog            heptoses
          fok            disaccharides; double sugars; bioses
          fokm                 maltose
          foo            oligosaccharides
          fop            polysaccharides
          fopc                 starch
          fopg                 glycogen
          fopi                 arabinoxylans
          fopl                 cellulose
          fopn                 chitin
          fopp                 pectins
          fp       lipids; fats
          fpg            glycerids
          fph            sphingolipids
          fps            sterols
          fpt            prenols including terpenoids
          fpw            waxes
          fpy            polyketides
          fq       nucleotides
          fqc            cytosine; C
          fqg            guanine; G
          fqn            adenine; A
          fqt            thymine; T
          fqu            uracil; U
          ft       proteins  ↞ fno amino acids
          ft5Cd                      degradation
          ft5b                 synthesis
          ft7             protein structure; folding
          ft7b                 protein primary structures
          ft7c                 protein secondary structures
          ft7d                 protein tertiary structures
          ft7e                 protein quaternary structures; subunits
          ft9s                 structural proteins
          ft9y                 enzymes
          ftU            common proteins
          ftUdWl                 enzymes  ↞ ftay 
          ftUd                 oxidoreductases
          ftUf                 transferases
          ftUh                 hydrolases
          ftUi                 lyases
          ftUj                 isomerases
          ftUl                 ligases
          ftUmWp                 cell signaling and ligand binding proteins
          ftUm                 transmembrane proteins
          ftUn                 insulin
          ftUo                 antibodies
          ftUp                 haemoglobin
          ftUqWt                 structural proteins  ↞ ftau 
          ftUq                 collagen
          ftUr                 keratin
          ftUs                 myosin
          ftUt                 actin
          ftX            protein fold classes
          ftb            all alpha proteins domains consisting of α-helices
          ftbzb            all beta proteins domains consisting of β-sheets
          ftc            alpha and beta proteins (a/b) mainly parallel beta sheets
          ftd            alpha and beta proteins (a+b) mainly antiparallel beta sheets
          fte            multi-domain proteins
          ftf            membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides
          ftg            small proteins
          fth            coiled-coil proteins
          fti            low resolution protein structures
          ftj            peptides
          ftk            designed proteins
          fu       nucleic acids  ↞ fq nucleotides
          fur            RNA; ribonucleic acid
          fus            DNA; deoxyribonucleic acid
          fx       solid state compounds  ↞ gsx 
          g  bulk matter; states of matter; phases; continuum bodies; macroscopical physical systems  [classical mechanics]  ↞ f molecules   ≈ DDC 530.4 530 531
          g18   [an]           at time t
          g237   [j7]                from direction
          g28   [an]           at spatial coordinate x
          g287   [an]                at spatial coordinate z
          g288   [an]                at spatial coordinate y
          g38   [d3]           subjected to kind of force  [dynamics]
          g382   [an]                at Pa; pascal pressure; P
          g383   [an]                subjected to N; newtons force  ↞ d93 
          g385   [an]                performing J; joule work
          g388   [h5]                 potential energy; motion
          g5        transmission; propagation
          g52             speed; rapidity
          g525                  acceleration
          g5258   [an]                     accelerating at m/s2 acceleration
          g525b                      slowing
          g525c                      constant velocity
          g525m                      fastening
          g525v                      exponentially fastening
          g528   [an]                 velocity m/s  ↞ g7825 
          g52c                 still
          g52f                 slow
          g52u                 fast; quick
          g55   [g]           transitioning to new phase
          g58   [an]           of dB; decibels intensity
          g59n                 noises
          g59o                 tones
          g5h            heat; thermal energy transfer  [kinetic theory]  ↞ d particles   ≈ DDC 536
          g5hd                 radiation
          g5hu                 conduction
          g5hv                 convection
          g5n            sound; vibration; mechanical waves  [acoustics]  ≈ DDC 534
          g5n30v                           technologically-produced
          g5nU   [g5noWq]                audible sounds
          g5nX   [an]                 frequency; pitch Hz
          g5nn                 infrasounds; 1 to 10 hertz
          g5no                 low sounds; 10 to 100 hertz
          g5np                 medium sounds; 100 to 1000 hertz
          g5nq                 high sounds; 1 to 10 kilohertz
          g5nr                 ultrasounds; 10 to 100 kilohertz
          g6   [X]       special property
          g64   [an]            entropy  
          g65   [ann]           of hardness in Mohs scale
          g65p                 1; talc hardness
          g65q                 2; gypsum hardness
          g65r                 3; calcite hardness
          g65s                 4; fluorite hardness
          g65t                 5; apatite hardness
          g65u                 6; orthoclase feldspar hardness
          g65v                 7; quartz hardness  ↞ gtstb quartz
          g65w                 8; topaz hardness
          g65x                 9; corundum hardness
          g65y                 10; diamond hardness
          g66   [an89]            temperature
          g665   [an89]                 temperature change
          g665f                      chilling; becoming colder
          g665u                      warming
          g668   [an]                 temperature K
          g668pqvr                                     273; 0° C
          g668proo   ⋄                                    300; 27° C
          g668prvr                                     373; 100° C
          g66e                 freezing; icy
          g66f                 cold; cool
          g66i                 tepid
          g66u                 warm
          g66v                 hot
          g7        special part
          g77   [e]           made up of chemical element
          g78   [an89]            complexity degree
          g78f                 pure; simple substance
          g78u                 mixture
          g8        colour  
          g81             duration; average life
          g818   [an]                 duration s
          g81f                 brief
          g81u                 lasting
          g82             size
          g825   [an89]                 growth rate
          g825f                      lessening; dwindling
          g825u                      expanding; increasing
          g827   [an89]                 length
          g8277   [an89]                      height
          g8277f                           low; short
          g8277u                           high; tall
          g8278   [an]                      length m
          g8279   [an89]                      width
          g8279f                           narrow
          g8279u                           wide
          g827f                      short
          g827u                      long
          g828   [an]                 volume m3
          g829   [an89]                 area
          g82e                 very small
          g82f                 small
          g82i                 middle size
          g82u                 big
          g82v                 huge
          g83   [an89]            mass; weight
          g837   [an89]                 density; ρ
          g838   [an]                 mass Kg
          g83f                 light
          g83u                 heavy
          g8X            hue; rainbow; colour; wavelength; frequency  ↞ d5ll visible light
          g8XX                 luminosity; value; lightness
          g8XXX                      saturation; chroma
          g8XXg                      light
          g8XXs                      strong
          g8XXv                      vivid
          g8Xa                 blackish
          g8Xg                 dark
          g8Xm                 grayish; greyish
          g8Xs                 pale
          g8Xy                 whitish
          g8c            red
          g8cs                 pink
          g8d            reddish orange
          g8e            orange
          g8eg                 brown
          g8egs                      tan
          g8f            orange yellow
          g8g            yellow
          g8h            greenish yellow
          g8i            green-yellow
          g8j            yellowish green
          g8jg                 olive
          g8k            green
          g8kg                 dark green
          g8ks                 pale green
          g8l            bluish green
          g8m            cyan; teal; blue-green
          g8n            azure; greenish blue
          g8o            blue
          g8p            purplish blue
          g8q            purple-blue
          g8s            purple; violet
          g8sXs                      lavender
          g8t            reddish purple
          g8u            red-purple
          g8v            purplish red; magenta; fuchsia
          g8y            achromatic colour; black and white
          g8ya                 black
          g8yg                 dark grey
          g8ym                 gray; grey
          g8ys                 light grey
          g8yy                 white
          g96   [g]           as medium for dispersed phase; dissolved phase
          g97   [f]           made up of chemical substance
          gXXi                 solutions
          gXXo                 colloids
          gXXu                 suspensions
          gXg            mixtures with dissolved or dispersed gases
          gXl            mixtures with dissolved or dispersed liquids
          gXs            mixtures with dissolved or dispersed solids
          gd       degenerate matter
          ge       quark-gluon plasma
          gf       plasma
          gf55g                      recombination
          ggWl       fluids  [fluid mechanics]
          ggWl38   [d3]      subjected to force  [fluid dynamics]
          gg       gases  ≈ DDC 533
          gg55f                      ionization
          gg55l                      condensation
          gg55s                      deposition
          gg78u                      mixture
          gg97b77cp                                     molecular nitrogen
          ggg            gas mixtures
          ggg77cp                                nitrogen
          gggU                 air
          ggl            liquid-in-gas mixtures
          gglo                 liquid aerosols including fog, mist, vapor, hair sprays
          gglu                 sprays
          ggs            solid-in-gas mixtures
          ggso                 solid aerosols including smoke, ice cloud, air particulates
          ggsu                 dusts
          glWy       condensed matter  [condensed matter physics]
          gl       liquids  ≈ DDC 532
          gl55g                      vaporization
          gl55s                      solidification; freezing
          glg            foams; gas-in-liquid mixtures
          glgo                 liquid foams including whipped cream, shaving cream
          gll            liquid mixtures
          gllo                 emulsions including milk, mayonnaise, hand cream
          gls            solid-in-liquid mixtures
          glso                 liquid sols including pigmented ink, blood
          glsu                 muds
          gm       superfluids
          go       liquid crystals; LCs
          goh            thermotropic liquid crystals
          gol            lyotropic liquid crystals
          got            metallotropic liquid crystals
          gr       supersolids
          gs       solids  [solid mechanics]
          gs55g                      sublimation
          gs55l                      fusion; melting
          gs6             plasticity
          gs6c                 plastic
          gs6e                 elastic
          gs6g                 rigid
          gsg            gas-in-solid mixtures
          gsgo                 solid foams incluidng aerogel, styrofoam, pumice
          gsl            liquid-in-solid mixtures
          gslo                 gels including agar, gelatin, silicagel, opal
          gss            solid mixtures including alloys
          gsso                 solid sols
          gssu                 solid-in-solid suspensions including clay, silt, sand, gravel
          gt       crystals; minerals  [crystallograpy; mineralogy]  ≈ DDC 548; 549  
          gt6             lustre; luster
          gt68                  colour
          gt686   [an89]                      diaphaneity; transparency; pellucidity
          gt687   [d5ll]                      streak
          gt6d                 dull; earthly
          gt6g                 greasy
          gt6j                 waxy
          gt6k                 silky
          gt6l                 pearly
          gt6n                 resinous
          gt6r                 vitreous
          gt6s                 submetallic
          gt6t                 metallic
          gt6v                 subadamantine
          gt6w                 adamantine
          gt7             cleavage
          gt72   [cd]                 crystal structure; space group; symmetry group
          gt726   [cd]                      crystal habit
          gt7b                 basal cleavage; pinacoidal cleavage
          gt7c                 cubic cleavage
          gt7e                 octahedral cleavage
          gt7h                 rhombohedral cleavage
          gt7p                 prismatic cleavage
          gt7t                 dodecahedral cleavage
          gtU   [gtsta]           quartz
          gtb            native elements
          gtbc                 native carbon  ↞ eco carbon
          gtbcd                      diamond
          gtbcg                      graphite; plumbago
          gtbcu                      fullerite
          gtbi                 native iron  ↞ eei iron
          gtbl                 native gold  ↞ egl gold
          gtc            sulfide minerals; sulphides; sulfides  ↞ edq sulfur
          gtcc                 chalcocite-digenite group
          gtcd                 joseite group
          gtce                 pentlandite group
          gtcg                 galena group
          gtcgg                      galena; PbS  ↞ ego lead
          gtch                 sphalerite group
          gtchc                      cinnabar; HgS  ↞ egm mercury
          gtchh                      sphalerite; ZnS  ↞ eem zinc
          gtci                 wurtzite group
          gtck                 nickeline group
          gtcl                 chalcopyrite group
          gtcm                 stannite group
          gtcn                 thiospinel group
          gtco                 tetradymite group
          gtcp                 pyrite group
          gtcpp                      pyrite; FeS2  ↞ eei iron
          gtcr                 marcasite group
          gtct                 cobaltite group
          gtcv                 arsenopyrite group
          gtcw                 arsenopyrite group
          gtcx                 molybdenite group
          gtcxm                      molybdenite; MoS2  ↞ efg molybdenum
          gtcy                 skutterudite group
          gtd            sulfosalt minerals  ↞ edq sulfur
          gtdc                 colusite group
          gtdd                 cylindrite group
          gtdh                 hauchecornite
          gtdi                 tetrahedrite
          gtdj                 proustite group
          gtdk                 aikinite group
          gtdl                 lillianite group
          gtdm                 matildite group
          gtds                 sartorite group
          gtdv                 pavonite group
          gte            oxide minerals; oxides  ↞ fe oxides
          gteb                 ice; H2O  ↞ ebb hydrogen fU water
          gtec                 periclase group
          gtecb                      periclase; MgO  ↞ edc magnesium
          gtee                 hematite/corundum group
          gteec                      corundum; Al2O3  ↞ edn aluminium fehd aluminium oxide
          gteee                      hematite; Fe2O3  ↞ eei iron ferd iron(III) oxide
          gteg                 perovskite group
          gtei                 ilmenite group
          gtek                 rutile group
          gtekc                      cassiterite; SnO2  ↞ efo tin
          gtekp                      pyrolusite; MnO2  ↞ eeh manganese
          gtekr                      rutile; TiO2  ↞ eee titanium
          gtem                 magnetoplumbite group; multiple oxides with O19 groups
          gteo                 cryptomelane group
          gtep                 aeschynite group
          gteq                 crichtonite group
          gtes                 spinel group
          gtesc                      chromite; FeCr2O4  ↞ eeg chromium eei iron
          gtesm                      magnetite; Fe3O4  ↞ edc magnesium eei iron fere iron(II,III) oxide
          gtess                      spinel; MgAl2O4  ↞ edc magnesium edn aluminium
          gtet                 pyrochlore group
          gteu                 microlite group
          gtev                 romeite group
          gtew                 betafite group
          gtex                 cesstibtantite group
          gtf            hydroxide minerals; hydroxides  ↞ ecq oxygen ebb hydrogen
          gtfd                 diaspore group
          gtfr                 brucite group
          gtfw                 wickmanite group
          gth            halide minerals; halides  ↞ eXr halogens
          gthc                 atacamite group
          gthf                 fluorite group
          gthff                      fluorite; CaF2  ↞ ecr fluorine eec calcium
          gthh                 halite group
          gthhh                      table salt; halite; NaCl  ↞ edr chlorine edb sodium
          gthhs                      sylvite; KCl  ↞ edr chlorine eeb potassium
          gthj                 chlorargyrite group
          gthl                 lawrencite group
          gthm                 matlockite group
          gtho                 challacolloite
          gthu                 chukhrovite group
          gtm            carbonate minerals; carbonates  ↞ eco carbon ecq oxygen
          gtmc                 calcite group  ↞ eec calcium
          gtmcc                      calcite; CaCO3
          gtmg                 aragonite group
          gtmgg                      aragonite
          gtmi                 dolomite group
          gtmid                      dolomite; CaMg(CO3)2  ↞ edc magnesium eec calcium
          gtmk                 burbankite group
          gtmo                 rosasite group
          gtmq                 malachite group
          gtmr                 ancylite group
          gtms                 sjogrenite-hydrotalcite group
          gtmt                 tundrite group
          gtn            nitrate minerals; nitrates  ↞ ecp nitrogen
          gto            sulphate minerals; sulphates; sulfates  ↞ edq sulfur
          gtob                 barite group
          gtobb                      barite; BaSO4  ↞ egc barium
          gtobc                      celestine; SrSO4  ↞ efc strontium
          gtobn                      anglesite; PbSO4  ↞ ego lead
          gtod                 blodite group
          gtoe                 alum group
          gtof                 voltaite group
          gtoh                 aluminite group
          gtoi                 zippeite group
          gtok                 copiapite group
          gtol                 Pb, Zn tellurates
          gtoo                 "halotrichite" supergroup
          gtoq                 "kieserite" supergroup
          gtoqg                      gypsum; CaSO4·2H2O  ↞ eec calcium
          gtoqgr                           desert roses
          gtou                 alunite group
          gtp            phosphate minerals; phosphates  ↞ edp phosphorus
          gtpi                 apatites
          gtpif                      fluorapatite; Ca5(PO3)3F  ↞ ecr fluorine
          gtpih                      chlorapatite; Ca5(PO4)3Cl  ↞ edr chlorine
          gtpil                      hydroxylapatite; Ca5(PO4)3(OH)
          gtpm                 monazite group
          gtpq                 turquoise group
          gtpu                 lazulite group
          gtr            borate minerals; borates  ↞ ecn boron
          gtrd                 ludwigite group
          gtrg                 boracite group; tecto-heptaborates
          gtrgb                      boracite; Mg3B7O13Cl
          gtri                 inderite group; neso-triborates
          gtrk                 santite group; neso-pentaborates
          gtrl                 hilgardite group; tecto-pentaborates
          gtrp                 pringleite group
          gts            silicates  ↞ edo silicon
          gtsb                 nesosilicates  
          gtsbc                      zircon group
          gtsbci                           zircon; ZrSiO4
          gtsbd                      olivine group
          gtsbdo                           olivine; (Mg;Fe2+)2[SiO4]  ↞ edc magnesium eei iron
          gtsbe                      phenakite group
          gtsbg                      Al2(SiO4)O
          gtsbgl                           sillimanite; Al[6]Al[4]OSiO4
          gtsbgn                           andalusite; Al[6]Al[5]OSiO4
          gtsbgy                           kyanite; Al[6]Al[6]OSiO4
          gtsbi                      titanite group
          gtsbk                      cerite group
          gtsbl                      silicate apatites
          gtsbr                      uranophane group
          gtsbt                      datolite group
          gtsbu                      hellandite group
          gtsbv                      vicanite group
          gtsbx                      garnets; "garnet" supergroup
          gtsbxb                           pyralspite series
          gtsbxbb                                pyrope
          gtsbxbl                                almandine
          gtsbxbs                                spessartine
          gtsbxg                           ugrandite series
          gtsbxgd                                andradite
          gtsbxgg                                grossular
          gtsbxgu                                uvarovite
          gtsbxh                           schorlomite-kimzeyite series
          gtsbxr                           hydrogarnet
          gtsbxt                           tetragonal hydrogarnet
          gtsby                      "humite" supergroup
          gtsbyb                           topaz group
          gtsbybt                                topaz; Al2SiO4(F;OH)2
          gtsbyc                           chondrodite series
          gtsbyh                           humite series
          gtsbyl                           clinohumite series
          gtsbyn                           norbergite
          gtsbyr                           chloritoid group
          gtsd                 sorosilicates  
          gtsde                      epidote group
          gtsdee                           epidote; {Ca2}{Al2Fe3+}[O|OH|SiO4|Si2O7]
          gtsdl                      allanite group
          gtsdo                      dollaseite group
          gtsf                 cyclosilicates  
          gtsfd                      tourmaline group
          gtsfu                      eudialyte group
          gtsgt                      astrophyllite group
          gtsi                 inosilicates  
          gtsic                      sapphirine supergroup
          gtsie                      pyroxene supergroup  
          gtsiebWe                           orthopyroxene group
          gtsiee                           enstatite-orthoferrosilite series
          gtsiefWy                           clinopyroxene group
          gtsieg                           pigeonite
          gtsieh                           diopside-hedenbergite series
          gtsim                      amphiboles; multiple chain inosilicates  
          gtsimb                           anthophyllite
          gtsimc                           cummingtonite series
          gtsime                           tremolite series
          gtsimh                           hornblende
          gtsims                           sodium amphibole group
          gtsio                      sodium pyroxene series
          gtsis                      spodumene group
          gtsj                 pyroxenoid group
          gtsp                 phyllosilicates  
          gtspc                      clay minerals group
          gtspd                      medicinal clay
          gtspm                      mica group
          gtspo                      kaolinite-serpentine group  ↞ edc magnesium eei iron
          gtsps                      smectite/montmorillonite group
          gtspt                      pyrophyllite-talc group
          gtsptc                           talc  ↞ edc magnesium
          gtspx                      chlorite group
          gtst                 tectosilicates  
          gtstb                      quartz; SiO2  ↞ feic silicon dioxide
          gtstd                      feldspars
          gtstf                      feldspatoids
          gtsto                      zeolites
          gtx            organic minerals  ↞ eco carbon
          gtxc                 mineral hydrocarbons  ↞ fd bases
          gtxl                 salts of organic acids
          gtxlo                      oxalates
          gw       Bose-Einstein condensates; BEC
          h  celestial objects; heavenly bodies; cosmic structures; astronomical objects  [astronomy; astrophysics; cosmology]  ↞ g bulk matter   ≈ DDC 520 523  
          h28   [j8]           at declination; dec; δ
          h282   [an]                at distance from Earth light years
          h287   [j88]                hour angle; HA; LHA
          h288   [j88]                at right ascension; RA; α
          h5       motion  [kinematics]
          h52   [an]           orbiting in terrestrial days revolution period
          h526   [an]                rotating in terrestrial days rotation period
          h585   [an]                velocity m/s2; v; speed
          h5852   [j7]                      velocity direction
          h5855   [an]                     acceleration m/s²; a
          h5855b                           deceleration; slow down
          h5855c                           steady speed
          h585c                      still; stationary
          h5b            linear motion; rectilinear motion
          h5c            circular motion  ↞ ccccc 15 to 30 degrees
          h5h            simple harmonic motion; pendulum
          h5o            orbiting  [celestial mechanics]
          h5r            rotating spin
          h7        structural layer
          h70   ⋄           composed of substance
          h70ebb   ⋄                          hydrogen
          h7c            core
          h7m            middle
          h7r            external layer
          h7s            surface
          h7t            atmosphere
          h84   [an]            color index; B–V index; temperature
          h84mgfg   ⋄                               0.656; Sun B-V index
          h88   [an]            absolute magnitude; Mv
          h886   [an]                 apparent magnitude; m; vmag
          h886bmlg   ⋄                                    -27; Sun apparent magnitude
          h9   [X]       body kind
          h91   [51]            evolutionary stage
          h91n                 young
          h92   [h]           orbiting central object
          hU       the Earth  ↞ hpU solar planets   ≈ DDC 525
          hU7             Earth structural layer  ↞ hpt terrestrial planets
          hU7c                 core
          hU7cCi                           inner core
          hU7cCo                           outer core
          hU7m                 mantle
          hU7mCe                           lower mantle
          hU7mCi                           asthenosphere
          hU7mCuWr                           lithosphere
          hU7mCu                           upper mantle; lithospheric mantle
          hU7mCx                           Moho; Mohorovičić discontinuity
          hU7r                 crust  ↞ i rocks
          hU7rCc                           continental crust; sial
          hU7rCo                           oceanic crust; sima
          hU7s                 surface
          hU7t                 atmosphere
          hU7tCb                           troposphere
          hU7tCe                           stratosphere
          hU7tCm                           mesosphere
          hU7tCt                           thermosphere
          hU7tCx                           exosphere
          hb       nebulae
          hc       clouds; diffuse nebulae
          hce            molecular clouds
          hcg            Bok globules; Thackeray's globules
          hd       dark matter
          hg       galaxies
          hgU            the Milky Way
          hgd            dwarf galaxies
          hge            elliptical galaxies
          hges                 shell galaxies
          hgl            lenticular galaxies
          hgp            spiral galaxies; disk galaxies
          hgpb                 barred spiral galaxies
          hgr            ring galaxies
          hgt            irregular galaxies
          hgu            ultra diffuse galaxies; UDGs
          hh       galaxy associations
          hhg            galaxy groups
          hhl            galaxy clusters  
          hhs            galaxy superclusters
          hk       brown dwarves
          hl       stars  ↞ gf plasma   
          hl5C                  star process
          hl5Cn                      stellar nucleosynthesis
          hl9             spectral type
          hl91                  star evolutionary stage
          hl91k                      protostars
          hl91n                      young stellar objects
          hl91p                      main sequence stars
          hl91q                      neutron stars
          hl9b                 O; blue
          hl9c                 B; blue white
          hl9e                 A; white
          hl9f                 F; yellow white
          hl9g                 G; yellow
          hl9k                 K; orange
          hl9m                 M; red
          hl9r                 L
          hl9t                 T
          hlU            the Sun  ↞ hld dwarf stars hl91n young stellar objects
          hlb            subdwarf stars
          hld            dwarf stars
          hlf            subgiant stars
          hlg            giant stars
          hlh            bright giant stars
          hlj            supergiant stars
          hlk            hypergiant stars
          hp       planets  [planetary science]  
          hpU            solar planets  ↞ hlU the Sun
          hpUc                 Mercury
          hpUe                 Venus
          hpUm                 Mars
          hpUp                 Jupiter
          hpUs                 Saturn
          hpUu                 Uranus
          hpUw                 Neptune
          hpg            giant planets
          hpt            terrestrial planets; telluric; rocky planets
          hpt7s                      surface
          hpt7t                      atmosphere
          hq       minor planets; planetoids
          hqd            dwarf planets
          hqdU                 solar dwarf planets  ↞ hlU the Sun
          hqdUc                      Ceres
          hqdUp                      Pluto
          hqf            asteroids
          hqj            trojans
          hqn            centaurs  ↞ hlU the Sun
          hr       meteoroids; meteors
          hs       planetary satellites; natural satellites; moons
          hs92pUp   ⋄                               Jupiter satellites
          hsU            the Moon
          ht       planetary systems; star systems; stellar systems
          htU            the Solar system  ↞ hlU the Sun
          htUat                      comets
          htc            binary stars
          htd            triple star systems
          hu       star clusters; stellar clusters  ↞ hl stars
          huU            Pleiades
          hug            globular clusters; GCs
          hui            intermediate star clusters
          huo            open clusters
          i  rocks; stones  [geology; planetary geology]  ↞ gssu solid-in-solid suspensions   ≈ DDC 550
          i07su   ⋄                       [economic geology]
          i09s                 continental drift theory
          i09t                 plate tectonics
          i1       in era; period  [geochronology; stratigraphy]  ↞ cbx more than billions years
          i1X            geological eras
          i1XX                 geological periods; stratigraphical systems
          i1XXX                      geological epochs; stratigraphical series
          i1XXXX                           geological ages; stratigraphical stages
          i1bWn            Precambrian; >540 Ma
          i1d            Hadean; 4550-4000 Ma
          i1hWk            Archean; 4000-2500 Ma
          i1h            Eoarchean; 4000-3600 Ma
          i1i            Paleoarchean; 3600-3200 Ma
          i1j            Mesoarchean; 3200-2800 Ma
          i1k            Neoarchean; 2800-2500 Ma
          i1lWn            Proterozoic; 2500-540 Ma
          i1l            Paleoproterozoic; 2500-1600 Ma
          i1m            Mesoproterozoic; 1600-1000 Ma
          i1mc                 Calymmian; 1600-1400 Ma
          i1mk                 Ectasian; 1400-1200 Ma
          i1ms                 Stenian; 1200-1000 Ma
          i1n            Neoproterozoic; 1000-540 Ma
          i1nn                 Tonian; 1000-720 Ma
          i1nr                 Cryogenian; 720-635 Ma
          i1nv                 Ediacaran; 635-540 Ma
          i1pWy            Phanerozoic; 542-0 Ma
          i1p            Palaeozoic; 542-251 Ma
          i1pc                 Cambrian; 542-488 Ma
          i1pd                 Ordovician; 488-443 Ma
          i1pi                 Silurian; 443-416 Ma
          i1pn                 Devonian; 416-359 Ma
          i1po                 Carboniferous; 359-299 Ma
          i1pp                 Permian; 299-251 Ma
          i1s            Mesozoic; 250-65 Ma
          i1sd                 Triassic; 250-210 Ma
          i1sj                 Jurassic; 210-140 Ma
          i1sr                 Cretaceous; 140-65 Ma
          i1t            Tertiary; 65-1.7 Ma
          i1tbWl                 Paleogene; Palaeogene; Lower Tertiary; 65-23 Ma
          i1tb                 Paleocene; Palaeocene; 65-56 Ma
          i1te                 Eocene; 56-33 Ma
          i1tl                 Oligocene; 33-23 Ma
          i1tmWp                 Neogene; 23-2.5 Ma
          i1tm                 Miocene; 23-5.3 Ma
          i1tmg                      Aquitanian; 23.0-20.4 Ma
          i1tmi                      Burdigalian; 20.4-15.9 Ma
          i1tml                      Langhian; 15.9-13.8
          i1tms                      Serravallian; 13.8-11.6
          i1tmt                      Tortonian; 11.6-7.2 Ma
          i1tmw                      Messinian; 7.2-5.3 Ma
          i1tp                 Pliocene; 5.3-2.5 Ma
          i1tpn                      Zanclean; 5.3-3.6 Ma
          i1tpp                      Piacenzian; 3.6-2.5 Ma
          i1u            Quaternary; 1.7-0.01 Ma
          i1ue                 Pleistocene; 2.5-0.01 Ma
          i1ueg                      Gelasian; 2.5-1.8 Ma
          i1uel                      Calabrian; 1.8-0.78 Ma
          i1uen                      Ionian; 0.78-0.12 Ma
          i1uet                      Tarantian; 0.12-0.01
          i1uh                 Holocene; 0.01-0 Ma  
          i31   [hU7]           from structural layer
          i4       earthquakes; quakes; tremors; temblors  [seismology; seismic]  ↞ it tectonic plates
          i49             earthquake waves
          i49n                 transverse S-waves; body waves
          i49p                 logitudinal P-waves; shock waves; pressure waves
          i49r                 surface waves; Rayleigh waves; Love waves
          i4X   [an8]           Richter magnitude
          i4p            microearthquakes; Richter 1.0-1.9; Mercalli I
          i4q            minor earthquakes; Richter 2.0-2.9; Mercalli I-II
          i4r            minor eathquakes; Richter 3.0-3.9; Mercalli III-IV
          i4s            light earhquakes; Richter 4.0-4.9; Mercalli IV-VI
          i4t            moderate earthquakes; Richter 5.0-5.9; Mercalli VI-VII
          i4u            strong earthquakes; Richter 6.0-6.9; Mercalli VIII-X
          i4v            major earthquakes; Richter 7.0-7.9; Mercalli X
          i4w            great earthquakes; RIchter 8.0-8.9
          i4x            great earthquakes; Richter 9.0-
          i5        geologic process
          i52   [an]            radioactivity
          i5c            volcanism; volcanic activity  [volcanology]
          i5ce                 eruption
          i5cem                      magmatic eruption
          i5cema                           Hawaiian eruption
          i5cemd                           Strombolian eruption
          i5ceml                           Vulcanian eruption
          i5cemp                           Peléan eruption; pyroclastic flow; nuée ardente
          i5cemv                           Plinian eruption; Vesuvian eruprion
          i5cep                      phreatomagmatic eruption
          i5ceph                           Surtseyan eruption; hydrovolcanic eruption
          i5cepm                           submarine eruption
          i5ceps                           subglacial eruption
          i5cer                      phreatic eruption
          i5ci                 intrusion
          i5cx                 fractional crystallization
          i5k            magmatism; magma or lava solidification; freezing  ↞ ig magma
          i5kp                 pyroclastic flow; pyroclastic density current
          i5m            metamorphism
          i5me                 regional metamorphism
          i5mn                 contact metamorphism
          i5mq                 dynamic metamorphism
          i5mx                 anatexis
          i5my                 retrograde metamorphism
          i5n            sedimentation; deposition
          i5t            tectonic process
          i5to                 seafloor spreading
          i5tt                 accretion
          i5tu                 subduction
          i5tx                 orogeny; orogenesis
          i68             colour
          i69             fracture
          i69c                 conchoidal fracture
          i69e                 earthy fracture
          i69h                 hackly fracture; jagged fracture
          i69s                 splintery fracture
          i69u                 uneven fracture
          i7        grain size; particle size
          i77   [e]            chemical element  [petrologic analysis]
          i79             texture; microstructure
          i79c                 crystalline texture
          i79ca                      phaneritic texture
          i79cf                      foliated texture
          i79cp                      porphyritic texture
          i79f                 fragmental texture
          i79fc                      clastic texture
          i79fi                      bioclastic texture
          i79fp                      pyroclastic texture
          i79n                 aphanitic texture
          i79v                 glassy texture
          i7b            large boulders
          i7c            boulders
          i7d            cobbles
          i7f            coarse gravel
          i7g            medium gravel
          i7i            fine gravel
          i7l            coarse sand
          i7m            medium sand
          i7n            fine sand
          i7r            coarse silt
          i7s            medium silt
          i7t            fine silt
          i7y            clay
          i826   [cccc]                lying at degrees lying angle
          i826hb   ⋄                          90
          i84   [an]            tenacity
          i843   [an]                 specific gravity
          i9        special quality
          i91   [i1]           formed in era
          i92   [jU]           of region
          i97   [gt]           containing mineral
          i977   [f]                containing chemical substance
          ig       magma  ↞ i5cem magmatic eruption
          igl            lava
          igt            tephra
          ii       single rocks  [petrology; petrography; lithology]  ≈ DDC 552
          ii9             alkali-silica content
          ii9f                 felsic
          ii9i                 intermediate
          ii9m                 mafic
          ii9o                 ultramafic
          ii9q                 alkalic
          iibWj            intrusive rocks; plutonic rocks
          iibWp            igneous rocks; magmatic rocks; eructive rocks  ↞ i5k magmatism
          iib            quartzolites
          iibzg            quartz-rich granitoids
          iic            granites  
          iich                 H-type granites; hybrid granites
          iici                 I-type granites; igneous protoliths
          iicm                 M-type granites; mantle derived granites
          iicn                 A-type granites; anorogenic granites
          iics                 S-type granites; sedimentary protoliths
          iiczd            granodiorites
          iid            diorites
          iidze            syenites
          iidzm            monzonites
          iie            gabbros
          iiezn            anorthosites
          iiezs            foidolites
          iif            peridotites
          iifd                 dunites
          iiff                 wehrlites
          iifh                 harzburgites
          iifl                 lherzolites
          iig            hypabyssal rocks; subvolcanic rocks
          iigd                 diabases; dolerites; microgabbros
          iihWn            effusive rocks; volcanic rocks
          iih            rhyolites
          iii            trachytes
          iiizd            dacites
          iiizn            andesites
          iiizs            basaltic andesites
          iij            basalts
          iije                 tholeiitic basalts
          iijem                      mid-ocean ridge basalts; MORBs
          iijh                 high-alumina basalts
          iijk                 alkali basalts
          iijn                 boninites
          iijzk            komatiites
          iik            pumices; pumicites
          iikzs            scorias
          iil            pyroclastic rocks; pyroclastics
          iilb                 agglomerates; pyroclastic breccias
          iilf                 lapilli tuffs; lapillistones
          iili                 coarse ash tuffs
          iiln                 fine ash tuffs
          iimWt            metamorphic rocks  ↞ i5m metamorphism
          iim            gneisses
          iimzs            slates
          iin            marbles
          iinzm            amphibolites
          iinzr            granulites
          iio            green schists
          iip            blue schists
          iipzq            quartzites  ↞ gtstb quartz
          iipzt            zeolites
          iiqWqz  rudites
          iiqWu            clastic rocks
          iiqWy            sedimentary rocks  ↞ i5n sedimentation
          iiq            conglomerates
          iiqzb            breccias
          iir            sandstones; arenites including wackes  
          iirb                 quartz sandstones
          iirf                 feldspathic sandstones
          iirl                 lithic sandstones
          iis            mudrocks; lutites; shales
          iisi                 siltstones
          iism                 mudstones
          iisy                 claystones
          iitWn            carbonate rocks  ↞ gtm carbonate minerals
          iitWs            biochemical sedimentary rocks
          iit            limestones  
          iitb                 boundstones
          iitf                 framestones
          iiti                 binstones
          iitk                 bafflestones
          iitm                 rudstones
          iito                 floatstones
          iitq                 grainstones
          iitt                 packstones
          iitw                 wackestones
          iity                 carbonate mudstones
          iiu            dolostones; dolomite rocks
          iiuze            chert
          iiv            coal
          iive                 peat
          iivg                 lignite
          iivk                 sub-bituminous coal
          iivm                 bituminous coal
          iivs                 steam coal
          iivt                 anthracite
          iiwWy            chemical sedimentary rocks
          iiw            oolitic limestones
          iix            evaporite rocks
          ikWp       rock units  [lithostratigraphy]
          ik       rock beds
          ikb            parallel beds
          ikc            cross beds
          ikg            graded beds
          il       rock members
          im       rock formations; geological formations  [regional geology (partim)]
          im7Cf                      faults
          imb            plutons  ↞ ii single rocks
          imbb                 batholiths
          imbc                 stocks
          imbd                 dikes; dykes
          imbi                 sills
          imbl                 laccoliths
          imbp                 lopoliths
          imv            ophiolites
          imy            flysches  ↞ iip blue schists
          io       rock subgroups
          ip       rock groups  [regional geology (partim); structural geology]
          ipc            coastal plains
          iph            horizontal layers
          ipm            domes; basins
          ipmc                 carsism
          ipo            folds
          ipq            faulted blocks
          ipr            homogeneous crystalline masses
          ipt            layered metamorphic rocks
          ipx            complex structures
          iq       rock supergroups
          is       crust structural zones
          isc            cratons
          isf            rift valleys
          isg            oceanic ridges; mid-ocean ridges
          iso            oceanic plates
          iss            subduction zones; ocean deeps
          it       tectonic plates  [plate tectonics]  ↞ hUal 
          it7Cn                      convergent boundaries
          it7Cr                      divergent boundaries
          it7Ct                      transform boundaries; transform faults
          itt            plates of the Earth  ↞ hU the Earth
          ittc                 Columbia; Nuna  
          ittczr                 Rodinia  
          ittd                 Pannotia; Greater Gondwana; Vendian; Pan-African supercontinent  
          itte                 Pangaea; Palaeozoic plate
          ittgWh                 Mesozoic plates
          ittg                 Gondwana  ↞ itte Pangaea
          itth                 Laurasia  ↞ itte Pangaea
          ittiWy                 plates of the contemporary Earth
          itti                 African plate  ↞ ittg Gondwana
          ittk                 Eurasian plate  ↞ ittk Eurasian plate
          ittm                 Arabic plate  ↞ ittg Gondwana
          ittn                 Indo-Australian plate  ↞ ittg Gondwana
          itto                 Philippine plate
          ittp                 Pacific plate
          ittr                 Nazca plate
          itts                 Cocos plate
          ittu                 Caribbean plate
          ittv                 Northern American plate; Laurentia  ↞ itth Laurasia
          ittw                 Southern American plate  ↞ ittg Gondwana
          itty                 Antarctican plate  ↞ ittg Gondwana
          j  landforms; regions; geographical features  [physical geography; topography; geomorphology]  ↞ i rocks   ≈ DDC 551 910
          j09w                 global warming theory
          j1       on month-day
          j13   [i1]           formed in era
          j159                 on week day
          j159b                      Sunday
          j159c                      Monday
          j159d                      Tuesday
          j159e                      Wednesday
          j159f                      Thursday
          j159g                      Friday
          j159h                      Saturday
          j169                 at lunar phase
          j169b                      new moon
          j169d                      waxing crescent
          j169f                      first quarter
          j169g                      waxing gibbous
          j169m                      full moon
          j169q                      waning gibbous
          j169t                      third quarter; last quarter
          j169w                      waning crescent
          j179                 at day time
          j179c                      sunrise; sun up
          j179d                      dawn
          j179m                      morning
          j179n                      noon
          j179o                      afternoon
          j179q                      evening
          j179s                      sunset; sundown
          j179t                      twilight; nightfall; crepuscle
          j179u                      dusk
          j179x                      night
          j189                 at time
          j189X                      minutes
          j189XX   [j189X]                          seconds
          j189XXb                                0 sec
          j189XXbzm                                1 sec
          j189XXc                                2 sec
          j189XXczi                                3 sec
          j189XXczq                                4 sec
          j189XXd                                5 sec
          j189XXdzm                                6 sec
          j189XXe                                7 sec
          j189XXezi                                8 sec
          j189XXezq                                9 sec
          j189XXf                                10 sec
          j189XXh                                15 sec
          j189XXj                                20 sec
          j189XXl                                25 sec
          j189XXn                                30 sec
          j189XXp                                35 sec
          j189XXr                                40 sec
          j189XXt                                45 sec
          j189XXv                                50 sec
          j189XXx                                55 sec
          j189Xb                           0 min
          j189Xbzm                           1 min
          j189Xc                           2 min
          j189Xczi                           3 min
          j189Xczq                           4 min
          j189Xd                           5 min
          j189Xdzm                           6 min
          j189Xe                           7 min
          j189Xezi                           8 min
          j189Xezq                           9 min
          j189Xf                           10 min
          j189Xfzm                           11 min
          j189Xg                           12 min
          j189Xgzi                           13 min
          j189Xgzq                           14 min
          j189Xh                           15 min; a quarter
          j189Xhzm                           16 min
          j189Xi                           17 min
          j189Xizi                           18 min
          j189Xizq                           19 min
          j189Xj                           20 min
          j189Xjzm                           21 min
          j189Xk                           22 min
          j189Xkzi                           23 min
          j189Xkzq                           24 min
          j189Xl                           25 min
          j189Xlzm                           26 min
          j189Xm                           27 min
          j189Xmzi                           28 min
          j189Xmzq                           29 min
          j189Xn                           30 min; a half
          j189Xnzm                           31 min
          j189Xo                           32 min
          j189Xozi                           33 min
          j189Xozq                           34 min
          j189Xp                           35 min
          j189Xpzm                           36 min
          j189Xq                           37 min
          j189Xqzi                           38 min
          j189Xqzq                           39 min
          j189Xr                           40 min
          j189Xrzm                           41 min
          j189Xs                           42 min
          j189Xszi                           43 min
          j189Xszq                           44 min
          j189Xt                           45 min; three quarters
          j189Xtzm                           46 min
          j189Xu                           47 min
          j189Xuzi                           48 min
          j189Xuzq                           49 min
          j189Xv                           50 min
          j189Xvzm                           51 min
          j189Xw                           52 min
          j189Xwzi                           53 min
          j189Xwzq                           54 min
          j189Xx                           55 min
          j189Xxzm                           56 min
          j189Xy                           57 min
          j189Xyzi                           58 min
          j189Xyzq                           59 min
          j189b                      0 AM; midnight
          j189c                      1 AM
          j189d                      2 AM
          j189e                      3 AM
          j189f                      4 AM
          j189g                      5 AM
          j189h                      6 AM
          j189i                      7 AM
          j189j                      8 AM
          j189jlzmf   ⋄                               8:26:10 AM
          j189k                      9 AM
          j189l                      10 AM
          j189m                      11 AM
          j189n                      12 AM; noon
          j189o                      1 PM; 13
          j189p                      2 PM; 14
          j189q                      3 PM; 15
          j189r                      4 PM; 16
          j189s                      5 PM; 17
          j189t                      6 PM; 18
          j189u                      7 PM; 19
          j189v                      8 PM; 20
          j189w                      9 PM; 21
          j189x                      10 PM; 22
          j189y                      11 PM; 23
          j19            in season
          j19i                 spring
          j19m                 summer
          j19t                 fall; autumn
          j19w                 winter
          j1X            dates; days  ↞ an quantities
          j1Xb                 1st day; 1; 16
          j1Xc                 2nd day; 2; 17
          j1Xd                 3rd day; 3; 18
          j1Xe                 4th day; 4; 19
          j1Xf                 5th day; 5; 20
          j1Xg                 6th day; 6; 21
          j1Xh                 7th day; 7; 22
          j1Xi                 8th day; 8; 23
          j1Xj                 9th day; 9; 24
          j1Xk                 10th day; 10; 25
          j1Xl                 11th day; 11; 26
          j1Xm                 12th day; 12; 27
          j1Xn                 13th day; 13; 28
          j1Xo                 14th day; 14; 29
          j1Xp                 15th day; 15; 30
          j1Xq                 16th day; 31
          j1bWc            January
          j1b            January 1 to 15
          j1bb                 January 1st; New Year's Day
          j1bc                 January 2; Candlemas
          j1bd                 January 3
          j1be                 January 4
          j1bf                 January 5
          j1bg                 January 6; Epiphany; Theophany; Armenian Apostolic Christmas
          j1bh                 January 7; orthodox Christmas
          j1bi                 January 8
          j1bj                 January 9
          j1bk                 January 10
          j1bl                 January 11
          j1bm                 January 12
          j1bn                 January 13; Lohri; Bhogi
          j1bo                 January 14; Makar Sankranti
          j1bp                 January 15
          j1c            January 16 to 31
          j1cb                 January 16
          j1cc                 January 17; Saint Anthony Day
          j1cd                 January 18
          j1ce                 January 19
          j1cf                 January 20
          j1cg                 January 21
          j1ch                 January 22
          j1ci                 January 23
          j1cj                 January 24
          j1ck                 January 25
          j1cl                 January 26
          j1cm                 January 27
          j1cn                 January 28
          j1co                 January 29
          j1cp                 January 30
          j1cq                 January 31
          j1dWe            February
          j1d            February 1 to 15
          j1db                 February 1; Imbolc
          j1dc                 February 2; Candlemass
          j1dd                 February 3
          j1de                 February 4
          j1df                 February 5
          j1dg                 February 6
          j1dh                 February 7
          j1di                 February 8
          j1dj                 February 9
          j1dk                 February 10
          j1dl                 February 11
          j1dm                 February 12
          j1dn                 February 13
          j1do                 February 14; Valentine's Day
          j1dp                 February 15
          j1e            February 16 to 29
          j1eb                 February 16
          j1ec                 February 17
          j1ed                 February 18
          j1ee                 February 19
          j1ef                 February 20
          j1eg                 February 21
          j1eh                 February 22
          j1ei                 February 23
          j1ej                 February 24
          j1ek                 February 25
          j1el                 February 26
          j1em                 February 27
          j1en                 February 28
          j1eo                 February 29
          j1fWg            March
          j1f            March 1 to 15
          j1fb                 March 1
          j1fc                 March 2
          j1fd                 March 3
          j1fe                 March 4
          j1ff                 March 5
          j1fg                 March 6
          j1fh                 March 7
          j1fi                 March 8; International Women's Day; IWD
          j1fj                 March 9
          j1fk                 March 10
          j1fl                 March 11
          j1fm                 March 12
          j1fn                 March 13
          j1fo                 March 14
          j1fp                 March 15
          j1g            March 16 to 31
          j1gb                 March 16
          j1gc                 March 17; Saint Patrick's Day
          j1gd                 March 18
          j1ge                 March 19
          j1gf                 March 20; March equinox; Northward equinox; vernal; autumnal equinox; Nowruz
          j1gg                 March 21
          j1gh                 March 22
          j1gi                 March 23
          j1gj                 March 24
          j1gk                 March 25
          j1gl                 March 26
          j1gm                 March 27
          j1gn                 March 28; Ram Navami
          j1go                 March 29
          j1gp                 March 30
          j1gq                 March 31
          j1hWi            April
          j1h            April 1 to 15
          j1hb                 April 1; April Fools' Day
          j1hc                 April 2
          j1hd                 April 3
          j1he                 April 4; Children's Day
          j1hf                 April 5
          j1hg                 April 6
          j1hh                 April 7
          j1hi                 April 8; Hanamatsuri; Buddha's Birthday
          j1hj                 April 9
          j1hk                 April 10
          j1hl                 April 11
          j1hm                 April 12
          j1hn                 April 13
          j1ho                 April 14
          j1hp                 April 15
          j1i            April 16 to 30
          j1ib                 April 16
          j1ic                 April 17
          j1id                 April 18
          j1ie                 April 19
          j1if                 April 20
          j1ig                 April 21
          j1ih                 April 22; Earth Day
          j1ii                 April 23
          j1ij                 April 24
          j1ik                 April 25; Anzac Day
          j1il                 April 26
          j1im                 April 27
          j1in                 April 28
          j1io                 April 29
          j1ip                 April 30; May Eve
          j1jWk            May
          j1j            May 1 to 15
          j1jb                 May 1; May Day; Labour Day; International Workers' Day; Beltane
          j1jc                 May 2
          j1jd                 May 3
          j1je                 May 4
          j1jf                 May 5
          j1jg                 May 6
          j1jh                 May 7
          j1ji                 May 8
          j1jj                 May 9
          j1jk                 May 10
          j1jl                 May 11
          j1jm                 May 12
          j1jn                 May 13
          j1jo                 May 14
          j1jp                 May 15
          j1k            May 16 to 31
          j1kb                 May 16
          j1kc                 May 17
          j1kd                 May 18
          j1ke                 May 19
          j1kf                 May 20
          j1kg                 May 21
          j1kh                 May 22
          j1ki                 May 23
          j1kj                 May 24
          j1kk                 May 25
          j1kl                 May 26
          j1km                 May 27
          j1kn                 May 28
          j1ko                 May 29
          j1kp                 May 30
          j1lWm            June
          j1l            June 1 to 15
          j1lb                 June 1
          j1lc                 June 2
          j1ld                 June 3
          j1le                 June 4
          j1lf                 June 5
          j1lg                 June 6
          j1lh                 June 7
          j1li                 June 8
          j1lj                 June 9
          j1lk                 June 10
          j1ll                 June 11
          j1lm                 June 12
          j1ln                 June 13
          j1lo                 June 14
          j1lp                 June 15
          j1m            June 16 to 30
          j1mb                 June 16
          j1mc                 June 17
          j1md                 June 18
          j1me                 June 19
          j1mf                 June 20
          j1mg                 June 21; June solstice; summer solstice; winter solstice; midsummer; midwinter
          j1mh                 June 22
          j1mi                 June 23; St. John's Eve
          j1mj                 June 24
          j1mk                 June 25
          j1ml                 June 26
          j1mm                 June 27
          j1mn                 June 28
          j1mo                 June 29
          j1mp                 June 30
          j1nWo            July
          j1n            July 1 to 15
          j1nb                 July 1
          j1nc                 July 2
          j1nd                 July 3
          j1ne                 July 4
          j1nf                 July 5
          j1ng                 July 6
          j1nh                 July 7
          j1ni                 July 8
          j1nj                 July 9
          j1nk                 July 10
          j1nl                 July 11
          j1nm                 July 12
          j1nn                 July 13
          j1no                 July 14; Bastille Day
          j1np                 July 15
          j1o            July 16 to 31
          j1ob                 July 16
          j1oc                 July 17
          j1od                 July 18
          j1oe                 July 19
          j1of                 July 20; Eid al-Adha
          j1og                 July 21
          j1oh                 July 22
          j1oi                 July 23
          j1oj                 July 24
          j1ok                 July 25
          j1ol                 July 26
          j1om                 July 27
          j1on                 July 28
          j1oo                 July 29
          j1op                 July 30
          j1oq                 July 31
          j1pWq            August
          j1p            August 1 to 15
          j1pb                 August 1; Lughnasadh; Lúnasa
          j1pc                 August 2
          j1pd                 August 3
          j1pe                 August 4
          j1pf                 August 5
          j1pg                 August 6
          j1ph                 August 7
          j1pi                 August 8
          j1pj                 August 9
          j1pk                 August 10
          j1pl                 August 11
          j1pm                 August 12
          j1pn                 August 13; International Lefthanders Day
          j1po                 August 14
          j1pp                 August 15; Assumption of Mary
          j1q            August 16 to 31
          j1qb                 August 16; St. Roch's day
          j1qc                 August 17
          j1qd                 August 18
          j1qe                 August 19
          j1qf                 August 20
          j1qg                 August 21
          j1qh                 August 22
          j1qi                 August 23
          j1qj                 August 24; Saint Bartholomew's Day
          j1qk                 August 25
          j1ql                 August 26
          j1qm                 August 27
          j1qn                 August 28
          j1qo                 August 29
          j1qp                 August 30
          j1qq                 August 31
          j1rWs            September
          j1r            September 1 to 15
          j1rb                 September 1
          j1rc                 September 2
          j1rd                 September 3
          j1re                 September 4
          j1rf                 September 5
          j1rg                 September 6
          j1rh                 September 7
          j1ri                 September 8
          j1rj                 September 9
          j1rk                 September 10
          j1rl                 September 11
          j1rm                 September 12
          j1rn                 September 13
          j1ro                 September 14
          j1rp                 September 15
          j1s            September 16 to 30
          j1sb                 September 16
          j1sc                 September 17
          j1sd                 September 18
          j1se                 September 19
          j1sf                 September 20
          j1sg                 September 21; World Peace Day
          j1sh                 September 22
          j1si                 September 23; September equinox; Southward equinox; automnal; vernal equinox
          j1sj                 September 24
          j1sk                 September 25
          j1sl                 September 26
          j1sm                 September 27
          j1sn                 September 28
          j1so                 September 29
          j1sp                 September 30
          j1tWu            October
          j1t            October 1 to 15
          j1tb                 October 1
          j1tc                 October 2
          j1td                 October 3
          j1te                 October 4
          j1tf                 October 5
          j1tg                 October 6
          j1th                 October 7
          j1ti                 October 8
          j1tj                 October 9
          j1tk                 October 10
          j1tl                 October 11
          j1tm                 October 12
          j1tn                 October 13
          j1to                 October 14
          j1tp                 October 15
          j1u            October 16 to 31
          j1ub                 October 16
          j1uc                 October 17
          j1ud                 October 18
          j1ue                 October 19
          j1uf                 October 20
          j1ug                 October 21
          j1uh                 October 22
          j1ui                 October 23
          j1uj                 October 24
          j1uk                 October 25
          j1ul                 October 26
          j1um                 October 27
          j1un                 October 28
          j1uo                 October 29
          j1up                 October 30
          j1uq                 October 31; Halloween; All Saints' Eve
          j1vWw            November
          j1v            November 1 to 15
          j1vb                 November 1; All Saints' Day; Samhain
          j1vc                 November 2; All Souls' Day; dia de los muertos
          j1vd                 November 3
          j1ve                 November 4
          j1vf                 November 5
          j1vg                 November 6
          j1vh                 November 7
          j1vi                 November 8
          j1vj                 November 9
          j1vk                 November 10
          j1vl                 November 11
          j1vm                 November 12
          j1vn                 November 13
          j1vo                 November 14
          j1vp                 November 15
          j1w            November 16 to 30
          j1wb                 November 16
          j1wc                 November 17
          j1wd                 November 18
          j1we                 November 19
          j1wf                 November 20
          j1wg                 November 21
          j1wh                 November 22
          j1wi                 November 23
          j1wj                 November 24
          j1wk                 November 25
          j1wl                 November 26
          j1wm                 November 27
          j1wn                 November 28
          j1wo                 November 29
          j1wp                 November 30
          j1xWy            December
          j1x            December 1 to 15
          j1xb                 December 1
          j1xc                 December 2
          j1xd                 December 3; International Day of Disabled Persons
          j1xe                 December 4
          j1xf                 December 5; Krampusnacht
          j1xg                 December 6; Kathika Deepam; Saint Nicholas Day
          j1xh                 December 7
          j1xi                 December 8; Bodhi Day; Immaculate Conception
          j1xj                 December 9
          j1xk                 December 10
          j1xl                 December 11
          j1xm                 December 12
          j1xn                 December 13; Salgirah Khushiali; Saint Lucy's Day
          j1xo                 December 14
          j1xp                 December 15
          j1y            December 16 to 31
          j1yb                 December 16
          j1yc                 December 17
          j1yd                 December 18
          j1ye                 December 19
          j1yf                 December 20
          j1yg                 December 21; Southern solstice; winter  solstice; Yalda; Soyal
          j1yh                 December 22
          j1yi                 December 23
          j1yj                 December 24; Christmas Eve
          j1yk                 December 25; Christmas; St. Anastasia's Day
          j1yl                 December 26; Saint Stephen's Day
          j1ym                 December 27; Saint John the Evangelist's Day
          j1yn                 December 28
          j1yo                 December 29
          j1yp                 December 30
          j1yq                 December 31; New Year's Eve; Saint Sylvester's Day; Omisoka
          j28   [hp]           on planet
          j3       weather  [meteorology]  ↞ hUap 
          j37   [j7]           from cardinal direction
          j383   [an]                mm/year average precipitations  ↞ j3i precipitation
          j384   [an]                K average temperature  ↞ g784 
          j39            climates  [climatology]  ↞ j3 weather   
          j39b                 climate of ice-caps
          j39c                 tundra climate
          j39d                 oceanic subarctic climate
          j39e                 continental subarctic climate
          j39f                 wet continental climate
          j39g                 medium-latitude desert and steppe climate
          j39m                 mediterranean climate
          j39n                 oceanic temperate climate
          j39p                 wet subtropical climate
          j39q                 dry-wet tropical climate
          j39qad                           dry season
          j39qae                           wet season
          j39s                 desert and western coast climate
          j39t                 desert and tropical steppe climate
          j39w                 trade-wind coastal climate
          j39y                 equatorial climate
          j3d            clouds
          j3dd                 stratiform clouds
          j3dde                      nimbostratus clouds
          j3ddh                      stratus clouds
          j3ddl                      altostratus clouds
          j3ddr                      cirrostratus clouds
          j3di                 cirriform clouds
          j3dir                      cirrus clouds
          j3dit                      polar stratospheric clouds
          j3diw                      noctilucent clouds; polar mesospheric clouds
          j3ds                 stratocumuliform clouds
          j3dsh                      stratocumulus clouds
          j3dsl                      altocumulus clouds
          j3dsr                      cirrocumulus clouds
          j3du                 cumuliform clouds
          j3duc                      cumulus congestus clouds
          j3due                      cumulus mediocris clouds
          j3duh                      cumulus humilis clouds
          j3dx                 cumulonimbiform clouds
          j3dxc                      cumulonimbus clouds
          j3e            haze; mist
          j3f            fog
          j3i            precipitation
          j3id                 drizzle; DZ
          j3if                 freezing drizzle; FZDZ
          j3ii                 rain; RA
          j3ik                 freezing rain; FZRA
          j3il                 slush; rain and snow mixed; RASN
          j3in                 snow; SN
          j3io                 snow grains; SG
          j3ip                 ice pellets; sleet; PL
          j3iu                 graupel; soft hail; snow pellets; GS
          j3iw                 hail; hailstones; GR
          j3ix                 diamond dust; ice crystals; IC
          j3n            winds
          j3n37b   ⋄                          North wind; tramontana
          j3nb                 calm Beaufort scale 0
          j3nc                 light air B. 1
          j3nd                 light breeze B. 2
          j3ne                 gentle breeze B. 3
          j3nf                 moderate breeze B. 4
          j3ng                 fresh breeze B. 5
          j3nh                 strong breeze B. 6
          j3ni                 high wind; moderate gale; near gale B. 7
          j3nj                 gale; fresh gale B. 8
          j3nk                 strong gale; severe gale B. 9
          j3nl                 shole gale; storm B. 10
          j3nm                 violent storm B. 11
          j3nn                 hurricane-force wind B. 12
          j3s            storms
          j3t            cyclones; atmospheric disturbances
          j3taf                      cold front
          j3tah                      warm front
          j3tf                 frontal; extratropical cyclones
          j3th                 tropical cyclones; hurricanes; typhoons
          j3to                 tornadoes
          j3tr                 marine tornadoes
          j5        modelling process; physiographic process
          j5b            impact events  ↞ hqf asteroids
          j5n            weathering
          j5nd                 physical weathering; mechanical weathering; disaggregation
          j5ndc                      thermal stress weathering; insolation weathering
          j5ndf                      frost weathering; frost wedging; ice wedging; cryofracturing
          j5ndp                      pressure release weathering; unloading
          j5nds                      haloclasty; salt-crystal growth
          j5nh                 chemical weathering
          j5nhd                      dissolution; karst; tsingy
          j5r            erosion
          j5rc                 rainfall and surface runoff
          j5rcc                      splash erosion
          j5rch                      sheet erosion
          j5rcr                      rill erosion
          j5rcu                      gully erosion
          j5rf                 valley erosion; stream erosion  [fluvial morphology]  ↞ js fresh water systems
          j5rfc                      scour; bed erosion
          j5rfn                      bank erosion
          j5rg                 flood erosion; kolks; vortices
          j5rh                 shoreline erosion; coastal erosion  ↞ jv shores
          j5rhd                      wave pounding
          j5rhh                      shoreline abrasion; corrasion
          j5rho                      shoreline corrosion
          j5rht                      shoreline bioerosion  ↞ m organisms
          j5rk                 chemical erosion  ↞ fae 
          j5rl                 glacial erosion  [glacial morphology]  ↞ jr glaciers
          j5rlc                      glacial abrasion; scouring
          j5rlq                      plucking; quarrying
          j5rlt                      ice thrusting
          j5rn                 wind erosion  [aeolian morphology]  ↞ j3n winds
          j5rnd                      wind deflation
          j5rndc                           surface creep; downhill creep
          j5rndl                           saltation
          j5rndu                           wind suspension
          j5rnh                      wind abrasion
          j5rs                 slope movement; mass movement; mass wasting  ↞ d3g 
          j5rsc                      surface creep
          j5rsm                      slumping
          j5rss                      landslides
          j5rssb                           debris flow
          j5rssc                           mud flow
          j5rsse                           earthflows
          j5rssl                           debris landslides
          j5rssr                           sturzstroms
          j5rsss                           shallow landslides
          j5rssw                           deep-seated landslides
          j5t            sediment transport
          j5tf                 fluvial transport  ↞ jsr rivers
          j5th                 coastal sediment transport  ↞ jv shores
          j5tl                 glacial sediment transport  ↞ jr glaciers
          j5tn                 aeolian transport  ↞ j3n winds
          j5ts                 hillslope sediment transport
          j5v            deposition
          j5vf                 flooding
          j60nyw   ⋄                          rural areas
          j7       cardinal directions; cardinal points; points of the compass
          j79             basin part
          j79g                 springs
          j79h                 high basin
          j79m                 medium basin
          j79o                 low basin
          j79u                 mouth
          j7b            north; N; tramontana
          j7c            north-northeast; NNE
          j7e            north-eastern; NE; greco; bora
          j7f            east-northeast ; ENE
          j7h            east; E; levante; oriente
          j7i            east-southeast; ESE
          j7k            south-eastern; SE; scirocco; exaloc
          j7l            south-southeast; SSE
          j7n            south; S; ostro; mezzogiorno
          j7o            south-southwest; SSW
          j7q            south-western; SW; libeccio; garbino; eissalot
          j7r            west-southwest; WSW
          j7t            west; W; ponente; zephyrus
          j7u            west-northwest; WNW
          j7w            north-western; NW; maestro; mistral
          j7x            north-northwest; NNW
          j8       latitude degrees; primes  ↞ ccdyau spherical surfaces
          j82   [an]  ⋄           of Km2 surface; area
          j83   [an8]           at altitude Km a.s.l.; terrain; relief
          j830anrm                                     - 10 thousand m
          j830anrmneej                                     - 10 994 m
          j836   [an8]                sloping tens degrees
          j836st   ⋄                          45 degrees
          j83e                 - 9 thousand m
          j83f                 - 8 thousand m
          j83g                 - 7 thousand m
          j83h                 - 6 thousand m
          j83i                 - 5 thousand m
          j83j                 - 4 thousand m
          j83k                 - 3 thousand m
          j83l                 - 2 thousand m
          j83m                 - 1 thousand m
          j83n                 -0 thousand m
          j83nm                      - 2 hundred m
          j83nn                      - 1 hundred m
          j83o                 0 thousand m
          j83oo                      0 hundred m
          j83ooo                           0 ten m
          j83oooo                                sea level; 0 m
          j83ooop                                1 m
          j83oooq                                2 m
          j83ooor                                3 m
          j83ooos                                4 m
          j83ooot                                5 m
          j83ooou                                6 m
          j83ooov                                7 m
          j83ooow                                8 m
          j83ooox                                9 m
          j83oop                           1 ten m
          j83ooq                           2 ten m
          j83oor                           3 ten m
          j83oos                           4 ten m
          j83oot                           5 ten m
          j83oou                           6 ten m
          j83oov                           7 ten m
          j83oow                           8 ten m
          j83oox                           9 ten m
          j83op                      1 hundred m
          j83opo                           1 hundred 0 ten m
          j83opoo   ⋄                               100 m
          j83opp                           1 hundred 1 ten m
          j83opq                           1 hundred 2 ten m
          j83opr                           1 hundred 3 ten m
          j83ops                           1 hundred 4 ten m
          j83opt                           1 hundred 5 ten m
          j83opu                           1 hundred 6 ten m
          j83opv                           1 hundred 7 ten m
          j83opw                           1 hundred 8 ten m
          j83opx                           1 hundred 9 ten m
          j83oq                      2 hundred m
          j83or                      3 hundred m
          j83os                      4 hundred m
          j83ot                      5 hundred m
          j83ou                      6 hundred m
          j83ov                      7 hundred m
          j83ow                      8 hundred m
          j83ox                      9 hundred m
          j83p                 1 thousand m
          j83q                 2 thousand m
          j83r                 3 thousand m
          j83s                 4 thousand m
          j83t                 5 thousand m
          j83u                 6 thousand m
          j83v                 7 thousand m
          j83w                 8 thousand m
          j83wwsw   ⋄                               8848 m
          j83x                 9 thousand m
          j89            longitude degrees; primes  ↞ ccdyau spherical surfaces
          j89b                 180 W to 160 W
          j89c                 160 W to 140 W
          j89d                 140 W to 120 W
          j89e                 120 W to 100 W
          j89f                 100 W to 80 W
          j89g                 80 W to 60 W
          j89h                 60 W to 40 W
          j89i                 40 W to 20 W
          j89j                 20 W to 0
          j89k                 0 to 20 E
          j89kb                      0 to 1 E
          j89kc                      1 to 2 E
          j89kd                      2 to 3 E
          j89ke                      3 to 4 E
          j89kf                      4 to 5 E
          j89kg                      5 to 6 E
          j89kh                      6 to 7 E
          j89ki                      7 to 8 E
          j89kj                      8 to 9 E
          j89kk                      9 to 10 E
          j89kl                      10 to 11 E
          j89km                      11 to 12 E
          j89kn                      12 to 13 E
          j89ko                      13 to 14 E
          j89kp                      14 to 15 E
          j89kq                      15 to 16 E
          j89kr                      16 to 17 E
          j89ks                      17 to 18 E
          j89kt                      18 to 19 E
          j89ku                      19 to 20 E
          j89l                 20 E to 40 E
          j89m                 40 E to 60 E
          j89n                 60 E to 80 E
          j89o                 80 E to 100 E
          j89p                 100 E to 120 E
          j89q                 120 E to 140 E
          j89r                 140 E to 160 E
          j89s                 160 E to 180
          j8U   [j8bbb]           North Pole
          j8X             subdivisions of 10° stripes  
          j8XX                  subdivisions of 30' stripes
          j8Xb                 30'
          j8Xc                 29'
          j8Xy                 6'
          j8Xyzb                 5'
          j8Xyzc                 4'
          j8Xyzd                 3'
          j8Xyze                 2'
          j8Xyzf                 1'
          j8bWj            in northern hemisphere; boreal
          j8b            90 to 80 degrees north
          j8c            80 to 70 degrees north
          j8d            70 to 60 degrees north
          j8dU                 Arctic Circle; 66°33' N
          j8e            60 to 50 degrees north
          j8f            50 to 40 degrees north
          j8fb                 50 00' to 49 30' N
          j8fc                 49 30' to 49 00' N
          j8fd                 49 00' to 48 30' N
          j8fe                 48 30' to 48 00' N
          j8ff                 48 00' to 47 30' N
          j8fg                 47 30' to 47 00' N
          j8fh                 47 00' to 46 30' N
          j8fi                 46 30' to 46 00' N
          j8fj                 46 00' to 45 30' N
          j8fk                 45 30' to 45 00' N
          j8fl                 45 00' to 44 30' N
          j8fm                 44 30' to 44 00' N
          j8fn                 44 00' to 43 30' N
          j8fo                 43 30' to 43 00' N
          j8fp                 43 00' to 42 30' N
          j8fq                 42 30' to 42 00' N
          j8fr                 42 00' to 41 30' N
          j8fs                 41 30' to 41 00' N
          j8ft                 41 00' to 40 30' N
          j8fu                 40 30' to 40 00' N
          j8g            40 to 30 degrees north
          j8h            30 to 20 degrees north
          j8hU   [j8hol]                Tropic of Cancer; Northern Tropic
          j8i            20 to 10 degrees north
          j8j            10 to 0 degrees north
          j8ju                 Equator
          j8kWt            in southern hemisphere; austral
          j8k            0 to 10 degrees south
          j8l            10 to 20 degrees south
          j8m            20 to 30 degrees south
          j8mU   [j8mhn]                Tropic of Capricorn; Southern Tropic
          j8n            30 to 40 degrees south
          j8o            40 to 50 degrees south
          j8p            50 to 60 degrees south
          j8q            60 to 70 degrees south
          j8qU                 Antarctic Circle; 66°33' S
          j8r            70 to 80 degrees south
          j8s            80 to 90 degrees south
          j8su                 89 30' to 90 00 S
          j8suy                      South Pole
          j92   [uU]           of region
          jU       landmasses of the contemporary Earth; continents, microcontinents  ↞ js fresh water systems hU the Earth   
          jUb            Antarctica  ≈ DDC 919
          jUbzc            Chiloé Island Chile
          jUbzd            Magdalena Island Chile
          jUbzf            Campana Island Chile
          jUbzg            Wellington Island Chile
          jUbzi            Riesco Island Chile
          jUbzj            Desolación Island Chile
          jUbzk            Santa Inés Island Chile
          jUbzl            Dawson Island Chile
          jUbzm            Aracena Island Chile
          jUbzn            Navarino Island Chile
          jUbzo            Hoste Island Chile
          jUbzq            South Georgia
          jUbzrWs            Falkland archipelago
          jUbzr            East Falkland; Soledad
          jUbzs            West Falkland; Gran Malvina
          jUbzt            Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego Argentina
          jUbzu            São Luís Island Brazil
          jUbzv            Ilha Grande de Gurupá Brazil
          jUbzx            Marajó Brazil
          jUbzy            Caviana Brazil
          jUc            South America  ≈ DDC 918  
          jUcb                 Lake Titicaca basin Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Chile
          jUcc                 Chubut basin Argentina, Chile
          jUcd                 Negro basin Argentina, Chile
          jUce                 Colorado basin Argentina, Chile
          jUcf                 Salado basin Argentina
          jUcg                 Rio Salado basin Argentina
          jUch                 Parana basin Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
          jUci                 Negro basin Brazil, Uruguay
          jUcj                 Lagoon Mirim basin Brazil, Uruguay
          jUck                 Rio Jacui basin Brazil
          jUcl                 Uruguay basin Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina
          jUcm                 Paraiba do Sul basin Brasil
          jUcn                 Rio Doce basin Brazil
          jUco                 Jequitinhonha basin Brazil
          jUcp                 Sao Francisco basin Brazil
          jUcq                 Rio Jaguaribe basin Brazil
          jUcr                 Rio Parnaiba basin Brazil
          jUcs                 Tocantins basin Brazil
          jUct                 Maroni Suriname, Brazil
          jUcu                 Corantijn basin Guyana, Suriname, Brazil
          jUcv                 Cuyuni-Essequibo basin Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
          jUcw                 Orinoco basin Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana
          jUcx                 Magdalena basin Colombia, Venezuela, Bogota, Medellin
          jUczd            Trinidad
          jUcze            Tobago
          jUczg            Grenada
          jUczh            Barbados
          jUczj            Saint Vincent
          jUczl            Saint Lucia
          jUczm            Martinique
          jUczn            Dominica
          jUczp            Guadalupe
          jUczq            Antigua
          jUczy            Puerto Rico
          jUd            Hispaniola Dominican Republic, Haiti
          jUdzj            Jamaica
          jUdzr            Grand Cayman
          jUe            Cuba
          jUezt            Grand Bahama
          jUezu            Nassau
          jUf            North America  ≈ DDC 917  
          jUfb                 Great Salt Lake endorheic basin USA
          jUfc                 Colorado Pacific basin Mexico, USA
          jUfd                 Santiago basin Mexico, Guadalajara
          jUfe                 Grisalva basin Mexico, Guatemala, Belize
          jUff                 Bravo basin USA, Mexico
          jUfg                 Colorado basin USA
          jUfh                 Brazos basin USA
          jUfi                 Mississippi basin; USA; New Orleans; Baton Rouge
          jUfid                      Red River basin
          jUfif                      Yazoo basin
          jUfig                      Arkansas River basin Oklahoma City
          jUfih                      White River basin
          jUfii                      Ohio River basin; Louisville; Cincinnati; Pittsburgh
          jUfiic                           Tennessee River basin
          jUfiie                           Cumberland basin; Nashville
          jUfiig                           Wabash basin; Indianapolis
          jUfiih                           Green River basin
          jUfiis                           Scioto basin; Columbus
          jUfiiu                           Kanawha basin
          jUfiiy                           Allegheny basin
          jUfik                      Kaskaskia basin
          jUfim                      Missouri basin; Saint Louis; Kansas City; Omaha; Denver
          jUfio                      Illinois River basin
          jUfiq                      Des Moines River basin
          jUfir                      Iowa River basin
          jUfis                      Rock River basin
          jUfiu                      Wisconsin River basin
          jUfiw                      Chippewa basin
          jUfix                      Saint Croix River basin
          jUfiy                      Minnesota River basin
          jUfj                 Alabama-Tombigbee basin USA
          jUfk                 Hudson River basin USA; New York City; Albany
          jUfkm                      Mohawk basin
          jUfl                 Saint Lawrence and Great Lakes basin
          jUflb                      Saint Lawrence River basin; Saint-Laurent Ontario-Quebec-New York; Montreal; Quebec City
          jUfld                      Lake Ontario basin Ontario-New York; Toronto
          jUfle                      Lake Erie basin Ontario-Michigan-Ohio-Pennsylvania-New York; Cleveland; Detroit
          jUflh                      Lake Huron basin Ontario-Michigan
          jUflm                      Lake Michigan basin Wisconsin-Illinois-Indiana-Michigan; Chicago; Milwaukee
          jUfls                      Lake Superior basin Ontario-Minnesota-Wisconsin-Michigan
          jUfm                 Caniapiscau basin Canada
          jUfn                 Albany basin Canada
          jUfo                 Nelson basin Canada, USA
          jUfp                 Churchill basin Canada
          jUfq                 Thelon basin Canada
          jUfr                 Hayes-Back basin Canada
          jUfs                 Mackenzie basin Canada
          jUft                 Yukon basin Alaska, Canada
          jUfu                 Kuskokwim basin Alaska
          jUfv                 Fraser basin USA, Canada
          jUfw                 Columbia basin USA, Canada
          jUfx                 Sacramento-San Joaquin basin California; San Francisco
          jUfxzg                 Los Angeles River basin California; Los Angeles
          jUfzb            Isabela Island Galápagos (Ecuador)
          jUfzcWbzg            Hawai'i  ↞ jx archipelagos
          jUfzc            Hawai'i Big Island United States
          jUfzd            Vancouver Island Canada
          jUfze            Cape Breton Island Canada
          jUfzf            Newfoundland Canada
          jUfzg            Southampton Island Canada
          jUfzh            Prince Charles Island Canada
          jUfzi            Baffin Island Canada
          jUfzj            Banks Island Canada
          jUfzk            Prince Patrick Island Canada
          jUfzl            Melville Island Canada
          jUfzm            Victoria Island Canada
          jUfzn            King William Island Canada
          jUfzo            Prince of Wales Island Canada
          jUfzp            Somerset Island Canada
          jUfzq            Bathurst Island Canada
          jUfzr            Ellef Ringnes Island Canada
          jUfzs            Devon Island Canada
          jUfzt            Axel Heiberg Island Canada
          jUfzu            Ellesmere Island Canada
          jUfzv            Greenland
          jUfzw            Iceland
          jUg            Ireland
          jUgzl            Lewis and Harris UK
          jUgzs            Skye UK
          jUh            Great Britain UK
          jUhc                 Spey basin
          jUhd                 Tay basin
          jUhe                 Tweed basin
          jUhg                 Tyne basin England; Newcastle
          jUhi                 Ure-Ouse basin
          jUhk                 Trent basin England; Nottingham; Leicester; Derby; Birmingham
          jUhl                 Witham basin
          jUhn                 Nene basin
          jUho                 Great Ouse basin
          jUhp                 Thames basin England; London; Reading; Oxford
          jUhr                 Severn basin England-Wales; Gloucester; Worcester
          jUhs                 Wye basin
          jUht                 Mersey basin NW England; Liverpool; Manchester
          jUhu                 Ribble basin North Yorkshire-Lancashire
          jUhv                 Eden basin
          jUhx                 Clyde basin
          jUhzb            Nordaustlandet Norway  ↞ jw islands
          jUhzc            Edgeøya Norway
          jUhzd            Spitsbergen Norway
          jUhze            Hinnøya Norway
          jUhzf            Senja Norway
          jUhzg            Öland Sweden
          jUhzh            Gotland Sweden
          jUhzi            Saaremaa Estonia
          jUhzj            Zealand Denmark
          jUhzk            Fyn Denmark
          jUhzl            Vendsyssel Denmark
          jUhznWo            Balearic Islands Spain  ↞ jx archipelagos
          jUhzn            Ibiza
          jUhznzf                      Formentera
          jUhzo            Mallorca Spain
          jUhzoze                      Menorca
          jUhzr            Corsica France
          jUhzs            Sardinia Italy
          jUi            Sicily Italy
          jUizl            Malta
          jUizo            Euboea Greece
          jUizr            Crete Greece
          jUizs            Lesbos Greece
          jUizv            Rhodes Greece
          jUizy            Cyprus
          jUjWk            Afro-Eurasia; Afroeurasia; Eurafrasia; World Island
          jUj            Eurasia
          jUjb                 Volga basin Russia, Moscow
          jUjc                 Amu Darya basin Afghanistan, Kirghyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
          jUjczd                 Syr Darya basin Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
          jUjczk                 Balkash basin Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
          jUjczm                 Tarim basin China, Pakistan
          jUjczs                 Dead Sea basin Jordan River
          jUjczv                 Sakarya basin Turkey
          jUjczw                 Kizilirmak basin Turkey
          jUjczwzc                           Kel Kit basin Turkey
          jUjczx                 Coruh basin Turkey
          jUjczy                 Kuban basin Russia, Georgia
          jUjdWm                 Europe  ≈ DDC 914
          jUjd                 Don basin Russia, Ukraine
          jUje                 Dniepr basin; Dneper; Dnapro; Dnipro Russia, Ukraine, Belarus; Minsk, Kiev
          jUjezg                 Southern Bug basin; Southern Buh; Boh Ukraine
          jUjezn                 Dniestr basin Ukraine, Moldova, Poland
          jUjf                 Danube basin; Donau; Dunaj; Dunai; Duna; Dunav; Dunarea CZ, A, f. YU, H, ROM, BG; Buch., Budapest, Wien
          jUjfze                 Veleka basin Bulgaria, Turkey
          jUjfzf                 Rezvaya basin; Bulgaria; Turkey
          jUjfzi                 Maritsa basin; Evros; Meriç Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece
          jUjfzk                 Struma basin Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia
          jUjfzm                 Vardar basin Macedonia, Greece
          jUjfzp                 Vijose basin Greece, Albania
          jUjfzr                 Drin basin Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo
          jUjfzt                 Istinye basin Turkey; Istanbul, Constantinople, Byzantium
          jUjg                 Po basin Italy
          jUjgb                      Panaro basin
          jUjgc                      Secchia basin
          jUjgd                      Mincio basin
          jUjge                      Oglio basin
          jUjgf                      Crostolo basin
          jUjgg                      Enza basin
          jUjgh                      Parma basin
          jUjgi                      Taro basin
          jUjgj                      Arda basin
          jUjgk                      Adda basin
          jUjgl                      Nure basin
          jUjgm                      Trebbia basin
          jUjgn                      Lambro basin Milan
          jUjgo                      Tidone basin
          jUjgp                      Ticino basin
          jUjgq                      Staffora basin
          jUjgr                      Curone basin
          jUjgrm                           Museglia basin
          jUjgro                           Arzola basin
          jUjgs                      Scrivia basin
          jUjgsc                           Grue basin
          jUjgsczX                           Scrivia interbasin between Ossona and Grue Tortona
          jUjgsd                           Ossona basin
          jUjgsf                           Borbera basin; Borbera valley
          jUjgsfizX                                Ratti valley
          jUjgsfizp                                Strette di Pertuso
          jUjgsfj                                Besante basin
          jUjgsfl                                Sisola basin
          jUjgsfr                                Albirola basin
          jUjgsfs                                Liassa basin
          jUjgsfu                                Cosorella basin
          jUjgsfx                                Agnellasca basin
          jUjgsg                           Spinti basin
          jUjgsi                           Borlasca basin
          jUjgsj                           Vobbia basin
          jUjgsk                           San Rocco basin
          jUjgsl                           Traversa basin
          jUjgsm                           Busalletta basin
          jUjgsn                           Seminella basin
          jUjgsp                           Camiasca basin
          jUjgsr                           Brevenna basin
          jUjgst                           Laitona basin
          jUjgsw                           Pentemina basin
          jUjgsx                           Laccio basin
          jUjgt                      Tanaro basin
          jUjgu                      Sesia basin
          jUjgv                      Dora Baltea basin
          jUjgw                      Dora Riparia basin
          jUjgx                      Maira basin
          jUjgy                      Varaita basin
          jUjgzc                 Reno basin
          jUjgzd                 Marecchia basin
          jUjgze                 Metauro basin
          jUjgzf                 Aterno-Pescara basin
          jUjgzg                 Crati basin
          jUjgzh                 Neto basin
          jUjgzi                 Noce basin
          jUjgzj                 Sele basin
          jUjgzk                 Sarno basin
          jUjgzl                 Volturno basin
          jUjgzm                 Liri-Garigliano basin
          jUjgzn                 Tevere basin Rome
          jUjgzo                 Albegna basin
          jUjgzp                 Ombrone basin
          jUjgzq                 Arno basin
          jUjgzr                 Serchio basin
          jUjgzs                 Magra basin
          jUjgzt                 Entella basin; Fontanabuona; Lavagna
          jUjgzu                 Roia basin Italy, France
          jUjh                 Rhone basin Switzerland; France; Lyon
          jUjhb                      Gardon basin
          jUjhc                      Durance basin
          jUjhd                      Ouvèze basin
          jUjhe                      Eygues basin
          jUjhf                      Cèze basin
          jUjhg                      Ardèche basin
          jUjhh                      Drôme basin
          jUjhi                      Isère basin
          jUjhj                      Saône basin
          jUjhk                      Ain basin
          jUjhl                      Guiers basin
          jUjhm                      basin of Savière channel including Bourget lake, Leysse
          jUjhn                      Fier basin
          jUjho                      Dranse basin; Dranse d'Abondance
          jUjhp                      Arve basin
          jUjhq                      Venoge basin
          jUjhr                      Grande Eau basin
          jUjhs                      Drance basin; Dranse
          jUjht                      Borgne basin
          jUjhu                      Lizerne basin
          jUjhv                      Navizence basin
          jUjhw                      Lonza basin
          jUjhx                      Vispa basin
          jUjhy                      Saltina basin
          jUjhzm                 Muga basin France, Spain
          jUji                 Ebro basin Spain
          jUjizl                 Guadalquivir basin Spain
          jUjizu                 Guadiana basin Spain, Portugal
          jUjj                 Tejo basin; Tajo; Tago Spain, Portugal; Madrid
          jUjjzd                 Douro basin; Duero Spain, Portugal; Porto
          jUjjzl                 Lima basin Portugal
          jUjjzm                 Mino basin Portugal, Spain
          jUjjzu                 Garonne basin France
          jUjk                 Loire basin France
          jUjl                 Seine basin France; Paris
          jUjlzx                 Meuse basin; Maas Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany
          jUjm                 Rhine basin; Rhein Switzerl., Germany, Netherl.; Frankfurt, Stuttgart
          jUjmzs                 Weser basin Germany
          jUjn                 Elbe basin Czech Republic, Poland, Germany
          jUjnv                      Vltava basin; Moldau Czech Republic
          jUjnzbzk                           Skjern A basin Denmark
          jUjnzbzu                           Gudena basin Denmark
          jUjnzc                 Oder basin; Odra Germany, Poland
          jUjnzd                 Wisla basin; Vistula Poland; Warsaw, Katowice
          jUjnze                 Neman basin; Nemunas; Niemen Belarus, Lithuania
          jUjnzf                 Western Dvina basin; Zahodniaja Dzvina; Zapadnaya Dvina; Daugava Belarus, Latvia
          jUjnzg                 Narva basin Russia, Estonia
          jUjnzh                 Vuoksi-Neva basin; Svir; Suna Russia, Finland; St. Petersburg
          jUjnzhzk                           Kymijoki basin Finland
          jUjnzhzm                           Kokemaenjoki Finland
          jUjnzhzo                           Oulujoki basin Finland
          jUjnzhzq                           Ijoki Finland
          jUjnzi                 Kemijoki basin Finland
          jUjnzizm                           Muonio basin Finland, Sweden
          jUjnzj                 Kalix basin Sweden
          jUjnzl                 Lule basin Sweden
          jUjnzm                 Dalalven basin Sweden
          jUjnzmzn                           Angerman basin Norway, Sweden
          jUjnzn                 Lake Vattern basin Sweden
          jUjnzo                 Vaenern-Goeta basin Sweden
          jUjnzp                 Gloma basin Norway
          jUjnzq                 Dramselv basin Norway
          jUjnzr                 Northern Dvina basin Russia
          jUjnzrzn                           Tana basin Norway, Finland
          jUjnzrzo                           Tuloma basin Finland, Russia
          jUjnzrzp                           Ponoy basin Russia
          jUjnzrzv                           Varzuga basin
          jUjnzrzw                           Kovda basin Russia
          jUjnzrzx                           Kem basin Russia
          jUjnzrzy                           Nizhny Vyg basin; Soroka Russia
          jUjnzs                 Pechora basin Russia
          jUjnzt                 Ob basin Russia
          jUjnzu                 Yenisei basin Russia, Mongolia
          jUjnzv                 Lena basin Russia
          jUjnzw                 Khatanga basin Russia
          jUjnzx                 Indigirka basin Russia
          jUjnzy                 Kolyma basin Russia
          jUjoWy                 Asia  ≈ DDC 915
          jUjo                 Amur basin Russia, Mongolia, China
          jUjozh                 Hai River basin; Peiho; Pei He; Pei Ho China; Beijing, Peking
          jUjp                 Huang He basin; Yellow River China
          jUjq                 Yangtze basin China, Wuhan, Nanjing
          jUjr                 Xi Jiang basin
          jUjs                 Pearl River basin
          jUjt                 Mekong basin China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand
          jUju                 Irrawaddy basin Myanmar
          jUjv                 Ganges-Brahmaputra basin Nepal, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Delhi
          jUjw                 Godavari basin India
          jUjx                 Indus basin Nepal, India, Pakistan
          jUjy                 Tigris & Euphrate basin Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran; Babylon, Baghdad
          jUk            Africa  ≈ DDC 916  
          jUkb                 Lake Chad endorheic basin Chad, Niger, Central African Republic, Cameroon
          jUkc                 Nile basin Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya; Cairo
          jUkd                 Awash endorheic basin Ethiopia, Somaliland, Djibouti
          jUke                 Lake Turkana endorheic basin Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya
          jUkf                 Shebelle basin; Uebi Scebeli Ethiopia, Somalia
          jUkg                 Tana basin Kenya
          jUkh                 Rufiji basin Tanzania
          jUki                 Rowuma basin Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique
          jUkj                 Zambezi basin Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique
          jUkk                 Save basin Zimbabwe, Mozambique
          jUkl                 Limpopo basin Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana
          jUkm                 Okavango endorheic basin Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia
          jUkn                 Cunene basin Namibia, Angola
          jUko                 Cuanza basin Angola
          jUkp                 Congo basin Congo, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Gabon, Cameroon
          jUkq                 Ogooué basin Gabon
          jUkr                 Sanaga basin Cameroon
          jUks                 Niger basin Nigeria, Niger, Mali
          jUkt                 Volta basin Ghana, Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast
          jUku                 Comoe basin Ghana, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast
          jUkv                 Bandama basin Ivory Coast, Mali
          jUkw                 Senegal basin Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea
          jUkx                 Dra basin Morocco, Algeria
          jUkzbWc            Azores
          jUkzd            Madeira
          jUkzf            Tenerife
          jUkzn            Gran Canaria
          jUkzo            Fuerteventura
          jUkzq            Bioko Equatorial Guinea
          jUkzs            Sao Tome and Principe
          jUl            Madagascar
          jUlzc            Mauritius
          jUlze            Reunion
          jUlzm            Grande Comore; Ngazidja
          jUlzn            Zanzibar; Unguja Tanzania
          jUlzp            Pemba Tanzania
          jUlzs            Socotra Yemen
          jUm            Sri Lanka; Ceylon
          jUnWq            Indonesian archipelago  ↞ jx archipelagos
          jUn            Sumatra Indonesia
          jUo            Java Indonesia
          jUoze            Sumbawa Indonesia
          jUozf            Flores Indonesia
          jUozm            Timor Indonesia, East Timor
          jUozs            Seram Island Indonesia
          jUozu            Halmahera Indonesia
          jUozw            Sulawesi; Celebes Indonesia
          jUp            Borneo Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei
          jUpzh            Hainan China
          jUq            Taiwan; Formosa
          jUrWs            Philippines  ↞ jx archipelagos
          jUr            Luzon Philippines
          jUs            Mindanao Philippines
          jUtWw            Oceania  ≈ DDC 919
          jUt            New Guinea Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
          jUtzc            Manus Papua New Guinea
          jUtzd            New Britain Papua New Guinea
          jUtze            New Ireland Papua New Guinea
          jUtzfWk            Solomon Islands
          jUtzf            Bougainville Island Papua New Guinea
          jUtzg            Choiseul Island Solomon Islands
          jUtzh            New Georgia Solomon Islands
          jUtzi            Santa Isabel Solomon Islands
          jUtzj            Guadalcanal Solomon Islands
          jUtzk            Malaita Solomon Islands
          jUtzl            Makira; San Cristobal Solomon Islands
          jUtzm            Espiritu Santo Vanuatu
          jUtzn            Malakula Vanuatu
          jUtzo            Viti Levu Fiji
          jUtzp            Vanua Levu Fiji
          jUtzq            New Caledonia; Grande Terre
          jUtzr            Fraser Island Australia
          jUtzu            Stewart Island; Rakiura New Zealand
          jUtzv            Tasmania Australia
          jUtzw            Kangaroo Island Australia
          jUtzx            Melville Island Australia
          jUtzy            Groote Eylandt Australia
          jUu            Australia
          jUub                 Eyre Lake endorheic basin
          jUuc                 Mitchell basin
          jUud                 Burdekin basin
          jUue                 Fitzroy basin
          jUuf                 Murray-Darling basin
          jUuh                 Blackwood basin
          jUui                 Murchison basin
          jUuj                 Gascoyne basin
          jUuk                 Ashburton basin
          jUul                 Fortescue basin
          jUum                 De Grey basin
          jUuo                 Fitzroy River basin
          jUuq                 Ord basin
          jUur                 Victoria River basin
          jUut                 Daly basin
          jUuv                 Roper basin
          jUux                 Macarthur basin
          jUvWw            New Zealand archipelago  ↞ jx archipelagos
          jUv            South Island New Zealand
          jUw            North Island New Zealand
          jUxWy            Japanese archipelago  ↞ jx archipelagos
          jUx            Kyushu Japan
          jUxzs            Shikoku Japan
          jUy            Honshu Japan; Tokyo
          jUyzd            Hokkaido Japan
          jUyzh            Sakhalin Russia
          jUyzk            Kotelny Island Russia
          jUyzo            October Revolution Island Russia
          jUyzs            Severny Island; Novaya Zemlya; north Russia
          jUyzu            Yuzhny Island; Novaya Zemlya; south Russia
          jb       morphological elements
          jbd            pits
          jbf            pools
          jbh            channels
          jbl            local plains
          jbp            passes; gaps
          jbr            ridges
          jbx            peaks
          jd       mountains; hills; ridges; ranges  [orography]  ↞ isax 
          jd92   [jU]                at the springs of basin  
          jdU            mountain ranges of contemporary Earth  ↞ hU the Earth
          jdUb                 Balkan Mountains  ↞ jUe Cuba
          jdUc                 Alps  ↞ jUe Cuba
          jdUe                 Pyrenees  ↞ jUe Cuba
          jdUg                 Caucasus  ↞ jUe Cuba jUg Ireland
          jdUh                 Urals  ↞ jUe Cuba jUg Ireland
          jdUi                 Karakoram
          jdUj                 Himalaya  ↞ jdUg Caucasus
          jdUju                      Mahalangur Himal
          jdUjw                      Kanchenjunga
          jdUl                 Atlas  ↞ jUi Sicily
          jdUp                 Appalachians  ↞ jUn Sumatra
          jdUr                 North American Cordillera  ↞ jUn Sumatra
          jdUrr                      Rocky Mountains
          jdUs                 Andes  ↞ jUq Taiwan
          jdc            volcanic mountains  ↞ iac 
          jdcc                 composite cones; stratovolcanoes
          jdcs                 shield volcanoes
          jdf            fold mountains
          jdk            fault-block mountains
          jdkg                 grabens
          jdkh                 horsts
          jdm            uplifted passive margins
          jdr            residual mountains
          jdri                 inselbergs; monadnocks; tors; castle koppies; kopjes e.g. Ayers Rock
          jdro                 bornhardts
          jdu            dunes  ↞ j5v deposition
          jdw            moraines  ↞ jr glaciers
          jdwe                 lateral moraines
          jdwg                 ground moraines
          jdwn                 end moraines; terminal moraines
          jdwr                 recessional moraines
          jdwt                 medial moraine
          jdwu                 supraglacial moraines
          jdww                 washboard moraines
          jdwy                 veiki moraines
          jf       stone runs; stone rivers; stone streams; stone seas
          jj       valleys; dales
          jjf            river valleys; vales; V-shaped valleys  ↞ jsr rivers
          jji            rift valleys  ↞ it tectonic plates
          jjl            glacial valleys  ↞ jr glaciers
          jjlo                 trough valleys; U-shaped valleys
          jjlt                 tunnel valleys
          jjlw                 meltwater valleys
          jjo            box valleys
          jl       plains
          jlh            high plains; highlands; uplands; plateaus; tablelands; mesas
          jlhae                      escarpments; scarps
          jlhag                      canyons; gorges
          jlo            lowlands
          jlt            coastal plains
          jqWy       water reservoirs
          jq       aquifers; ground water; water-bearing strata  [hydrogeology]  ↞ fU water
          jqah                 saturated zone; phreatic zone
          jqahq                      aquitard
          jqahqc                           aquiclude; aquifuge
          jqav                 unsaturated zone; vadose zone
          jr       glaciers; glacial systems  [glaciology]  ↞ gteb ice
          jrc            ice sheets; ice caps
          jrd            ice domes
          jri            icestreams
          jrl            icefields
          jro            outlet glaciers
          jrq            valley glaciers
          jrs            piedmont glaciers
          jru            cirque glaciers
          js       fresh water systems; drainage basins; watersheds  [hydrology; hydrography; limnology]  ↞ fU water
          js79h   ⋄                     high
          js79o   ⋄                     low
          js923   [jd]                     flowing from mountains
          js924   [jU]                     flowing into; tributary of basin
          jsl            lakes; ponds; still water; stagnant water
          jsl92k   ⋄                          lakes of Africa
          jslab                      pools
          jslad                      ponds
          jslal                      lakes s.s.
          jslb                 tectonic lakes  ↞ it tectonic plates
          jslc                 volcanic lakes  ↞ iac 
          jslg                 glacial lakes  ↞ jr glaciers
          jsli                 fluvial lakes  ↞ jsr rivers
          jslib                      oxbow lakes
          jslid                      fluviatile dams
          jslil                      lateral lakes
          jslj                 solution lakes  ↞ fae 
          jsll                 landslide lakes  ↞ j5rss landslides
          jslo                 aeolian lakes  ↞ j3n winds
          jsls                 shoreline lakes  ↞ jv shores
          jslv                 organic lakes  ↞ m organisms
          jslx                 anthropogenic lakes  ↞ u polities
          jsly                 meteorite lakes; extraterrestrial impact-crater lakes  ↞ j5b impact events
          jsr            rivers; streams; watercourses; flowing water  [potamology]
          jsr52   [an]                     of m3/s; cubic meters per second; cumec discharge, rate of volumetric flow, water flow
          jsr7Dc                           sources
          jsr7Dn                           channel
          jsr7Dnb                                stream bed
          jsr7Dnn                                banks; embankments
          jsr7Dnt                                terraces
          jsr7Du                           mouth
          jsr7Duc                                confluence
          jsr7Dud                                delta
          jsr7Dudl                                     liman; guba
          jsr7Due                                estuary
          jsr9Dv                           brooks
          jsr9Dw                           creeks
          jsr9Dx                           intermittent rivers; ephemeral rivers
          jsrb                 bedrock rivers
          jsrb860jsrl                                     bedrock-alluvial rivers
          jsrl                 alluvial rivers
          jsrlc                      straight-channel rivers
          jsrli                      braided-channel rivers
          jsrlm                      meandering rivers
          jsrls                      anastomosed rivers
          jst            waterfalls; rapids; cataracts; cascades
          jstd                 ledge waterfalls
          jstf                 plunges
          jsth                 horsetail waterfalls
          jsts                 cascades
          jstt                 tiered waterfalls; multi-step; staircase waterfalls
          jv       shores; shorelines; coasts; coastal systems; rivieras  [coastal morphology]
          jvac                 cliffed coasts; abrasion coasts; seacliffs
          jvaf                 flat coasts; flat shorelines  
          jvafb                      beaches; intertidal zones
          jvaff                      shorefaces
          jvag                 graded shorelines
          jvl            lagoons
          jvm            salt marshes; saltmarshes
          jvp            peninsulas; promontories
          jvph                 headlands; heads
          jw       islands; isles
          jw92   [jU]                in sea; lake; river
          jwbWl            continental islands
          jwc            microcontinental islands
          jwe            barrier islands
          jwf            fluvial islands; alluvial islands  ↞ jsr rivers
          jwmWu            oceanic islands
          jwo            volcanic islands  ↞ iac 
          jwoc                 volcanic island arcs
          jwof                 oceanic rift islands
          jwoh                 hotspot islands
          jwt            atolls  ↞ mqdc anthozoa
          jww            artificial islands  ↞ u polities
          jx       archipelagos; island groups; island chains  ↞ jw islands
          jy       seas  [oceanography]
          jy5Ce                      wind waves; wind-generated waves; ocean waves
          jy5Cet                           tsunamis
          jy5Ci                      tides
          jy5Cn                      ocean currents
          jy5Cs                      oceanic basins  [bathymetry]
          jyU            seas of the contemporary Earth; World Ocean  ↞ hU the Earth
          jyUb                 Southern Ocean; Antarctic Ocean; Austral Ocean  ↞ jyo oceans
          jyUbd                      Weddell Sea
          jyUbf                      Ross Sea
          jyUbi                      Great Australian Bight
          jyUbp                      Spencer Gulf
          jyUbs                      Scotia Sea
          jyUbu                      Amundsen Sea
          jyUbw                      Bellingshausen Sea
          jyUby                      Davis Sea
          jyUc                 Sea of Cortez; Gulf of California
          jyUczs                 Salish Sea
          jyUd                 Pacific Ocean  ↞ jyo oceans
          jyUdc                      Savu Sea
          jyUdd                      Molucca Sea
          jyUde                      Halmahera Sea
          jyUdezc                      Ceram Sea
          jyUdf                      Solomon Sea
          jyUdg                      Bismarck Sea
          jyUdh                      Gulf of Carpentaria
          jyUdi                      Coral Sea
          jyUdj                      Yellow Sea
          jyUdjb                           Bohai Sea
          jyUdk                      Tasman Sea
          jyUdl                      Timor Sea
          jyUdm                      Arafura Sea
          jyUdn                      Banda Sea
          jyUdo                      Flores Sea
          jyUdp                      Camotes Sea
          jyUdq                      Philippine Sea
          jyUdr                      Bohol Sea; Mindanao Sea
          jyUdt                      Seto Inland Sea; Setouchi
          jyUdv                      Gulf of Alaska
          jyUdw                      Bering Sea
          jyUdx                      Sea of Okhotsk
          jyUdy                      Chilean Sea
          jyUe                 Sea of Japan
          jyUf                 East China Sea
          jyUg                 South China Sea
          jyUgt                      Gulf of Thailand; Gulf of Siam
          jyUh                 Sulu Sea
          jyUi                 Celebes Sea
          jyUj                 Java Sea
          jyUk                 Indian Ocean  ↞ jyo oceans
          jyUkl                      Gulf of Saint Vincent
          jyUko                      Gulf of Oman
          jyUkr                      Arabian Sea
          jyUkt                      Bay of Bengal
          jyUkv                      Andaman Sea
          jyUky                      Timor Sea
          jyUl                 Gulf of Aden
          jyUm                 Persian Gulf  ↞ jye mediterranean seas
          jyUn                 Red Sea  ↞ jye mediterranean seas
          jyUo                 Mediterranean Sea  ↞ jye mediterranean seas
          jyUob                      Alboran Sea
          jyUoc                      Catalan Sea
          jyUog                      Ligurian Sea
          jyUoh                      Tyrrhenian Sea
          jyUoi                      Adriatic Sea
          jyUoj                      Ionian Sea
          jyUol                      Gulf of Sidra; Gulf of Sirte
          jyUon                      Aegean Sea
          jyUoni                           Mirtoon Sea
          jyUonr                           Sea of Crete
          jyUont                           Thracian Sea
          jyUor                      Sea of Marmara
          jyUp                 Black Sea  ↞ jye mediterranean seas
          jyUpo                      Sea of Azov
          jyUq                 Baltic Sea  ↞ jye mediterranean seas
          jyUqb                      Gulf of Bothnia
          jyUqbb                           Bay of Bothnia
          jyUqbo                           Bothnian Sea
          jyUqc                      Central Baltic Sea
          jyUqf                      Gulf of Finland
          jyUr                 North Sea
          jyUs                 Atlantic Ocean  ↞ jyo oceans
          jyUsb                      Sea of the Hebrides
          jyUsc                      Irish Sea
          jyUse                      Celtic Sea
          jyUsi                      Bay of Biscay
          jyUsn                      Gulf of Guinea
          jyUst                      Gulf of St. Lawrence
          jyUsx                      Sargasso Sea
          jyUtWu                 American Mediterranean Sea  ↞ jye mediterranean seas
          jyUt                 Caribbean Sea
          jyUu                 Gulf of Mexico
          jyUv                 Bay of Fundy
          jyUw                 Baffin Bay
          jyUx                 Hudson Bay
          jyUxj                      James Bay
          jyUxzw                 White Sea
          jyUy                 Arctic Ocean  ↞ jyo oceans
          jyUyc                      Barents Sea
          jyUyd                      Kara Sea
          jyUye                      Beaufort Sea
          jyUyf                      Amundsen Gulf
          jyUyg                      Greenland Sea
          jyUyn                      Norwegian Sea
          jyUyo                      Chukchi Sea
          jyUyp                      Laptev Sea
          jyUys                      East Siberian Sea
          jyUyy                      Lincoln Sea
          jyb            bays; inlets; coves; bights
          jybs                 sounds
          jybu                 gulfs
          jyd            straits
          jydf                 fjords; fiords  ↞ jr glaciers
          jye            mediterranean seas
          jym            marginal seas
          jyo            oceans
          kWn  life  [biology]  
          k  genes; genetic code  [genetics]  ↞ fu nucleic acids   ≈ DDC 576.5
          k5        genetic process
          k5c            replication
          k5cm                 mutations
          k5eWg            expression
          k5e            transcription
          k5f            translation
          k5g            gene regulation
          k5h            inheritance
          k5k            codons
          k5ks                 stop codons
          k5m            exons
          k5n            introns
          k5o            operons
          k5r            regulatory sequences  ↞ kag 
          k5re                 enhancers
          k5rp                 promoters
          k5w            alleles
          k7   [X]       region
          k97   [X]            host
          k98   [f]           coding for gene product; functional molecule
          k98t                 proteins
          k98u                 nucleic acids
          k98ur                      functional RNA chain
          ke       mRNA; messenger RNA
          kf       tRNA; transfer RNA
          kh       chromosomes
          kh7l                 loci
          kh7lt                      telomeres
          ki       plasmids
          km       genomes
          km6Cp                      haploid
          km6Cq                      diploid
          kv       viruses  [virology]
          kv7             viral particle; virion
          kv7n                 genetic material  ↞ k genes
          kv7p                 protein coat
          kv7r                 virus envelope
          kv97   [m]                infecting host
          kv970l                           bacteriophages; phages
          kvb            bunyavirales
          kvc            caudovirales
          kvh            herpesvirales
          kvl            ligamenvirales
          kvm            mononegavirales
          kvn            nidovirales
          kvne                 arterividae
          kvnn                 coronaviridae
          kvnnb                      betacoronaviruses; β-CoV
          kvnnbs                           severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; SARS-CoV
          kvnnbt                           severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; SARS-CoV-2; 2019 novel coronavirus; 2019-nCoV
          kvnr                 roniviridae
          kvp            picornavirales
          kvt            tymovirales
          l  cells  [cell biology; cytology; cytobiology]
          l30k                 expressing gene
          l5        cellular function; process  [cell physiology]
          l5g            growth
          l5m            metabolism
          l5mah                      homeostasis
          l5mbWk                 catabolism
          l5md                 cellular digestion
          l5me                 cellular respiration
          l5mf                 fermentation
          l5mi                 carbohydrate catabolism  ↞ fo carbohydrates
          l5mj                 fat catabolism  ↞ fp lipids
          l5mk                 protein catabolism  ↞ ft proteins
          l5mlWo                 energy transformation
          l5ml                 oxidative phosphorylation
          l5mm                 chemolithotrophy
          l5mo                 photophosphorylation
          l5mpWy                 anabolism
          l5mp                 photosynthesis; carbon fixation; chemosynthesis
          l5mq                 carbohydrate and glycans anabolism; gluconeogenesis; glyoxylate cycle; glycogenesis; glycosylation
          l5ms                 fatty acid, isoprenoid and steroid synthesis
          l5mt                 protein biosynthesis
          l5mu                 nucleotide synthesis and salvage
          l5mx                 xenobiotics and redox metabolism
          l5n            secretion
          l5o            bioluminescence
          l5q            movement
          l5t            perception
          l5u            cell communication
          l5w            division; reproduction
          l5wb                 binary fission
          l5wi                 mitosis
          l5wm                 meiosis
          l5y            cellular death
          l6        trait; character
          l7   [X]       cell organ
          l70            composed of  [biochemistry]
          l70f   ⋄                molecule  [molecular biology]
          l70fur   ⋄                          RNA
          leWk       prokaryotes; prokaryote organisms  [microbiology]  ↞ k genes   ≈ DDC 579.3 570
          lh       archaea; archaeobacteria
          lhe            euryarchaeota
          lhn            crenarchaeota
          lk       eubacteria; bacteria s.s.
          lk6             bacterium shape  [bacteria morphology]
          lk6c                 coccus
          lk6cb                      coccus
          lk6cc                      diplococcus
          lk6ce                      diplococci encapsulated
          lk6ch                      staphylococcus
          lk6cr                      streptococcus
          lk6cs                      sarcina
          lk6ct                      tetrad
          lk6d                 budding; appendaged
          lk6dh                      hypha
          lk6ds                      stalk
          lk6f                 filamentous
          lk6h                 helical
          lk6i                 bacillus
          lk6ia                      coccobacillus
          lk6ib                      bacillus
          lk6ic                      diplobacillus
          lk6ip                      palisade
          lk6ir                      streptobacillus
          lk6k                 corkscrew-shaped
          lk6m                 comma-shaped
          lk6q                 club rod
          lk6r                 enlarged rod
          lk6s                 spirochete
          lk6v                 vibrio
          lk7             bacterium organ
          lk7b                 nucleoids
          lk7c                 cytoplasm
          lk7m                 plasma membranes
          lk7q                 flagellum
          lk7w                 cell wall
          lk7x                 capsules
          lk7y                 pili
          lkb            acidobacteria
          lkc            actinobacteria
          lkcU                 Streptomyces
          lkd            aquificae
          lke            bacteroidetes; chlorobi
          lkf            chlamydiae; verrucomicrobia
          lkg            chloroflexi; chlorobacteria
          lkgzc            chlorobi; green sulfur bacteria
          lkh            chrysiogenetes
          lki            cyanobacteria; cyanophyta; blue-green algae
          lkj            deferribacteres
          lkk            deinococcus-thermus; hadobacteria
          lkl            dictyoglomi
          lkm            fibrobacteres
          lkn            firmicutes
          lknU                 notable firmicutes
          lknUh                      Bacillus anthracis
          lknUl                      Lactobacillus
          lknUs                      Streptococcus
          lko            fusobacteria
          lkp            gemmatimonadetes
          lkq            nitrospirae
          lkr            planctomycetes
          lks            proteobacteria
          lksU                 notable proteobacteria
          lksUS                      Salmonella
          lksUe                      Escherichia
          lksUec                           Escherichia coli
          lksUh                      Helicobacter
          lksUhp                           Helicobacter pylori
          lksUi                      Vibrio
          lksUj                      Yersinia
          lksUl                      legionellales
          lkt            spirochaetes
          lktl                 leptospirales
          lku            synergistetes
          lkv            tenericutes
          lkw            thermodesulfobacteria
          lkx            thermotogae
          lu       eukaryote cells
          lu7             organelle
          lu7c                 nucleus
          lu7g                 Golgi apparatus
          lu7gm                      Golgi apparatus membrane
          lu7l                 chloroplasts
          lu7m                 mytochondria
          lu7p                 cytoplasm
          lu7t                 membranes
          lu7w                 cell wall
          luc            stem cells
          lug            germ cells
          lum            somatic cells; vegetal cells
          lup            differentiated plant cells
          lupb                 meristematic cells
          lupc                 collenchyma cells
          lupp                 parenchyma cells
          lupsWy                 sclerenchyma cells
          lups                 sclereids; stone cells
          lupu                 fibers
          lus            differentiated animal cells
          lusc                 stem cells
          lusg                 germ cells
          lusgg                      gametes
          lusggo                           ovi; eggs
          lusggs                           sperms
          luskWs                 germ layers; somatic cells
          lusk                 ectoderm
          lusm                 mesoderm
          luss                 endoderm
          m  organisms; eukaryote organisms; eukarya  ↞ l cells k genes   ≈ DDC 570  
          m076                 as applied to
          m076u   ⋄                     health care
          m09x                 cladistics; phylogenetic taxonomy   ↞ ysgos9Fl 
          m25   [ny]           in habitat
          m25b                 benthos
          m25c                 plankton and nekton
          m30k                 expressing gene
          m37   [X]            symbiont; fertilizer
          m4   [X]      affected by disease; pest  [pathology]
          m42            correlated with risk factor; determinant
          m439                 acquired from pathogen; cause  [aethiology; etiology; aetiology; aitiology]  
          m439b                      congenital abnormality  ↞ k genes
          m439c                      perinatal condition  ↞ m5e birth
          m439dWy                      environmental cause
          m439d                      exposure to radiation  ↞ d5 emitting
          m439h                      chemical exposure  ↞ f molecules
          m439j                      poisoning; toxic substance  [toxicology]
          m439n                      infection; germs
          m439ni                           viral infection  ↞ kv viruses
          m439nt                           bacterial infection  ↞ l cells
          m439nu                           fungal infection  ↞ mn fungi
          m439p                      parasites  ↞ m organisms
          m439t                      trauma; injury  ↞ g bulk matter
          m439tb                           blunt trauma
          m439ts                           sharp trauma
          m45   [_]            pathogenesis; mechanism  
          m47   [m4]           with complication; sequela; secondary effect
          m48   [an89]            outcome; prognosis; course
          m49   [X]           showing; feeling; reflected by; manifested as symptom; sign  [symptomatology]
          m5        function; physiological process  [physiology]  ≈ DDC 571
          m58   [l5]            metabolic process
          m5e            birth  ↞ oso giving birth
          m5g            growth
          m5m            metamorphosis
          m5r            reproduction
          m5ra                 asexual reproduction
          m5rl                 allogamy
          m5ru                 autogamy; self-fertilization
          m5w            ageing
          m5x            death; dying
          m5x30o                           kill
          m6   [X]       trait; character  [morphology]
          m7   [X]       organ; viscus; organ system; body system  [anatomy]
          m78   [lu]            cell type
          m79   [X]            tissue  [histology]
          m8        growth stage; developmental stage  [ontogeny; embryology]  ↞ 51 developed through
          m81   [an89]           aged years age
          m827   [an89]                 length; height
          m83   [an89]            weight
          m838   [an]                 weighing g
          m83f                 light
          m83u                 heavy
          m88   [an]            quantity
          m8a            conception
          m8b            zygote
          m8c            embryo
          m8d            fetus; foetus
          m8d5x                      abortion
          m8d5x30p                                     induced abortion
          m8f            newborn; neonate; infant
          m8g            larva
          m8h            metamorphosis
          m8i            very young
          m8l            adolescent; puberty
          m8n            young; youth
          m8p            adult
          m8u            old; ageing
          m8x            dead; corpse
          m8y            fossil  ≈ DDC 560
          m9        sex; gender
          m91   [i1]           lived in; existed in era  [palaeontology]
          m92   [jU]           distributed in range  [biogeography]
          m93   [m]           descendant of ancestor taxon; lineage  [phylogeny]
          m9304   [m]                     ancestor of descendant
          m938   [m]                son of parent
          m93804   [m]                          parent of son
          m97   [X]           with qualifying organ
          m974   [X]                without; lacking missing organ
          m9i            indeterminate gender; androgynous
          m9x            male
          m9xy                 male born as female
          m9y            female
          m9yx                 female born as male
          mA       all organisms; biosphere
          mAa   ⋄           organisms in themselves
          mU   [mqvtguos]      human organisms; men  [biological anthropology]
          mU4            affected by human disease  [nosology; health science]
          mU48   [an89]                 severity; seriousness; prognosis
          mU488   [an]                      APACHE scoring system
          mU488oo                                APACHE 0  
          mU488vp                                APACHE 71  
          mU48c                      healthy
          mU48f                      not serious
          mU48m                      serious
          mU48u                      very serious
          mU48v                      extremely serious
          mU48y                      fatal
          mU49                 with feature; symptom; sign
          mU49b                      pain
          mU49bc                           acute pain
          mU49bh                           chronic pain
          mU49c                      cough
          mU49e                      vomiting; emesis; throwing up
          mU49f                      fever; pyrexia
          mU49o                      disorders of form
          mU49oc                           increase in size
          mU49oce                                edema; oedema; fluid retention; dropsy; hydropsy; swelling
          mU49od                           decrease in size
          mU49oh                           change in shape
          mU49ol                           appearance of lumps
          mU49on                           change of appearance
          mU49onc                                change of colour
          mU49u                      disorders of function
          mU49uc                           increase in function
          mU49ud                           decrease in function
          mU49ul                           alteration in function
          mU6             sex
          mU689                       skin colour; tone  
          mU689a                           pale white skin; Monk A
          mU689b                           white skin; Monk B
          mU689d                           golden honey skin; Monk D
          mU689e                           light olive skin; Monk E
          mU689f                           olive skin; Monk F
          mU689g                           light brown skin; Monk G
          mU689h                           moderate brown skin; Monk H
          mU689i                           dark brown skin; Monk I
          mU689j                           black skin; Monk J
          mU6x                 male men
          mU6y                 female women
          mU7            human organs  [human anatomy]  ≈ DDC 611 612
          mU7d                 human digestive organs; gastrointestinal tract; GIT; digestive tract; alimentary canal; digestion tract
          mU7dbWq                      upper gastrointestinal tract
          mU7db                      human mouth
          mU7dbb                           lips
          mU7dbl                           palate
          mU7dbo                           human tongue
          mU7dbt                           human teeth
          mU7dbt(81d)                                     deciduous teeth; primary teeth; baby teeth; milk teeth  ↞ mU8i children
          mU7dbt(81p)                                     permanent teeth
          mU7dbtXXXc                                     pulp chamber
          mU7dbtXXXd                                     dentin
          mU7dbtXXXe                                     enamel
          mU7dbtXXXg                                     gums; gingivas
          mU7dbtXXXm                                     cementum
          mU7dbtXXl                                     left
          mU7dbtXXr                                     right
          mU7dbti                                incisors
          mU7dbtii                                     maxillary central incisors
          mU7dbtiil   ⋄                                    left maxillary central incisor
          mU7dbtiir   ⋄                                    right maxillary central incisor
          mU7dbtil                                     maxillary lateral incisors
          mU7dbtin                                     mandibular central incisors
          mU7dbtir                                     mandibular lateral incisors
          mU7dbtn                                canines
          mU7dbtni                                     maxillary canins
          mU7dbtnn                                     mandibular canins
          mU7dbtp                                premolars; bicuspids
          mU7dbtpi                                     maxillary first premolars
          mU7dbtpl                                     maxillary second premolars
          mU7dbtpn                                     mandibular first premolars
          mU7dbtpr                                     mandibular second premolars
          mU7dbtr                                molars
          mU7dbtrXd   ⋄                                    molar dentin
          mU7dbtri                                     maxillary first molars
          mU7dbtrl                                     maxillary second molars
          mU7dbtrm                                     maxillary third molars
          mU7dbtrn                                     mandibular first molars
          mU7dbtrr                                     mandibular second molars
          mU7dbtrt                                     mandibular third molars
          mU7dd                      pharynx
          mU7de                      esophagus
          mU7dh                      stomach
          mU7dl                      liver
          mU7do                      gallbladder; gall bladder; cholecyst
          mU7dp                      pancreas
          mU7dtWy                      lower gastrointestinal tract
          mU7dt                      intestines; bowel; gut
          mU7dtcWj                           small intestine; small bowel
          mU7dtd                           duodenus
          mU7dte                           jejunum
          mU7dti                           ileum
          mU7dtmWx                           large intestine; large bowel
          mU7dtm                           cecum; caecum
          mU7dto                           colon
          mU7dtoc                                ascending colon
          mU7dtoe                                transverse colon
          mU7dton                                descending colon
          mU7dtos                                sigmoid colon
          mU7dtr                           rectum
          mU7dtw                           anal canal
          mU7dx                      anus
          mU7e                 human respiratory organs
          mU7ec                      paranasal sinuses
          mU7ee                      nose
          mU7el                      larynx
          mU7em                      vocal folds
          mU7eq                      trachea
          mU7er                      bronchi
          mU7eu                      lungs
          mU7ex                      diaphragm
          mU7i                 human circulatory organs
          mU7ih                      human heart
          mU7ihf                           left atrium
          mU7ihh                           right atrium
          mU7ihl                           left ventricle
          mU7ihn                           right ventricle
          mU7ihp                           perdicardium; pericardial sac
          mU7il                      blood vessels
          mU7ile                           arteries
          mU7ill                           capillaries
          mU7ilv                           veins
          mU7io                      human blood
          mU7io49uc                                     hyperemia; increased blood flow
          mU7j                 immune and lymphatic systems
          mU7jb                      innate immune system; nonspecific immune system
          mU7jd                      adaptive immune system; acquired immune system
          mU7jl                      lymphatic vessels
          mU7jn                      lymph nodes; lymph glands
          mU7jt                      thymus
          mU7jw                      bone marrow
          mU7jy                      lymph
          mU7l                 human glands
          mU7n                 human nervous system
          mU7nbWk                      central nervous system; CNS
          mU7nb                      human brain
          mU7nbc                           cerebellum
          mU7nbe                           brainstem
          mU7nbed                                midbrain
          mU7nben                                pons
          mU7nbeo                                medulla oblongata
          mU7nbr                           cerebrum; telencephalon; endbrain
          mU7nbrh                                hippocampus
          mU7nbrl                                basal ganglia
          mU7nbro                                olfactory bulb
          mU7nbrx                                cerebral cortex; cerebral mantle
          mU7nbrxe                                     longitudinal fissure
          mU7nbrxf                                     frontal lobes
          mU7nbrxi                                     parietal lobes
          mU7nbrxo                                     occipital lobes
          mU7nbrxt                                     temporal lobes
          mU7nc                      spinal cord
          mU7nlWy                      peripheral nervous system; PNS
          mU7nn                      nerves
          mU7o                 human sense organs
          mU7oe                      human eyes
          mU7oe49ud                                      blindness
          mU7oec                           cornea
          mU7oei                           iris
          mU7oel                           pupil
          mU7oen                           crystalline lens
          mU7oer                           retina
          mU7oh                      human ears
          mU7oh49ud                                      deafness
          mU7ohbWc                           outer ear
          mU7ohb                           pinna
          mU7ohc                           ear canal
          mU7ohhWo                           medium ear
          mU7ohm                           tympanic cavity
          mU7oho                           ossicles
          mU7ohpWy                           inner ear
          mU7ohq                           bony labyrinth
          mU7ohs                           semicircular canals
          mU7ohu                           utricle
          mU7ohv                           saccule
          mU7ohx                           cochlea
          mU7p                 limbs
          mU7pl                      legs
          mU7plf                           feet
          mU7plft                                toes
          mU7pr                      arms
          mU7prh                           hands
          mU7prhn                                fingers
          mU7q                 human skeleton
          mU7qbWg                      axial skeleton
          mU7qcWd                      skull; cranium s.l.
          mU7qc                      cranium; neurocranium
          mU7qd                      mandible; viscerocranium; facial skeleton
          mU7qe                      vertebral column; backbone; spine
          mU7qebWh                           cervical vertebrae; cervical spine
          mU7qeiWrzq                 thoracic vertebrae; thoracic spine
          mU7qei                           first thoracic vertebra; T1
          mU7qer                           tenth toracic vertebra; T10
          mU7qerzp                           eleventh thoracic vertebra; T11
          mU7qerzq                           twelfth thoracic vertebra; T12
          mU7qesWw                           lumbar vertebrae; lumbar spine
          mU7qex                           sacrum
          mU7qey                           coccyx
          mU7qg                      rib cage; thoracic cage
          mU7qgr                           ribs
          mU7qgrb                                1st left rib
          mU7qgrc                                1st right rib
          mU7qgry                                12th right rib
          mU7qgs                           sternum
          mU7qiWy                      appendicular skeleton
          mU7qi                      pectoral girdles
          mU7ql                      upper limbs
          mU7qle                           humerus
          mU7qlr                           radius
          mU7qlu                           ulna
          mU7qlw                           wrist; carpus; carpal bones
          mU7qlx                           metacarpus; metacarpal bones
          mU7qly                           phalanges; digital bones
          mU7qp                      pelvis; pelvic girdle
          mU7qw                      lower limbs
          mU7qwf                           femur
          mU7qwh                           patella; kneecap
          mU7qwi                           tibia
          mU7qwl                           fibula
          mU7qwr                           tarsus
          mU7qws                           metatarsus
          mU7qwy                           phalanges; toe bones
          mU7r                 human muscles
          mU7s                 human reproductive organs
          mU7u                 human urinary organs; escretory system
          mU7uk                      kidneys
          mU7x                 human skin
          mU7x49oce                                     angioedema
          mU7x4l                           dermatitis; eczema
          mU7x7io49uc                                     erythema
          mU7xh                      human hair
          mU7xn                      human nails
          mU827   [ann]                      height meters
          mU827pvo   ⋄                                    1,70 m
          mU82f                      small
          mU82u                      big
          mU838   [an]                     weighing Kg
          mU84   [an89]                 humanity
          mU84b                      non human
          mU84g                      quasi-human; humanoid
          mU8c                 foetus
          mU8e                 human infant
          mU8i                 children
          mU8l                 kids
          mU8n                 young humans
          mU8p                 adult humans
          mU8v                 old humans
          mX       kingdoms
          mXA   ⋄           some organisms
          mXX            phyla; divisions; types
          mXXX                 classes
          mXXXX                      orders
          mXXXXX                           genera
          mXXXXXX                                species
          mXXXXXXX                                     varieties; races
          mY        individuals; specimens
          meWl       protists; protista; unicellular eukaryotes
          me       excavates; excavata including Euglena, Tripanosoma, Trichomonas  ≈ DDC 579
          mg       rhizaria
          mgc            cercozoa
          mgf            forams; foraminifera
          mgr            radiolarians; radiolaria
          mh       chromalveolata  ≈ DDC 579
          mhe            heterokontophyta
          mheo                 oomycetes; oomycota; water molds
          mhh            haptophyta
          mhk            cryptophyta
          mhm            apicomplexa
          mho            chromerida
          mhq            ciliates; ciliophora
          mht            dinoflagellates; dinoflagellata
          mj       amoebozoa including Amoeba  ≈ DDC 579
          mn       fungi  [mycology]  ≈ DDC 579
          mnc            chytrids; chytridiomycota
          mnd            blastocladiomycota
          mne            neocallimastigomycetes; neocallimastigomycota
          mng            zygomycota; zygomycetes and trichomycetes including black bread mold, Rhizopus
          mnh            glomeromycota
          mnoWy            dikarya; deuteromycota; higher fungi
          mno            ascomycetes; ascomycota; sac fungi including morels, truffles, yeasts, cup fungi
          mnoU   [mnossssc]                Saccharomyces cerevisiae
          mnop                 pezizomycetes
          mnopp                      pezizales
          mnoppt                           tuberaceae
          mnopptt                                Tuber; truffles
          mnos                 saccharomycetes; hemiascomycetes; budding yeasts
          mnoss                      saccharomycetales
          mnosss                           saccharomycetaceae
          mnossss                                Saccharomyces
          mnossssc                                     Saccharomyces cerevisiae
          mns            basydiomicetes; basydiomycota; club fungi including puffballs
          mnscWf                 agaricomycotina; hymenomycetes
          mnsc                 tremellomycetes
          mnsd                 dacrymycetes
          mnsf                 agaricomycetes; homobasidiomycetes including mushrooms
          mnsfc                      agaricales; gilled mushrooms; euagarics
          mnsfcc                           agaricaceae
          mnsfccc                                Agaricus; common mushroom
          mnsfcm                           amanitaceae
          mnsfcmm                                Amanita
          mnsfp                      phallales
          mnsfpp                           phallaceae; stinkhorn mushrooms
          mnsgWr                 pucciniomycotina
          mnsg                 agaricostilbomycetes
          mnsi                 atractiellomycetes
          mnsl                 classiculomycetes
          mnsm                 cryptomycocolacomycetes
          mnsn                 cystobasidiomycetes
          mnso                 microbotryomycetes
          mnsp                 mixiomycetes
          mnsq                 pucciniomycetes; urediniomycetes
          mnssWx                 ustilaginomycotina
          mnss                 exobasidiomycetes
          mnst                 entorrhizomycetes
          mnsu                 ustilaginomycetes; true smut fungi
          mnsw                 malasseziomycetes
          mnsx                 moniliellomycetes
          mo       red algae; rhodophyta  ≈ DDC 579
          mp       plants  [botany SS]  ↞ lup differentiated plant cells   ≈ DDC 580
          mp076                        [applied botany]
          mp23   [nyo]                growing on soil substratum
          mp37   [mq]                pollinated by pollinator
          mp370j(5kn)                                     wind
          mp37ri                           insects
          mp37vo                           birds
          mp4            afftected by plant disease; pest  [plant pathology; phytopathology]
          mp4c                 rusts
          mp4g                 smuts
          mp4i                 blight
          mp4l                 leaf spots
          mp4n                 canker
          mp4q                 wilt
          mp4t                 downy mildews
          mp4w                 prowdery mildew
          mp4x                 anthracnoses
          mp6             bearing
          mp6r                 herb; herbaceous
          mp6s                 shrub; bushes
          mp6t                 tree; arboreous; arboreal plants
          mp7             plant organ; functional system  [plant morphology]  ≈ DDC 575
          mp79                  plant tissue  [plant anatomy; phytotomy]
          mp79e                      epidermis
          mp79g                      ground tissue
          mp79v                      vascular tissue
          mp79vb                           phloem; bast; liber
          mp79vm                           meristem
          mp79vmc                                vascular cambium
          mp79vmk                                cork cambium
          mp79vx                           xylem
          mp7f                 roots
          mp7g                 stem
          mp7gc                      trunk
          mp7gr                      branches; rami
          mp7grb                           boughs
          mp7grt                           twigs
          mp7l                 leaves
          mp7s                 seeds; fruits
          mp7so                      ovules
          mp7sp                      pericarp
          mp7st                      accessory fruits
          mp7w                 flowers
          mp7wa                      calyx
          mp7wc                      corolla
          mp7wp                      pistil; carpels; gynoecium
          mp7wpo                           ovary
          mp7wpq                           style
          mp7wps                           stigma
          mp7ws                      stamen; stamina; androecium
          mp9             sex
          mpbWc            green algae
          mpb            chlorophytes; chlorophyta
          mpc            charophytes; charophyta
          mpeWj            bryophytes
          mpe            liverworts; marchantiophyta
          mph            hornworts; anthocerotophyta
          mpj            mosses; bryophyta  [bryology]  ≈ DDC 588
          mplWn            pteridophytes
          mpl            club mosses; lycopodiophyta
          mpnWy            seed plants
          mpn            ferns; pteridophytae; filicophyta; polypodiophyta; polypodiopsida  [pteridology]  ≈ DDC 587
          mpo            cycads; cycadophyta
          mpq            ginkgos; ginkgophyta
          mprWt            gymnospermae
          mpr            conifers; pinophyta; coniferophyta  ≈ DDC 585
          mprU   [mprppb]                pinaceae; pine family
          mprUb                      pines; Pinus
          mprUc                      spruces; Picea
          mprUh                      Cahtaya
          mprUl                      larches; Larix
          mprUm                      Douglas firs; Pseudotsuga
          mprUo                      golden larches; Pseudolarix
          mprUq                      firs; Abies
          mprUr                      cedars; Cedrus
          mprUt                      Keteleeria
          mprUu                      Nothotsuga
          mprUx                      hemlocks; Tsuga
          mprp                 pinopsida
          mprpc                      cordaitales
          mprpp                      pinales
          mprppb                           pinaceae
          mprppc                           araucariaceae; araucaria family; monkey puzzle trees
          mprppe                           podocarpaceae; yellow-wood family
          mprppp                           sciadopityaceae; umbrella-pine family
          mprppr                           cupressaceae; cypress family
          mprppt                           cephalotaxaceae; plum-yew family
          mprppy                           taxaceae; yew family
          mprps                      vojnovskyales
          mprpv                      voltziales
          mpt            gnetophytes; gnetophyta including Gnetum, Ephedra, Welwitschia
          mpw            flowering plants; angiospermae; magnoliophyta
          mpwU   [mpwbtg]                grasses
          mpwb                 monocotyledons; monocots; monocotyledoneae; monocotyledones; liliopsida; liliidae
          mpwbb                      acorales
          mpwbc                      alismatales
          mpwbe                      asparagales
          mpwber                           amaryllidaceae
          mpwberl                                Allium
          mpwberlg                                     garlic; Allium sativum
          mpwberlo                                     onions; Allium cepa
          mpwbg                      dioscoreales
          mpwbl                      liliales
          mpwbn                      pandanales
          mpwbp                      palmae; arecales
          mpwbr                      commelinales
          mpwbt                      poales including grasses, bromeliads, sedges
          mpwbtc                           cyperaceae
          mpwbtcc                                Cyperus
          mpwbtccp                                     papyrus sedge; paper reed; Cyperus papyrus
          mpwbtg                           grasses; poaceae; gramineae
          mpwbtgb                                bamboos
          mpwbtgc                                sugar cane
          mpwbtge                                rice
          mpwbtgf                                wheat
          mpwbtgh                                barley
          mpwbtgj                                oat
          mpwbtgl                                rye
          mpwbtgm                                maize
          mpwbtgo                                millet
          mpwby                      zingiberales
          mpwbym                           musaceae
          mpwbymk                                Musa; bananas and plantains
          mpwdWy                 dicotyledons; dicots; magnoliopsida  
          mpwd                 magnoliidae mostly basal dicots
          mpwdb                      magnoliales
          mpwdbb                           winteraceae
          mpwdbd                           degeneriaceae
          mpwdbh                           himantandraceae
          mpwdbj                           eupomatiaceae
          mpwdbk                           austrobaileyaceae
          mpwdbm                           magnoliaceae magnolia family
          mpwdbo                           lactoridaceae
          mpwdbq                           annonaceae
          mpwdbs                           myristicaceae
          mpwdbu                           canellaceae
          mpwdc                      laurales
          mpwdcb                           amborellaceae
          mpwdcc                           trimeniaceae
          mpwdce                           monimiaceae
          mpwdcg                           gomortegaceae
          mpwdci                           calycanthaceae
          mpwdck                           idiospermaceae
          mpwdcl                           lauraceae laurel family
          mpwdclc                                Cinnamomum including cinnamon, cassia, camphor laurel
          mpwdcll                                bay laurels; Laurus
          mpwdcln                                spicebushes; Lindera
          mpwdclp                                avocados; Persea
          mpwdcls                                Sassafras
          mpwdcn                           hernandiaceae
          mpwde                      piperales
          mpwdec                           chloranthaceae
          mpwdej                           saururaceae
          mpwdep                           piperaceae
          mpwdepp                                pepper; Piper
          mpwdh                      aristolochiales
          mpwdhh                           aristolochiaceae
          mpwdl                      illiciales
          mpwdli                           illiciaceae
          mpwdls                           schisandraceae
          mpwdn                      nymphaeales
          mpwdne                           nelumbonaceae
          mpwdnm                           nymphaeaceae
          mpwdnmw                                water-lilies; waterlilies; Nymphaea
          mpwdnq                           barclayaceae
          mpwdnu                           cabombaceae
          mpwdny                           ceratophyllaceae
          mpwdr                      ranunculales
          mpwdrb                           ranunculaceae
          mpwdrc                           circaeasteraceae
          mpwdre                           berberidaceae
          mpwdrg                           sargentodoxaceae
          mpwdrl                           lardizabalaceae
          mpwdrm                           menispermaceae
          mpwdro                           coriariaceae
          mpwdrs                           sabiaceae
          mpwdv                      papaverales
          mpwdvp                           papaveraceae
          mpwdvu                           fumariaceae
          mpwh                 hamamelidae; hamamelididae
          mpwhb                      trochodendrales
          mpwhbe                           tetracentraceae
          mpwhbr                           trochodendraceae
          mpwhc                      hamamelidales
          mpwhcc                           cercidiphyllaceae
          mpwhce                           eupteleaceae
          mpwhcp                           platanaceae
          mpwhct                           hamamelidaceae
          mpwhcy                           myrothamnaceae
          mpwhd                      daphniphyllales
          mpwhdd                           daphniphyllaceae
          mpwhf                      didymelales
          mpwhfd                           didymelaceae
          mpwhg                      eucommiales
          mpwhge                           eucommiaceae
          mpwhi                      urticales
          mpwhib                           barbeyaceae
          mpwhie                           ulmaceae
          mpwhieu                                elms; Ulmus
          mpwhii                           cannabaceae
          mpwhiic                                hemps; Cannabis
          mpwhiie                                hackberries; Celtis
          mpwhiig                                Gironniera
          mpwhiih                                hops; Humulus
          mpwhiip                                Parasponia
          mpwhiir                                Pteroceltis
          mpwhiit                                tremas; Trema
          mpwhim                           moraceae
          mpwhir                           cecropiaceae
          mpwhiu                           urticaceae
          mpwhiuu                                nettles; Urtica
          mpwhl                      leitneriales
          mpwhll                           leitneriaceae
          mpwho                      juglandales
          mpwhoh                           rhoipteleaceae
          mpwhoj                           juglandaceae
          mpwhojb                                Alfaroa
          mpwhojc                                Carya including hickory, pecan
          mpwhojd                                wheel wingnuts; Cyclocarya
          mpwhoje                                cheos; Engelhardia
          mpwhojj                                walnuts; Juglans
          mpwhojo                                Oreomunnea
          mpwhojp                                Platycarya
          mpwhojw                                wingnuts; Pterocarya
          mpwhr                      myricales
          mpwhrm                           myricaceae
          mpwhu                      fagales
          mpwhub                           balanopaceae
          mpwhud                           ticodendraceae
          mpwhuf                           fagaceae
          mpwhufc                                chestnuts; Castanea
          mpwhufd                                chinquapins; chinkapins; Castanopsis
          mpwhufe                                golden chinkapins; Chrysolepis
          mpwhufg                                Colombobalanus
          mpwhufh                                beeches; Fagus
          mpwhufm                                Formanodendron
          mpwhufo                                tanoaks; stone oaks; Lithocarpus
          mpwhufq                                oaks; Quercus
          mpwhuft                                Trigonobalanus
          mpwhun                           nothofagaceae
          mpwhuu                           betulaceae
          mpwhuub                                birches; Betula
          mpwhuuc                                hornbeams; Carpinus
          mpwhuud                                alders; Alder
          mpwhuuh                                hazels; Corylus
          mpwhuuo                                hop-hornbeams; Ostrya
          mpwhuur                                hazel-hornbeams; Ostryopsis
          mpwhy                      casuarinales
          mpwhyc                           casuarinaceae
          mpwk                 caryophyllidae
          mpwkc                      caryophyllales
          mpwkcb                           phytolaccaceae
          mpwkcd                           achatocarpaceae
          mpwkcf                           nyctaginaceae
          mpwkch                           aizoaceae
          mpwkcj                           didiereaceae
          mpwkcl                           cactaceae cactus family
          mpwkcn                           chenopodiaceae
          mpwkcp                           amaranthaceae
          mpwkcps                                Spinacia
          mpwkcpss                                     spinach; Spinacia oleracea
          mpwkcr                           portulacaceae
          mpwkct                           basellaceae
          mpwkcv                           molluginaceae
          mpwkcx                           caryophyllaceae
          mpwkcxd                                Dianthus
          mpwkp                      polygonales
          mpwkpp                           polygonaceae
          mpwkppb                                buckwheat; Fagopyrum
          mpwkppr                                rhubarb; Rheum
          mpwku                      plumbaginales
          mpwkup                           plumbaginaceae
          mpwn                 dilleniidae
          mpwnb                      dilleniales
          mpwnbd                           dilleniaceae
          mpwnbp                           paeoniaceae
          mpwnd                      theales
          mpwndb                           ochnaceae
          mpwndc                           sphaerosepalaceae
          mpwndd                           sarcolaenaceae
          mpwnde                           dipterocarpaceae
          mpwndf                           caryocaraceae
          mpwndh                           theaceae
          mpwndhc                                Camellia
          mpwndhcs                                     tea plant; Camellia sinensis
          mpwndi                           actinidiaceae
          mpwndj                           scytopetalaceae
          mpwndk                           pentaphylacaceae
          mpwndl                           tetrameristaceae
          mpwndm                           pellicieraceae
          mpwndo                           oncothecaceae
          mpwndp                           marcgraviaceae
          mpwndq                           quiinaceae
          mpwndr                           elatinaceae
          mpwnds                           paracryphiaceae
          mpwndt                           medusagynaceae
          mpwndu                           clusiaceae
          mpwnf                      malvales
          mpwnfe                           elaeocarpaceae
          mpwnfi                           tiliaceae
          mpwnfk                           sterculiaceae
          mpwnfkk                                kola nuts; Cola
          mpwnfkt                                Theobroma
          mpwnfktc                                     cacao; cocoa plants; Theobroma cacao
          mpwnfo                           bombacaceae
          mpwnfv                           malvaceae including mallow
          mpwnfvb                                baobabs; Adansonia
          mpwnfvc                                cotton plants; Gossypium
          mpwnfvh                                Hibiscus
          mpwnfvhk                                     kenaf; Hibiscus cannabinus
          mpwnfvo                                Abelmoschus
          mpwnfvok                                     okra; Abelmoschus esculentus
          mpwnfvt                                lime trees; linden; basswood; Tilia
          mpwnh                      lecythidales
          mpwnhl                           lecythidaceae
          mpwnj                      nepenthales
          mpwnjc                           sarraceniaceae
          mpwnjn                           nepenthaceae
          mpwnjs                           droseraceae
          mpwnl                      violales
          mpwnlb                           flacourtiaceae
          mpwnlc                           peridiscaceae
          mpwnld                           bixaceae
          mpwnle                           cistaceae
          mpwnlf                           huaceae
          mpwnlg                           lacistemataceae
          mpwnlh                           scyphostegiaceae
          mpwnli                           stachyuraceae
          mpwnlj                           violaceae
          mpwnljv                                violets; pansies; heartsease; Viola
          mpwnlk                           tamaricaceae tamarind family
          mpwnll                           frankeniaceae
          mpwnlm                           dioncophyllaceae
          mpwnln                           ancistrocladaceae
          mpwnlo                           turneraceae
          mpwnlp                           malesherbiaceae
          mpwnlq                           passifloraceae
          mpwnlr                           achariaceae
          mpwnls                           caricaceae
          mpwnlt                           fouquieriaceae
          mpwnlu                           hoplestigmataceae
          mpwnlv                           cucurbitaceae; melons; gourds; cucurbits
          mpwnlvc                                Cucumis
          mpwnlvcc                                     cucumbers; Cucumis sativus
          mpwnlvcm                                     melons; Cucumis melo
          mpwnlvi                                Citrullus including watermelons
          mpwnlvs                                squashes; marrows; Cucurbita including pumpkins, zucchini
          mpwnlw                           datiscaceae
          mpwnlx                           begoniaceae
          mpwnly                           loasaceae
          mpwnn                      salicales
          mpwnns                           salicaceae
          mpwnnsp                                poplars; Populus
          mpwnnsw                                willows; Salix
          mpwnp                      capparales
          mpwnpb                           tovariaceae
          mpwnpc                           capparaceae
          mpwnpi                           brassicaceae; cruciferae; crucifers; mustard family; cabbage family
          mpwnpib                                Brassica
          mpwnpibc                                     cabbages; cauliflowers; Brassica oleracea
          mpwnpibn                                     rapeseeds; Brassica napus
          mpwnpibr                                     turnips; Chinese cabbages; Brassica rapa
          mpwnpir                                radishes; Raphanus
          mpwnpis                                horseradishes; Armoracia
          mpwnpit                                stocks; Matthiola
          mpwnpix                                Arabidopsis
          mpwnpixt                                     thale cress; Arabidopsis thaliana
          mpwnpm                           moringaceae
          mpwnpr                           resedaceae
          mpwnr                      batales
          mpwnrg                           gyrostemonaceae
          mpwnrt                           bataceae
          mpwns                      ericales
          mpwnsc                           cyrillaceae
          mpwnse                           clethraceae
          mpwnsg                           grubbiaceae
          mpwnsi                           empetraceae
          mpwnsk                           epacridaceae
          mpwnsm                           ericaceae
          mpwnsmh                                heaths; heathers; Erica
          mpwnsp                           pyrolaceae
          mpwnst                           monotropaceae
          mpwnt                      diapensiales
          mpwntd                           diapensiaceae
          mpwnv                      ebenales
          mpwnvb                           sapotaceae
          mpwnve                           ebenaceae
          mpwnvep                                persimmons; Diospyros
          mpwnvepk                                     kaki; Diospyros kaki
          mpwnvs                           styracaceae
          mpwnvv                           lissocarpaceae
          mpwnvy                           symplocaceae
          mpwny                      primulales
          mpwnye                           theophrastaceae
          mpwnym                           myrsinaceae
          mpwnyp                           primulaceae
          mpwr                 rosidae
          mpwrb                      rosales
          mpwrbb                           brunelliaceae
          mpwrbc                           connaraceae
          mpwrbd                           eucryphiaceae
          mpwrbe                           cunoniaceae
          mpwrbf                           davidsoniaceae
          mpwrbg                           dialypetalanthaceae
          mpwrbh                           pittosporaceae
          mpwrbi                           byblidaceae
          mpwrbj                           hydrangeaceae
          mpwrbk                           columelliaceae
          mpwrbl                           grossulariaceae
          mpwrblr                                Ribes including currants, gooseberries
          mpwrbm                           greyiaceae
          mpwrbn                           bruniaceae
          mpwrbo                           anisophylleaceae
          mpwrbp                           alseuosmiaceae
          mpwrbq                           crassulaceae
          mpwrbr                           cephalotaceae
          mpwrbs                           saxifragaceae
          mpwrbt                           rosaceae; rose family
          mpwrbtb                                roses; Rosa
          mpwrbtd                                Rubus including blackberries, raspberries
          mpwrbtf                                strawberries; Fragaria
          mpwrbtm                                apples; Malus including crabapples
          mpwrbtp                                pears; Pyrus
          mpwrbtr                                Prunus
          mpwrbtrb                                     almonds; Prunus dulcis; Prunus amygdalus; Amygdalus communis; Amygdalus dulcis
          mpwrbtrc                                     peaches; Prunus persica
          mpwrbtre                                     apricots; Prunus armeniaca; Armeniaca vulgaris
          mpwrbtrg                                     plums; gages; prunes; Prunus domestica
          mpwrbtrh                                     cherries; Prunus cerasus
          mpwrbu                           neuradaceae
          mpwrbv                           crossosomataceae
          mpwrbw                           chrysobalanaceae
          mpwrbx                           surianaceae
          mpwrby                           rhabdodendraceae
          mpwrc                      fabales
          mpwrcb                           mimosaceae; mimosa family
          mpwrcc                           caesalpiniaceae
          mpwrcf                           fabaceae
          mpwrcfc                                acacias; thorntrees; wattles; Acacia
          mpwrcff                                Glycine
          mpwrcffx                                     soybean; Glycine max
          mpwrcfg                                Glycyrrhiza
          mpwrcfgl                                     liquorice plant; licorice; Glycyrrhiza glabra
          mpwrcfp                                beans; Phaseolus
          mpwrcfq                                Pisum
          mpwrcfqp                                     peas; Pisum sativum
          mpwrcfr                                Arachis
          mpwrcfrp                                     peanut; Arachis hypogaea
          mpwrcfs                                Cicer including chick pea
          mpwrd                      proteales
          mpwrdn                           nelumbonaceae
          mpwrdnl                                lotus; Nelumbo
          mpwrdp                           plane trees; platanaceae
          mpwrdt                           proteaceae
          mpwre                      podostemales
          mpwrep                           podostemaceae
          mpwrf                      haloragales
          mpwrfh                           haloragaceae
          mpwrfu                           gunneraceae
          mpwrg                      myrtales
          mpwrgb                           sonneratiaceae
          mpwrgc                           lythraceae
          mpwrgd                           penaeaceae
          mpwrge                           crypteroniaceae
          mpwrgg                           thymelaeaceae
          mpwrgh                           trapaceae
          mpwrgj                           myrtaceae
          mpwrgk                           punicaceae
          mpwrgm                           onagraceae
          mpwrgo                           oliniaceae
          mpwrgq                           melastomataceae
          mpwrgs                           combretaceae
          mpwrgu                           alzateaceae
          mpwrgw                           memecylaceae
          mpwrgy                           rhyncocalycaceae
          mpwrh                      rhizophorales
          mpwrhr                           rhizophoraceae
          mpwri                      cornales
          mpwril                           alangiaceae
          mpwrin                           nyssaceae
          mpwrir                           cornaceae
          mpwriy                           garryaceae
          mpwrj                      santalales
          mpwrjb                           medusandraceae
          mpwrjd                           dipentodontaceae
          mpwrjf                           olacaceae
          mpwrji                           opiliaceae
          mpwrjn                           santalaceae
          mpwrjo                           misodendraceae
          mpwrjr                           loranthaceae
          mpwrjv                           viscaceae
          mpwrjw                           eremolepidaceae
          mpwrjy                           balanophoraceae
          mpwrk                      rafflesiales
          mpwrkh                           hydnoraceae
          mpwrkm                           mitrastemonaceae
          mpwrkr                           rafflesiaceae
          mpwrl                      celastrales
          mpwrlb                           geissolomataceae
          mpwrlc                           celastraceae
          mpwrlh                           hippocrateaceae
          mpwrlk                           stackhousiaceae
          mpwrll                           salvadoraceae
          mpwrlo                           aquifoliaceae
          mpwrlq                           icacinaceae
          mpwrls                           aextoxicaceae
          mpwrlt                           cardiopteridaceae
          mpwrlv                           corynocarpaceae
          mpwrlw                           dichapetalaceae
          mpwrly                           tepuianthaceae
          mpwro                      euphorbiales
          mpwrob                           buxaceae
          mpwrom                           simmondsiaceae
          mpwrop                           pandaceae
          mpwrou                           euphorbiaceae
          mpwrous                                spurges; Euphorbia
          mpwrousm                                     Manihot
          mpwrousms                                     cassava; manioc; yuca; macaxeira; mandioca; aipim; Brazilian arrowroot; Manihot esculenta
          mpwrr                      rhamnales
          mpwrrh                           rhamnaceae
          mpwrrl                           leeaceae
          mpwrrv                           vitaceae
          mpwrrvv                                grapes; grapevines; Vitis
          mpwrs                      linales
          mpwrse                           erythroxylaceae
          mpwrsh                           humiriaceae
          mpwrsi                           ixonanthaceae
          mpwrsk                           hugoniaceae
          mpwrsl                           linaceae
          mpwrsll                                Linum
          mpwrsllf                                     flax; linseed; Linum usitatissimum
          mpwrt                      polygalales
          mpwrte                           malpighiaceae
          mpwrth                           vochysiaceae
          mpwrti                           trigoniaceae
          mpwrtm                           tremandraceae
          mpwrtp                           polygalaceae
          mpwrtx                           xanthophyllaceae
          mpwrty                           krameriaceae
          mpwru                      sapindales
          mpwrub                           staphyleaceae
          mpwrud                           melianthaceae
          mpwruf                           bretschneideraceae
          mpwruh                           akaniaceae
          mpwrui                           sapindaceae
          mpwruk                           hippocastanaceae
          mpwrukh                                Aesculus including buckeyes, horse-chestnuts
          mpwrum                           aceraceae
          mpwrumm                                maples; Acer
          mpwruo                           burseraceae
          mpwrup                           anacardiaceae
          mpwrupc                                Anacardium
          mpwrupco                                     cashew; Anacardium occidentale
          mpwrupm                                mango; Mangifera
          mpwrupp                                Pistacia
          mpwruppl                                     lentisk; mastic; Pistacia lentiscus
          mpwruppv                                     pistachio; Pistacia vera
          mpwrur                           julianiaceae
          mpwrus                           simaroubaceae
          mpwruu                           cneoraceae
          mpwruv                           meliaceae
          mpwrux                           rutaceae
          mpwruxc                                Citrus
          mpwruxcl                                     lemon trees; Citrus limon
          mpwruxcm                                     mandarin orange trees; Citrus reticulata
          mpwruxco                                     sweet orange trees; Citrus x sinensis
          mpwruxcp                                     grapefruit trees; Citrus x paradisi
          mpwruy                           zygophyllaceae
          mpwrw                      geraniales
          mpwrwd                           oxalidaceae
          mpwrwg                           geraniaceae
          mpwrwl                           limnanthaceae
          mpwrwo                           tropaeolaceae
          mpwrws                           balsaminaceae
          mpwrx                      apiales
          mpwrxl                           araliaceae
          mpwrxli                                ivies; Hedera
          mpwrxp                           apiaceae; umbelliferae; umbellifers
          mpwrxpd                                Daucus
          mpwrxpdc                                     carrot; Daucus carota
          mpwt                 asteridae
          mpwtb                      gentianales
          mpwtbc                           loganiaceae
          mpwtbe                           retziaceae
          mpwtbg                           gentianaceae
          mpwtbi                           saccifoliaceae
          mpwtbp                           apocynaceae
          mpwtbs                           asclepiadaceae
          mpwtd                      solanales
          mpwtdd                           duckeodendraceae
          mpwtdf                           nolanaceae
          mpwtdh                           solanaceae
          mpwtdhb                                belladonna; deadly nightshade; Atropa
          mpwtdhp                                peppers; Capsicum
          mpwtdhs                                Solanum including nightshades, horsenettles
          mpwtdhse                                     eggplants; aubergines; brinjals; Solanum melongena
          mpwtdhsp                                     potatoes; Solanum tuberosum
          mpwtdhst                                     tomatoes; Solanum lycopersicum
          mpwtdht                                tobacco plants; Nicotiana
          mpwtdl                           convolvulaceae
          mpwtdn                           cuscutaceae
          mpwtdq                           menyanthaceae
          mpwtds                           polemoniaceae
          mpwtdu                           hydrophyllaceae
          mpwtdx                           retziaceae
          mpwtf                      lamiales
          mpwtfl                           lennoaceae
          mpwtfo                           boraginaceae
          mpwtfv                           verbenaceae
          mpwtfy                           lamiaceae
          mpwtfys                                Salvia including common sage
          mpwti                      callitrichales
          mpwtih                           hippuridaceae
          mpwtil                           callitrichaceae
          mpwtiy                           hydrostachyaceae
          mpwtl                      plantaginales
          mpwtlp                           plantaginaceae
          mpwto                      scrophulariales
          mpwtob                           buddlejaceae
          mpwtoe                           oleaceae olive family
          mpwtoef                                ashes; Fraxinus
          mpwtoej                                jasmines; Jasminus
          mpwtoel                                lylacs; Syringa
          mpwtoeo                                olive trees; Olea
          mpwtoh                           scrophulariaceae
          mpwtok                           globulariaceae
          mpwtom                           myoporaceae
          mpwtoo                           orobanchaceae
          mpwtoq                           gesneriaceae
          mpwtos                           acanthaceae
          mpwtou                           pedaliaceae
          mpwtov                           bignoniaceae
          mpwtox                           mendonciaceae
          mpwtoy                           lentibulariaceae
          mpwtq                      campanulales
          mpwtqc                           pentaphragmataceae
          mpwtqf                           sphenocleaceae
          mpwtqi                           campanulaceae
          mpwtql                           stylidiaceae
          mpwtqo                           donatiaceae
          mpwtqr                           brunoniaceae
          mpwtqu                           goodeniaceae
          mpwtr                      rubiales
          mpwtrr                           rubiaceae
          mpwtrrc                                coffee plants; Coffea
          mpwtrt                           theligonaceae
          mpwts                      dipsacales
          mpwtsc                           caprifoliaceae
          mpwtso                           adoxaceae
          mpwtsv                           valerianaceae
          mpwtsy                           dipsacaceae
          mpwtu                      calycerales
          mpwtuc                           calyceraceae
          mpwtw                      asterales
          mpwtwc                           asteraceae; compositae
          mpwtwcb                                Ambrosia
          mpwtwcc                                chicory; Cichorium
          mpwtwcd                                Dahlia
          mpwtwce                                Dendranthema
          mpwtwcf                                Argyranthemum
          mpwtwcg                                Gerbera
          mpwtwch                                Helianthus
          mpwtwchf                                     sunflowers; Helianthus annuus
          mpwtwcht                                     Jerusalem artichoke; Helianthus tuberosus
          mpwtwci                                Zinnia
          mpwtwcj                                Artemisia
          mpwtwcjb                                     absinthe; Artemisia absinthium
          mpwtwcjd                                     tarragon; Artemisia dracunculus
          mpwtwck                                knapweed; Centaurea
          mpwtwcl                                Lactuca
          mpwtwcls                                     lettuce; Lactuca sativa
          mpwtwcm                                Smallanthus
          mpwtwcms                                     yacón; Smallanthus sonchifolius
          mpwtwcn                                Senecio
          mpwtwcnv                                     groundsel; Senecio vulgaris
          mpwtwco                                goldenrod; Solidago
          mpwtwcp                                Calendula
          mpwtwcq                                safflower; Carthamus tinctorius
          mpwtwcr                                Chrysanthemum
          mpwtwcs                                ragwort; Senecio jacobaea
          mpwtwct                                dandelion; araxacum
          mpwtwcu                                tagetes
          mpwtwcy                                globe artichoke; Cynara scolymus
          mq       animals; metazoa  [zoology]  ↞ lus differentiated animal cells   ≈ DDC 590  
          mq076                        [applied zoology]
          mq30vi                           bred animals
          mq4             animal disease; illness; disability; disorder; syndrome  [animal pathology; nosology; epidemiology; medical ]  ≈ DDC 616
          mq430                      acquired from pathogen
          mq433   [sb]                     sensitive to food pathogen
          mq433ib   ⋄                               milk
          mq45                  pathogenesis; pathological mechanism
          mq46   [p4]                implying mental consequence; life quality
          mq46n   ⋄                     anxiety
          mq47                 with complication
          mq48                  outcome; prognosis; course
          mq4b                 state of balance; homeostasis
          mq4d                 growth/differentiation disorders; morphogenesis disorders
          mq4db                      atrophy  
          mq4do                      hypertrophy  
          mq4ds                      hyperplasia  
          mq4dt                      metaplasia  
          mq4e                 cellular diseases
          mq4en                      necrosis  
          mq4ep                      apoptosis  
          mq4f                 lesion; tissue damage or change
          mq4g                 metabolic disorders
          mq4h                 haemodynamic disorders
          mq4hh                      haemorrhage
          mq4hh7nr                                     haemorrhagic strokes
          mq4hi                      ischaemia
          mq4hi7ih                                     heart attacks
          mq4hi7nr                                     ischaemic strokes
          mq4hs                      shocks
          mq4i                 immunological disorders
          mq4id                      immunodeficiency
          mq4idn                           HIV/AIDS; human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome
          mq4ip                      hypersensitivity; intolerance
          mq4ipl                           allergy; allergic disease  [allergology]
          mq4ipl430                                     caused by allergene
          mq4ipl430mqriq                                     hymenoptera
          mq4ipl430sb                                     food
          mq4ipl430sbccm   ⋄                                    apples
          mq4ipl430sh(7)                                     drug
          mq4ipl430sh(7tbi)                                     antibiotic
          mq4ipld                                atopic dermatitis; atopic eczema
          mq4iple                                hay fever
          mq4iplx                                anaphylaxis
          mq4ipu                           autoimmunity
          mq4l                 inflammation
          mq4lc                      acute inflammation
          mq4lcc                           cold
          mq4lh                      chronic inflammation
          mq4lhs                           asthma  ↞ mq7e respiratory organs
          mq4lht                           tuberculosis
          mq4n                 neoplasia; carcinogenesis
          mq4nb                      bening tumor
          mq4ni                      carcinoma in situ; pre-malignant tumor
          mq4nr                      cancer; malignant neoplasm
          mq4nr7j                                lymphoma
          mq4nr7jb                                     leukaemia
          mq5             animal function  [animal physiology]
          mq7             animal organ; system; apparatus  [comparative anatomy]  ↞ laf   ≈ DDC 573
          mq79                  animal tissue
          mq79c                      connective tissue  ↞ mq88m 
          mq79e                      epithelial tissue
          mq79m                      muscle tissue
          mq79mi                           visceral muscle; smooth muscle
          mq79ms                           skeletal muscle
          mq79mx                           cardiac muscle
          mq79n                      nervous tissue
          mq7d                 digestive organs
          mq7d5                      digestion
          mq7d54                           digestive diseases
          mq7db                      mouth
          mq7dbb                           beak
          mq7dbo                           tongue
          mq7dbt                           teeth
          mq7de                      esophagus; oesophagus; gullet; throat
          mq7dec                           crop; croup
          mq7do                      stomach
          mq7dt                      intestine
          mq7dx                      anus
          mq7e                 respiratory organs
          mq7e5                      respiration
          mq7e54                           respiratory diseases
          mq7i                 circulatory organs
          mq7i5                      circulation
          mq7i54                           circulatory diseases
          mq7ih                      heart  ↞ mq89mx 
          mq7j                 blood, immune and lymphatic systems
          mq7jb                      blood
          mq7jb54                                blood diseases including blood-forming organs
          mq7ji                      immune system
          mq7jl                      lymphatic system
          mq7jl54                                lymphatic diseases
          mq7l                 glands; endocrine system  [endocrinology]
          mq7l5                      hormone transmission
          mq7l54                           endocrine diseases
          mq7n                 nervous system  [neurology]
          mq7n5                      neural transmission
          mq7n54                           nervous diseases
          mq7nr                      brain
          mq7o                 sense organs
          mq7o54                           eye and ear diseases
          mq7oe                      eyes; sight; vision
          mq7oh                      ears; hearing; audition
          mq7on                      nose; smell; olfaction
          mq7p                 appendages
          mq7pl                      limbs
          mq7pm                      fins
          mq7pn                      wings
          mq7pt                      tail
          mq7q                 skeleton; bones
          mq7r                 muscles; muscular; motor system  ↞ mq89m 
          mq7r54                           musculoskeletal connective diseases
          mq7sWu54                 genitourinary disease
          mq7s                 reproductive organs; sex organs
          mq7u                 urinary organs; excretory system  [nephrology]
          mq7u5                      excretion
          mq7x                 skin; integumentary system
          mq7x4                      skin diseases
          mq7xh                      hair
          mq7xn                      nails
          mq86f   ⋄                     few animals
          mq88nq   ⋄                          two animals
          mq97   [mq7]                with qualifying organ
          mq974   [mq7]                     without; lacking missing organ
          mq97dbb   ⋄                               beak beaked
          mqU            animals of special interest for humans
          mqUb   [mqriqxx]                honey bees
          mqUc   [mqvogslg]                chickens
          mqUd   [mqvtoccd]                dogs
          mqUh   [mqvtteuf]                horses
          mqUo   [mqvtuvbt]                cattle; cows
          mqUp   [mqvtudssd]                pigs; hogs; swines
          mqUr   [mqvtuvr]                goats
          mqUs   [mqvtuvsd]                sheep
          mqbWu            invertebrates  ↞ mqv69b 
          mqb            mesozoa
          mqc            sponges; porifera  ≈ DDC 593
          mqdWdz  radiata
          mqd            cnidaria; coelenterata  ≈ DDC 593
          mqdc                 anthozoa including corals
          mqdf                 cubozoa; box jellyfish; sea wasps
          mqdh                 hydrozoa; hydroids
          mqdj                 scyphozoa; true jellyfish
          mqdk                 staurozoa; stalked jellyfish
          mqdp                 polypodiozoa
          mqds                 malacosporea
          mqdx                 myxosporea
          mqdzt            ctenophora
          mqeWr            protostomia
          mqe            flatworms; platyhelminths; plathelminthes including tapeworms, flukes  ≈ DDC 592
          mqf            gnathostomulida
          mqg            nemertinea; rhynchocoela
          mqgze            entoprocta
          mqh            rotifera
          mqhzg            gastrotricha
          mqhzk            kinorhyncha; echinoderes
          mqi            nematoda; nemathelminthes
          mqj            bryozoa; ectoprocta
          mqk            phoronida
          mql            brachiopoda
          mqlk                 monoplacophora
          mqm            mollusca  [malacology]  ≈ DDC 594
          mqmc                 aplacophora
          mqmd                 polyplacophora
          mqmf                 scaphopoda
          mqmg                 gastropoda; snails and slugs
          mqml                 bivalves; bivalvia; lamellibranchiata; pelecypoda including scallops, clams, oysters, mussels
          mqmp                 cephalopods; cephalopoda
          mqmpi                      nautilida
          mqmpkWm                      ammonites; ammonoidea
          mqmpk                      goniatitida
          mqmpl                      ceratitida
          mqmpm                      ammonitida
          mqmpq                      cuttlefish; cuttles; sepiida
          mqmps                      squids; teuthida
          mqmpy                      octopuses; octopoda
          mqn            annelida  ≈ DDC 592
          mqnc                 polychaeta
          mqng                 oligochaeta including earthworms
          mqns                 hirudinea
          mqo            sipuncula
          mqp            echiura
          mqq            priapulida
          mqqzg            pogonophora
          mqqzo            onychophora
          mqr            arthropoda  ≈ DDC 595
          mqrb                 trilobita
          mqrc                 pycnogonida; pantopoda
          mqrd                 arachnids; arachnida
          mqrdcWi                      mites; acari; acarina
          mqrdo                      scorpions; scorpiones
          mqrds                      spiders; araneae
          mqrh                 crustaceans
          mqri                 insects; insecta; hexapoda  [entomology]
          mqribWbz            apterygota
          mqrib                      bristletails; archaeognatha
          mqribzi                      silverfish; thysanura
          mqribzm                      monura
          mqricWy                      pterygota
          mqric                      mayflies; ephemeroptera
          mqriczd                      palaeodictyoptera
          mqriczg                      megasecoptera
          mqriczh                      archodonata
          mqriczn                      diaphanopterodea
          mqriczp                      protodonata
          mqrid                      odonata; dragonflies and damselflies
          mqrieWp                      exopterygota
          mqrie                      gladiators; mantophasmatodea
          mqriezc                      caloneurodea
          mqriezg                      ice-crawlers; grylloblattodea
          mqriezi                      titanoptera
          mqriezp                      protorthoptera
          mqrif                      stoneflies; plecoptera
          mqrifze                      webspinners; embioptera
          mqrifzy                      angel insects; zoraptera
          mqrig                      earwigs; dermaptera
          mqrih                      orthoptera including grasshoppers, crickets
          mqrii                      stick insects; phasmatodea
          mqrij                      cockroaches; blattodea
          mqrik                      termites; isoptera
          mqril                      mantids; mantodea
          mqrim                      booklice and barklice; psocoptera
          mqrin                      thrips; thysanoptera
          mqrio                      lice; phthiraptera
          mqrip                      true bugs; hemiptera
          mqriqWy                      endopterygota
          mqriq                      hymenoptera including ants, bees
          mqriqm                           ants; formicidae  [myrmecology]
          mqriqp                           vespidae including some wasps, jellowjackets
          mqriqpv                                hornets; Vespa
          mqriqx                           bees; apidae
          mqriqxu                                bumblebees; bumble bees; humble-bees; Bombus
          mqriqxx                                honey bees; Apis
          mqrir                      beetles; coleoptera
          mqris                      twisted-winged parasites; strepsiptera
          mqrit                      net-veined insects; neuroptera
          mqritzm                      megaloptera; include alderflies
          mqritzr                      snakeflies; raphidioptera
          mqriu                      mecoptera; include scorpionflies
          mqriv                      fleas; siphonaptera
          mqrivzp                      protodiptera
          mqriw                      flies; true flies; diptera
          mqrix                      caddisflies; trichoptera
          mqriy                      lepidoptera; butterflies and moths
          mqriyzg                      glosselytrodea
          mqriyzm                      miomoptera
          mqrk                 centipedes; chilopoda
          mqrm                 millipedes; diplopoda
          mqrp                 pauropoda
          mqrs                 symphyla
          mqrzp            pentastomida; linguatulida
          mqrzt            tardigrada
          mqsWv            deuterostomia
          mqs            chaetognata
          mqt            echinoderms; echinodermata  ≈ DDC 592
          mqtc                 crinoidea
          mqtf                 brittle stars; ophiuroidea
          mqti                 starfish; asteroidea
          mqtn                 sea urchins; echinoidea
          mqto                 sea cucumbers; holothuroidea
          mqv            chordates; chordata  ≈ DDC 596
          mqvbWc                 urochordata; tunicata
          mqvb                 larvacea; appendicularia
          mqvc                 ascidiacea
          mqvczt                 thaliacea
          mqvd                 cephalochordata; leptocardii
          mqveWi                 fish; pisces  [ichtyology]
          mqveWy                 vertebrates  [vertebrate zoology]
          mqve                 ostracodermi
          mqvf                 cyclostomata; agnatha
          mqvfzp                 placodermi
          mqvg                 cartilaginous fish; chondrichtyes  ≈ DDC 597
          mqvgbWe                      batoidea; rays and skates
          mqvgb                      rajiformes includings common rays and skates
          mqvgc                      sawfishes; pristiformes
          mqvge                      electric rays; torpediniformes
          mqvgfWv                      sharks; selachimorpha
          mqvgf                      hexanchiformes; include cow sharks; frilled sharks
          mqvgg                      squaliformes including bramble sharks, dogfish, roughsharks
          mqvgi                      pristiophoriformes
          mqvgj                      squatiniformes
          mqvgm                      heterodontiformes
          mqvgo                      carpet sharks; orectolobiformes including zebra sharks, nurse sharks, wobbegongs
          mqvgr                      ground sharks; carcharhiniformes including requiem sharks, houndsharks, catsharks
          mqvgs                      mackerel sharks; lamniformes including goblin shark, basking shark, megamouths
          mqvgx                      chimerae; chimaeriformes; holocephali
          mqvhWi                 bony fish; osteichtyes
          mqvh                 ray-finned fish; actinopterygii  ≈ DDC 597
          mqvhbWbzp            chondrostei
          mqvhb                      polypteriformes including bichirs, reedfish
          mqvhbzp                      acipenseriformes including sturgeons, paddlefish
          mqvhcWczy            holostei
          mqvhcWy                      neopterygii
          mqvhc                      gars; lepisosteiformes
          mqvhczb                      bowfins; amiiformes
          mqvhdWdzy            osteoglossomorpha
          mqvhdWy                      teleosts; teleostei
          mqvhd                      bony-tongued fishes; osteoglossiformes
          mqvhdze                      hiodontiformes including mooneye and goldeye
          mqvheWgzy            elopomorpha
          mqvhe                      elopiformes including ladyfishes and tarpon
          mqvhfzs                      notacanthiformes including halosaurs, spiny eels
          mqvhg                      eels and gulpers; anguilliformes
          mqvhgzs                      saccopharyngiformes including gulper eel
          mqvhh                      clupeiformes; clupeomorpha including herrings, anchovies
          mqvhiWizy            ostariophysi
          mqvhi                      cypriniformes including barbs, carp, danios, goldfish, loaches
          mqvhizc                      characiformes including characins, pencilfish, hatchetfish
          mqvhizg                      gymnotiformes including electric eels, knifefish
          mqvhizm                      gonorynchiformes including milkfish
          mqvhizs                      catfishes; siluriformes
          mqvhjWkzy            protacanthopterygii
          mqvhj                      salmoniformes including salmons, trouts
          mqvhk                      esociformes including pikes
          mqvhkzo                      osmeriformes including smelts, galaxiids
          mqvhlWlzy            stenopterygii
          mqvhl                      ateleopodiformes including jellynose fish
          mqvhlzs                      stomiiformes including bristlemouths, marine hatchetfish
          mqvhm                      aulopiformes; cyclosquamata including Bombay duck, lancetfish
          mqvhn                      myctophiformes; scopelomorpha including lanternfish
          mqvho                      lampriformes; lampridiomorpha including oarfish, opah, ribbonfish
          mqvhp                      beardfishes; polymixiiformes; polymyxiomorpha
          mqvhqWqzy            paracanthopterygii
          mqvhq                      percopsiformes including cavefishes, trout-perches
          mqvhqzb                      toadfishes; batrachoidiformes
          mqvhqze                      lophiiformes including anglerfish
          mqvhqzg                      gadiformes including cods
          mqvhqzo                      ophidiiformes
          mqvhrWy                      acanthopterygii including pearlfish
          mqvhs                      mullets; mugiliformes
          mqvhszh                      atheriniformes including silversides, rainbowfish
          mqvhszn                      beloniformes including flyingfish
          mqvht                      whalefishes; cetomimiformes
          mqvhtzc                      cyprinodontiformes including livebearers, killifish
          mqvhtzs                      stephanoberyciformes including ridgeheads
          mqvhtzy                      beryciformes including fangtooths, pineconefish
          mqvhu                      zeiformes including dories
          mqvhuzc                      clingfishes; gobiesociformes
          mqvhv                      gasterosteiformes including sticklebacks
          mqvhvzs                      syngnathiformes including seahorses, pipefish
          mqvhw                      synbranchiformes including swamp eels
          mqvhx                      tetraodontiformes including filefishes, pufferfish
          mqvhxzf                      flatfishes; pleuronectiformes
          mqvhxzs                      scorpaeniformes including scorpionfishes, weaver fish
          mqvhy                      perciformes including anabantids, bass, cichlids, gobies, gour
          mqvi                 lobe finned fish; sarcopterigii including coelacanths, lungfish = dipnoi
          mqvj                 amphibians; amphibia; batrachia  [batracology; herpetology (partim)]  ≈ DDC 597
          mqvjcWf                      labyrinthodontia
          mqvjc                      ichthyostegalia
          mqvje                      temnospondyli
          mqvjf                      anthracosauria
          mqvjiWl                      lepospondyli
          mqvji                      nectridea
          mqvjj                      aistopoda
          mqvjk                      microsauria
          mqvjl                      lysorophia
          mqvjm                      proanura
          mqvjn                      frogs; anura; salientia including toads
          mqvjno                           true toads; bufonidae
          mqvjnr                           tree frogs; hylidae
          mqvjnu                           true frogs; ranidae
          mqvju                      caudata; urodela including salamanders, newts, olms, sirens
          mqvjy                      gymnophiona; apoda; caecilia
          mqvl                 reptiles; reptilia  [herpetology (partim)]  ≈ DDC 597
          mqvlbWc                      anapsida
          mqvlb                      cotylosauria
          mqvlc                      chelonia; testudinata including tortoises, turtles
          mqvldWf                      synapsida
          mqvld                      mesosauria
          mqvle                      pelycosauria
          mqvlf                      therapsida
          mqvlgWh                      euryapsida
          mqvlg                      araeoscelidia; protorosauria
          mqvlh                      sauropterigia including plesiosauri
          mqvliWl                      lepidosauria
          mqvli                      ichthyosauria; ichthyopterygia
          mqvlj                      eosuchia
          mqvlk                      rhynchocephalia
          mqvll                      squamata including lizards, snakes
          mqvlnWt                      archosauria
          mqvln                      thecodontia
          mqvlo                      crocodilia
          mqvlqWt                      dynosaurs
          mqvlq                      saurischia including Tyrannosaurus, Brontosaurus, Diplodocus
          mqvlr                      ornithischia including Iguanodon, Stegosaurus, Triceratops
          mqvlt                      pterosauria including Pteranodon
          mqvo                 birds; aves  [ornithology]  ≈ DDC 598
          mqvob                      archaeornites; Archaeopterix
          mqvobzhWc                      odontognathae
          mqvobzh                      hesperornithiformes
          mqvoc                      ichthyornithiformes
          mqvoczn                      tinamiformes
          mqvoczr                      rheiformes
          mqvoczs                      struthioniformes
          mqvoczu                      casuariiformes
          mqvoczv                      aepyornithiformes
          mqvoczw                      dinornithiformes including moas, kiwis
          mqvod                      podicipediformes including Podiceps
          mqvoe                      anseriformes including geese, ducks, swans
          mqvoezc                      ciconiiformes
          mqvoezp                      phoenicopteriformes
          mqvof                      falconiformes; diurnal raptors
          mqvog                      galliformes including chickens, pheasants, Perdix
          mqvogs                           phasianidae
          mqvogsl                                junglefowl; Gallus
          mqvogslg                                     chickens; red junglefowls; Gallus gallus
          mqvoh                      gruiformes; ralliformes including Rallus, Fulica, Grus, Otis, Tetras
          mqvoi                      charadriiformes including gulls, Scolopax, Vanellus, Sterna
          mqvoj                      columbiformes including pigeons
          mqvok                      psittaciformes including parrots
          mqvol                      cuculiformes
          mqvom                      caprimulgiformes
          mqvon                      strigiformes; nocturnal raptors
          mqvoo                      apodiformes including Apus, humming-birds
          mqvoq                      coliiformes
          mqvor                      trogoniformes
          mqvot                      coraciiformes including kingfishers, Upupa
          mqvou                      piciformes
          mqvov                      passeriformes including sparrows and most small birds, Corvidae
          mqvow                      gaviiformes; colymbiformes
          mqvox                      penguins; sphenisciformes
          mqvoy                      procellariiformes
          mqvoyzp                      pelecaniformes including Pelecanus, Phalacrocorax, Sula, Fregata
          mqvt                 mammals; mammalia  [mammalogy; theriology]  ≈ DDC 599
          mqvt25c                                marine mammals
          mqvt25eWx                                terrestrial mammals
          mqvt25y                                aerial mammals
          mqvtbWbz            prototheria
          mqvtb                      triconodonta
          mqvtbzd                      docodonta
          mqvtc                      monotremata
          mqvtczm                      multituberculata
          mqvtczs                      symmetrodonta
          mqvtczt                      pantotheria; trituberculata
          mqvtd                      marsupialia
          mqvte                      insectivora including hedgehogs
          mqvtezd                      dermoptera
          mqvtf                      bats; chiroptera
          mqvtg                      primates  [primatology]
          mqvtgbWg                           prosimii; lemuroidea
          mqvtgb                           tupaiidae
          mqvtgc                           lemuridae
          mqvtgd                           indridae
          mqvtge                           daubentoniidae
          mqvtgf                           lorisidae
          mqvtgg                           tarsiidae
          mqvtgiWy                           anthropoidea
          mqvtgi                           cebidae
          mqvtgl                           callithricidae
          mqvtgm                           Old World monkeys; cercopithecidae
          mqvtgmm                                macaques; Macaca
          mqvtgmp                                baboons; Papio
          mqvtgo                           colobidae
          mqvtgq                           hylobatidae
          mqvtgu                           hominids; hominidae; great apes
          mqvtguc                                orangutans; Pongo
          mqvtgug                                gorillas; Gorilla
          mqvtgui                                chimpanzees; Pan
          mqvtguic                                     common chimpanzees; Pan troglodytes
          mqvtguin                                     bonobos; Pan paniscus
          mqvtgum                                Australopithecus
          mqvtguo                                Homo; humans; men  [palaeoanthropology]
          mqvtguob                                     Homo habilis
          mqvtguoe                                     Homo erectus
          mqvtguon                                     Neanderthals; Homo neanderthalensis
          mqvtguos                                     Homo sapiens
          mqvth                      tillodontia
          mqvti                      taeniodonta
          mqvtj                      edentata; xenarthra including Myrmecophaga, Bradipus
          mqvtk                      pholidota
          mqvtl                      lagomorpha including rabbits, hares
          mqvtm                      rodents; rodentia including rats, squirrels, Hystrix, Myocastor
          mqvtn                      whales; cetaceans; cetacea  [cetology]
          mqvtnbWf                           baleen whales; mysticeti
          mqvtnb                           balaenidae; right whales and bowhead whales
          mqvtnbb                                Balaena
          mqvtnbbb                                     bowhead whales; Balaena mysticetus
          mqvtnbbj                                     Pacific northern right whales; Eubalaena japonica
          mqvtnbbu                                     southern right whales; Eubalaena australis
          mqvtnbe                                Eubalaena
          mqvtnbeg                                     Atlantic northern right whales; Eubalaena glacialis
          mqvtnc                           rorquals; balaenopteridae
          mqvtncbWc                                balaenopterinae
          mqvtncb                                Balaenoptera
          mqvtncbc                                     common minke whales; Balaenoptera acutorostrata
          mqvtncbd                                     Antarctic minke whales; Balaenoptera bonaerensis
          mqvtncbi                                     Sei whales; Balaenoptera borealis
          mqvtncbj                                     Bryde's whales; Balaenoptera brydei
          mqvtncbn                                     Eden's whales; Balaenoptera edeni  
          mqvtncbo                                     Omura's whales; Balaenoptera omurai  
          mqvtncbu                                     blue whales; Balaenoptera musculus
          mqvtncbw                                     fin whales; Balaenoptera physalus
          mqvtnclWm                                megapterinae
          mqvtncm                                Megaptera
          mqvtncmh                                     humpback whales; Megaptera novaeangliae
          mqvtnco                                Eolobalaenoptera
          mqvtncoh                                     Harrison's whales; Eobalaenoptera harrisoni
          mqvtne                           eschrichtiidae
          mqvtnes                                Eschrichtius
          mqvtnesg                                     gray whales; Eschrichtius robustus
          mqvtnf                           neobalaenidae
          mqvtnfc                                Caperea
          mqvtnfcm                                     pygmy right whales; Caperea marginata
          mqvtngWy                           toothed whales; odontoceti; odontocetes
          mqvtni                           dolphins; delphinidae
          mqvtnic                                Cephalorhynchus
          mqvtnice                                     Chilean dolphins; Cephalorhyncus eutropia
          mqvtnich                                     Heaviside's dolphins; Cephalorhyncus heavisidii
          mqvtnict                                     Hector's dolphins; Cephalorhyncus hectori
          mqvtnid                                Delphinus
          mqvtnidc                                     long-beaked common dolphins; Delphinus capensis
          mqvtnidd                                     short-beaked common dolphins; Delphinus delphis
          mqvtnidt                                     Arabian common dolphins; Delphinus tropicalis  
          mqvtnif                                Feresa
          mqvtnifp                                     pygmy killer whales; Feresa attenuata
          mqvtnig                                Globicephala
          mqvtnigc                                     short-finned pilot whales; Globicephala macrorhyncus
          mqvtnigl                                     long-finned pilot whales; Globicephala melas
          mqvtnih                                Grampus
          mqvtnihg                                     Risso's dolphins; Grampus griseus
          mqvtnii                                Lagenodelphis
          mqvtniic                                     Commerson's dolphins; Cephalorhyncus commersonii
          mqvtniif                                     Fraser's dolphins; Lagenodelphis hosei
          mqvtnik                                Lagenorhynchus
          mqvtnikb                                     Atlantic white-sided dolphins; Lagenorhynchus acutus
          mqvtnikc                                     white-beaked dolphins; Lagenorhynchus albirostris
          mqvtnike                                     Peale's dolphins; Lagenorhynchus australis
          mqvtnikh                                     hourglass dolphins; Lagenorhynchus cruciger
          mqvtnikp                                     Pacific white-sided dolphins; Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
          mqvtniks                                     dusky dolphins; Lagenorhynchus obscurus
          mqvtnikt                                     tropical dusky dolphins
          mqvtnil                                Lissodelphis
          mqvtnilb                                     northern right whale dolphins; Lissodelphis borealis
          mqvtnilp                                     southern right whale dolphins; Lissodelphis peronii
          mqvtnim                                Orcaella
          mqvtnimi                                     Irrawaddy dolphins; Orcaella brevirostris
          mqvtnims                                     Australian snubfin dolphins; Orcaella heinsohni  
          mqvtnio                                Orcinus
          mqvtniok                                     killer whales; Orcinus orca
          mqvtnip                                Peponocephala
          mqvtnipe                                     melon-headed whales; Peponocephala electra
          mqvtniq                                Pseudorca
          mqvtniqk                                     false killer whales; Pseudorca crassidens
          mqvtnir                                Sotalia
          mqvtnirt                                     tucuxis; Sotalia fluviatilis
          mqvtnis                                Stenella
          mqvtnisb                                     pantropical spotted dolphins; Stenella attenuata
          mqvtnise                                     striped dolphins; Stenella coeruleoalba
          mqvtnisf                                     Atlantic spotted dolphins; Stenella frontalis
          mqvtnisl                                     spinner dolphins; Stenella longirostris
          mqvtnisy                                     clymene dolphins; Stenella clymene
          mqvtnit                                Steno
          mqvtnits                                     rough-toothed dolphins; Steno bredanensis
          mqvtniu                                Tursiops  
          mqvtniui                                     Indian ocean bottlenose dolphins; Tursiops aduncus
          mqvtniut                                     common bottlenose dolphins; Tursiops truncatus
          mqvtnix                                Sousa
          mqvtnixc                                     Pacific humpback dolphins; Sousa chinensis
          mqvtnixp                                     Indian humpback dolphins; Sousa plumbea
          mqvtnixt                                     Atlantic humpback dolphins; Sousa teuszii
          mqvtnm                           monodontidae
          mqvtnmd                                Delphinapterus
          mqvtnmdb                                     belugas; Delphinapterus leucas
          mqvtnmo                                Monodon
          mqvtnmon                                     narwhals; Monodon monoceros
          mqvtnp                           porpoises; phocoenidae
          mqvtnpn                                Neophocaena
          mqvtnpnp                                     finless porpoises; Neophocaena phocaenoides
          mqvtnpp                                Phocoena
          mqvtnppd                                     spectacled porpoises; Phocoena dioptrica
          mqvtnppp                                     harbour porpoises; Phocoena phocaena
          mqvtnpps                                     Burmeister's porpoises; Phocoena spinipinnis
          mqvtnppv                                     vaquitas; Phocoena sinus
          mqvtnpq                                phocoenoides
          mqvtnpqd                                     Dall's porpoises; Phocoenoides dalli
          mqvtns                           physeteridae; sperm whale family
          mqvtnsp                                Physeter
          mqvtnspm                                     sperm whales; Physeter macrocephalus
          mqvtnspm7İs                                     spermaceti organ; spermaceti case
          mqvtnt                           kogiidae  
          mqvtntk                                Kogia
          mqvtntkb                                     pygmy sperm whales; Kogia breviceps
          mqvtntks                                     Indo-pacific dwarf sperm whales; Kogia sima
          mqvtntkw                                     Atlantic dwarf sperm whales; Kogia sp.
          mqvtnu                           iniidae
          mqvtnui                                Inia
          mqvtnuig                                     Amazon river dolphins; botos; Inia geoffrensis
          mqvtnuuWy                                river dolphins; platanistoidea
          mqvtnv                           lipotidae  
          mqvtnvl                                Lipotes
          mqvtnvlv                                     baijis; Lipotes vexillifer
          mqvtnw                           pontoporiidae  
          mqvtnwp                                Pontoporia
          mqvtnwpb                                     franciscanas; Pontoporia blainvillei
          mqvtnx                           platanistidae
          mqvtnxp                                Platanista
          mqvtnxpg                                     Ganges and Indus river dolphins; Platanista gangetica
          mqvtny                           beaked whales; ziphidae
          mqvtnyb                                Berardius
          mqvtnybb                                     Baird's beaked whales; North Pacific bottlenose whales; Berardius bairdii
          mqvtnybx                                     Arnoux's beaked whales; Berardius arnuxii
          mqvtnyt                                Tasmacetus
          mqvtnyts                                     Tasman beaked whales; Shepherd's beaked whales; Tasmacetus shepherdi
          mqvtnyy                                Ziphius
          mqvtnyyc                                     Cuvier's beaked whales; Ziphius cavirostris
          mqvtnyzh                           hyperoodontidae
          mqvtnyzhh                                Hyperoodon
          mqvtnyzhhm                                     northern bottlenose whales; Hyperoodon ampullatus
          mqvtnyzhhp                                     southern bottlenose whales; Hyperoodon planifrons
          mqvtnyzhi                                Indopacetus
          mqvtnyzhip                                     Indo-pacific beaked whales; Longman's beaked whales; Indopacetus pacificus
          mqvtnyzhm                                mesoplodont whales; Mesoplodon
          mqvtnyzhmb                                     Sowerby's beaked whales; Mesoplodon bidens
          mqvtnyzhmc                                     Hubbs' beaked whales; Mesoplodon carlhubbsi
          mqvtnyzhmd                                     Blainville's beaked whales; Mesoplodon densirostris
          mqvtnyzhme                                     Gervais' beaked whales; Mesoplodon europaeus
          mqvtnyzhmg                                     ginkgo-toothed beaked whales; Mesoplodon ginkgodens
          mqvtnyzhmi                                     Gray's beaked whales; Mesoplodon grayi
          mqvtnyzhmj                                     Hector's beaked whales; Mesoplodon hectori
          mqvtnyzhmk                                     Andrews' beaked whales; Mesoplodon bowdoini
          mqvtnyzhml                                     Layard's beaked whales; Mesoplodon layardii
          mqvtnyzhmm                                     True's beaked whales; Mesoplodon mirus
          mqvtnyzhmp                                     Perrin's beaked whales; Mesoplodon perrini  
          mqvtnyzhmq                                     pygmy beaked whales; Mesoplodon peruvianus
          mqvtnyzhms                                     Stejneger's beaked whales; Mesoplodon stejnegeri
          mqvtnyzhmt                                     spade toothed whales; Mesoplodon traversii
          mqvto                      carnivora
          mqvtocWy                           fissipedia
          mqvtoc                           canids; canidae
          mqvtocc                                Canis
          mqvtoccd                                     domestic dogs; Canis familiaris
          mqvtoccg                                     gray wolves; Canis lupus
          mqvtocci                                     coyotes; Canis latrans
          mqvtoccj                                     African golden wolves; Canis anthus
          mqvtocck                                     Ethiopian wolves; Canis simensis
          mqvtoccl                                     golden jackals; Canis aureus
          mqvtoccs                                     black-backed jackals; Canis mesomelas
          mqvtoccu                                     side-striped jackals; Canis adustus
          mqvtocd                                dholes; Asiatic wild dogs; Cuon
          mqvtoce                                African wild dogs; Lycaon
          mqvtocg                                bush dogs; Speothos
          mqvtoch                                maned wolves; Chrysocyon
          mqvtocl                                Lycalopex
          mqvtocm                                crab-eating foxes; Cerdocyon
          mqvtocn                                short-eared dogs; Atelocynus
          mqvtoco                                bat-eared foxes; Otocyon
          mqvtocr                                raccoon dogs; Nyctereutes
          mqvtocv                                foxes; Vulpes
          mqvtocw                                Urocyon
          mqvtod                           bears; ursidae
          mqvtodb                                Ursus
          mqvtodbp                                     polar bears; Ursus maritimus
          mqvtodbw                                     brown bears; Ursus arctos
          mqvtodp                                pandas; Ailuropoda
          mqvtodpp                                     giant pandas; Aiuropoda melanoleuca
          mqvtof                           felidae including lions, tigers, leopards, cats
          mqvtofb                                Panthera
          mqvtofbg                                     tigers; Panthera tigris
          mqvtofbi                                     lions; Panthera leo
          mqvtofbj                                     jaguars; Panthera onca
          mqvtofbp                                     leopards; Panthera pardus
          mqvtofbs                                     snow leopards; Panthera uncia; Uncia uncia
          mqvtoh                           procyonidae
          mqvtoi                           ailuridae
          mqvtom                           mustelidae including weasels, martens, otters
          mqvtome                                badgers; genus Meles
          mqvtomem                                     European badger; Meles meles
          mqvtomemYd   ⋄                                    Dachsi  
          mqvtor                           viverridae
          mqvtot                           hyenidae
          mqvtovWy                           pinnipeds; pinnipedia
          mqvtow                           walruses; odobenidae including only Odobenus rosmarus
          mqvtowo                                walruses; Odobenus
          mqvtowor                                     walruses; Odobenus rosmarus
          mqvtox                           eared seals; otariidae including sea lions, fur seals
          mqvtoxb                                Arctocephalus
          mqvtoxbb                                     Antarctic fur seals; Arctocephalus gazella
          mqvtoxbd                                     Guadalupe fur seal; Arctocephalus townsendi
          mqvtoxbf                                     Juan Fernandez fur seal; Arctocephalus philippii
          mqvtoxbg                                     Galapagos fur seal; Arctocephalus galapagoensis
          mqvtoxbk                                     Cape fur seal; Australian fur seal; Arctocephalus pusillus
          mqvtoxbn                                     New Zealand fur seal; Arctocephalus forsteri
          mqvtoxbt                                     subantarctic fur seal; Arctocephalus tropicalis
          mqvtoxbu                                     South American fur seal; Arctocephalus australis
          mqvtoxc                                northern fur seals; Callorhinus
          mqvtoxcu                                     northern fur seals; Callorhinus ursinus
          mqvtoxe                                Steller sea lions; Eumetopias
          mqvtoxej                                     Steller sea lions; Eumetopias jubatus
          mqvtoxn                                Australian sea lions; Neophoca
          mqvtoxnc                                     Australian sea lions; Neophoca cinerea
          mqvtoxo                                southern sea lions; south American sea lions; Otaria
          mqvtoxof                                     southern sea lions; south American sea lions; Otaria flavescens; Otaria bryonia
          mqvtoxp                                New Zealand sea lions; Hooker's sea lions; Phocarctos
          mqvtoxph                                     New Zealand sea lions; Hooker's sea lions; Phocarctos hookeri
          mqvtoxs                                California sea lions; Zalophus
          mqvtoxsc                                     California sea lions; Zalophus californianus
          mqvtoy                           earless seals; true seals; crawling seals; phocidae
          mqvtoyc                                monk seals; Monachus
          mqvtoye                                elephant seals; Mirounga
          mqvtoyg                                crabeater seals; Lobodon
          mqvtoyj                                Leptonychotes
          mqvtoyjw                                     Weddell seals; Leptonychotes weddelli
          mqvtoyl                                leopard seals; Hydrurga
          mqvtoyo                                Ommatophoca
          mqvtoyq                                bearded seals; Erignathus
          mqvtoys                                Phoca
          mqvtoyu                                Pusa
          mqvtoyw                                grey seals; Halichoerus
          mqvtoyy                                hooded seals; Cystophora
          mqvtp                      condylartra
          mqvtpzl                      litopterna
          mqvtpzn                      notoungulata
          mqvtpzs                      astrapoteria
          mqvtq                      tubulidentata
          mqvtqzc                      pantodonta; amblypoda
          mqvtqzd                      dinocerata; uintatheria
          mqvtqzp                      pyrotheria
          mqvtr                      elephants; proboscidea; elephantidae including elephants
          mqvtruzu                           Rusa
          mqvtrze                      embrithopoda
          mqvtrzh                      hyracoidea
          mqvts                      sirenia
          mqvttWu                      ungulates
          mqvtt                      perissodactyla
          mqvtte                           equidae
          mqvtteu                                Equus
          mqvtteuf                                     horses; Equus ferus
          mqvtteui                                     African asses; Equus africanus
          mqvtteuii                                     donkeys; Equus africanus asinus
          mqvtteur                                     zebras; Equus zebra
          mqvttp                           tapiridae
          mqvttr                           rhinocerotidae
          mqvtu                      artiodactyla
          mqvtu7do                                     stomach
          mqvtu7doFe                                     rumen
          mqvtu7doFi                                     reticulum
          mqvtu7doFm                                     omasum
          mqvtu7doFp                                     abomasum
          mqvtud                           suidae including pigs
          mqvtuds                                pigs; Sus
          mqvtudss                                     boars; wild boars
          mqvtudssd                                     domestic pigs; swines; hogs; Sus scrofa domestica
          mqvtue                           tayassuidae
          mqvtuh                           hippopotamidae
          mqvtul                           camelids; camelidae
          mqvtulg                                Lama
          mqvtulgb                                     llamas; Lama glama
          mqvtulgg                                     guanacos; Lama guanicoe
          mqvtuli                                Vicugna
          mqvtulii                                     vicuñas; Vicugna vicugna
          mqvtulip                                     alpacas; Vicugna pacos
          mqvtulm                                Camelus
          mqvtulmd                                     dromedary; Camelus dromedarius
          mqvtulmt                                     Bactrian camels; Camelus bactrianus
          mqvtulmw                                     wild Bactrian camels; Camelus ferus
          mqvtun                           tragulidae
          mqvtur                           deer; cervidae
          mqvturb                                Alces
          mqvturbm                                     mooses; Eurasian elks; Alces alces
          mqvturc                                Capreolus
          mqvturcc                                     Western roe deers; Capreolus capreolus
          mqvturcp                                     Eastern roe deers; Capreolus pygargus
          mqvture                                Blastocerus
          mqvturh                                Hippocamelus
          mqvturk                                brockets; Mazama
          mqvturl                                Odocoileus
          mqvturo                                Pampas deers; Ozotoceros
          mqvturp                                pudús; Pudu
          mqvturr                                reindeers; caribous; Rangifer
          mqvturrzx                                Axis
          mqvturs                                Cervus
          mqvturse                                     red deers; Cervus elaphus
          mqvturt                                fallow deers; Dama
          mqvturu                                Elaphurus
          mqvturuzh                                Hyelaphus
          mqvturuzp                                Panolia
          mqvturuzr                                Rucervus
          mqvturuzw                                tufted deers; Elaphodus
          mqvturv                                muntjacs; Muntiacus
          mqvturw                                water deers; Hydropotes
          mqvtus                           giraffidae
          mqvtusg                                giraffes; Giraffa
          mqvtut                           antilocapridae
          mqvtuv                           bovids; bovidae
          mqvtuvb                                Bos
          mqvtuvbt                                     cattle; domestic cattle; Bos primigenius
          mqvtuvbtc                                     aurochs; Bos primigenius primigenius
          mqvtuvbti                                     zebu; Bos primigenius indicus
          mqvtuvbtt                                     taurine cattle; Bos primigenius taurus
          mqvtuvbu                                     gaur; Bos gaurus; Bibos gauris
          mqvtuvbv                                     banteng; tembadau; Bos javanicus
          mqvtuvby                                     yak; Bos grunniens
          mqvtuvr                                Capra
          mqvtuvrc                                     Spanish ibex; Capra pyrenaicais
          mqvtuvre                                     Alpine ibex; Capra ibex
          mqvtuvri                                     Siberian ibex; Capra sibirica
          mqvtuvrl                                     Walia ibex; Capra walie
          mqvtuvrs                                     West Caucasian tur; Capra caucasica
          mqvtuvrt                                     East Caucasian tur; Capra cylindricornis
          mqvtuvru                                     Nubian ibex; Capra nubiana
          mqvtuvrw                                     wild goat; Capra aegagrus
          mqvtuvry                                     markhor; Capra falconeri
          mqvtuvs                                sheep; Ovis
          mqvtuvsb                                     argali; Ovis ammon
          mqvtuvsd                                     domestic sheep; mouflon; Ovis orientalis
          mqvtuvsh                                     bighorn sheep; Ovis canadensis
          mqvtuvsl                                     dall sheep; Ovis dallis
          mqvtuvss                                     snow sheep; Ovis nivicola
          n  populations; groups; wildlife  [ecology]  ↞ m organisms   ≈ DDC 577
          n09   [X]           according to ecological theory
          n1   [51]      at evolutionary stage  [evolutionary biology]
          n13   [i1]           appeared; originated in period
          n134   [i1]                extincted in period
          n18   [w1]           in time
          n181   [i1]                in era
          n2        biogeographical realm; ecozone
          n25   [ny]           in habitat
          n27   [uU]           in region
          n2c            Neartic
          n2e            Palerartic
          n2f            Afrotropical
          n2i            Indomalayan
          n2l            Australasian
          n2n            Neotropical
          n2o            Oceanian
          n2t            Antarctic
          n3       under selective pressure; factor
          n40            threatened by factor
          n5        population process  [population dynamics]
          n5f            fertility; natality; birth rate; reproduction
          n5i            mixing
          n5m            animal migration
          n5m234                           migrating towards  ↞ h5 motion
          n5r            mortality
          n5t            extinction  ↞ 51r end
          n5v            biodiversity
          n70k                 with genes  [population genetics]
          n76   [m9]            sex class
          n76x                 males
          n76y                 females
          n77   [m8]            age class
          n77n                 young
          n77p                 adults
          n77v                 old
          n88   [an]            size
          n97   [m]           of species
          n97p                 plants  [phytogeography]
          n97q                 animals
          n97qri   ⋄                          insects
          nbWm       intraspecific relations  [autoecology]
          nb       aggregation groups
          ne       colonies
          ne97   ⋄                of organisms
          nec            clonal colonies
          nen            nesting colonies
          nes            eusocial colonies; caste colonies
          nes97qriqm   ⋄                                    ant colonies
          nm       populations  [population dynamics; demography]  
          nm97   [m]                of species
          nmU            human populations  ↞ mU human organisms
          np       phylogenetic lineages; taxa
          np09                 according to evolution theory
          np09i                      creationism
          np09l                      lamarckism
          np09n                      darwinism; theory of natural selection
          np09ng                           phyletic gradualism
          np09nh                           sexual selection
          np09nk                           kin selection
          np09nr                           group selection
          np09ns                           species selection
          np09nu                           punctuationism; theory of punctuated equilibria
          np09nw                           hierarchical evolution
          np13dn   ⋄                          Devonian
          npX            ranks
          npb            subforms
          npbzf            forms
          npbzs            subvarieties
          npc            varietes
          npd            subspecies
          npe            species
          npeze            series
          npezs            sections
          npf            subgenera
          npg            genera
          nph            subtribes
          npi            tribes
          npj            subfamilies
          npk            families
          npl            suborders
          npm            orders
          npn            superorders
          npo            subclasses
          npp            classes
          npr            subphyla
          nps            phyla; divisions
          npu            subkingdoms
          npv            kingdoms
          npy            domains
          nrWy       interspecific relations  [synecology]
          ns       biological associations  [phytosociology]
          ns97                 of; including; formed with taxon
          nt       trophic systems
          ntcWe            antagonism
          ntd            parasitism  [parasitology; pathology]  ↞ mq306p 
          ntd97                      by parasite
          ntd974   [m]                          on host
          nte            predation
          nte97                      by predator
          nte974   [mq]                          on prey
          ntlWs            mutualism
          ntm            commensalism
          nts            symbioses
          ntse                 endosymbioses
          ntsl                 lichens  ↞ lki cyanobacteria mpbWc green algae mn fungi
          nu       biocoenoses; biocenoses; biotic communities; biological communities; ecological communities  
          nu25   [ny]                in biotope
          ny       ecosystems; biomes; biocores  [environmental sciences]  ↞ m organisms l cells j landforms
          ny1   [51]           at development stage; growth stage; age
          ny1i                 pioneer species
          ny1p                 climax
          ny40   [V]                polluted by pollutant
          ny7C                  ecosystem component
          ny7Ch                      abiotic components  ↞ j landforms i rocks f molecules
          ny7Ci                      biotic components  ↞ m organisms l cells
          nybWh            marine ecosystems
          nyb            benthic zones; bottom substrates
          nyc            oceanic zones; marine zones  ↞ jy seas
          nycp                 profundal zones; bottom water; deep water
          nycs                 shallow oceanic zones
          nycy                 ocean surfaces
          nyd            intertidal zones  ↞ jyai 
          nye            estuary ecosystems  ↞ jsrau 
          nyf            salt marsh ecosystems  ↞ jvm salt marshes
          nyg            coral reefs  ↞ mqdc anthozoa
          nyh            hydrothermal vents  
          nyjWm            freshwater ecosystems  ↞ js fresh water systems
          nyk            lentic ecosystems; slow-moving water  ↞ jsl lakes
          nyl            streams; becks; bournes; brooks; burns; lotic ecosystems; rapidly-moving water  ↞ jsr rivers
          nym            wetlands  
          nynWx            terrestrial ecosystems
          nyo            soils; pedosphere  [soil science; pedology; edaphology]  ↞ l cells m organisms   
          nyo6D                       paedogenetic regime
          nyo6Dg                           gleization
          nyo6Di                           calcification
          nyo6Dl                           laterization
          nyo6Dp                           podzolitation
          nyo7D                       soil horizon
          nyo7Dc                           O horizon; organic matter
          nyo7Dh                           P horizon; peat; humus
          nyo7Dj                           A horizon; topsoil
          nyo7Dl                           E horizon; eluvium
          nyo7Dn                           B horizon; subsoil
          nyo7Dp                           C horizon; parent rock
          nyo7Ds                           D horizon
          nyo7Du                           R horizon; bedrock
          nyo7Dx                           L horizon; limnic
          nyoc                 permafrost and stony soils
          nyocc                      cryosols; ice-affected soils; CR
          nyocl                      leptosols; shallow or extremely gravelly soils; LP
          nyoe                 soils influenced by water
          nyoee                      vertisols; alternating wet-dry conditions; rich in swelling clays; VR
          nyoef                      fluvisols; floodplains; tidal marshes; FL
          nyoen                      solonetz; alkaline soils; SN
          nyoes                      solonchaks; salt enrichment upon evaporation; SC
          nyoey                      gleysols; groundwater affected soils; GL
          nyof                 soils set by Fe/Al chemistry
          nyofb                      andosols; allophanes or Al-humus complexes; AN
          nyofd                      podzols; cheluviation and chilluviation; PZ
          nyofi                      plinthosols; PT; accumulation of Fe under hydromorphic conditions
          nyofn                      nitisols; low-activity clay; P fixation; strongly structured; NT
          nyofr                      ferralsols; dominance of kaolinite and sesquioxides; FR
          nyoi                 soils with stagnating water
          nyoip                      planosols; abrupt textural discontinuity; PL
          nyois                      stagnosols; structural or moderate textural discontinuity; ST
          nyoo                 organic high base soils
          nyooc                      chernozems; typically mollic; CH
          nyook                      kastanozems; transition to drier climate; KS
          nyoop                      phaeozems; transition to more humid climate; PH
          nyos                 less soluble salts and non-saline soils
          nyosg                      gypsisols; gypsum soils; GY
          nyosi                      durisols; silica soils; DU
          nyosl                      calcisols; calcium carbonate soils; CL
          nyot                 clay-enriched soils
          nyotb                      retisols; albeluvisols; albeluvic tonguing; AB; RT
          nyotl                      alisols; low base status; high-activity clay soils; AL
          nyotr                      acrisols; low base status; low-activity clay soils; AC
          nyotv                      luvisols; high base status; high-activity clay soils; LV
          nyotx                      lixisols; high base status; low-activity clay soils; LX
          nyov                 young and little profile soils
          nyovb                      umbrisols; soils with an acidic dark topsoil; UM
          nyove                      arenosols; sandy soils; AR
          nyovm                      cambisols; moderately developed soils; CM
          nyovr                      regosols; soils with no significant profile development; RG
          nyox                 histosols; soils with thick organic layers; HS
          nyoy                 soils with strong human influence
          nyoyn                      anthrosols; soils with long and intensive agricultural use; AT
          nyoyt                      technosols; soils containing many artefacts; TC
          nyr            forests  ↞ mp76t 
          nyre                 sclerophillae forests
          nyrg                 needle leaf forests
          nyri                 summer foliation decidous forests
          nyrk                 temperate pluvial forests
          nyrm                 monsonic forests
          nyrr                 tropical pluvial forests
          nyru                 equatorial pluvial forests
          nys            savannahs  ↞ mp76r mp76s mp76t 
          nysg                 taigas
          nysh                 heaths; lands
          nyss                 semideserts
          nysw                 bushes; scrubs; woods; deciduous tropical forests  ↞ mp76s 
          nyt            grasslands; prairies  ↞ mp76r 
          nytg                 grassy tundra
          nytp                 steppes
          nytr                 prairies
          nyu            deserts
          nyud                 dry deserts
          nyur                 arctic deserts, tundra
          nyw            agricultural environment  ↞ uu supranational unions
          nyx            urban environment  ↞ sw schools
          nyy            aerial environment
          nyzb       biosphere
          oWp  mind
          o  agency; autonomy; animated beings; instincts; action patterns; behavioural modules; animal behaviour  [ethology; neurosciences]  ↞ mqaon n populations   ≈ DDC 156 591.5
          o1        behavioural phase
          o1b            latency; quiescence
          o1d            motivation
          o1i            appetition
          o1m            empty action
          o1n            substitution
          o1s            consummation; consummatory action; final action
          o25   [ny]           in environment
          o3        learning
          o30            reacting to; sparked off by; triggered by; driven by stimulus
          o31   [o]           evolved from; ritualized from ancestral instinct
          o36   [mq]           interacting with species
          o366   [mq6]                interacting with animal sex
          o366x                      male
          o366y                      female
          o367   [m8]                to addressee of age class
          o36v   ⋄                vertebrate
          o38   [o]           reacting to other behaviour
          o3b            innate knowledge; unconditioned; endogenous
          o3c            facilitation
          o3e            habituation; stimulus specific fatigue
          o3g            classic conditioning
          o3i            instrumental conditioning
          o3m            imprinting
          o3p            playing
          o3t            imitation
          o3u            cultural learning
          o3x            insight
          o3xt                 tool use
          o4       inhibited by block
          o5        behavioural mechanism
          o5e            senses; perceptive faculties  [sensory neuroscience]
          o5ed                 sight; vision  ↞ d5ll visible light mqaooe 
          o5edb                      perception of brightness
          o5edc                      perception of colour; color
          o5ee                 electroception; electroreception  ↞ d5l electromagnetic radiation
          o5ef                 chemical perception  ↞ f molecules
          o5efs                      smell; olfaction  ↞ mqaoon 
          o5eft                      taste; gustation  ↞ mqaodbo 
          o5eg                 touch; tactition  ↞ g783 
          o5eh                 hearing; audition  ↞ g785 mqaooh 
          o5ej                 echolocation; biosonar; biological sonar including bats and dolphin clicks
          o5el                 pressure detection; by lateral line  ↞ g783 
          o5em                 magnetoception; magnetoreception
          o5en                 nociception; perception of pain
          o5enc                      cutaneous nociception
          o5ens                      somatic nociception
          o5env                      visceral nociception
          o5eo                 thermoception; heat perception  ↞ g5h heat
          o5ep                 proprioception; kinesthetic sense; body awareness
          o5eq                 equilibrioception; vestibular sense; perception of balance
          o5i            input; perception; afferent signal
          o5if                 filtration
          o5ik                 key stimulus
          o5is                 gestalt perception
          o5l            elaboration; processing
          o5o            output; effectors; efferent signal
          o77   [mq7]           with organ
          o77l                 hormones  [ethoendocrinology]
          o77n                 nervous system  [neuroethology]
          o81   [an]           lasting s; seconds duration
          o848   [an89]                 redundancy
          o848f                      lowly redundant
          o848u                      highly redundant
          o88   [an]           of bits information content
          o9       of species
          o90            perceiving object
          o96   [m9]           of sex
          o961   [m8]                by sender of age class
          o97   [m]           of species
          o97U                 human  [human ethology]
          o98   [os]           for function
          oc       autonomous activities; rhythmic activities  [neurophysiology]
          of       reflexes; refexive movements
          oh       hereditary coordinations; modal action patterns; instinctive movements
          ohp            postures; positions
          ok       taxes and tropisms
          om       locomotion
          omb            benthic locomotion  ↞ nyb benthic zones
          omc            swimming; diving  ↞ nyc oceanic zones
          omc4Dd                           drowning
          omc4De                           stranding
          ome            locomotion on water surface  ↞ js fresh water systems
          omk            terrestrial locomotion
          omke                 peristalsis
          omkj                 jumping
          omkl                 sliding; sledding
          omkr                 brachiation; climbing
          omkt                 gaits
          omktl                      walking
          omktr                      running
          omkw                 powered cartwheeling
          oms            subterranean locomotion
          omy            flying; aerial locomotion
          omyc                 active flight
          omyg                 gliding
          omys                 soaring
          omyu                 ballooning
          op       fixed action patterns; FAPs
          os       behavioural sequences; chains; functional cycles; instinctive actions; impulse actions
          osb            resting
          osbs                 sleeping
          osc            sheltering
          ose            vigilance; watching
          osf            flight; escape
          osg            aggressivity
          osge                 threat
          osgi                 fight
          osgk                 kill; cause death  ↞ m5x death
          osi            moving; displacement  ↞ om locomotion
          osk            feeding
          oskg                 grazing
          oskh                 hunting
          osm            mating; sexuality  ↞ mafrl 
          osmd                 rutting
          osmh                 courtship
          osmo                 coitus
          oso            giving birth  ↞ m5e birth
          osol                 egg laying; spawning
          osop                 parturition
          osp            parental cares
          ospc                 covering; pouting
          ospn                 nursing
          osr            aggregating  ↞ ne colonies
          oss            social interactions; sociality  ↞ osr aggregating
          ossj                 subjection; obedience
          ossm                 dominance
          ossq                 alliance
          osst                 tricks; jests; pranks
          ou       communication; biocommunication; expression; signs; signals  [semiotics; zoosemiotics]
          ou36                 to addressee; receiver
          ou40                 disturbed by noise
          ou5             channel
          ou5e25c                                underwater acoustic
          ou5ed                      display; visual
          ou5ee                      electric
          ou5ef                      chemical
          ou5efs                           olfactory
          ou5eh                      acoustic  [bioacoustics]
          ou6Ch                      honest signals  [Zahavi's handicap theory]
          ou6Cm                      manipulative signals
          ou77db   ⋄                          mouth
          ou90                 representing; of referent; meaning  [semantics]
          ou97                 by sender species; utterer  
          ou98                 expressing function; expected effect  [pragmatics]
          ou98e                      alarm
          ou98g                      threat
          ou98i                      localisation
          ou98m                      courtship; mating
          ou98r                      individual recognition; identity
          ou98s                      social contact
          oub            natural signs  
          ouc            mimicry; crypsis
          ouc36                      to dupe; signal-receiver
          ouc90                      similar to; imitating model
          ouc97                      of mimic
          oucc                 camouflage
          ouce                 mimesis
          oucm                 mimicry SS
          oucmb                      Batesian mimicry
          oucmm                      Müllerian mimicry
          oucms                      Emsleyan mimicry; Mertensian mimicry
          oucmv                      Vavilovian mimicry
          oucmw                      Wasmannian mimicry
          oun            indices; indexes; indexicals  
          ouu            icons; iconicity; likeness; semblance
          ouy            symbols
          oy       life habits; strategies  [behavioural ecology; natural history]  ↞ ny ecosystems
          oyh            home range
          oyhm                 periodical migration  ↞ nam 
          oyht                 territoriality
          oyk            feeding strategies  ↞ osk feeding
          oym            sexual systems  ↞ osm mating
          oymc                 polygamy
          oymg                 polygyny
          oymn                 polyandry
          oymy                 monogamy
          oys            social structures  [sociobiology]  ↞ oss social interactions
          p  consciousness; subjects  [psychology]  ↞ o agency mU human organisms   ≈ DDC 150
          p30            reacting to situation
          p4        mental disorder; disease; illness  [psychopathology]
          p40            avoiding disturbance
          p4bWp            neurosis
          p4d            mood disorders; pathological depression  ↞ pgd depression
          p4dc                 clinical depression
          p4dp                 bipolar disorder; manic-depression
          p4n            anxiety
          p4np                 panic disorder
          p4p            phobia
          p4u            hallucination
          p4x            delusion; delusional disorder
          p5       living experience
          p6       driven by desire; motivation; value  
          p66   [_]           looking for goal; sake
          p6c            tranquillity; safety  ↞ osc sheltering
          p6e            eating; food  ↞ osk feeding
          p6f            physical activity; exercise
          p6i            independence; individuality
          p6j            vengeance; competition
          p6l            romance; sex; beauty  ↞ osm mating
          p6m            family; raising children  ↞ osp parental cares
          p6n            acceptance; approval
          p6o            honour; traditional values
          p6q            social contact; friends  ↞ oss social interactions
          p6s            social status; standing
          p6t            power; influence of will
          p6u            social justice idealism
          p6v            saving; collecting
          p6x            order; organized; stable; predictable environments
          p6y            curiosity; learning  ↞ oal 
          p7   [X]       faculty; skill
          p72   [mq7nr]           located in brain region
          p8        arousal
          p88   [an8]            valence
          p88f                 very negative
          p88h                 negative
          p88o                 neutral
          p88u                 positive
          p88w                 very positive
          p8r            energized
          p8v            enervated
          p90            aware of; knowing object; phenomenon; content; representation; intentionality  ≈ DDC 120
          p91   [w1]           born on birth time
          p912   [jU]                born in birthplace
          p914   [w1]                dead on death time
          p9142   [jU]                     dead in deathplace
          p915   [w1]                living in; floruit in time
          p92   [uU]           living in; active in homeland
          p96   [t7]           of person class
          p968   [q388]                 wealth class
          p968f   ⋄                     poor
          p96Xx                      man
          p96Xy                      woman
          p96v                 old person
          p97   [mq]           of organism; animal
          p97vo                      birds
          pY       actual persons
          pYa            me; I; we; the first person
          pYb            we; you and me; inclusive we
          pYc            you; the second person
          pYd            he; the third person; neither sender nor addressee; she; it; they; them
          pc       perception; percepts; qualia  ↞ oas   ≈ DDC 152
          pe       emotions; feelings; affections  
          pe90                 of; towards object
          pec            fear
          pecf                 apprehension
          pecx                 terror
          ped            awe
          pef            surprise
          peff                 distraction
          pefx                 amazement
          peg            disapproval
          pei            sadness
          peif                 pensiveness
          peix                 grief
          pej            remorse
          pel            disgust
          pelf                 boredom
          pelx                 loathing
          pem            contempt
          peo            anger
          peof                 annoyance
          peox                 rage
          pep            aggressiveness
          per            anticipation
          perf                 interest
          perx                 vigilance
          pes            optimistic feeling
          peu            joy
          peuf                 serenity
          peux                 ecstasy
          pev            love
          pex            trust
          pexf                 acceptance
          pexx                 admiration
          pey            submission
          pg       moods; emotional states
          pgd            depression; negative mood
          pgp            happiness; gaiety; positive mood
          ph       personalities; temperaments  [personality psychology]
          phX            Big Five personality traits
          phe            neuroticism
          phg            agreeableness
          phk            extraversion
          pho            optimism
          phx            openness to experience
          pi       gender identities
          piXt                 transgenders
          piq            non-binaries; genderqueers
          pit            third gender
          pixWy            binary
          pix            males  ↞ mU6x male
          piy            females  ↞ mU6y female
          pj       sexual orientations  ↞ osm mating
          pje            heterosexual
          pji            bisexual
          pjo            homosexual; gay; pederastic
          pk       unconscious mind; subconscious  [psychoanalysis]
          pkd            id
          pks            superego; conscience
          pl       awareness; consciousness levels  ≈ DDC 154
          plbWf            unconsciousness
          plb            persistent vegetative state
          plc            coma
          plf            fainting; syncope
          plh            sleep
          plhd                 dream  [oneirology]
          pli            trance; hypnosis
          plj            obtundation
          plk            somnolence
          pll            delirium; acute confusional state
          pln            confusion
          plr            regular wakefulness
          plt            excitement; excitation
          plw            clear awareness; advanced awareness
          ply            enlightenment
          po       cognition; intelligence; faculties; abilities  [cognitive science; epistemology; philosophy PP]  ≈ DDC 153
          pod            attention; focalization; data selection
          podf                 focused attention
          podi                 sustained attention; vigilance; concentration
          podl                 selective attention
          podr                 alternating attention
          podv                 divided attention
          poe            memory; remembering
          poe7g                      recognition
          poe7l                      recall; recollection
          poec                 sensory memory
          poecc                      iconic memory
          poech                      echoic memory
          poecp                      haptic memory
          poeh                 short-term memory; STM; primary; active memory
          poehe                      rehearsal
          poehn                      chunking
          poel                 long-term memory; LTM
          poeld                      explicit memory; declarative memory
          poelde                           episodic memory
          poeldm                           semantic memory
          poeldu                           autobiographical memory
          poelp                      implicit memory; procedural memory
          poi            imagination; imagining
          pom            mimesis; imitation; representation
          por            reason; reasoning; intellect; rationality; judgment; abstract thought; reflection
          pord                 deductive reasoning
          pori                 inductive reasoning
          pork                 abductive reasoning
          porn                 analogical reasoning
          pot            evaluation; opinion; belief
          pou            moral consciousness  ↞ u6    
          poud                 punishment and obedience orientation
          poug                 instrumental exchange
          pouj                 pleasing expectations; good boy-nice girl orientation
          poum                 law and order orientation
          poup                 youthful protest; "anything goes"
          pous                 utilitarian orientation; relativistic social contract
          pouv                 universal ethical principle orientation
          pov            intention; representation of purposes
          pow            will; willpower; volition; decision
          powh                 habits; wonts
          ps       self; self-hood; self-consciousness; personhood; souls; human-level consciousness
          pss            introspection; self-contemplation
          px       persons; individuals  ≈ DDC 920
          px304                      agents
          px5            living life  [biography]
          px90                  specialty; profession; occupation; subject
          px90a                      mathematicians  ≈ DDC 925
          px90d                      physicists  ≈ DDC 925
          px90f                      chemists  ≈ DDC 925
          px90h                      astronomers  ≈ DDC 925
          px90i                      geologists  ≈ DDC 925
          px90k                      geneticians  ≈ DDC 925
          px90l                      biologists  ≈ DDC 925
          px90m                      naturalists  ≈ DDC 925
          px90o                      ethologists  ≈ DDC 925
          px90p                      psychologists  ≈ DDC 921
          px90q                      linguists  ≈ DDC 924
          px90r                      anthropologists; spiritual leaders  ≈ DDC 922
          px90s                      sociologists  ≈ DDC 923
          px90t                      political scientists  ≈ DDC 923
          px90u                      lawyers  ≈ DDC 923
          px90v                      technicians  ≈ DDC 926
          px90vu                           physicians; doctors
          px90vx   ⋄                          LIS people
          px90w                      engineers  ≈ DDC 926
          px90x                      artists; persons dealing with artworks  ≈ DDC 927 928
          px90xm                           musicians
          px90y                      intellectuals; persons dealing with knowledge
          px90ysh                                philosophers  ≈ DDC 921
          px91n                      persons born in the 1st Millennium BCE
          px91njlf912fzq90ysh                                     philosophers born in 428 BC in Greece; Plato
          px91nkfj912fzq90ysh                                     philosophers born in 384 BC in Greece; Aristotle
          px91pv                           persons born in 18th century
          px91pvux912dn90u                                     political scientists born in 1769 in Corsica; Napoleon
          px91pw                           persons born in 19th century
          px91pwxq   ⋄                                    persons born in 1892
          px91px                           persons born in 20th century
          px91pxqvvp912fdd90f   ⋄                                    chemists born on 15 November 1927 in MC of Turin; Ferdinando Vogliotti  
          px91qo                           persons born in 21th century
          px92p   ⋄                     Pilipino persons
          px93   [U]                born from; descendant of ancestor  [genealogy]
          px933   [U]                     grandson of; nephew of grandparent
          px9337   [U]                          grandson of grandfather; grandpa
          px9338   [U]                          grandson of grandmother; grandma
          px937   [U]                     niece of uncle
          px9377   [U]                          niece of male uncle
          px9378   [U]                          niece of aunt
          px938   [U]                     son of; daughter of parent
          px9387   [U]                          son of father
          px9388   [U]                          son of mother
          px93pxquig                                     descendants of people born on 21-4-1926; of queen Elizabeth II
          px96Xx                           men
          px96Xy                           women
          px96Xy90y   ⋄                                    intellectual women
          px96e                      babies
          px96i                      children
          px96l                      adolescents
          px96p                      adults
          px96v                      old persons
          qWy  culture
          q  language  [linguistics]  ↞ ou communication p consciousness mU human organisms   ≈ DDC 400 410  
          q0       as related to
          q03cr                      comparative linguistics
          q07h                 philosophy of language
          q07m                 mathematical linguistics
          q09            studied by theory  [general linguistics]
          q0p            mind  [psycholinguistics]
          q0s            economy  [economical linguistics]
          q0t            society  [sociolinguistics]
          q0tt                 nation  [ethnolinguistics; anthropological linguistics]
          q17   [w1]           in time  [historical linguistics; comparative linguistics]
          q173   [w1]                originated in epoch
          q1734   [w1]                     extinct in; dead in epoch
          q27   [uU]           of; originated in; diffused from region
          q31   [q]           deriving from original linguistic element  [etymology; philology]
          q319                  etimological type
          q319l                      loan
          q319q                      calque
          q32   [q]           within linguistic context
          q33   [U]           by speaker; sender
          q336   [t7]                spoken by speaker class
          q36   [U]           to addressee; receiver
          q4        error; mistake  [error analysis]
          q45e                 interlingual error
          q45r                 intralingual error
          q4g            overgeneralization
          q4gd                 developmental error
          q4gdi                      induced error
          q4gdl                      error of avoidance
          q4gdo                      error of overproduction
          q4s            simplification
          q4so                 omission
          q4st                 addition
          q5        language change; evolution
          q5c            conservatism
          q5q            revival
          q5r            reformation
          q6        formalization
          q60             language level  
          q60r   ⋄                technical
          q60t   ⋄                familiar; common; spoken; vernacular
          q60u   ⋄                institutional
          q60w   ⋄                liturgical
          q60x   ⋄                literary
          q60y   ⋄                scientific
          q669                 style; rhetorical strategy
          q669g                      logical style; logos
          q669o                      authoritative style; ethos  
          q669t                      emotional style; pathos
          q69             sense
          q69g                 argot sense
          q69j                 jargon sense; technical sense
          q69m                 metaphorical sense
          q69r                 rhetorical sense; so to speak
          q6aWt            natural
          q6b            jargon
          q6d            dialect; local variant  [dialectology]
          q6n            standard; national
          q6p            pidgin
          q6r            creole
          q6t            international
          q6u            constructed; planned; artificial
          q6x            formal
          q6xp                 programming; script
          q6xr                 knowledge representation; markup
          q7        transmission system; channel  ↞ ou5 
          q77   [q]           with element
          q79   [X]            structural type
          q7cWo            nonverbal communication
          q7d            interpersonal distance  [proxemics]  
          q7db                 public distance >360 cm
          q7dl                 social distance 120-360 cm
          q7dp                 personal distance 45-120 cm
          q7dt                 intimate distance <45 cm
          q7g            gestures; visual-manual signs; body motion; body language  [kinesics]  
          q7gc                 touch  [haptics]
          q7gcb                      slap
          q7gcc                      pat; caress
          q7gcg                      hug
          q7gch                      hand-shaking
          q7gci                      holding hands
          q7gck                      kiss
          q7ge                 body orientation
          q7gf                 posture; posturing
          q7gh                 chest gesture; thorax gesture
          q7ghb                      chest bending
          q7gho                      bowing; stooping
          q7ghs                      chest swelling
          q7gi                 pelvis gesture
          q7gm                 arm gesture
          q7gn                 hand gesture; manual gesture
          q7gne                      emblem; quotable gesture; symbolic gesture
          q7gnef                           clenched fist; raised fist
          q7gneh                           handwave
          q7gnen                           namaste; añjali mudrā
          q7gneo                           okay; OK; ring gesture
          q7gnep                           applause
          q7gner                           horn sign
          q7gnet                           thumbs up
          q7gneu                           thumbs down
          q7gnev                           V sign; victory hand
          q7gnex                           crossed fingers
          q7gni                      pointing; deictic; indexical gesture
          q7gnm                      beats; motor gestures
          q7gnx                      lexical gesture; iconic gesture; depicting gesture
          q7gt                 head gesture
          q7gtn                      nod
          q7gu                 gaze; glance; visual contact
          q7guf                      eyebrow flash
          q7gx   [pe]                facial expression  
          q7gxc                      fear expression
          q7gxf                      surprise expression
          q7gxi                      sad expression
          q7gxl                      disgust expression
          q7gxo                      angry expression
          q7gxu                      joy expression
          q7gxus                           smile
          q7o            non-verbal vocalization; non-lexical utterance
          q7oc                 cry
          q7og                 laugh
          q7oi                 sigh
          q7om                 vocal segregate; hmm
          q7s            speaking; speech s.s.; spoken language; orality
          q7se                 phones; segments  [phonetics]
          q7seX                      manners of articulation  
          q7seXX                           points of articulation  
          q7sebbm   ⋄                               [b]
          q7sf                 phonemes  [phonology]
          q7sfX                      manners of articulation
          q7sfXX                           points of articulation
          q7sfXXX                                phonation
          q7sfXXXX                                     airstream
          q7sfXXXc                                     click; lingual ingressive; velaric ingressive
          q7sfXXXi                                     implosive; glottalic ingressive
          q7sfXXXk                                     ejective; glottalic egressive
          q7sfXXXp                                     pulmonic
          q7sfXXc                                voiceless
          q7sfXXe                                breathy voice; murmur; whispery voice; soughing; susurration
          q7sfXXg                                slack voice; lax voice
          q7sfXXh                                half voiced; partially voiced
          q7sfXXm                                voiced; modal voice
          q7sfXXs                                stiff voice
          q7sfXXv                                creaky voice
          q7sfXXy                                glottal closure
          q7sfXbWd                           labial
          q7sfXb                           bilabial
          q7sfXc                           labiodental
          q7sfXd                           dentolabial
          q7sfXgWl                           coronal
          q7sfXg                           linguolabial
          q7sfXi                           interdental
          q7sfXj                           dental
          q7sfXl                           alveolar
          q7sfXmWo                           postalveolar
          q7sfXm                           palato-alveolar
          q7sfXn                           alveo-palatal
          q7sfXo                           retroflex
          q7sfXp                           prepalatal
          q7sfXq                           labio-palatal; rounded front
          q7sfXr                           palatal; front
          q7sfXs                           labioprevelar; rounded central
          q7sfXt                           prevelar; central
          q7sfXu                           labiovelar; rounded back
          q7sfXv                           velar; back
          q7sfXw                           uvular
          q7sfXxWy                           laringeal; guttural
          q7sfXx                           pharingeal; epiglottal
          q7sfXy                           glottal
          q7sfas                           aspirated; aspiration
          q7sfbWe                      occlusives
          q7sfbWj                      consonants
          q7sfb                      stops; plosives
          q7sfbbc                                /p/
          q7sfbbm                                /b/
          q7sfblc                                /t/
          q7sfblm                                /d/
          q7sfboc                                /ʈ/
          q7sfbom                                /ɖ/
          q7sfbqc                                /k/
          q7sfbqm                                /g/
          q7sfbrc                                /c/
          q7sfbrm                                /ɟ/
          q7sfbwc                                /q/
          q7sfc                      nasals
          q7sfcb                           /m/
          q7sfcl                           /n/
          q7sfe                      affricates
          q7sfebc                                /pf/
          q7sfelq                                /dʒ/
          q7sfels                                /tʃ/
          q7sffWy                      continuants
          q7sff                      fricatives; spirants
          q7sffal                                lateral fricatives
          q7sffas                                sibilants
          q7sffcc                                /f/
          q7sffcm                                /v/
          q7sfflc                                /s/
          q7sfflm                                /z/
          q7sfhWi                      rhotics
          q7sfhWl                      liquids
          q7sfh                      flaps; taps
          q7sfi                      trills
          q7sfil                           /r/
          q7sflWo                      approximants
          q7sflWy                      vocoids
          q7sfl                      laterals
          q7sfll                           /l/
          q7sfo                      semivowels; glides
          q7sfol                           /j/
          q7sfoq                           /w/
          q7sfqWy                      vowels
          q7sfq                      closed vowels
          q7sfqr                           /i/
          q7sfqu                           /u/
          q7sfs                      half-closed vowels
          q7sfsr                           /e/
          q7sfsu                           /o/
          q7sfsv                           /ø/
          q7sfu                      medium vowels
          q7sfut                           /ɘ/
          q7sfvq                           /y/
          q7sfvv                           /ɯ/
          q7sfw                      half-open vowels
          q7sfwr                           /ɛ/
          q7sfwt                           /ʌ/
          q7sfwu                           /ɔ/
          q7sfwv                           /œ/
          q7sfy                      open vowels
          q7sfyr                           /a/
          q7sfyt                           /ɑ/
          q7sm                 combined sounds; sequences
          q7smd                      diphthongs
          q7smh                      hiatuses
          q7ss                 syllables
          q7ss7C                           with suprasegmental
          q7ss7CiWu                                suprasegmentals; prosodic features
          q7ss7Ci                                stress; intensity; accent
          q7ss7Cib                                     unstressed
          q7ss7Cie                                     secondarily stressed
          q7ss7Cin                                     stressed
          q7ss7Cis                                     strongly stressed
          q7ss7Cp                                tones; pitches
          q7ss7Cpc                                     falling tone
          q7ss7Cpn                                     neutral tone
          q7ss7Cpp                                     dipping tone
          q7ss7Cpr                                     rising tone
          q7ss7Cpw                                     high tone
          q7ss7Cu                                lengths; quantities; chronemes  ↞ an89 quantifiers
          q7ss7Cuf                                     extra-short
          q7ss7Cui                                     short
          q7ss7Cum                                     long
          q7ss7Cux                                     extra-long; geminated
          q7w            writing  [graphemics; palaeography; epigraphy]
          q7wg                 logographies; hieroglyphs
          q7wgh                      Chinese characters; Han characters; sinographs; hanzi; kanji; hanja; hán tự
          q7wi                 syllabaries; syllabic writings
          q7wik                      Kana
          q7wj                 abjads
          q7wjc                      Proto-Canaanite alphabet
          q7wje                      Phoenician alphabet
          q7wjg                      Aramaic
          q7wjh                      Hebrew alphabet
          q7wjr                      Arabic alphabet
          q7wjs                      Syriac alphabet
          q7wk                 abugidas; alphasyllabaries
          q7wkd                      Devanagari
          q7wkt                      Ethiopic
          q7wl                 alphabets
          q7wlg                      Greek alphabet  ↞ qveg Greek language
          q7wlg7E{β}   ⋄                                    letter β
          q7wll                      Latin alphabet  ↞ qvei Romance languages
          q7wll7_Ev                                     cue
          q7wllX                           Latin letters
          q7wllXc                                uppercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlac 
          q7wllXs                                lowercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlas 
          q7wllb                           a; letter a
          q7wllbc   ⋄                               uppercase a; A
          q7wllbs   ⋄                               lowercase a; a
          q7wllbzb                           bee; letter b
          q7wllc                           cee
          q7wlld                           dee
          q7wlle                           e
          q7wllf                           ef
          q7wllg                           gee
          q7wllh                           aitch; haitch
          q7wlli                           i
          q7wllj                           jay; jy
          q7wllk                           kay
          q7wlll                           el; ell
          q7wllm                           em
          q7wlln                           en
          q7wllo                           o
          q7wllp                           pee
          q7wllr                           ar; or
          q7wlls                           ess
          q7wllt                           tee
          q7wllu                           u
          q7wllv                           vee
          q7wllw                           double-u
          q7wllx                           ex
          q7wlly                           wy
          q7wllyzd                           zed; zee
          q7wln                      Icelandic alphabet
          q7wlq                      Glagolitic alphabet
          q7wlr                      Cyrillic alphabet  ↞ qves Slavic languages
          q7wlrr                           Russian alphabet
          q7wlu                      Hangul
          q7wlw                      Morse code
          q7wlx                      fingerspelling; dactylology; manual alphabet
          q7wlxd                           deaf-dumb alphabet  ↞ mqad97o 
          q7wly                      Braille alphabet
          q7wu                 numerals
          q7wum                      Roman numerals
          q7wum7Eb                                     I
          q7wum7Ec                                     V
          q7wum7Ed                                     X
          q7wum7Ee                                     L
          q7wum7Ef                                     C
          q7wum7Eg                                     D
          q7wum7Eh                                     M
          q7wur                      Hindo-Arabic numerals
          q7wur7Eo                                     zero; numeral 0
          q7wur7Ep                                     one; numeral 1
          q7wur7Er                                     three; numeral 3
          q7wur7Es                                     four; numeral 4
          q7wur7Et                                     five; numeral 5
          q7wur7Eu                                     six; numeral 6
          q7wur7Ev                                     two; numeral 2
          q7wur7Ev_                                     seven; numeral 7
          q7wur7Ew                                     eight; numeral 8
          q7wur7Ex                                     nine; numeral 9
          q7wx                 punctuation marks
          q7wxi                      positurae
          q7wxi7Ec                                     punctus
          q7wxp                      printing-press punctuation
          q7wxp7Ec                                     colon
          q7wxp7Ee                                     semicolon
          q7wxp7Ef                                     full stop; period
          q7wxp7Eh                                     parentheses
          q7wxp7Em                                     comma
          q7wxr                      computer punctuation
          q7wxr7Eb                                     at sign; @
          q7wxr7Eh                                     hash; #
          q858                  linguistic diversity
          q9        speech act  [pragmatics]
          q90            about object  [semantics]
          q90j                 regions toponyms  [toponomastics]
          q90pY                      individual people proper names  [onomastics]
          q90ro   ⋄                     agriculture
          q98   [os]            message; linguistic function; poetic function
          q98e                 warning; deictical; indexical
          q98e7g   ⋄                          warning gestures
          q98g                 aggressivity
          q98ge                      threat
          q98m                 mating
          q98mh                      courtship
          q98s                 sociality
          q98sj                      subjection; respect
          q98sm                      dominance
          q98sq                      alliance
          q9c            locutionary
          q9i            illocutionary  
          q9ie                 representative; assertive
          q9ii                 directive
          q9im                 commissive
          q9ip                 expressive
          q9ir                 declarative
          q9iy                 indirect
          q9p            perlocutionary
          q9t            metalocutionary
          qX        code
          qm       morphs  [morphology]
          qmb            stems  [lexicography; terminology]
          qmb{dog}   ⋄                          dog-
          qmf            affixes
          qmfe                 prefixes
          qmfi                 infixes
          qmfs                 suffixes; grammatical endings
          qmfu                 circumfixes
          qmq            aspects
          qms            compounds
          qo       words; lexical categories; word classes; lexical classes; parts of speech  [grammar (partim)]
          qo360y                           scientific terms
          qo79                  morphological kind  [morphological typology]
          qo79b                      isolating
          qo79e                      templatic; nonconcatenative; discontinuous; introflection
          qo79gWy                      synthetic
          qo79g                      agglutinative
          qo79n                      fusional; inflecting
          qo79p                      polysynthetic
          qoi            interjections
          qon            nouns
          qonc                 common nouns
          qonp                 proper nouns; names
          qop            pronouns
          qope                 personal pronouns
          qopf                 reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
          qoph                 possessive pronouns
          qopm                 demonstrative pronouns
          qopn                 indefinite pronouns
          qopr                 relative pronouns
          qopw                 interrogative pronouns
          qoq            verbs
          qoqo                 double transitive verbs
          qor            adjectives and adverbs
          qot            determiners; determinatives
          qotc                 articles
          qotd                 demonstratives
          qoth                 possessive determiners; possessive adjectives
          qotn                 numerals
          qott                 distributive determiners
          qotv                 quantifiers
          qotw                 interrogative determiners
          qove                 intransitive verbs
          qovh                 transitive verbs
          qovj                 ditransitive verbs
          qovu                 copular verbs
          qow            adpositions; prepositions and postpositions
          qox            conjunctions
          qo{acqua}   ⋄                               the word acqua
          qp       phrases; syntagmas; syntagmatic structures; units  [syntax; grammar]
          qp79                 word orders
          qp79cWg                      VO; verb-object
          qp79c                      SVO; subject-verb-object
          qp79e                      VSO; verb-subject-object
          qp79g                      VOS; verb-object-subject
          qp79kWq                      OV; object-verb
          qp79k                      SOV; subject-object-verb
          qp79m                      OSV; object-subject-verb
          qp79o                      OVS; object-verb-subject
          qp79q                      place-manner-time
          qp79t                      time-manner-place
          qp9C                 morphosyntactic alignments
          qp9Cc                      accusative
          qp9Ce                      ergative
          qp9Cf                      split ergative
          qp9Ci                      philippine
          qp9Ck                      active-stative
          qp9Cn                      tripartite
          qp9Cq                      inverse marking
          qp9Cs                      syntactic pivot
          qp9Ct                      theta role
          qpc            copulas
          qpd            predicates
          qpg            subjects
          qpj            direct objects
          qpn            indirect objects
          qpp            prepositional objects
          qq       clauses
          qqm            main clauses; matrix clauses; independent clauses
          qqs            subordinate clauses; embedded clauses; dependent clauses
          qs       sentences
          qsb            simple sentences
          qsd            compound sentences
          qsl            complex sentences
          qsn            compound-complex sentences; complex-compound sentences
          qt       texts; discourses  [text linguistics; discourse analysis]
          qtb            narrative texts; stories
          qtd            descriptive texts
          qtg            argumentative texts
          qti            instructive texts
          qtm            comparison texts; contrast; expositive texts
          qv       languages; natural languages; ordinary languages  ≈ DDC 490
          qv7c                 sign languages; signed languages
          qvU            currently prominent languages
          qvUc   [qvkccc]                Chinese; Standard Mandarin
          qvUe   [qvemi]                English
          qvUf   [qveir]                French
          qvUg   [qvemb]                German
          qvUh   [qvecnh]                Hindi; Standard Hindi
          qvUi   [qveit]                Italian
          qvUi7g   ⋄                          signed; lingua italiana dei segni; LIS
          qvUi7s   ⋄                          spoken
          qvUi7w   ⋄                          written
          qvUj   [qvjj]                Japanese
          qvUl   [qveib]                Latin
          qvUr   [qveser]                Russian
          qvUs   [qveii]                Spanish; Castilian
          qvUt   [qveik]                Portuguese
          qvUw   [qvbsoch]                Hebrew
          qvUx   [qvbsor]                Arabic
          qvX             language families
          qvbWw            natural languages; ordinary languages
          qvb            Afro-Asiatic languages; Hamito-Semitic languages  ≈ DDC 492 493  
          qvbb                 Berber languages
          qvbc                 Chadic languages
          qvbe                 Egyptian languages
          qvbq                 Beja language  
          qvbs                 Semitic languages
          qvbse                      East semitic languages
          qvbsek                           Akkadian; Babylonian; Assyrian
          qvbso                      West Semitic languages
          qvbsoc                           Canaanite languages
          qvbsoch                                Hebrew language
          qvbsom                           Aramaic languages
          qvbsoms                                Syriac language
          qvbsor                           Arabic languages
          qvbss                      South Semitic languages
          qvbsse                           Ethiopic languages
          qvbssem                                Amharic-Argobba
          qvbt                 Cushitic languages
          qvbu                 Omotic languages  
          qvc            Nilo-Saharan languages  ≈ DDC 496
          qvd            Niger-Congo languages; Niger-Kordofanian languages  ≈ DDC 496
          qvde                 Senegambian languages
          qvdef                      Fula language; Fulani; Fulah; Fufulde
          qvdeo                      Wolof language
          qvdn                 Bantu languages
          qvdnb                      Sawabantu languages
          qvdnbd                           Duala language
          qvdnbdm                                Mungo dialect
          qvdnh                      Northeast Bantu languages
          qvdnhs                           Swahili language
          qvdnx                      Shona languages
          qvdny                      Southern Bantu languages
          qvdnyn                           Nguni languages
          qvdnynh                                Xhosa language
          qvdnynl                                Zulu language
          qvdzg            Aegean languages; Tyrrhenian languages including Etruscan, Lemnian and Helvetian  
          qvdzk            Khoe languages  ≈ DDC 496  
          qvdzt            Tuu languages  ≈ DDC 496  
          qvdzx            Basque language; Euskera; Euskara
          qve            Indo-european languages  ↞ jUj Eurasia
          qvebWf                 Indo-Iranian languages
          qveb                 Anatolian languages  
          qvec                 Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecd                      Old Indo-Aryan; Sanskrit
          qvecg                      Dardic languages
          qvecgk                           Kashmiri language
          qveci                      Pahari; Northern Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecin                           Nepali language
          qveck                      Northwestern Indo-Aryan languages
          qveckp                           Punjabi languages
          qvecks                           Sindhi languages
          qvecm                      Western Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecmc                           Rajastani
          qvecmg                           Gujarati
          qvecmi                           Bhil
          qvecmr                           Romani
          qvecn                      Hindi; Madhya; Central Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecnh                           Hindustani including standard Hindi, standard Urdu
          qvecp                      Magadan; Eastern Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecps                           Bengali-Assamese
          qvecs                      Southern Indo-Aryan
          qvecsm                           Marathi-Konkani
          qvecss                           Sinhalese
          qved                 Iranian languages
          qvedb                      Proto-Iranian
          qvedd                      Old Iranian
          qvedde                           Avestan language; Zend
          qveddp                           Old Persian
          qvedm                      Middle Iranian languages
          qvedmc                           Parthian language; Arsacid Pahlavi
          qvedmi                           Middle Persian language; Pahlavi
          qvedmk                           Bactrian language
          qvedms                           Old Ossetic language; Scytho-Sarmatian
          qvef                 Nuristani languages
          qveg                 Greek language  ≈ DDC 480
          qvegh                      Ancient Greek
          qvego                      modern Greek
          qvei                 Romance languages; Italic languages
          qveib                      Latin language  ≈ DDC 470
          qveibd                           Old Latin
          qveibi                           Classical Latin
          qveibl                           Vulgar Latin
          qveibm                           Medieval Latin
          qveibr                           Renaissance Latin
          qveibt                           Modern Latin; New Latin
          qveic                      Corsican dialects
          qveid                      Sardinian language
          qveidc                           Sassarese dialects
          qveidg                           Gallurese dialects
          qveidl                           Logudorese dialects
          qveidp                           Campidanese dialects
          qveie                      Pyrenean languages
          qveien                           Navarro-Aragonese language
          qveier                           Aragonese language
          qveif                      Mozarabic dialects
          qveih                      Asturo-Leonese dialects
          qveii                      Castilian language; Spanish language  ≈ DDC 460
          qveik                      Portuguese language  ≈ DDC 469
          qveikr                           Brazilian Portuguese
          qveil                      Galician language  ≈ DDC 460
          qvein                      Catalan language  ≈ DDC 449
          qveio                      Occitan language  ≈ DDC 449
          qveioe                           Auvergnat dialects
          qveiog                           Gascon dialects
          qveioi                           Limousin dialects
          qveiol                           Languedocien dialects
          qveiop                           Provençal dialects
          qveios                           Shuadit dialects
          qveiq                      Romanian language  ≈ DDC 459
          qveir                      French language; Langue d'oïl  ≈ DDC 440
          qveirc                           Cajun French
          qveirf                           Franco-Provençal dialects
          qveiri                           Ancient French; Ancien Français
          qveirm                           Middle French; Moyen Français
          qveirp                           Picard dialects
          qveirs                           Zarphatic dialects
          qveis                      Gallo-Italian dialects
          qveise                           Piemontese dialects
          qveisl                           Lombard dialects
          qveisn                           Venetian dialects
          qveisr                           Emiliano-Romagnolo dialects
          qveisu                           Ligurian dialects
          qveit                      Italian language  ≈ DDC 450
          qveiti                           Istriot dialect
          qveitn                           Napoletano-Calabrese dialects
          qveits                           Sicilian dialects
          qveitt                           Dalmatian dialects
          qveitu                           Judeo-Italian dialects
          qveiu                      Rhaetian languages
          qveiuf                           Friulian language; Furlan language
          qveiul                           Ladin language
          qveiur                           Romansh language
          qveiw                      Macedo Romanian language; Aromanian language
          qveix                      Megleno Romanian language; Moglenitic; Meglenitic language
          qveiy                      Istro Romanian language
          qvel                 Celtic languages  ≈ DDC 491
          qvelc                      Proto-Celtic language; Common Celtic
          qvele                      Lepontic language
          qveli                      Celtiberian language; Northeastern Hispano-Celtic; Eastern Hispano-Celtic
          qvelk                      Northwestern Hispano-Celtic language; Western Hispano-Celtic
          qvell                      Gaulish languages
          qvellg                           Galatian language
          qvelr                      Brittonic languages; Brythonic; British Celtic
          qvelrc                           Cumbric language
          qvelre                           Welsh language; Cymraeg; y Gymraeg
          qvelro                           Cornish language
          qvelrr                           Breton language; brezhoneg
          qvelu                      Goidelic languages
          qvelus                           Scottish Gaelic language
          qvem                 Germanic languages
          qvemd                      Dutch language  ≈ DDC 439
          qveme                      Low Saxon dialects
          qvemf                      Frisian dialects
          qvemi                      English language  ≈ DDC 420
          qvemie                           English English
          qvemif                           Welsh English
          qvemih                           Scottish English
          qvemil                           Irish English
          qvemin                           Northern Irish English
          qvemir                           American English
          qvemis                           Australian English
          qvemj                      Scots language
          qvemk                      German language  ≈ DDC 430
          qveml                      Icelandic language
          qvemo                      Faroese language
          qvemq                      Danish language  ≈ DDC 439
          qvemr                      Norwegian language  ≈ DDC 439
          qvemw                      Swedish language  ≈ DDC 439
          qveo                 Armenian language
          qveq                 Tocharian languages
          qverWs                 Balto-Slavic languages
          qver                 Baltic languages
          qverj                      Latvian language
          qverl                      Lithuanian language
          qves                 Slavic languages
          qvese                      East Slavic languages
          qveseb                           Belarusian language; Belarusan; Belarussian; Belorussian
          qvesek                           Ukrainian language
          qveser                           Russian language
          qveses                           Rusyn language
          qveso                      West Slavic languages
          qvesob                           Sorbian languages
          qvesol                           Lechitic languages
          qvesoll                                Polish language
          qvesolp                                Pomeranian language
          qvesols                                Silesian language
          qvesolx                                Polabian language
          qvesoq                           Czech-Slovak languages
          qvesoqc                                Czech language
          qvesoqk                                Knaanic; Judeo Slavic
          qvesoqs                                Slovak language
          qvess                      South Slavic languages
          qvesse                           Eastern Southern Slavic languages
          qvessem                                Macedonian language
          qvesseq                                Old Church Slavonic
          qvesseu                                Bulgarian language
          qvesso                           Western South Slavic languages
          qvessob                                Serbian language
          qvessol                                Slovenian language
          qvessor                                Croatian language
          qvessos                                Bosnian language
          qveu                 Albanian language
          qvf            Uralic languages  ≈ DDC 494
          qvfc                 Samoyedic languages
          qvff                 Finno-Ugric languages
          qvffh                      Ugric; Ugrian languages including Hungarian
          qvffi                      Finno-Permic; Baltic-Finnic languages including Sami, Estonian, Finnish
          qvffie                           Permic language
          qvffim                           Sami languages
          qvffit                           Baltic-Finnic languages
          qvffitf                                Finnish language
          qvffitk                                Karelian language
          qvffitt                                Estonian language
          qvffitv                                Livonian language
          qvg            Turkic languages  ≈ DDC 494
          qvgg                 Oghuz languages; Southwestern Common Turkic
          qvggi                      Turkish language
          qvggr                      Azerbaijani language; Azeri
          qvggu                      Turkmen language
          qvgk                 Kipchak languages; Northwestern Common Turkic
          qvgkk                      Kazakh language
          qvgkr                      Kyrgyz language
          qvgr                 Karluk languages; Southeastern Common Turkic
          qvgrb                      Uzbek language
          qvgs                 Siberian languages; Northeastern Common Turkic
          qvgzg            Tungusic languages
          qvgzi            Mongolic languages
          qvgzk            Northwest Caucasian languages; West Caucasian; Abkhazo-Adyghean; Circassic; Pontic
          qvgzm            Northeast Caucasian languages; North Caspian
          qvgzo            Hurro-Urartian languages  
          qvgzq            Kartvelian languages; South Caucasian languages
          qvgzqg                 Georgian languages
          qvgzqn                 Zan languages
          qvgzqs                 Svan language
          qvgzs            Yeniseian languages
          qvgzu            Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages
          qvgzy            Yukaghir languages
          qvh            Korean language  ≈ DDC 495
          qvi            Dravidian languages  ≈ DDC 494
          qvid                 South Dravidian languages
          qvidc                      Tamil language
          qvide                      Malayalam language
          qvidk                      Kannada language
          qvig                 South-Central Dravidian languages
          qvigt                      Telugu language
          qvik                 Central-Dravidian languages
          qvin                 North Dravidian languages
          qvizd            Andamanese languages
          qvj            Japonic languages; Japanese-Ryukyuan languages  ≈ DDC 495
          qvjj                 Japanese language; Nihongo
          qvjzb            Buyeo languages; Puyo; Fuyu languages  
          qvk            Sino-Tibetan languages  ≈ DDC 495
          qvkc                 Chinese languages; Sinitic
          qvkcc                      Mandarin Chinese language
          qvkccc                           Standard Chinese language; Modern Standard Mandarin
          qvkcf                      Wu languages
          qvkck                      Cantonese languages
          qvkcm                      Min languages
          qvkcmt                           Taiwanese language
          qvkcu                      Gan languages
          qvkcx                      Xiang languages
          qvkcy                      Hakka languages
          qvkt                 Tibeto-Burman languages
          qvkzm            Hmong-Mien languages
          qvl            Tai-Kadai languages; Kra–Dai; Daic; Kadai
          qvlb                 Ong-Be languages
          qvlf                 Kra languages
          qvlk                 Kam-Sui languages
          qvlo                 Hlai languages
          qvlt                 Tai languages; Zhuang–Tai
          qvlti                      Siamese language
          qvltl                      Lao language
          qvm            Austroasiatic languages; Mon–Khmer
          qvmd                 Munda languages
          qvmi                 Vietic languages
          qvmiv                      Vietnamese language
          qvmr                 Khmer language; Cambodian
          qvn            Austronesian languages
          qvp            Papuan languages  
          qvq            Native American languages; Amerindian languages; indigenous languages of the Americas  ≈ DDC 497 498  
          qvs            Australian aboriginal languages  ≈ DDC 499
          qvx            modern planned languages; constructed; artificial languages; conlangs  ≈ DDC 499
          qvxeWg                 engineered languages; engelangs
          qvxe                 philosophical languages; early-modern a-priori universal languages
          qvxej                      Dalgarno's Ars signorum
          qvxek                      Wilkins's Characteristica universalis
          qvxel                      Leibniz's Lingua generalis
          qvxg                 logical languages
          qvxgg                      Loglan
          qvxgj                      Lojban
          qvxi                 auxiliary languages; auxlangs; IALs  ↞ qaxu 
          qvxid                      Volapük
          qvxie                      Esperanto
          qvxif                      Ido
          qvxii                      Interlingua
          qvxt                 art languages; fantasy languages
          qvxtk                      Klingon
          qvxtq                      Quenya
          rWs  enterprises; businesses; industries  [economics; applied sciences]
          rWv  organizations
          r  production; extraction; primary and secondary sectors  [technology]  ↞ q language m organisms g bulk matter
          r1        technical development; innovation; change; new technology; technical progress
          r1e            invention
          r1f            diffusion; spreading
          r1i            innovation
          r1s            integration
          r2       in production place
          r253   [j3]                with weather factor
          r253i                      rain
          r253is                           showers
          r253j                      snow
          r253l                      hail
          r253n                      wind
          r256   [j39]                in climate
          r256q   ⋄                     tropical climate
          r27   [uU]           in region
          r2b            the wild
          r2e            enclosure; captivity
          r2f            field
          r2h            household
          r2k            workshop
          r2l            laboratory
          r2p            industrial plant; factory
          r3       by tool
          r31   [w1]           made in time
          r32   [uU]           made in place
          r33   [U]           made by producer
          r332   [u2]                made in production site
          r333   [U]                designed by; invented by designer; inventor
          r335   [uo]                produced by; in production unit; enterprise
          r35   [U]           controlled by; handled by; steered by; manoeuvred by manipulator; driver
          r36   [t7]           for user class; people
          r363   [x9]                 style; design  [decorative arts]
          r37             tool component; part; organ
          r370                 with component device; subsystem
          r37b                 gear; cog
          r37d                 rope
          r37f                 spring
          r37h                 wheels
          r37i                 axle
          r37k                 bearing
          r37l                 belts
          r37n                 seal
          r37o                 roller chain
          r37r                 racks and pinions
          r37r3                      link chain
          r37t                 fastener
          r37ts                      screw
          r37v                 airfoil; aerofoil; fin
          r37va                      sail
          r37vb                      wing
          r37vd                      rudder
          r37vf                      flap
          r37vp                      propeller
          r3c            cutting implement
          r3ce                 axe
          r3ch                 sickle; bagging hook; reaping-hook
          r3ci                 scythe
          r3ck                 knife
          r3d            digging implement  ↞ nyo soils
          r3df                 fork; pitchfork; graip; garden fork; spading fork; digging fork
          r3dh                 hoe
          r3dp                 spade
          r3dr                 rake
          r3du                 plough; plow
          r3i            pot; vessel; container
          r3ig                 bag
          r3ik                 basket
          r3il                 bottle
          r3io                 box
          r3l            weaving implement; textile manufacturing implement
          r3ld                 needle
          r3li                 spindle
          r3m            machinery; mechanical machine  [mechanical engineering]  ↞ r9y 
          r3mc                 mechanical device
          r3mg                 simple machine
          r3mgc                      inclined plane
          r3mgh                      wheels and axles
          r3mgl                      lever
          r3mgp                      pulley
          r3mgs                      wedge
          r3mk                 key; lock
          r3mn                 heat engine; thermal engine  ↞ g5h heat
          r3mneWi                      external combustion engine
          r3mne                      steam engine
          r3mni                      Stirling engine
          r3mnjWy                      internal combustion engine
          r3mnk                      reciprocating engine
          r3mnn                      Wankel engine
          r3mnt                      jet engine
          r3mnu                      rocket
          r3mnx                      gas turbine
          r3n            transducers  [electrical engineering]  
          r3nc                 electrochemical transducers
          r3ne                 electromechanical transducers
          r3ng                 electroacoustic transducers
          r3ngm                      microphones
          r3ngs                      loudspeakers
          r3nh                 photoelectric transducers including diodes
          r3nm                 electromagnetic transducers
          r3nr3                      Geiger-Müller tubes
          r3ns                 electrostatic transducers
          r3nt                 thermoelectric transducers
          r3o            electronic devices  [electronic engineering]
          r3oc                 semiconductors
          r3ocb                      transistors
          r3ocd                      diodes
          r3od                 capacitors; condensers; condensators
          r3oe                 resistors
          r3oi                 inductors
          r4       suffering; subject to failure; defect; flaw; breakdown; malfunctioning; damage
          r43   [X]           damaged by pest
          r4f            wear; usury
          r4i            strain
          r4r            break
          r4s            crash
          r4t            technical fault
          r5       by technology; technique
          r59   [X]            special operation
          r5b            manual work; human work  ↞ px persons
          r5c            controlled fire; cooking  ↞ f5ic combustion
          r5f            lithic technology; Stone Age  ↞ ii single rocks vdb 
          r5fe                 eolithic technology  
          r5fgWl                 palaeolithic technology
          r5fg                 ancient palaeolithic technology; Early Stone Age  
          r5fi                 middle palaeolithic technology; Middle Stone Age  
          r5fl                 recent palaeolithic technology; Late Stone Age  
          r5fm                 mesolithic technology; Middle Stone Age  
          r5fn                 neolithic technology; New Stone Age  
          r5gWi            metallurgy
          r5g            copper technology; Copper Age; chalcolithic  ↞ eel copper
          r5h            bronze technology; Bronze Age  ↞ eel copper efo tin
          r5i            iron technology; Iron Age; steel  ↞ eei iron
          r5k            animal traction  ↞ mqvtt perissodactyla mqvtu artiodactyla
          r5m            mechanical technology  ↞ g bulk matter w customs
          r5md                 hydraulic technology  ↞ js fresh water systems
          r5mi                 wind technology  ↞ j3n winds
          r5mp                 pneumatic engineering
          r5mu                 vacuum technology
          r5o            geotechnical technology  ↞ j landforms
          r5os                 soil technology  ↞ nyo soils
          r5r            electrical technology  ↞ d6l electric energy
          r5t            electronic technology  ↞ dte electrons
          r5ti                 digital
          r5u            nuclear technology  ↞ dv hadrons
          r5v            solar technology  ↞ hlU the Sun
          r6        production form
          r69   [X]            production approach
          r6f            private; homely; family
          r6m            market
          r6p            public
          r6v            voluntary
          r7        division; compartment; branch
          r76   [X]           exploiting part
          r77   [X]           from; exploiting resource
          r79            powered by energy source
          r79e                 water
          r79i                 wind
          r79l                 fuel
          r79lc                      coal
          r79lg                      gas
          r79lo                      oil
          r79t                 electricity
          r7c            supply; acquisition
          r7d            design; project; plan
          r7f            manufacturing; production
          r7fp                 processing
          r7i            maintenance
          r7ir                 repair
          r7l            consulting
          r7m            management; administration
          r7mc                 accounting
          r7mh                 human resources administration; staff management
          r7mhet                           recruit training
          r7ms                 strategy
          r7n            advertising
          r7p            packaging
          r7r            delivery
          r7s            store; warehouse
          r7t            exposition
          r7u            distribution
          r7w            customer service
          r82   [an89]            size
          r82e                 extremely small; nano  [nanotechnology]
          r82f                 small scale
          r82u                 big scale
          r8fl                 lime product
          r9       of; producing commodity; raw material; feedstock; artefact  [materials science]
          r90            for; producing artefact for function; purpose; activity
          r91   [ty]           used in historical civilization
          r913   [w1]                introduced in time
          r92   [uU]           typical of region; country
          r9b            bone  ↞ mq7q skeleton
          r9d            lumber; timber; wood; wooden  ↞ mp7g stem
          r9e            stone  ↞ ii single rocks
          r9f            nonmetallic mineral product  ↞ iip blue schists
          r9fa                 aggregate
          r9fb                 bricks; clay units
          r9fc                 cement
          r9fg                 glass  ↞ gts silicates  
          r9fm                 ceramic
          r9fpm                      porcelain; china
          r9h            metal; metallic  ↞ eU metals
          r9hg                 copper  ↞ eel copper
          r9hi                 iron; steel  ↞ eei iron
          r9hn                 tin  ↞ efo tin
          r9i            fibers; fibres  ↞ mp plants
          r9ib                 flax fiber  ↞ mpwrsllf flax
          r9ic                 cotton fiber  ↞ mpwnfvc cotton plants
          r9if                 bast fibre; phloem fibre; skin fibre  ↞ mp79vb phloem mpwnfvt lime trees
          r9io                 wool  ↞ mq7x skin mqvt mammals
          r9is                 silk  ↞ mqriy lepidoptera
          r9it                 asbestos fiber  ↞ gts silicates
          r9k            down feather  ↞ mq7x skin mqvo birds
          r9l            leather  ↞ mq7x skin mqvt mammals
          r9m            fur  ↞ mq7x skin mqvt mammals
          r9n            salt  ↞ ff salts
          r9o            oil; fat  ↞ mq79c connective tissue
          r9p            fossil fuel; mineral oil  ≈ DDC 665
          r9pc                 coal  ↞ iiv coal
          r9pcg                      lignite; brown coal
          r9pch                      sub-bituminous coal
          r9pci                      bituminous coal
          r9pcn                      anthracite coal; hard coal; black coal
          r9pe                 petroleum; crude oil  ↞ gtxc mineral hydrocarbons
          r9pg                 gasoline
          r9pk                 kerosene
          r9pl                 lubricant
          r9pp                 paraffin wax
          r9pt                 tar
          r9pw                 petrochemicals
          r9py                 natural gas  ↞ gg gases
          r9q            dyes and paints  ↞ f molecules
          r9r            paper  ↞ mp plants
          r9t            plastic  ↞ f molecules
          r9te                 PET; PETE; polyethylene terephthalate
          r9th                 HDPE; PE-HD; high-density polyethylene
          r9ti                 PVC; V; polyvinyl chloride
          r9tl                 LDPE; PE-LD; low-density polyethylene
          r9tp                 PP; polypropylene
          r9ts                 PS; polystyrene
          r9tu                 PUR; polyurethanes
          r9tv                 PP&A fibres
          rbWe       foraging; hunting and harvesting  ≈ DDC 639
          rbWq       primary sector
          rc       gathering; collecting
          rc7             wildlands; wilderness
          rc90sbc                                fruit berrypicking  ↞ mpw flowering plants
          rc9d                 wood
          rf       logging; managed forests; woods  [forestry]  ↞ nyr forests   ≈ DDC 634
          rf76   [mp7]                of plant part
          rf76gc                           trunks
          rf76gr                           branches
          rf77   [mp]                of trees
          rf77rUb                                pines
          rf77rUq                                firs
          rf77w                      flowering plants
          rf77whufc                                     chestnut
          rf77wnnsp                                     poplars
          rf77wqhufh                                     beeches
          rf77wqrbtrh                                     cherry trees
          rf9d                 lumber
          rh       hunting  ↞ oskh hunting
          rh77   [mqv]                 wildlife; game; quarry
          rh77o                      birds fowling
          rh77ogs   ⋄                               phasianidae
          ri       fisheries  ↞ js fresh water systems jy seas nyd intertidal zones vc 
          ri59                  fishery operation
          ri59c                      fishing  ≈ DDC 639
          ri59cg                           seafood gathering by hand
          ri59cj                           spearing
          ri59cn                           netting
          ri59cq                           angling
          ri59ct                           fish trapping
          ri77   [mq]                exploiting aquatic animals
          ri77fh                           crustaceans
          ri77vh                           ray-finned fish
          ri77vmn                                whales whaling
          ric            wild fisheries; capture fisheries
          rih            fish hatcheries; stocked water bodies
          ris            fish farms; fish ponds  [pisciculture; aquaculture; aquafarming]
          rj       herding; pastoralism; breeding; stockbreeding; rearing  [animal husbandry; animal science]  ≈ DDC 636  
          rj43   [mq4]                against disease  [veterinary medicine]
          rj77   [mq]                of livestock; tame species
          rj77Ud                           dogs
          rj77Uh                           horses
          rj77Ul                           cattle; cows
          rj77Up                           pigs
          rj77Ur                           goats
          rj77Us                           sheep
          rj77mg                           snails  [heliciculture]
          rj77ng                           earthworms  [vermiculture]
          rj77vtul                                     camels
          rj90                 for function
          rj90r                      labor
          rj90sb                           food
          rj90sbi                                dairy products
          rj90sbib                                     milk
          rj90sbj                                eggs
          rj90sbm                                meat and fish
          rj90t                      pets; companion; household animals
          rj90wg                           sport
          rj90y                      testing; research; laboratory animals
          rjd            nomadic pastoralism
          rjh            transhumance  
          rjr            ranches; ranching; animal farming
          rl       farms; farming; agriculture  [agronomy]  ≈ DDC 630
          rl43   [mp4]                controlling; managing pest; plant disease
          rl59                  agriculture operation
          rl59eWn                      cultivation
          rl59e                      sowing  ↞ mp7s seeds
          rl59f                      fertilization
          rl59i                      irrigation  ↞ fU water js fresh water systems
          rl59k                      pest control  ↞ mp4 afftected by
          rl59n                      harvesting
          rl59p                      grazing; pasturing
          rl59v                      captivity
          rl6             agriculture type
          rl69                  agricultural method; system
          rl69g                      organic; biological
          rl69i                      integrated
          rl6d                 subsistence
          rl6h                 shifting fields
          rl6x                 intensive; exploitation; plantation; latifundium
          rl76   [mp7]                of vegetable part
          rl76f                      roots
          rl76g                      stems
          rl76gr                           branches
          rl76l                      leaves
          rl76q                      flowers  [floriculture]  ≈ DDC 635
          rl76s                      seeds
          rl76sp                           fruits
          rl77   [X]                exploiting crop; species
          rl9i                 textile fibers
          rlh            market gardens; huertas; orti  [horticulture]
          rli            ornamental gardens  [gardening]  ≈ DDC 635
          rli77   [mpw]                     of species
          rli77rbtb                                     roses
          rlo            orchards  [pomology]  ↞ uo76up   ≈ DDC 634
          rlo77   [mpw]                     of fruit trees
          rlo77hufc                                     chestnuts
          rlo77rrv                                     grape
          rlo77toeo                                     olive
          rlr            grass crops; herbaceous crops; field crops  ≈ DDC 633
          rlr77   [mpw]                     of plant species
          rlr77U                           cereals
          rlr77Ue                                rice
          rlr77Ue76g43X27n167m   ⋄                                    rice stem pest control in India in summer  
          rlr77Uf                                wheat
          rlr77Uh                                barley
          rlr77Uj                                oats
          rlr77Um                                maize; corn
          rlr77Uo                                millet
          rlr77ndhcs                                     tea
          rlr77nfvc                                     cotton
          rlr77rcffx                                     soybean; soya bean
          rlr77tdht                                     tobacco  ≈ DDC 679
          rlr77trrc                                     coffee
          rlrg                 gleaning  ↞ mp plants oskg grazing
          rm       managed landscape  [landscape architecture]
          rm59c                      conservation  [applied ecology]
          rq       mines; quarries; extraction plants   [mining]  ↞ i rocks   ≈ DDC 622
          rq77   [i]                extracting mineral or rock
          rq77bbi                                iron
          rq77hg                           copper
          rq9            extracting ore
          rq9b                 stone
          rq9h                 metals
          rq9n                 salt
          rq9p                 fossil fuel
          rq9pc                      coal
          rq9pe                      petroleum
          rq9py                      natural gas
          rt       factories; manufacturing plants; production plants  [engineering]  ≈ DDC 621 660 670 680
          rt59                  manufacturing technology
          rt59u                      factory automation
          rt59uu                           automata; robots
          rt77   [r9]                working material
          rt77b                      stone  [stonemasonry]  ↞ uahf 
          rt77d                      wood  [woodworking]
          rt77h                      metals  ≈ DDC 671 672 673 682
          rt77hg                           copper; braziers  [coppersmithing]
          rt77hi                           iron  [blacksmithing]
          rt77hn                           tin  [tinsmithing]
          rt77i                      fiber and textiles  ↞ smc3i 
          rt77l                      leather  [leatherwork]  ≈ DDC 675
          rt77r                      paper  ↞ smc3s   ≈ DDC 676
          rt9            producing; manufacturing artifact; implement; device; appliance  ≈ DDC 620  
          rt90                 for function; service
          rt90sb                           food and beverage; food processing; manufacturing; technology  ≈ DDC 663 664
          rt90sbi                                dairy products dairies; dairy farms
          rt90sc                           recreational drugs
          rt90sd                           home appliances
          rt90sf                           clothes
          rt90sm                           weapons
          rt90st                           vehicles
          rt90su                           information and communication devices ICT
          rt9g                 nonmetallic mineral products
          rt9h                 metal  ≈ DDC 669
          rt9i                 fiber textile mill  ≈ DDC 677
          rtcWy            secondary sector
          rtc            workshops; crafts; handicraft; trades
          rtc33   ⋄                     by artisan; craftsperson; craftsman
          rtc90r(3i)   ⋄                                    pots  [pottery]
          rtc90r(3ik)   ⋄                                    baskets  [basketry; basketmaking; basket weaving]
          rtc90sdd   ⋄                                    buildings  [carpentry]
          rtc90sfes   ⋄                                    shoes  [shoe making]
          rtc90xm   ⋄                               music  [lutherie]
          rtcg                 ceramics and glass crafts  ↞ iip blue schists   ≈ DDC 666
          rtcgp                      porcelain making
          rth            chemical manufacturing  ↞ f molecules   ≈ DDC 661
          rth9t                      plastics  ≈ DDC 668
          s  services; deliverables; goods; tertiary sector  ↞ j landforms m organisms u polities   ≈ DDC 600
          s1   [X]      at stage
          s167   [j19]                in season
          s2   [X]      in facility; infrastructure
          s3   [X]      by special tool; equipment; utensil; instrument
          s33   [U]           provided by worker
          s35   [v7]           by factor of production; resource; input
          s36   [t7]           for customer; patron; consumer; buyer
          s37   [r3]           using tool; equipment; device
          s39             system
          s39p                 private
          s39r                 partly public  ↞ u polities
          s39s                 public; social insurance  ↞ u polities
          s4   [X]       failure
          s5   [X]       operation
          s55   [r5]           working by technology
          s6   [X]       service property
          s69            conforming to regulation; guideline; technical norm; standard procedure  ↞ u6 
          s69g                 sustainable; green; ecological  ↞ ny ecosystems
          s69i                 partially sustainable; integrated
          s69p                 typical regional production
          s69q                 quality certification; management; certification
          s7   [X]       special material
          s75   [r7]            division; compartment; branch
          s76m   ⋄                management
          s77   [X]            special resource
          s8        access
          s8b            free of charge
          s8h            paid; charged  ↞ v5k trade
          s9   [X]       service kind
          s90            for function
          s90sh   ⋄                     health care
          s90xm   ⋄                     music
          s91   [w1]           of period
          s92   [uU]           of; adopted in; spread in region
          s94   [X]           dealing with pest; disease; problem
          s96   [X]           for beneficiary
          s98   [X]           of kind
          s988   [X]                of kind measure
          sbWe       hospitality industry
          sb       food and drink; prepared food; dishes  [gastronomy]  ↞ osk feeding   ≈ DDC 641
          sb2b                 household home cuisine
          sb2e                 catering
          sb2k                 take-out; carry-out; to-go; takeaway; grab-n-go; parcel
          sb2o                 cafeterias; canteens
          sb2p                 coffee bars; coffee shops; cafés
          sb2r                 restaurants
          sb3            by food tool
          sb33                 by cook; chef
          sb3c                 cookware; bakeware  ↞ sb5o cooking
          sb3cf                      frying pans; frypans; skillets
          sb3d                 dishware; tableware; dinnerware  ≈ DDC 642
          sb3dd                      drinkware; beverageware; cups; drinking vessels  ↞ sbv drinks
          sb3do                      bowls
          sb3dp                      plates
          sb3dt                      cutlery
          sb3dtk                           table knives  ↞ r3ck knife
          sb3dtr                           forks
          sb3dts                           spoons
          sb4             food service failure
          sb4r                 rotten food; spoiled; unsanitary
          sb5             food preparation  [cooking; cookery; culinary arts]
          sb5f                 fermentation
          sb5fs                      secondary fermentation
          sb5g                 seasoning; aging
          sb5l                 leavening
          sb5m                 marinating; pickling; sousing
          sb5n                 smoking
          sb5o                 cooking
          sb5ok                      baking
          sb5or                      roasting
          sb5os                      steaming
          sb5oy                      frying
          sb5r                 carbonating
          sb5s                 dressing; flavouring
          sb5v                 serving; presenting
          sb6             diet
          sb6v                 vegetarian cuisine
          sb6w                 vegan cuisine
          sb77   [m]                made of ingredient
          sb92d                      French
          sb92f                      Italian
          sb97   [sb]                with dressing; condiment; seasoning; flavouring; sauce
          sb99                  taste type
          sb99t                      sweet
          sb99v                      savory
          sbb            vegetables  ↞ mpw flowering plants
          sbbg                 legumes  ↞ mpwrcf fabaceae
          sbbgb                      beans  ↞ mpwrcfp beans
          sbbgbg                           green beans; French beans; string beans; snap beans; haricots vert
          sbbgp                      peas  ↞ mpwrcfqp peas
          sbbgs                      chickpeas; chick peas  ↞ mpwrcfs Cicer
          sbbl                 leaf vegetables; leafy greens; salad greens; pot herbs  ↞ mp7l leaves
          sbblc                      cabbage; Brussels sprouts; cauliflower; broccoli; kale  ↞ mpwnpibc cabbages
          sbbll                      lettuce  ↞ mpwtwcls lettuce
          sbbls                      spinach  ↞ mpwkcpss spinach
          sbbm                 cucurbits  ↞ mpwnlv cucurbitaceae
          sbbmp                      pumpkins; squashes; marrows; zucchini; courgettes; gourds  ↞ mpwnlvs squashes
          sbbn                 eggplants; aubergines; brinjals  ↞ mpwtdhse eggplants
          sbbp                 peppers  ↞ mpwtdhp peppers
          sbbq                 edible seaweed  ↞ mo red algae mpb chlorophytes mpc charophytes
          sbbr                 root vegetables  ↞ mp7f roots mp7g stem
          sbbrc                      carrots  ↞ mpwrxpdc carrot
          sbbrm                      maniocs; cassavas; yucas  ↞ mpwrousms cassava
          sbbrp                      potatoes  ↞ mpwtdhsp potatoes
          sbbrp5oy                                      fried potatoes; chips; French fries
          sbbrs                      sweet potatoes
          sbbsb                      bulbs
          sbbsbg                           garlic  ↞ mpwberlg garlic
          sbbsbo                           onions  ↞ mpwberlo onions
          sbbt                 tomatoes  ↞ mpwtdhst tomatoes
          sbbu                 edible fungi  ↞ mn fungi
          sbbv                 table olives  ↞ mpwtoeo olive trees
          sbc            fruit  ↞ mp7s seeds
          sbcb                 bananas  ↞ mpwbymk Musa
          sbcc                 pome fruits
          sbccm                      apples  ↞ mpwrbtm apples
          sbccp                      pears  ↞ mpwrbtp pears
          sbcd                 stone fruits; drupes  ↞ mpwrbtr Prunus
          sbcdc                      peaches; nectarines  ↞ mpwrbtrc peaches
          sbcde                      apricots  ↞ mpwrbtre apricots
          sbcdg                      plums  ↞ mpwrbtrg plums
          sbcdh                      cherries  ↞ mpwrbtrh cherries
          sbcdm                      mangoes  ↞ mpwrupm mango
          sbcg                 grapes  ↞ mpwrrvv grapes
          sbci                 citrus fruits  ↞ mpwruxc Citrus
          sbcil                      lemons  ↞ mpwruxcl lemon trees
          sbcim                      mandarin oranges  ↞ mpwruxcm mandarin orange trees
          sbcio                      oranges  ↞ mpwruxco sweet orange trees
          sbcip                      grapefruits  ↞ mpwruxcp grapefruit trees
          sbcp                 podocarps  ↞ mprppe podocarpaceae
          sbcs                 berries; soft fruit
          sbcsb                      bramble fruits  ↞ mpwrbtd Rubus
          sbcsbb                           blackberries
          sbcsbr                           raspberries
          sbcsl                      blueberries; Vaccinium
          sbcss                      strawberries  ↞ mpwrbtf strawberries
          sbcu                 nuts
          sbcu77pwhojc   ⋄                                    pecan nuts
          sbcuc                      chestnuts  ↞ mpwhufc chestnuts
          sbcuh                      hazelnuts  ↞ mpwhuuh hazels
          sbcui                      pistachio  ↞ mpwruppv pistachio
          sbcul                      walnuts  ↞ mpwhojj walnuts
          sbcum                      almonds  ↞ mpwrbtrb almonds
          sbcup                      peanuts; groundnuts; goobers; monkey nuts  ↞ mpwrcfrp peanut
          sbcus                      cashew nuts  ↞ mpwrupco cashew
          sbcv                 dried fruit; dry fruit
          sbcvg                      dried grapes  ↞ mpwrrvv grapes
          sbcx                 fruit preserves
          sbcxc                      conserves; whole fruit jams
          sbcxj                      jams
          sbcxl                      fruit jellies
          sbd            cereal grains  ↞ mpwbtg grasses
          sbde                 rice  ↞ mpwbtge rice
          sbdm                 maize  ↞ mpwbtgm maize
          sbe            breads  ↞ mpwbtg grasses
          sbe5l                       leavened breads
          sbee                 yeast breads
          sbeeg                      baguettes
          sbeel                      cottage loaves
          sbeeo                      boules
          sbeer                      brioches
          sbef                 flatbreads
          sbefc                      chapati; roti; safati; shabaati; phulka; roshi
          sbeff                      focaccia
          sbefi                      pizza
          sbefi2r                                 pizzeria
          sbefn                      piadina
          sbefp                      pita; pitta
          sbei                 crispy breads
          sbeic                      crackers
          sbel                 sweet breads
          sbelp                      panettone
          sbeq                 quick breads
          sbeqc                      cornbreads
          sbes                 sourdoughs
          sbf            noodles
          sbfp                 pasta
          sbg            sweets; sweet desserts
          sbgc                 cakes
          sbgcb                      butter cakes
          sbgcf                      sponge cakes; foam cakes
          sbgcp                      pancakes; hotcakes; griddlecakes; flapjacks
          sbgcpp                           crêpes
          sbge                 pies
          sbge99t                                sweet pies
          sbge99v                                savory pies
          sbgef                      filled pies
          sbgeo                      top-crust pies
          sbget                      two-crust pies
          sbgf                 fried dough foods
          sbgi                 pastries
          sbgm                 meringues
          sbgr                 ice creams
          sbgrg                      gelato
          sbgrs                      sorbets
          sbh            honey  ↞ mqriqxx honey bees
          sbi            dairy products; milk products; lacticinia  [dairy science]  ↞ mqvt mammals rj herding   ≈ DDC 637
          sbi77qUo                                     cattle
          sbi77qUr                                     goat
          sbi77qUs                                     sheep
          sbib                 milk
          sbic                 cream
          sbie                 soured milk
          sbih                 cheese
          sbir                 butter
          sbiy                 yogurt
          sbj            eggs  ↞ mqvo birds
          sbj77qUc                                     chicken eggs  ↞ mqvogslg chickens
          sbm            meat and fish  ↞ mqv chordates rh hunting ri fisheries rj herding
          sbmf                 seafood; fish and shellfish s.l.  ↞ mqm mollusca mqrh crustaceans mqveWi fish ri fisheries
          sbmfb                      lobster  ↞ mqrh crustaceans
          sbmfc                      crayfish; prawns; shrimps  ↞ mqrh crustaceans
          sbmff                      finfish; fish s.s.  ↞ mqveWi fish
          sbmfh                      shellfish s.s.  ↞ mqml bivalves
          sbmfhm                           mussels
          sbmfo                      octopus  ↞ mqmpy octopuses
          sbmfq                      squids  ↞ mqmps squids
          sbmfr                      roe; hard roe
          sbmi                 insect food  ↞ mqr arthropoda
          sbmp                 poultry  ↞ mqvo birds
          sbmpc                      chicken  ↞ mqvogslg chickens
          sbmt                 meat s.s.; mammalian meat  ↞ mqvt mammals
          sbmtb                      beef; bovine meat  ↞ mqvtuvbt cattle
          sbmtbe                           steaks
          sbmtbi                           short ribs
          sbmtbj                           beef jerky
          sbmtbo                           corned beef
          sbmto                      sheep; ovine meat  ↞ mqvtuvsd domestic sheep
          sbmts                      pork; swine meat; pig  ↞ mqvtudssd domestic pigs
          sbmtsg                           gammon
          sbmtsh                           ham
          sbmtso                           bacon
          sbmtss                           pork sausages
          sbo            cooking oils  ↞ smc3o 
          sbog                 peanut oil; groundnut oil; arachis oil  ↞ mpwrcfrp peanut
          sboo                 olive oil  ↞ mpwtoeo olive trees
          sbop                 palm oil  ↞ mpwbp palmae
          sbos                 soybean oil  ↞ mpwrcffx soybean
          sbs            seasonings; spices and culinary herbs
          sbsb                 table salt  ↞ ffdd sodium chloride
          sbsg                 garden parsley
          sbsl                 bay laurel; sweet bay; Grecian laurel  ↞ mpwdcll bay laurels
          sbsm                 rosemary
          sbsp                 black pepper
          sbsx                 spice mixtures
          sbsxc                      chili powder
          sbsxh                      harissa
          sbsxr                      curry powder
          sbu            sauces
          sbud                 salad dressing
          sbue                 bechamel; white sauce
          sbuk                 ketchup
          sbum                 mayonnaise  ↞ sbj eggs
          sbup                 pesto alla genovese
          sbuq                 Worcestershire sauce
          sbus                 soy sauce
          sbut                 tomato sauces  ↞ sbbt tomatoes
          sbutr                      arrabbiata sauce
          sbv            drinks; beverages
          sbvb                 drinking water  ↞ jq aquifers js fresh water systems
          sbvb5r                           sparkling water; carbonated water
          sbvd                 soft drinks; carbonated; cool; cold; fizzy drinks; lolly water; pop; seltzer; soda; tonic; mineral
          sbvd97cio                                      orangeade
          sbvf                 fruit juice  ↞ mp7s seeds
          sbvf5r                           carbonated juice
          sbvf97cio                                     orange orange juice
          sbvh                 alcoholic drinks  ↞ fibc ethanol
          sbvhb                      beers  ↞ mpwbtg grasses
          sbvhbg                           lager beers
          sbvhbgl                                pale lager beers
          sbvhbglp                                     pilsner beers; pilsener; pils
          sbvhbgm                                amber lager beers
          sbvhbgr                                dark lager beers
          sbvhbo                           top-fermented beers
          sbvhbop                                pale ale beers
          sbvhboq                                wheat beers
          sbvhboqe                                     Weissbier
          sbvhboqi                                     Witbier
          sbvhboql                                     lambic beers
          sbvhboqr                                     Berliner Weisse beer
          sbvhboqs                                     Gose beers
          sbvhbor                                brown ale beers
          sbvhbos                                stout beers
          sbvhbv                           fruit and vegetable beers  ↞ sbb vegetables sbc fruit
          sbvhc                      cider; cyder  ↞ sbcc pome fruits
          sbvhi                      wines  ↞ mpwrrvv grapes
          sbvhi5fs                                     sparkling wines including champagne, cava, prosecco, spumante
          sbvhid                           red wines
          sbvhif                           rosé wines
          sbvhii                           white wines
          sbvhiic                                chardonnay
          sbvhiig                                sauvignon
          sbvhiii                                riesling
          sbvhiip                                pinot noir
          sbvhiit                                tokay
          sbvhik                           sake  ↞ mpwbtge rice
          sbvhiq                           fortified wines
          sbvhiqp                                port
          sbvhiqs                                sherry
          sbvhiqv                                vermouth
          sbvhiu                           fruit wines
          sbvhm                      meads; hydromel  ↞ sbh honey
          sbvhp                      pulque  ↞ mpwbe asparagales
          sbvhs                      spirits; liquors; distilled drinks
          sbvhsd                           vodka
          sbvhsg                           gin
          sbvhsh                           whisky; whiskey
          sbvhsr                           rectified spirit
          sbvs                 stimulant drinks
          sbvse                      tea  ↞ mpwndhcs tea plant
          sbvsl                      cola  ↞ mpwnfkk kola nuts
          sbvst                      coffee  ↞ mpwtrrc coffee plants
          sbvsu                      guarana
          sc       recreational drugs
          scd            depressant use; downer use
          scm            stimulant use
          scmt                 smoking  ↞ rlr77tdht tobacco
          scmtc                      cigarette smoking
          scmtp                      pipe smoking
          scu            hallucinogen use
          sd       lodging; dwellings; settlements; localities; populated places  [civil engineering; architecture; town planning]  ↞ osc sheltering
          sd2d                 home; dwelling; residing; living
          sd2e                 rented house
          sd2eg                      guesthouse; bed and breakfast; B&B
          sd2s                 hostel
          sd2t                 hotel
          sd2ti                      inn
          sd2tm                      motel
          sd3             furniture; home services  [interior architecture]  ≈ DDC 645
          sd3b                 beds; lying furniture
          sd3bc                      cabin beds; platform beds
          sd3be                      mattresses
          sd3bf                      futons
          sd3bh                      hammocks
          sd3bi                      infant beds; cribs; cradles
          sd3bn                      bunk beds
          sd3br                      Murphy beds; wall; pull down; dolf-down beds
          sd3c                 seats
          sd3cb                      stools
          sd3cc                      chairs
          sd3cn                      benches
          sd3cs                      couches; sofas; settees; divans
          sd3d                 tables; desks
          sd3g                 storage furniture; cabinets
          sd3gd                      wardrobes; armoires
          sd3gn                      nightstands; night tables; bedside cabinets
          sd3go                      bookcases; bookshelves
          sd3q                 climatization; HVAC
          sd3qh                      heating
          sd3qn                      ventilation
          sd3qt                      air conditioning
          sd3r                 warming and cooling appliances  ≈ DDC 643
          sd3re                      ovens
          sd3rf                      stoves
          sd3ro                      cooling fans
          sd3rr                      refrigeration equipment
          sd3rre                           refrigerators
          sd3rrr                           freezers
          sd3s                 handling systems; plumbing  ≈ DDC 690
          sd3sr                      water supply
          sd3ss                      sewage
          sd3t                 illumination; lighting
          sd3w                 electrical wiring
          sd90rt                           factories; manufacturing plants
          sd90sm                           fortifications; castles
          sd90wt                           religious buildings
          sd90wtt   ⋄                               churches
          sd90wtu   ⋄                               mosques
          sd92                 located in place
          sdc            camping
          sdce                 tents
          sdcr                 caravans; travel trailers; campers; tourers; roulottes
          sde            buildings; edifices; houses  ≈ DDC 720
          sdec                 huts
          sdeg                 bungalows  
          sdej                 courtyard houses
          sdep                 palaces
          sdh            hamlets
          sdl            villages
          sdo            towns
          sdq            cities
          sdt            metropoles
          sdt92b   ⋄                          UK London
          sdt92h   ⋄                          Turkey Istanbul; Constantinople; Byzantium
          sdu            conurbations; metropolitan areas; urban areas; agglomerations
          sdu92pb   ⋄                               NCR Metropolitan Manila
          se       cleaning
          se3            by cleaning equipment
          se3b                 brush
          se3g                 sponge
          se3m                 washing machine
          seh            washing
          sehl                 laundry
          ser            drying
          sf       clothing; attire; personal adornment  ↞ oss social interactions
          sf33                 by tailor; dressmaker
          sf6             textile kind
          sf6h                 crochet
          sf6k                 knotted textiles
          sf6m                 macramé
          sf6r                 tatted textiles; chiacchierino
          sf6t                 felts
          sf6v                 nonwoven fabric
          sf6x                 braids
          sf77   [r9]                made of textile; fabric; cloth; material  ≈ DDC 646 685 687
          sf77i                      fiber
          sf77io                           wool
          sf77l                      leather
          sfe            wears; cloths; dresses; garments; attires; apparels  ↞ l5m metabolism
          sfec                 coats
          sfee                 shirts
          sfef                 dresses; frocks; gowns
          sfei                 underwear; undergarments; intimates; lingerie
          sfeip                      panties
          sfeir                      bras; brassieres
          sfek                 skirts
          sfeo                 shorts
          sfep                 pants; trousers
          sfer                 socks
          sfes                 shoes; footwear
          sfesn                      sandals
          sfest                      boots
          sfet                 gloves
          sfeu                 headgear; headwear; headdress
          sfeuc                      hat
          sfeuh                      helmet
          sfeut                      turban
          sfh            haircut  ↞ mU7xh human hair
          sfh2k                      hair salon
          sfj            fingernail modification
          sfm            makeup; cosmetics
          sfm2k                      beauty salon
          sfn            body painting
          sfo            body modification
          sfop                 body piercing
          sfot                 tattoos
          sfp            perfuming
          sfw            jewellery; jewelry
          sfwc                 necklaces
          sfwd                 pendants
          sfwe                 earrings
          sfwi                 rings
          sfwl                 bracelets
          sfwr                 brooches
          sfwu                 cufflinks
          sg       personal services
          sgc            childcare  ↞ t7i children
          sge            elderly care  ↞ t7v old people
          sgs            spas
          sgx            sexual services  ↞ osm mating
          sh       healthcare; health services; healing; medical treatments; assistance; therapies  [medicine]  ↞ mU4 affected by   ≈ DDC 610
          sh2             assistance place
          sh2b                 outside
          sh2d                 patient home
          sh2f                 physician's office; doctor's office
          sh2g                 gymnasium; gym
          sh2h                 hospital
          sh2he                      emergency room
          sh2i                 clinic
          sh2n                 nursing home; skilled nursing facility; SNF; rest home
          sh2s                 hospice
          sh3            by medical equipment
          sh33                 by assistant; physician; doctor; nurse
          sh3d                 diagnostic equipment
          sh3de                      stethoscope
          sh3dl                      medical ultrasound
          sh3dm                      magnetic resonance imaging; MRI
          sh3dp                      positron emission tomography; PET
          sh3dt                      CT scan
          sh3dx                      X-ray machines
          sh3i                 medical monitors
          sh3ib                      blood pressure control
          sh3ic                      electrocardiography; ECG
          sh3ie                      electroencephalography; EEG
          sh3l                 life support equipment
          sh3le                      medical ventilators
          sh3lh                      heart-lung machines
          sh3li                      incubators
          sh3lm                      ECMO; ECLS
          sh3ln                      anaesthetic machines
          sh3ls                      dialysis machines
          sh3n                 treatment equipment
          sh3ni                      infusion pumps
          sh3nl                      medical lasers
          sh3r                 medical laboratory equipment
          sh3t                 physical therapy machines
          sh5             healing stage
          sh5b                 prevention
          sh5c                 check up
          sh5d                 first aid; rescue
          sh5e                 physical examination
          sh5f                 laboratory examination; test
          sh5i                 diagnosis
          sh5p                 prognosis; prospect
          sh5r                 prescription
          sh5t                 treatment
          sh6             medical tradition; school; approach
          sh6d                 ayurveda  ↞ tyi Ancient India
          sh6f                 Siddha medicine
          sh6i                 traditional Tibetan medicine  ↞ tyjb Tibetan civilization
          sh6j                 traditional Chinese medicine; TCM  ↞ tykc Chinese civilization
          sh6jp                      acupuncture
          sh6k                 traditional Korean medicine  ↞ tykk Korean civilization
          sh6s                 allopathic medicine; biomedicine; Hyppocratic tradition  ↞ tyw modern Western civilization
          sh6u                 herbalism; herbal medicine; phytotherapy  [herbology; botanical medicine]  ↞ mp plants
          sh6w                 osteopathy; osteopathic medicine  ↞ mU7q human skeleton
          sh6x                 alternative medicine; complementary medicine
          sh6xh                      homeopathy; homoeopathy
          sh6xn                      natural medicine; naturopathic medicine; naturopathy
          sh7            by drug; pharmaceutical; medication; medicine  ≈ DDC 615  
          sh70                 by therapy
          sh70mp                           plants
          sh70mq                           animals
          sh70mqUh                                     horses hippotherapy
          sh70xm                           music music therapy
          sh7d                 alimentary and metabolic drugs  ↞ mq7d digestive organs
          sh7db                      stomatological preparations
          sh7dc                      drugs for acid related disorders
          sh7de                      anabolic agents for systemic use
          sh7dg                      drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders
          sh7dh                      antiemetics and antinauseants
          sh7di                      bile and liver therapy
          sh7dk                      drugs for constipation
          sh7dn                      antidiarrheals, intestinal agents
          sh7do                      antiobesity preparations
          sh7dq                      digestives
          sh7ds                      drugs used in diabetes
          sh7dt                      vitamins
          sh7du                      mineral supplements
          sh7dv                      tonics
          sh7dx                      appetite stimulants
          sh7e                 respiratory drugs  ↞ mq7e respiratory organs
          sh7eg                      cough and cold preparations
          sh7eh                      antihistamines for systemic use
          sh7i                 cardiovascular drugs  ↞ mq7i circulatory organs
          sh7ic                      cardiac drugs
          sh7ie                      antihypertensives
          sh7ig                      diuretics
          sh7ii                      peripheral vasodilators
          sh7ik                      vasoprotectives
          sh7il                      beta blocking agents
          sh7in                      calcium channel blockers
          sh7ip                      lipid modifying agents
          sh7ir                      agents acting on the renin–angiotensin system
          sh7j                 blood drugs  ↞ mq7j blood, immune and lymphatic systems
          sh7jb                      antithrombotic agents
          sh7jh                      antihemorrhagics
          sh7jn                      antianemic preparations
          sh7l                 systemic hormonal preparations  ↞ mq7l glands
          sh7n                 neurological drugs  ↞ mq7n nervous system
          sh7ne                      anesthetics
          sh7ng                      analgesics
          sh7o                 sensory drugs  ↞ mq7o sense organs
          sh7q                 antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellent
          sh7r                 musculo-skeletal drugs  ↞ mq7q skeleton mq7r muscles
          sh7ri                      anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic products
          sh7s                 genito-urinary drugs  ↞ mq7s reproductive organs mq7u urinary organs
          sh7t                 antiinfectives for systemic use
          sh7tb                      antibacterials
          sh7tbi                           antibiotic
          sh7tm                      antimycotics
          sh7to                      antimycobacterials
          sh7tv                      antivirals
          sh7tx                      vaccines
          sh7u                 antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents
          sh7v                 immunotherapy; biological therapy
          sh7vt                      activation immunotherapy
          sh7vu                      suppression immunotherapy
          sh7x                 dermatological drugs  ↞ mq7x skin
          sh90v(7b)                                occupational therapy
          sh90xw                           sport medicine
          sh94   [mq4]                healing condition; disease; infirmity
          sh942   [mq4]                     with concurrent concomitant condition
          sh943   [m]                     caused by organic pathogen
          sh9430                           caused by pathogen
          sh946   [mU49]                     showing symptom; clinical or laboratory finding
          sh947   [mq4]                     complicated by complication; sequela; secondary effect
          sh94b                      wellness; well-being; quality of life
          sh94h                      haemodynamic disorders
          sh94hi                           ischaemia
          sh94i                      immunological disorders  [immunology]
          sh94ipl   ⋄                               allergy
          sh94ipl9430                                     caused by allergene
          sh94n                      neoplasia
          sh94nr                           cancer  [oncology]
          sh96   [t7]                for patient  ≈ DDC 618
          sh96Xx                           male
          sh96Xy                           female
          sh96d                      childbirth  [obstetrics; midwifery]
          sh96e                      newborn  [neonatology]
          sh96i                      children  [pediatrics]
          sh96p                      adults
          sh96px                           men
          sh96py                           women
          sh96r                      old people; elderly; seniors  [geriatrics; gerontology]
          sh97   [mU7]                of treated part
          sh97d                      digestive system  [gastroenterology]
          sh97dbt                                teeth  [dentistry]
          sh97e                      respiratory system  [pneumology]
          sh97i                      circulation  [cardiology]
          sh97ih                           heart
          sh97j                      blood, immune and lymphatic systems
          sh97jb                           blood  [haematology]
          sh97jl                           lymphatic system
          sh97l                      endocrine system  [endocrinology]
          sh97n                      nervous system  [neurology]
          sh97o                      eye and ear
          sh97oe                           eye  [ophthalmology]
          sh97oh                           ear  [otology; otorhinolaryngology]
          sh97r                      musculoskeletal system  [orthopedics]
          sh97s                      reproductive system  [gynecology; andrology]
          sh97u                      urinary system  [nephrology]
          sh97x                      skin  [dermatology]
          sh98   [mU48]                 severity
          sh988   [mU488]                      APACHE scoring system
          shc            medical advice; consultation
          she            physical exercise prescription
          shef                 flexibility exercises
          shefs                      stretching
          shei                 aerobic exercises
          sheik                      walking  ↞ omk terrestrial locomotion
          sheis                      running
          sheisj                           jogging
          shen                 anaerobic exercises
          shene                      weight training
          shens                      sprinting
          shg            massage; rubdown
          shh            physical therapy
          shi            diet prescription
          shl            drug administering; pharmacological therapy  [pharmacology]  ↞ sh7 by
          shlc                 oral intake; consumption
          shlh                 suppository insertion
          shlj                 injection; shot; hype
          shlp                 drip; phleboclysis
          shn            nursing
          shni                 illness and disability support
          shq            emergency services; rescue services
          shqb                 ambulances; emergency medical service
          shqf                 fire and rescue services; firefighters
          shr            non-critical hospitalization
          shs            intensive care; critical care
          sht            resuscitation
          shu            surgery
          shy            mental health care; psychotherapy  [psychiatry; applied psychology]  ↞ p4 
          shy6Df                           psychoanalysis; Freudian psychology
          shy6Dh                           hypnotherapy  ↞ pli trance
          shy94D   [p4]                          against mental disorder
          shyg                 group therapy; group psychotherapy
          sj       welfare; social services; assistance  ≈ DDC 361
          sje            unemployment support  ↞ v7bp employment
          sjr            veteran support  ↞ sm combat
          sk       funeral services; death care
          sk2h                 funeral homes
          sk2m                 cemeteries; burial grounds; gravesites; graveyards; necropolis
          skb            burial; internment
          skbb                 natural burial; green burial
          skbe                 embalming; mummification
          skbs                 shroud burial
          skbv                 vault burial
          ske            cremation
          sl       prisons; penitentiaries; detention centres; jails; gaols; correctional facilities; remand centres
          sl36Xy                           women's prisons
          sl36l                      youth detention facilities
          sl90sm                           military prisons; prisoner-of-war camps
          sl90t                      political prisons
          sm       combat; fight; defense
          sm3            weapons; arms; armaments  ↞ osgi fight   ≈ DDC 683  
          sm3c                 trauma weapons
          sm3cc                      clubs
          sm3ce                      maces
          sm3e                 pointed weapons
          sm3ee                      spears
          sm3ep                      pikes
          sm3g                 edged weapons
          sm3gd                      swords
          sm3gk                      fighting knives
          sm3gr                      daggers
          sm3i                 siege engines
          sm3ib                      lithobolos; stone trowers
          sm3ic                      catapults
          sm3ict                           trebuchets
          sm3il                      ballistas
          sm3j                 bow and arrows  [archery]
          sm3l                 blowpipes; blowguns; blow tubes
          sm3n                 guns
          sm3nlWn                      firearms
          sm3nl                      long guns
          sm3nlr                           rifles
          sm3nm                      machine guns
          sm3nn                      handguns
          sm3nnp                           pistols
          sm3nnv                           revolvers
          sm3nr                      artillery guns
          sm3nrc                           cannons
          sm3p                 explosive devices
          sm3pb                      bombs
          sm3pbu                           atomic bombs
          sm3r                 chemical weapons  ↞ f molecules
          sm3u                 radiological weapons  ↞ d particles
          sm3x                 biological weapons  ↞ l cells
          smd            hand-to-hand combat
          smdl                 melee; pell-mell
          smm            military combat
          smmc                 combat roles
          smmci                      infantry; foot soldiers
          smmf                 combat support roles
          smmj                 combat service support roles
          sms            security
          srWw       tertiary sector; service sector
          sr       retail shops
          sr90                 selling commodities
          sr90sb                            food shops
          sr90sh(7)                                pharmacies; drugstores; chemists
          srd            itinerant peddlers
          srk            retail markets
          srs            retail stores
          srt            theme parks
          sru            malls; shopping centres
          ss       waste disposal
          ssd            landfills; tips, rubbish dumps, garbage dumps, dumping grounds
          ssi            incineration plants
          st       logistics; transportation; vehicles  ↞ osi moving   ≈ DDC 629
          st2            by transport infrastructure; utility  [heavy civil engineering; hydraulic engineering]  ≈ DDC 625
          st2g                 storage; warehouses
          st2h                 harbour
          st2n                 canal  ≈ DDC 627
          st2p                 bridge  ≈ DDC 624
          st2pv                      viaduct
          st2r                 road  ≈ DDC 625
          st2s                 railroad; railway; track  ≈ DDC 625
          st2t                 tunnel; gallery; underground opening  ≈ DDC 625
          st2x                 airport
          st2y                 space station; orbital station
          st6c                 cargo; freight transportation
          st6m                 post; postal service; mail  ≈ DDC 383
          st6r                 private transportation  ↞ px persons
          st6s                 bus; omnibus; multibus; autobuses; passengers collective transportation
          st6t                 taxicab; taxi; cab; single passengers transportation
          st90                 of good
          stb            vertical travel devices
          stbi                 escalators
          stbl                 lifts; elevator
          stc            mountain vehicles
          std            heavy-duty vehicles; heavy equipments; machines; trucks; hydraulic; construction; engineering equipments
          stdc                 tractors  ↞ sc recreational drugs
          stde                 excavators
          stdm                 material handlers
          stdmc                      cranes
          stdp                 paving vehicles
          ste            road vehicles  ↞ sus broadcasting   ≈ DDC 388
          stec                 carts
          stei                 bicycles
          stem                 motorcycles; motorbikes
          ster                 cars
          stet                 trucks
          sti            trains; railway vehicles  ↞ sus broadcasting   ≈ DDC 385
          stif                 funiculars
          stig                 cog railways; rack railways
          stir                 trams; streetcars or trolleys
          stiu                 rapid transits; heavy rails; metros; subways; tubes; U-Bahn; underground
          stl            vessels; watercrafts  ↞ js fresh water systems jy seas     ≈ DDC 386 387
          stlb                 boats
          stlh                 ships
          stm            submarines  ↞ jy seas
          str            aircrafts  ↞ hU7t atmosphere   ≈ DDC 387
          stre                 aerostats
          strp                 airplanes; aeroplanes; planes
          strr                 rotorcrafts; rotary-wing aircrafts
          strrh                      helicopters
          sts            spacecrafts
          su       communication; information exchange; media  ↞ ou communication
          su7   [X]            part; component
          suc            tablets
          suf            papyrus
          suh            parchments
          sui            handwritten paper  ≈ DDC 091
          suk            printed paper  [bibliology]  ≈ DDC 686
          sukb                 books  ≈ DDC 002 094
          sukbb                      incunabula  ≈ DDC 093
          sukd                 brochures; depliants; flyers; feuilles
          suke                 leaflets
          suki                 dossiers
          sukp                 posters
          sum            films
          sumf                 microfilms
          sump                 photographic slides; transparencies; reversal films
          sumq                 slideshows; diaporamas
          sumv                 movies; moving pictures; motion pictures
          sup            phonographs; gramophones; vinyl records
          suq            magnetic tapes
          suqs                 compact cassettes
          suqv                 VHS; video home system
          sus            broadcasting
          susb                 public address systems
          susr                 radio
          sust                 television; TV
          sut            telephones
          sutc                 cable telephones
          sutm                 mobile phones  ↞ suu computers
          sutm36   ⋄                          suitable for user class
          sutm36v                                old people
          suts                 smartphone
          suu            computers  [computer science; information technology]  ≈ DDC 004 005 006
          suu7hWo                      hardware
          suu7i                      input devices
          suu7ib                           keyboard
          suu7im                           mouse
          suu7is                           scanner
          suu7m                      memory storage
          suu7mf                           floppy disk
          suu7mfb                                8 inch floppy disk
          suu7mfd                                5 1/4 inch floppy disk
          suu7mff                                3 1/2 inch floppy disk
          suu7mg                           zip disk
          suu7mh                           hard disk; HD
          suu7mi                           compact disk; CD
          suu7mj                           digital video disk; DVD
          suu7mp                           USB stick; pen
          suu7o                      output devices
          suu7oe                           screen; monitor
          suu7op                           printer
          suu7s                      software
          suv            computer networks  [telematics]
          suvU                 the Internet; the Net
          suvb                 LAN; local area networks
          suvc                 WAN; wide area networks
          suve                 e-mail; electronic mail
          suvel                      electronic mailing lists
          suvf                 FTP; file transfer protocol
          suvl                 telnet
          suvp                 Gopher
          suvs                 the Web; World Wide Web; WWW; websites
          suvsf                      Web forums
          suvsh                      webchats; Web chat sites
          suvsk                      wikis
          suvso                      blogs; weblogs
          suvss                      social network systems; SNS  
          sw       schools; education services; teaching  [didactics; pedagogy]  ↞ y scholarship
          sw2            in education facility
          sw2d                 home
          sw2r                 classroom
          sw2w                 online; distance learning
          swn            nursery schools  ↞ t7i children
          swp            primary schools  ↞ t7i children   ≈ DDC 372
          sws            secondary schools  ≈ DDC 373
          swt            high schools  ↞ t7l adolescents
          swtf                 folk high schools
          swu            universities  ↞ t7n youth   ≈ DDC 378
          swu92begu   ⋄                                    Oxford
          swu92fkl   ⋄                                    Bologna
          swug                 undergraduate degree schools; bachelor
          swum                 master schools
          swup                 doctorate schools; Ph.D.
          swuq                 post-doc schools
          swv            academies; research organizations
          swv92d   ⋄                          CNRS; Centre national de la recherche scientifique
          swv92f   ⋄                          CNR; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche
          swx            adult schools  ↞ t7p adults   ≈ DDC 374
          sx       cultural services; documentation services; GLAM  ↞ y scholarship
          sxb            publishing
          sxc            news; journalism
          sxe            interpreting and translation services
          sxh            archives  [archive science]
          sxiWl            library and information services  [library and information science; LIS]  ≈ DDC 020
          sxi            information services  [information science; documentation]
          sxl            libraries  [library science]
          sxl90swu                                     academic; university
          sxli                 public libraries
          sxln                 national libraries  ↞ ut modern nation states
          sxls                 special libraries
          sxm            exhibitions
          sxme                 temporary exhibitions
          sxmf                 serial exhibitions
          sxmn                 botanical gardens  ↞ mp plants
          sxmo                 zoos; zoological gardens  ↞ mq animals
          sxmr                 galleries  ↞ xf paintings
          sxmu                 museums  [museology]  ≈ DDC 069
          sxr            digital repositories; digital libraries  ↞ suvU the Internet
          tWv  societies; sociofacts  [social sciences]  
          tWy  culture; civilization  [human sciences; humanities]
          t  civil society; complex society; institutions; people  [sociology]  ↞ q language oss social interactions   ≈ DDC 300  
          t09i                 public choice theory
          t09k                 social exchange theory
          t09kf                      affect theory of social change
          t09l                 justice theory
          t09n                 identity theory
          t09o                 social identity theory
          t09p                 theory of comparative processes
          t09r                 elementary theory
          t09s                 expectations, status, and behavior theories
          t09t                 status construction theories
          t09x                 feminism
          t09y                 legitimacy theory
          t35   [U]           led by leader
          t36   [t7]           for beneficiary; social group
          t4       troubled by social issue; problem
          t43   [U]           perturbed by rebel; insurgent; mutinous
          t46   [t6]           discouraging deviance; sin; vice
          t46e                 envy
          t46k                 lust
          t46l                 gluttony; attachment
          t46m                 pride
          t46n                 wrath
          t46o                 greed; selfishness; egoism
          t46q                 sloth; acedia
          t46w                 blasphemy
          t46x                 infidelity
          t4d            discord; disagreement
          t4p            prejudice; discrimination; marginalization
          t4pc                 male chauvinism; antifeminism  ↞ t7Xy female
          t4pg                 ageism; agism  ↞ t7v old people
          t4pr                 racism  ↞ tt peoples
          t4q            inequality
          t4s            bullying
          t5        social event; social dynamics  ↞ cp processes
          t5c            visit
          t5ct                 tourism
          t5e            meeting; convention
          t5er                 reunion
          t5i            party
          t5id                 ball; dance party  ↞ xn dances
          t5r            human migration  ↞ n5m animal migration   ≈ DDC 325
          t6        precept; value; virtue; convention; code; moral behaviour; mores  ↞ p6 driven by
          t60            prioritizing life aspect
          t60m                 physical well-being; hedonism
          t60p                 mental well-being
          t60r                 spirituality
          t60t                 social relationships
          t60tb                      individualism
          t60tf                      family
          t60to                      collectivism
          t60u                 wealth
          t60v                 power
          t60w                 objects; fetishism; consumerism
          t60x                 arts
          t60y                 knowledge
          t6d            devotion to family  ↞ osp parental cares   ≈ DDC 173
          t6e            gratitude
          t6g            sincerity; truth  ↞ ai statements
          t6h            honesty; loyalty; fairness
          t6i            bravery; courage
          t6j            fertility  ↞ n populations   ≈ DDC 176
          t6k            chastity  ↞ osm mating   ≈ DDC 176
          t6l            moderation; temperance; sobriety; abstemiousness; baldness
          t6m            humility
          t6n            patience
          t6o            altruism; charity; generosity; goodness  ↞ pev love   ≈ DDC 177
          t6p            diligence; good manners
          t6pe                 etiquette
          t6pi                 tidiness
          t6pl                 cleanliness
          t6pm                 locomotion rules  ↞ omkt gaits
          t6po                 courtesy
          t6pp                 punctuality
          t6pr                 righteousness
          t6pw                 conversational rules  [proxemics]  ↞ q language
          t6q            duty
          t6r            respect for others' property  ↞ ud 
          t6s            human rights
          t6t            wellness; well-being
          t6u            beauty; aesthetics  ≈ DDC 175
          t6w            piety; religiosity; reverence  ≈ DDC 179
          t6x            faith  ↞ wt faiths
          t6xs                 salvation; after-death
          t7        age group
          t70   [s]           occupied in job; occupation
          t70ri   ⋄                     fishing fishers
          t70rl   ⋄                     farming farmers
          t70rt   ⋄                     industrial plant industrial workers
          t70sr   ⋄                     retail shop retailers
          t70x                 art artists
          t73   [an89]            wealth class  ↞ v7 owing
          t73f                 poor
          t73q                 middle class; wealthy
          t73u                 rich
          t74   [mU7]           having ill organ
          t748   [mU48]                 health condition
          t748c                      healthy
          t748m                      ill; disabled
          t74ih                      heart cardiopathic
          t74oe                      eyes blind
          t74oh                      ears deaf
          t75   [an89]            literacy class  ↞ sw schools
          t75f                 uneducated; ignorant
          t75u                 learned
          t76   [wt]           adhering to
          t76s   ⋄                Judaism Jew
          t76u   ⋄                Islam Muslim
          t77   [mU689]            members' skin colour
          t77b                 white skin
          t77f                 olive skin
          t77i                 dark brown skin black
          t796   [pj]                 members' sexual orientation
          t796e                      heterosexual
          t796o                      homosexual
          t7XX                  gender  ↞ pi gender identities
          t7Xx                 male; masculine
          t7Xy                 female; feminine
          t7d            being born  ↞ m5e birth
          t7e            infants; babies; newborn  ↞ mU8e human infant
          t7i            children  ↞ mU8i children
          t7ix                 male children
          t7iy                 female children
          t7l            adolescents; kids  ↞ mU8l kids
          t7lx                 boys
          t7ly                 girls
          t7n            youth; young people  ↞ mU8n young humans
          t7nx                 young men
          t7ny                 young women
          t7p            adults  ↞ mU8p adult humans
          t7px                 men; adult men
          t7py                 women; adult women
          t7v            old people; third age  ↞ mU8v old humans
          t7vx                 old men
          t7vy                 old women
          t7x            dead people  ↞ m8x dead
          t87   [an89]           including fraction
          t87f                 minority
          t87f73s   ⋄                                Jewish minority
          t87u                 majority
          t9        decision structure
          t90            dealing with issue
          t91   [w1]           formed in origin time
          t92   [uU]           based in site; headquarters
          t922   [jU]                based in region
          t925   [sw]                including inhabitants of settling
          t925e                      peasants; rural people
          t925g                      burghers; urban people
          t93   [uU]           of descent country
          t932   [jU]                of descent region
          t95   [qv]            ethnicity; language
          t95Uc                      Chinese
          t95Us                      Latin; Hispanic
          t96   [wt]           following religion
          t9b            informal; unplanned; open
          t9e            competitive; ecological
          t9m            matrix decision structure
          t9p            peer-based
          t9pc                 committee-based  
          t9pj                 jury-based  
          t9s            cross-functional; staff-and-expert based
          t9y            authoritarian; hierarchical; pyramidal
          tb       citizens; individuals; private sphere  ↞ px persons
          tf       families  ↞ osm mating osp parental cares
          tf7             family components
          tf7i                 babies
          tf7p                 adults
          tf7v                 old people
          tfb            matrifocal families
          tfj            conjugal families; nuclear families
          tfjt                 blended families; stepfamilies
          tfk            extended kinship families
          tft            families of choice
          tg       clans
          tj       castes
          tj70   ⋄                of occupation
          tl       classes; social roles
          tlb            slaves
          tld            powerless people; subordinated people; serves
          tlm            middle class; freemen
          tlw            powerful people; elites
          tly            aristocracy; nobles; nobility
          tn       communities; groups
          tt       peoples; nations; ethnic groups; ethnicities  
          tt73                  members' religion
          tt73s                      Jews
          tt77                 with members' skin colour
          tt77i   ⋄                     dark brown skin
          tt87f                      minority ethnic minorities
          tt87u                      majority
          tt91                 formed in origin time
          tt92                 of country
          tt92u   ⋄                     USA
          tt92x   ⋄                     Brazil
          tt93                 originated from original region
          tt93ch   ⋄                          Parana basin
          tt93k   ⋄                     Africa
          tt95                 identified by; sharing language background
          tt95Ut   ⋄                          Portuguese
          tt95Uw   ⋄                          Hebrew
          tt95e                      Indo-European languages
          tt95ecmr   ⋄                                    Romani; Sinti; Gypsies
          tt95ed   ⋄                          Iranian languages
          tt95edmc   ⋄                                    Parthian
          tt95edmk   ⋄                                    Bactrian
          tt95eio   ⋄                               Occitan
          tt95eio92f87f   ⋄                                     Occitan minority of Italy
          tt96                 identified by; unified by religious background; ethnoreligious groups
          tt96s                      Judaism Jews
          tt96u                      Islam Muslims
          tt96ud                           Druze faith Druze
          ttU            traditional racial groupings; races
          ttUc                 Negroid peoples; Congoid; African; black  ↞ jUk Africa
          ttUe                 Caucasian peoples; Caucasoid; Europid; white  ↞ jUj Eurasia
          ttUm                 Mongoloid peoples  ↞ jUj Eurasia
          ty       civilizations  [history]  ≈ DDC 913
          tyb            Mesopotamian civilization  ↞ jUjy Tigris & Euphrate basin   ≈ DDC 935
          tybe                 Sumer
          tybeb                      Ubaid period
          tybec                      Uruk period
          tybee                      Jemdet Nasr period
          tybeh                      Early Dynastic periods
          tybek                      Akkadian Empire period
          tybeo                      Gutian period
          tybeu                      Ur III period
          tybew                      Dynasty of Isin; Amorite states
          tybl                 Babylonia civilization
          tyblf                      First Babylonian dynasty; Amorite Dynasty
          tyblfh                           Empire of Hammurabi
          tyblk                      Kassite Dynasty
          tybln                      Native Rule; Second Dynasty of Isin
          tyblo                      Period of Chaos; 1026-911 BC
          tyblr                      Assyrian rule  ↞ tybt Assyria
          tyblu                      Chaldean Era; Neo-Babylonian Empire period
          tyblx                      Persian Babylonia
          tybt                 Assyria; Assyrian Empire civilization
          tybtd                      Old Assyrian Empire
          tybtm                      Middle Assyrian Empire
          tybtt                      Neo-Assyrian Empire
          tyc            Ancient Egypt  ↞ jUkc Nile basin   ≈ DDC 932
          tycd                 Early Dynastic Period
          tycg                 Old Kingdom
          tyci                 1st Intermediate Period
          tycm                 Middle Kingdom
          tyco                 2nd Intermediate Period
          tycq                 New Kingdom
          tyct                 3rd Intermediate Period
          tycu                 Kushite Egypt
          tycw                 Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt
          tyczk            Kerma culture; Kerma kingdom ~2500-1500 BCE  ↞ jUkc Nile basin
          tyczu            Kingdom of Kush ~785 BCE-350 CE  ↞ jUkc Nile basin
          tyd            Canaan  ↞ wts Judaism   ≈ DDC 933
          tydi                 Israelites
          tydt                 Second temple Judaism 516 BCE-70 CE
          tye            Elam; Elamites; Susiana
          tyg            Achaemenid civilization; Iranian civilization
          tyi            Ancient India; Hindu and Buddhist civilizations  ↞ wtc Vedic Brahmanism wtd Hinduism wth Buddhism   ≈ DDC 934
          tyie                 Pre-Harappan; Mehrgarh
          tyih                 Indus Valley Civilization; Harappan Civilization  ↞ jUjx Indus basin
          tyihe                      Early Harappan; Mughal; Kenoyer
          tyihm                      Mature Harappan
          tyiht                      Late Harappan
          tyik                 Vedic Period
          tyiq                 Second Urbanisation
          tyit                 Pre-Classical Indian period
          tyiu                 Gupta Empire; Golden Age
          tyiw                 Late-Classical Indian period
          tyj            central Asian civilization
          tyjb                 Tibetan civilization  ↞ wths Lamaism
          tyjbg                      Zhangzhung
          tyjbj                      Yarlung Dynasty
          tyjbm                      Tibetan Empire period
          tyjbo                      Era of Fragmentation
          tyjbr                      Tibetan Renaissance
          tyjbt                      Tibet under Yuan rule
          tyjbu                      Phagmodrupa Dynasty
          tyjbv                      Rinpungpa Dynasty
          tyjbw                      Tsangpa Dynasty
          tyjbx                      Ganden Phodrang
          tyjby                      recent Tibet
          tyjbyq                           Tibet under Qing rule
          tyjm                 Turkic and Mongol civilizations
          tyjmm                      Mongol Empire civilization
          tyk            East Asian civilizations
          tykc                 Chinese civilization  ↞ jUjp Huang He basin jUjq Yangtze basin   ≈ DDC 931
          tykcc                      Xia dynasty
          tykcd                      Shang dynasty
          tykce                      Zhou dynasty
          tykcf                      Spring and Autumn period
          tykcg                      Warring States period
          tykci                      Qin dynasty
          tykcj                      Han dynasty
          tykck                      Three Kingdoms
          tykcl                      Jin dynasty
          tykcm                      Northern and Southern dynasties
          tykcn                      Sui dynasty
          tykco                      Tang dynasty
          tykcp                      Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
          tykcq                      Song, Liao, Jin, and Western Xia dynasties
          tykcr                      Yuan dynasty
          tykct                      Ming dynasty
          tykcu                      Qing dynasty
          tykcv                      Republic of China
          tykcw                      People's Republic of China
          tykk                 Korean civilization
          tykn                 Vietnamese civilization
          tykp                 Japanese civilization  ↞ jUx Kyushu jUy Honshu
          tykpd                      Jōmon period
          tykpe                      Yayoi period
          tykpf                      Kofun period 250-538 CE
          tykpg                      Asuka period 538-710 CE
          tykph                      Nara period 710-794 CE
          tykpi                      Heian period 794-1185 CE
          tykpk                      Kamakura period 1185-1333 CE
          tykpl                      Muromachi period 1333-1568 CE
          tykpm                      Azuchi–Momoyama period 1568-1600 CE
          tykpn                      Edo period 1568-1600 CE
          tykpo                      Meiji period 1868-1912 CE
          tykpp                      Taishō period 1912-1926 CE
          tykpq                      Shōwa period 1926-1989 CE
          tykpr                      Heisei period 1989- CE
          tyl            civilizations of South East Asia
          tylc                 Funan and Chen-la
          tylg                 Angkor Cambodia
          tylm                 Champas
          tylt                 Sri Vijaya, Singhasari and Majapahit
          tylu                 Burmese, Thai and Lao
          tyn            New World civilizations
          tync                 Norte Chico; Caral-Supe
          tyne                 Olmec
          tynh                 Toltec
          tynk                 Aztec civilization
          tynm                 Maya civilization
          tynn                 Inca
          tynp                 Zapotec
          tyr            Mediterranean civilization of the Classical period
          tyre                 Phoenicia
          tyrg                 Minoan civilization  ↞ jUizr Crete
          tyrh                 Hellenic civilization; ancient Greece  ↞ jUe Cuba   ≈ DDC 938
          tyrhc                      Archaic Greece 750-500 BC
          tyrhl                      Classical Greece 500-323 BC
          tyrhn                      Hellenistic Greece 323-146 BC
          tyrr                 ancient Rome civilization  ↞ jUjgzn Tevere basin   ≈ DDC 937
          tyrrk                      Roman Kingdom civilization
          tyrrr                      Roman Republic civilization
          tyrrt                      Roman Empire civilization
          tyrrtb                           Augustus empire 27 BCE-14 CE
          tyrrtc                           Julio-Claudian Dynasty 14-68 CE
          tyrrtf                           Flavian dynasty 69-96 CE
          tyrrtg                           Five Good Emperors 96-180 CE
          tyrrth                           Commodus and the Year of the Five Emperors 180-193 CE
          tyrrti                           Severan dynasty 193-235 CE
          tyrrtj                           Crisis of the Third Century 235-184 CE
          tyrrtl                           Diocletian and the Tetrarchy 284-301 CE
          tyrrtn                           Constantinian dynasty 305-363 CE
          tyrrtp                           Valentinian dynasty 364-392 CE
          tyrrtt                           Theodosian dynasty 379-457 CE
          tysm                 Byzantine civilization; Byzantium  ↞ wttd Orthodoxes tyrrt Roman Empire civilization
          tyt            Medieval civilizations  [Medieval history]
          tytc                 Islamic Golden Age ~800-1258 CE  ↞ wtu Islam
          tytg                 Georgian and Armenian civilizations
          tyth                 Western Christendom; Holy Roman Empire civilization  ↞ wtth Roman Catholicism
          tyto                 Ottoman civilization  ↞ wtu Islam tysm Byzantine civilization
          tytr                 Russian civilization
          tyu            Sahelian kingdoms civilization  ≈ DDC 960
          tyug                 Ghana empire civilization; Awkar ~700-1240 CE
          tyum                 Mali empire civilization; Manden Kurufaba 1230-1670 CE
          tyut                 Songhai empire civilization 1464-1592 CE
          tyv            civilizations of south-Sahelian empires 15th-19th centuries  ≈ DDC 960
          tyvw                 Great Zimbabwe civilization; Mutapa empire civilization 1450-1629 CE
          tyw            modern Western civilization; Occidental culture; Modern Era  [modern history]  ↞ jUj Eurasia rt factories   ≈ DDC 940 970
          tywd                 Age of Discovery; Age of Exploration ~1400-1800 CE  ↞ stlh ships
          tywn                 Age of Enlightenment; Age of Reason; scientific revolution  ↞ ysg natural sciences
          tywni                      Industrial Revolution ~1760-1870  ↞ rt factories
          tywo                 Belle Époque 1871-1914 CE
          tywp                 World War I; First World War; WWI; WW1 1914-1918 CE
          tywq                 Interwar period 1918-1939 CE
          tywr                 World War II; Second World War; WWII; WW2 1939-1945 CE
          tyws                 Post-War Era; Postmodernity 1945- CE  [contemporary history]
          tywsc                      Cold War 1945-1991 CE
          tywsd                      Information Age; Computer Age; Digital Age; New Media Age  ↞ suu computers
          u  polities; political units; political power; governments  [political sciences; law]  ↞ t civil society j landforms   ≈ DDC 320  
          u09i                 liberalism
          u09j                 English school
          u17   [w1]  ⋄           in fiscal year; financial; budget year
          u27   [uU]           in region
          u3       by political group; party; movement  ≈ DDC 324
          u31   [uU]           derived from previous polity
          u35   [U]           ruled by; governed by ruler
          u35pxtsoc   ⋄                                    Angela Merkel
          u39             party platform; program
          u39d                 traditionalist
          u39e                 reactionary
          u39g                 conservative
          u39m                 moderate
          u39n                 liberal
          u39o                 reformist
          u39p                 progressive
          u39r                 radical
          u39x                 extremist
          u3f            far-right party
          u3i            centre-right party
          u3n            center party
          u3q            centre-left party
          u3v            far-left party
          u4       committing crime; offence  ≈ DDC 364
          u43   [uU]           against enemy polity
          u49            subjected to sanction; penalty
          u49f                 fine
          u49i                 exile
          u49k                 house arrest
          u49n                 detention  ↞ sl prisons
          u49y                 capital punishment  ↞ osgk kill
          u4bWk            violent crimes; crimes versus persons
          u4d            murder; criminal homicide; voluntary manslaughter  ↞ osgk kill
          u4f            rape  ↞ osm mating
          u4g            aggravated assault
          u4h            harassment
          u4j            robbery
          u4lWt            property crimes
          u4l            burglary
          u4n            arson
          u4q            larceny; theft
          u4x            public order crimes
          u5        procedure; protocol; administration; management; power exercise  ≈ DDC 351
          u579                  step in policy cycle
          u579c                      agenda setting; problem identification
          u579f                      policy formulation
          u579j                      adoption
          u579m                      implementation
          u579v                      evaluation
          u5e            regulation development  ↞ v6 according to
          u5eb                 bill proposal
          u5ed                 bill reading
          u5ep                 approval
          u5eu                 publication
          u5l            pressure; lobbying
          u5ls                 political statements
          u5lsm                      mass demonstrations
          u5m            recruitment
          u5mc                 conscription; draft
          u5mm                 competitive examination
          u5o            voting; election  ≈ DDC 324
          u5of                 referendum
          u5om                 majoritarian voting
          u5op                 plurality voting; single-choice voting
          u5opr                      two-ballot election; runoff election
          u5p            public consultation; public comment
          u5s            meeting; sitting; session
          u5sc                 meeting call
          u5se                 report
          u5sh                 debate
          u5so                 vote; voting
          u5ss                 deliberation; decision
          u5sv                 minutes recording; protocols; notes
          u5v            dispute resolution; adjudication
          u5w            war  ↞ smm military combat
          u5wg                 war of aggression
          u5wi                 insurgency
          u5wl                 war of liberation
          u5wn                 civil war
          u5wt                 total war
          u5x            international relations
          u5xm                 international mediation; arbitration
          u5xn                 international negotiations; agreements; accords; treaties
          u5xo                 international conferences
          u5xr                 diplomatic recognition
          u5xu                 diplomatic strategies
          u5xue                      preventive diplomacy
          u5xui                      public diplomacy
          u5xum                      soft power; hearts and minds diplomacy
          u5xuo                      economic diplomacy  ↞ r production
          u5xuq                      counterinsurgency diplomacy; expeditionary diplomacy
          u5xuu                      gunboat diplomacy
          u5xuv                      appeasement
          u6        regime; form of government  ≈ DDC 321
          u63   [wt]           inspired to religion
          u66   [p6]           promoting principle; policy; programme; mission; agenda; plan
          u66c   ⋄                safety
          u66m   ⋄                family
          u66q   ⋄                sociality
          u66u                 social justice affirmative action; reservation; alternative access; positive discrimination
          u69             law type
          u69e                 religious law  ↞ wt faiths
          u69m                 military law  ↞ sm combat
          u69o                 common law; unwritten law
          u69t                 civil law
          u69ts                      socialist law  ↞ v69pc socialism
          u6bWn            private law; civil law  ↞ ub bands   ≈ DDC 346
          u6bWp            authoritarian; autocratic; oligarchic
          u6b            monarchy
          u6c            contracts; obligations; contract law
          u6d            law of torts
          u6f            family law  ↞ tf families
          u6g            totalitarian; palace regime
          u6h            church polity  ↞ w customs
          u6i            military dictatorship  ↞ u7t military
          u6n            aristocracy
          u6p            one party regimes
          u6r            republic; representative democratic
          u6t            direct democratic
          u7        department; office; institution
          u72   [uU]            regional subdivision
          u7X             hierarchical role
          u7Xa                 head; leader; chief; first-rank officer
          u7Xa6b                           king; queen
          u7Xb                 second-rank officer
          u7Xc                 third-rank officer
          u7Xd                 fourth-rank officer
          u7Xe                 fifth-rank officer
          u7Xs                 basic rank
          u7e            legislature; parliament; congress; diet; deliberative assembly  ≈ DDC 328
          u7ec                 committees
          u7el                 lower house; lower chamber
          u7ela                      lower house president
          u7eu                 upper house; upper chamber
          u7eua                      upper house president
          u7j            government; executive; the ministry
          u7jXa                      minister; secretary
          u7jXb                      undersecretary
          u7ja                 head; prime minister; premier; chancellor
          u7ji                 ministry of interior  ↞ sms security
          u7jia                      minister of interior
          u7jj                 ministry of foreign affairs  ↞ u polities
          u7jk                 ministry of defense  ↞ smm military combat u7t military
          u7jn                 ministry of finance  ↞ v legal entities
          u7js                 ministry of justice  ↞ u7n civil law notaries
          u7ju                 ministry of education  ↞ sw schools
          u7l            civil service; public sector; community services; public administration; bureaucracy
          u7n            civil law notaries; Latin notaries
          u7o            courts; tribunals; judiciary; judicial system  ≈ DDC 347
          u7oXh                      actor; plaintiff; complainant
          u7oXi                      prosecutors; crime victime advocates
          u7oXj                      defendant; defense; reus; accused; panel
          u7oXl                      lawyers; attorneys
          u7oXlr                           barristers
          u7oXls                           solicitors
          u7oXlu                           counselors
          u7oXm                      magistrates; judges; arbitrators
          u7oXp                      bailiffs
          u7oXr                      coroners
          u7oi                 trial courts; courts of first instance; original jurisdiction
          u7op                 appellate courts; appeals courts; second instance courts
          u7os                 supreme courts; courts of last resort; apex courts; final courts; highest courts of appeal
          u7s            police; constabulary; civil guard; protective services; cops  ↞ sms security   ≈ DDC 363
          u7sg                 coast guard; coastguard  ↞ jv shores
          u7st                 police detectives
          u7sx                 auxiliary police; volunteers; special constables
          u7t            military; armed forces; defense  [military science]  ↞ smm military combat   ≈ DDC 355
          u7tXa                      general; admiral; marshal
          u7td                 gendarmerie; gendarmery  ↞ sms security
          u7te                 army  ≈ DDC 356 357
          u7teaWl                      commissioned officers
          u7tea                      field marshal; general of the army
          u7teb                      general
          u7tec                      lieutenant general
          u7ted                      major general
          u7tee                      brigadier; brigadier general
          u7tef                      colonel
          u7teg                      lieutenant colonel
          u7teh                      major; commandant
          u7tei                      captain
          u7tej                      lieutenant; first lieutenant
          u7tek                      second lieutenant
          u7tel                      officer cadet
          u7terWu                      enlisted grades
          u7ter                      warrant officer; sergeant major
          u7tes                      sergeant
          u7tet                      corporal; bombardier
          u7teu                      private; gunner; trooper
          u7tn                 navy  ↞ stl vessels   ≈ DDC 359
          u7tna                      admiral of the fleet
          u7tnb                      admiral
          u7tnc                      vice admiral
          u7tnd                      rear admiral
          u7tne                      commodore
          u7tnf                      captain
          u7tng                      commander
          u7tnh                      lieutenant commander
          u7tni                      lieutenant
          u7tnj                      lieutenant junior grade; sub-lieutenant
          u7tnk                      ensign; midshipman
          u7tnl                      officer cadet
          u7tnm                      marines
          u7tnr                      warrant officer; chief petty officer
          u7tns                      leading seaman
          u7tnt                      seaman
          u7tr                 air force  ↞ str aircrafts   ≈ DDC 358
          u7tra                      marshal of the air force
          u7trb                      air chief marshal
          u7trc                      air marshal
          u7trd                      air vice-marshal
          u7tre                      air commodore
          u7trf                      group captain
          u7trg                      wing commander
          u7trh                      squadron leader
          u7tri                      flight lieutenant
          u7trj                      flying officer
          u7trk                      pilot officer
          u7trl                      flight cadet
          u7trr                      warrant officer
          u7trs                      sergeant
          u7trt                      corporal
          u7tru                      aircraftman; airman
          u7v            diplomacy; diplomatic missions; foreign missions  ↞ qv languages   ≈ DDC 327 399
          u7ve                 embassies
          u7vea                      ambassadors
          u7vn                 consulates
          u7vna                      consuls
          u7vs                 espionage; spying; intelligence gathering
          u7vso                      counterintelligence
          u87   [an89]            groups  ↞ u5op plurality voting
          u87f                 loyal opposition
          u87f3X                            minority party
          u87u                 majority
          u87v3X                            majority party
          u88   [an]           producing $/y output  
          u90   [A]           administering matter; jurisdiction
          u90u   ⋄                foreign affairs
          u90v   ⋄                finance
          u91   [w1]           founded in foundation time
          u917   [w1]                 office start
          u919   [ty]                of historical period
          u92   [uU]           in; based in capital place; central office  [political geography]  ≈ DDC 910
          u922   [jU]                of territory; region
          u927   [uU]                in jurisdiction; territory
          u94   [uU]           related to; interacting with related polity  [foreign policy; international; global studies]  ↞ u7t military
          u943   [uU]                influenced by dominant polity
          u949   [uU]                cooperating with; allied with cooperating polity
          u94f7ve   ⋄                                Italian embassy
          u95   [qv]           speaking official language
          uU       contemporary political divisions
          uUbWg            European states
          uUb            Britain; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; UK  ↞ jUh Great Britain jUg Ireland
          uUb917pwo                                     reign of George III -1820
          uUb917pwq                                     reign of George IV 1820-1830
          uUb917pwro                                     reign of William IV 1830-1837
          uUb917pwrv                                     reign of queen Victoria 1837-1901
          uUb917pxo                                     reign of Edward VII 1901-1910
          uUb917pxp                                     reign of George V 1910-1936
          uUb917pxruc                                     reign of Edward VIII 1936
          uUb917pxrux                                     reign of George VI 1936-1952
          uUb917pxt                                     reign of queen Elizabeth II 1952-2022
          uUb917qoqq                                     reign of George III 2022-
          uUb91o                           Kingdom of England 927-1707
          uUb91pv                                Kingdom of Great Britain 1707-1800
          uUb91pw                                United Kingdom of Great Britain and N Ireland; UK
          uUbX                 countries of the United Kingdom
          uUbe                 England
          uUbeX                      regions of England
          uUbeb                      Greater London; London Region  ↞ jUhp Thames basin
          uUbebX                           London boroughs and CoL
          uUbebb                           City of London
          uUbebc                           City of Westminster
          uUbebd                           Camden
          uUbebe                           Islington
          uUbebf                           Tower Hamlets
          uUbebg                           Southwark
          uUbebh                           Lambeth
          uUbebi                           Wandsworth
          uUbebj                           Kensington and Chelsea
          uUbebk                           Hammersmith and Fulham
          uUbebl                           Ealing
          uUbebm                           Brent
          uUbebn                           Barnet
          uUbebo                           Haringey
          uUbebp                           Enfield
          uUbebq                           Waltham Forest
          uUbebr                           Newham
          uUbebs                           Redbridge
          uUbebt                           Barking and Dagenham
          uUbebu                           Havering
          uUbebv                           Bexley
          uUbebw                           Greenwich
          uUbebx                           Lewisham
          uUbeby                           Bromley
          uUbebyzc                           Croydon
          uUbebyzd                           Sutton
          uUbebyze                           Merton
          uUbebyzk                           Kingston upon Thames
          uUbebyzm                           Richmond upon Thames
          uUbebyzn                           Hounslow
          uUbebyzo                           Hillingdon
          uUbebyzr                           Harrow
          uUbee                      East of England
          uUbeecWh                           East Anglia
          uUbeec                           Cambridgeshire
          uUbeee                           Peterborough
          uUbeef                           Norfolk
          uUbeeh                           Suffolk
          uUbeek                           Essex
          uUbeen                           Southend-on-Sea
          uUbeeo                           Thurrock
          uUbeer                           Hertfordshire
          uUbeeu                           Luton
          uUbeev                           Central Bedfordshire
          uUbeew                           Bedford
          uUbeg                      South East England
          uUbegb                           Surrey
          uUbege                           Kent
          uUbegf                           Medway
          uUbegh                           East Sussex
          uUbegi                           Brighton & Hove
          uUbegk                           West Sussex
          uUbegm                           Portsmouth
          uUbegn                           Isle of Wight
          uUbegp                           Southampton
          uUbegq                           Hampshire
          uUbegs                           Berkshire
          uUbegu                           Oxfordshire
          uUbegw                           Buckinghamshire
          uUbegy                           Milton Keynes
          uUbei                      South West England
          uUbeib                           Bath and North East Somerset
          uUbeic                           North Somerset
          uUbeid                           Bristol
          uUbeif                           South Gloucestershire
          uUbeig                           Gloucestershire
          uUbeii                           Swindon
          uUbeil                           Wiltshire
          uUbeio                           Dorset
          uUbeip                           Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
          uUbeir                           Somerset
          uUbeis                           Devon
          uUbeit                           Torbay
          uUbeiw                           Cornwall
          uUbeiy                           Plymouth
          uUbeiyzs                           Isles of Scilly
          uUbek                      West Midlands
          uUbekb                           West Midlands
          uUbekc                           Warwickshire
          uUbeke                           Worcestershire
          uUbekh                           Herefordshire
          uUbekj                           Shropshire
          uUbeko                           Telford and Wrekin
          uUbeks                           Staffordshire
          uUbekt                           Stoke-on-Trent
          uUbem                      East Midlands
          uUbeo                      Yorkshire and the Humber
          uUbeq                      North West England
          uUbes                      North East England
          uUbl                 Wales
          uUbo                 Scotland
          uUbr                 Northern Ireland  ↞ jUg Ireland
          uUbvWx                 Crown Dependencies
          uUbv                 Guernsey
          uUbw                 Jersey
          uUbx                 Isle of Man
          uUby                 British Overseas Territories
          uUbze            Republic of Ireland; Eire  ↞ jUg Ireland
          uUbzi            Iceland; Republic of Iceland  ↞ jUfzw Iceland
          uUbzn            Norway; Kingdom of Norway
          uUbzo            Sweden
          uUbzo91pw                                United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway 1814-1905
          uUbzo91px                                Kingdom of Sweden
          uUbzoX                 counties of Sweden; län
          uUbzp            Denmark
          uUbzp91pr                                Kalmar Union; Union of Kalmaris 1397-1523
          uUbzp91pt                                Denmark-Norway 1524-1814
          uUbzp91pw                                Kingdom of Denmark
          uUbzpf                 Faeroer
          uUbzpl                 Greenland
          uUbzr            Finland; Republic of Finland; Suomi
          uUbzs            Estonia; Republic of Estonia
          uUbzt            Latvia; Republic of Latvia
          uUbzu            Lithuania; Republic of Lithuania
          uUbzw            Poland; Polish Republic
          uUc            Germany
          uUc91po                                states in the Holy Roman Empire  ↞ tyth Western Christendom
          uUc91pt                                Prussia 1525-1932
          uUc91pwo                                     Confederation of the Rhine 1806-1813
          uUc91pwp                                     German Confederation 1815-1866
          uUc91pwu                                     North German Federation 1867-1871
          uUc91pwv                                     German Empire 1871-1918
          uUc91pxp                                     Weimar Republic 1919-1933
          uUc91pxr                                     Nazi Germany; Third Reich 1933-1945
          uUc91pxs                                     German Democratic Republic; GDR; DDR; East Germany; Eastern Germany 1949-1990
          uUc91pxx                                     Federal Republic of Germany
          uUcX                 states of Germany; Länder
          uUcb                 Thuringia
          uUcc                 Saxony-Anhalt
          uUcd                 Brandenburg
          uUce                 Berlin
          uUcf                 Saxony
          uUcg                 Bavaria
          uUch                 Baden-Württemberg
          uUci                 Saarland
          uUcj                 Rhineland-Palatinate
          uUck                 Hesse
          uUcl                 North Rhine-Westphalia
          uUcm                 Lower Saxony
          uUcn                 Bremen
          uUco                 Hamburg
          uUcp                 Schleswig-Holstein
          uUcq                 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
          uUczn            Netherlands; Kingdom of the Netherlands; Holland SL
          uUczq            Belgium; Kingdom of Belgium
          uUczx            Luxembourg; Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
          uUd            France  ↞ jUjk Loire basin jUjl Seine basin
          uUd917pwvp                                     presidency of Adolphe Thiers 1871-1873
          uUd917pwvr                                     presidency of Patrice de MacMahon 1873-1879
          uUd917pxtx                                     presidency of Charles de Gaulle 1959-1969
          uUd917pxu                                     presidency of Georges Pompidou 1969-1974
          uUd917pxv                                     presidency of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 1974-1981
          uUd917pxw                                     presidency of François Mitterrand 1981-1995
          uUd917pxx                                     presidency of Jacques Chirac 1995-2007
          uUd917qoo                                     presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy 2007-2012
          uUd917qopq                                     presidency of François Hollande 2012-2017
          uUd917qoqv                                     presidency of Emmanuel Macron 2017-
          uUd91ow                                Kingdom of France 843-1792
          uUd91pv                                French First Republic 1792-1804
          uUd91pwo                                     First French Empire 1804-1814/5
          uUd91pws                                     French Second Republic 1848-1852
          uUd91pwt                                     Second French Empire 1852-1870
          uUd91pwv                                     French Third Republic 1870-1940
          uUd91pxso                                     Vichy France 1940-1944
          uUd91pxsu                                     French Fourth Republic 1946-1958
          uUd91pxt                                     French Fifth Republic 1958-
          uUdX                 regions of France
          uUdXX                      departments of France
          uUdXXX                           arrondissements of France
          uUdXXXX                                communes of France
          uUdb                 Centre-Val de Loire
          uUdc                 Île de France
          uUdd                 Grand Est
          uUdd(91px)c                                     Champagne-Ardenne
          uUdd(91px)e                                     Alsace
          uUdd(91px)l                                     Lorraine
          uUde                 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
          uUde(91px)b                                     Bourgogne
          uUde(91px)f                                     Franche-Comté
          uUdf                 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
          uUdf(91px)e                                     Auvergne
          uUdf(91px)r                                     Rhône-Alpes
          uUdg                 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
          uUdh                 Occitanie
          uUdh(91px)i                                     Midi-Pyrénées
          uUdh(91px)l                                     Languedoc-Roussillon
          uUdh91po                                     County of Foix 1010-1607
          uUdi                 Nouvelle-Aquitaine
          uUdi(91px)i                                     Aquitaine
          uUdi(91px)l                                     Limousin
          uUdi(91px)p                                     Poitou-Charentes
          uUdj                 Pays-de-la-Loire
          uUdk                 Bretagne; Brittany
          uUdk91ox                                     Duchy of Brittany 939-1532
          uUdkb                      Finistère
          uUdkc                      Côtes-d'Armor
          uUdkd                      Ille-et-Vilaine
          uUdke                      Morbihan
          uUdl                 Normandie
          uUdl(91px)h                                     Haute Normandie
          uUdl(91px)s                                     Basse Normandie
          uUdm                 Hauts-de-France
          uUdm(91px)n                                     Nord-Pas de Calais
          uUdm(91px)p                                     Picardie
          uUdn                 Corsica; Corse
          uUdo                 Guadeloupe
          uUdp                 Martinique
          uUdq                 French Guiana
          uUdr                 Réunion
          uUds                 Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
          uUdt                 Mayotte
          uUdu                 Wallis and Futuna
          uUdv                 French Polynesia
          uUdw                 New Caledonia
          uUdy                 French Southern and Antarctic Territories
          uUdzm            Monaco
          uUdzr            Andorra
          uUe            Spain
          uUe91pw                                Crown of Castile 1230-1715
          uUeX                 autonomous communities of Spain
          uUeb                 Madrid
          uUec                 Castile-la Mancha
          uUed                 Aragon
          uUed91pp                                     Crown of Aragon 1162-1716
          uUee                 Catalonia
          uUef                 Valencia
          uUeg                 Murcia
          uUeh                 Andalusia
          uUeh91pq                                     Emirate of Granada 1238-1492
          uUei                 Extremadura
          uUej                 Castile-Leon
          uUek                 Galicia
          uUek91os                                     Kingdom of Galicia 410-1833
          uUel                 Asturias
          uUem                 Cantabria
          uUen                 Basque Country
          uUeo                 la Rioja
          uUep                 Navarre; Navarra
          uUep91ow                                     Kingdom of Navarre 824-1620
          uUeq                 Balearic Islands
          uUes                 Ceuta
          uUet                 Melilla
          uUew                 Canary Islands
          uUezp            Portugal
          uUezp91pq                                Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves 1249-1910
          uUezp91px                                Portuguese Republic 1976-
          uUezpb                 Lisboa Region
          uUezpd                 Northern Portugal; North Region
          uUezpe                 Central Portugal; Center Region
          uUezpn                 Alentejo
          uUezpr                 Algarve
          uUezpw                 Madeira; Autonomous Region of Madeira
          uUezpx                 Azores; Autonomous Region of the Azores
          uUezs            Switzerland; Swiss Confederation
          uUezv            Liechtenstein; Principality of Liechtenstein
          uUf            Italy  ↞ jUjg Po basin
          uUf3q   ⋄                     centre-left party including Partito democratico
          uUf91px                                Republic of Italy 1946-
          uUfX                 regions of Italy
          uUfXX                      provinces of Italy
          uUfXXX                           municipalities of Italy
          uUfb                 Toscana; Tuscany
          uUfb91pt                                     Grand Duchy of Tuscany 1569-1801, 1815-1859
          uUfbb                      Province of Pistoia
          uUfbd                      Province of Prato
          uUfbf                      Metropolitan City of Firenze; Florence
          uUfbh                      Province of Arezzo
          uUfbj                      Province of Siena
          uUfbk                      Province of Grosseto
          uUfbl                      Province of Livorno
          uUfbp                      Province of Pisa
          uUfbu                      Province of Lucca
          uUfbw                      Province of Massa and Carrara
          uUfc                 Liguria
          uUfc91p                                Republic of Genua 1095-1797
          uUfce                      Province of La Spezia
          uUfcg                      Metropolitan City of Genova
          uUfcge                           Comune di Sestri Levante
          uUfcgg                           Comune di Lavagna
          uUfcgh                           Comune di Chiavari
          uUfcgo                           Comune di Santa Margherita Ligure
          uUfcgp                           Comune di Rapallo
          uUfcgr                           Comune di Recco
          uUfcgs                           Comune di Serra Riccò
          uUfcgu                           Municipality of Genua; Comune di Genova
          uUfcgw                           Comune di Arenzano
          uUfcgx                           Comune di Cogoleto
          uUfcn                      Province of Savona
          uUfcp                      Province of Imperia
          uUfd                 Piemonte; Piedmont
          uUfd91pq                                     Kingdom of Sardinia; Savoy-Sardinia; Piedmont-Sardinia; Kingdom of Piedmont 1273-1707
          uUfdc                      Province of Cuneo
          uUfdd                      Metropolitan City of Torino; Turin
          uUfdi                      Province of Biella
          uUfdk                      Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
          uUfdn                      Province of Novara
          uUfdr                      Province of Vercelli
          uUfds                      Province of Alessandria  ↞ jUjgr Curone basin jUjgs Scrivia basin jUjgt Tanaro basin
          uUfdt                      Province of Asti
          uUfe                 Valle d'Aosta
          uUff                 Lombardia; Lombardy
          uUff91pr                                     Duchy of Milan 1395-1797
          uUff91pw                                     Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia 1815-1866
          uUffb                      Province of Bergamo
          uUffc                      Province of Brescia
          uUffe                      Province of Mantova
          uUffe91pq                                     Duchy of Mantua 1273-1707
          uUffg                      Province of Cremona
          uUffi                      Province of Lodi
          uUffk                      Province of Pavia
          uUffm                      Metropolitan City of Milano; Milan
          uUffn                      Province of Monza and Brianza
          uUffp                      Province of Varese
          uUffq                      Province of Como
          uUffr                      Province of Lecco
          uUffs                      Province of Sondrio
          uUfg                 Trentino-Alto Adige
          uUfge                      Autonomous Province of Trento; Trentino
          uUfgo                      Autonomous Province of Bolzano; Alto Adige; Südtirol; Tirolo meridionale
          uUfi                 Friuli Venezia Giulia
          uUfie                      EDR of Trieste
          uUfig                      EDR of Gorizia
          uUfii                      EDR of Udine
          uUfip                      EDR of Pordenone
          uUfj                 Veneto
          uUfj91ou                                     Republic of Venice 697-1797
          uUfjb                      Province of Belluno
          uUfje                      Province of Treviso
          uUfjj                      Metropolitan City of Venezia; Venice
          uUfjo                      Province of Padova; Padua
          uUfjs                      Province of Vicenza
          uUfjv                      Province of Verona
          uUfjx                      Province of Rovigo
          uUfk                 Emilia-Romagna
          uUfkc                      Province of Piacenza
          uUfke                      Province of Parma
          uUfke91pt                                     Duchy of Parma 1545-1859
          uUfkg                      Province of Reggio Emilia
          uUfkj                      Province of Modena
          uUfkj91ps                                     Duchy of Modena 1452-1796, 1815-1859
          uUfkl                      Metropolitan City of Bologna
          uUfko                      Province of Ferrara
          uUfkr                      Province of Ravenna
          uUfku                      Province of Forlì-Cesena
          uUfkw                      Province of Rimini
          uUfl                 Marche
          uUfle                      Province of Pesaro and Urbino
          uUflk                      Province of Ancona
          uUflm                      Province of Macerata
          uUflr                      Province of Fermo
          uUfls                      Province of Ascoli Piceno
          uUfm                 Umbria
          uUfmp                      Province of Perugia
          uUfmt                      Province of Terni
          uUfn                 Lazio
          uUfne                      Province of Viterbo
          uUfni                      Province of Rieti
          uUfnr                      Metropolitan City of Roma; Rome
          uUfnt                      Province of Latina
          uUfnv                      Province of Frosinone
          uUfo                 Abruzzo
          uUfoi                      Province of L'Aquila
          uUfom                      Province of Teramo
          uUfop                      Province of Pescara
          uUfot                      Province of Chieti
          uUfp                 Molise
          uUfpc                      Province of Campobasso
          uUfpi                      Province of Isernia
          uUfq                 Campania
          uUfq91pq                                     Kingdom of Naples 1285-1816
          uUfq91pw                                     Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 1815-1860
          uUfqb                      Metropolitan City of Napoli; Naples
          uUfqc                      Province of Caserta
          uUfqe                      Province of Benevento
          uUfql                      Province of Avellino
          uUfqs                      Province of Salerno
          uUfr                 Puglia; Apulia
          uUfrf                      Province of Foggia
          uUfrh                      Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani
          uUfrk                      Province of Bari
          uUfrr                      Province of Brindisi
          uUfrt                      Province of Taranto
          uUfrx                      Province of Lecce
          uUfs                 Basilicata; Lucania
          uUfsm                      Province of Matera
          uUfsp                      Province of Potenza
          uUft                 Calabria
          uUfte                      Province of Cosenza
          uUftk                      Province of Crotone
          uUftn                      Province of Catanzaro
          uUfto                      Province of Vibo Valentia
          uUftr                      Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria
          uUfv                 Sicilia; Sicily  ↞ jUi Sicily
          uUfv91pp                                     Kingdom of Sicily 1130-1816
          uUfva                      Metropolitan City of Messina
          uUfvc                      Metropolitan City of Catania
          uUfve                      LCC of Siracusa
          uUfvg                      LCC of Ragusa
          uUfvl                      LCC of Caltanissetta
          uUfvn                      LCC of Enna
          uUfvp                      Metropolitan City of Palermo
          uUfvr                      LCC of Agrigento
          uUfvt                      LCC of Trapani
          uUfw                 Sardegna; Sardinia
          uUfwc                      Metropolitan City of Cagliari
          uUfwe                      Province of Sud Sardegna; South Sardinia
          uUfwn                      Province of Nuoro
          uUfwq                      Province of Oristano
          uUfws                      Province of Sassari
          uUfzb            Republic of San Marino
          uUfzc            Vatican City State
          uUfzc91o                           Papal States 752-1870
          uUfzd            Malta; Republic of Malta
          uUfzf            Czechia; Czech Republic
          uUfzf91pp                                Kingdom of Bohemia 1198-1918
          uUfzf91pxu                                     Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 1960-1989
          uUfzg            Slovakia; Slovak Republic
          uUfzh            Hungary; Hungarian Republic
          uUfzi            Austria
          uUfzi91pt                                Habsburg Empire; Austrian Empire; Austria-Hungary 1527-1918
          uUfzi91px                                Republic of Austria
          uUfzj            Slovenia; Republic of Slovenia
          uUfzk            Croatia; Republic of Croatia
          uUfzl            Bosnia-Herzegovina; Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
          uUfzm            Serbia
          uUfzm91pxs                                     Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 1943-1992
          uUfzn            Montenegro; Crna Gora
          uUfzo            Kosovo; Republic of Kosovo
          uUfzp            Albania; Republic of Albania
          uUfzq            Macedonia; Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Republic of North Macedonia; Makedonija
          uUfzr            Greece; Hellenic Republic
          uUfzs            Bulgaria; Republic of Bulgaria
          uUfzt            Romania; Republic of Romania
          uUfzu            Moldova
          uUfzv            Ukraine; Ukraina
          uUfzw            Belarus; Republic of Belarus
          uUg            Russia  ↞ jUj Eurasia
          uUg91pt                                Tsardom of Russia 1547-1721
          uUg91pv                                Russian Empire 1721-1917
          uUg91pxq                                     Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR 1922-1991
          uUg91pxx                                     Russian Federation
          uUgX                 federal districts of Russia
          uUgXX                      federal subjects of Russia
          uUgc                 Central Federal District
          uUgcb                      Kaluga Oblast
          uUgcc                      Moscow
          uUgcd                      Moscow Oblast
          uUgce                      Tula Oblast
          uUgcf                      Lipetsk Oblast
          uUgcg                      Oryol Oblast
          uUgch                      Bryansk Oblast
          uUgci                      Smolensk Oblast
          uUgcj                      Tver Oblast
          uUgck                      Yaroslavl Oblast
          uUgcl                      Kostroma Oblast
          uUgcm                      Ivanovo Oblast
          uUgcn                      Vladimir Oblast
          uUgco                      Ryazan Oblast
          uUgcp                      Tambov Oblast
          uUgcq                      Voronezh Oblast
          uUgcr                      Belgorod Oblast
          uUgcs                      Kursk Oblast
          uUge                 Northwestern Federal District
          uUgeb                      Saint Petersburg
          uUgec                      Leningrad Oblast
          uUgee                      Republic of Karelia
          uUgeg                      Murmansk Oblast
          uUgeh                      Arkhangelsk Oblast
          uUgej                      Nenets Autonomous Okrug
          uUgek                      Komi Republic
          uUgeo                      Vologda Oblast
          uUger                      Novgorod Oblast
          uUges                      Pskov Oblast
          uUgey                      Kaliningrad Oblast
          uUgg                 Ural Federal District
          uUgi                 Volga Federal District
          uUgk                 Southern Federal District
          uUgn                 North Caucasian Federal District
          uUgs                 Siberian Federal District
          uUgv                 Far Eastern Federal District
          uUgzg            Georgia; Republic of Georgia
          uUgzj            Azerbaijan
          uUgzr            Armenia; Republic of Armenia
          uUhWhzy  Middle Eastern states
          uUh            Turkey
          uUhzc            Cyprus; Republic of Cyprus  ↞ jUizy Cyprus
          uUhze            Syria; Syrian Arab Republic
          uUhzg            Lebanon; Lebanese Republic
          uUhzh            Israel; State of Israel
          uUhzi            Palestine; disputed territories between Palestine and Israel including Gaza Strip, West Bank of the Jordan
          uUhzj            Jordan; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
          uUhzk            Iraq; Irak; Republic of Iraq  ↞ jUjy Tigris & Euphrate basin
          uUhzl            Saudi Arabia; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
          uUhzn            Yemen; Republic of Yemen
          uUhzo            Oman; Sultanate of Oman; Muscat and Oman
          uUhzp            United Arab Emirates including Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujaira, Sharja
          uUhzq            Qatar
          uUhzt            Bahrain
          uUhzw            Kuwait; State of Kuwait
          uUiWl            African states
          uUi            Egypt; Arab Republic of Egypt  ↞ tyc Ancient Egypt jUkc Nile basin
          uUizb            Libya; Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
          uUizc            Tunisia; Republic of Tunisia
          uUizd            Algeria; Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
          uUize            Morocco; Kingdom of Morocco
          uUizf            Western Sahara
          uUizg            Mauritania; Islamic Republic of Mauritania
          uUizh            Mali; Republic of Mali
          uUizi            Burkina Faso; Upper Volta
          uUizj            Niger; Republic of Niger
          uUizk            Senegal; Republic of Senegal
          uUizl            Sierra Leone; Republic of Sierra Leone
          uUizm            Gambia; Republic of the Gambia
          uUizn            Guinea; Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea
          uUizo            Guinea-Bissau; Republic of Guinea-Bissau
          uUizp            Cape Verde; Republic of Cape Verde
          uUizq            Liberia; Republic of Liberia
          uUizr            Côte d'Ivoire; Republic of the Ivory Coast
          uUizs            Ghana; Republic of Ghana; Gold Coast
          uUizt            Togo; Republic of Togo
          uUizv            Benin; People's Republic of Benin; Dahomey
          uUj            Nigeria; Federal Republic of Nigeria
          uUjzb            São Tomé e Principe; Provincia de São Tomé e Principe
          uUjzc            Cameroon; United Republic of Cameroon
          uUjze            Equatorial Guinea; Republic of Equatorial Guinea
          uUjzg            Gabon; Gabonese Republic
          uUjzi            Congo (Brazzaville); Republic of the Congo
          uUjzj            Democratic Republic of Congo; Zaire
          uUjzl            Angola; Republic of Angola
          uUjzn            Central African Republic
          uUjzp            Chad; Republic of Chad
          uUjzs            Sudan; Republic of the Sudan
          uUjzt            Ethiopia; People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
          uUjzu            Eritrea; Republic of Eritrea
          uUjzv            Somalia; Somali Democratic Republic
          uUjzx            Djibouti; Republic of Djibouti
          uUk            Kenya; Republic of Kenya
          uUkzg            Uganda; Republic of Uganda
          uUkzn            Burundi; Republic of Burundi
          uUkzr            Rwanda; Republic of Rwanda
          uUkzt            Tanzania; United Republic of Tanzania
          uUkzw            Mozambique; Republic of Mozambique
          uUl            South Africa; Republic of South Africa
          uUlzb            Namibia
          uUlzd            Botswana
          uUlzf            Lesotho
          uUlzh            Swaziland
          uUlzj            Zimbabwe; Republic of Zimbabwe; Southern Rhodesia
          uUlzl            Zambia; Republic of Zambia; Northern Rhodesia
          uUlzm            Malawi; Republic of Malawi; Nyasaland
          uUlzo            Madagascar; Democratic Republic of Madagascar  ↞ jUl Madagascar
          uUlzq            Comoros; Union of the Comoros
          uUlzs            Seychelles; Republic of Seychelles
          uUlzu            Mauritius; Republic of Mauritius
          uUm            Iran; Islamic Republic of Iran; Persia
          uUmzf            Afghanistan; Islamic State of Afghanistan
          uUmzh            Turkmenistan
          uUmzi            Uzbekistan
          uUmzj            Tajikistan; Republic of Tajikistan
          uUmzk            Kyrgyzstan; Republic of Kyrgyzstan
          uUmzn            Kazakhstan; Republic of Kazakhstan
          uUmzo            Mongolia; Mongolian People's Republic; Outer Mongolia
          uUn            India; Republic of India  ↞ jUjv Ganges-Brahmaputra basin jUjw Godavari basin jUjx Indus basin
          uUnbWx                 states of India
          uUnb                 Madhya Pradesh
          uUnc                 Uttar Pradesh
          uUnd                 Bihar
          uUne                 Jharkhand
          uUnf                 Chhattisgarh
          uUng                 Telangana
          uUnh                 Karnataka
          uUnhzg                 Goa
          uUni                 Maharashtra
          uUnj                 Gujarat
          uUnk                 Rajasthan
          uUnl                 Haryana
          uUnm                 Punjab
          uUnn                 Himachal Pradesh
          uUno                 Uttarakhand
          uUnp                 Sikkim
          uUnq                 Assam
          uUnr                 Arunachal Pradesh
          uUnrzn                 Nagaland
          uUns                 Manipur
          uUnszm                 Mizoram
          uUnszt                 Tripura
          uUnszw                 Meghalaya
          uUnt                 West Bengal
          uUnu                 Odisha
          uUnv                 Andhra Pradesh
          uUnw                 Tamil Nadu
          uUnx                 Kerala
          uUny                 union territories of India
          uUnyd                      National Capital Territory of Delhi
          uUnyh                      Chandigarh
          uUnyj                      Jammu and Kashmir
          uUnyl                      Ladakh
          uUnyn                      Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
          uUnyp                      Puducherry
          uUnys                      Lakshadweep
          uUnyw                      Andaman and Nicobar Islands
          uUnzb            Pakistan; Islamic Republic of Pakistan
          uUnzc            Bhutan; Kingdom of Bhutan
          uUnzd            Nepal; Kingdom of Nepal
          uUnzf            Sri Lanka; Ceylon; Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
          uUnzi            Maldives; Republic of the Maldives
          uUnzl            Bangladesh; People's Republic of Bangladesh
          uUnzm            Burma; Union of Myanmar
          uUnzo            Cambodia; Kingdom of Cambodia
          uUnzq            Vietnam; Socialist Republic of Vietnam
          uUnzs            Laos; Lao People's Democratic Republic
          uUnzt            Thailand; Kingdom of Thailand
          uUnzu            Malaysia; Federation of Malaysia
          uUnzw            Singapore; Republic of Singapore
          uUnzy            Brunei; State of Brunei Darussalam
          uUo            Indonesia; Republic of Indonesia
          uUozp            Philippines; Republic of the Philippines
          uUozpb                 National Capital Region
          uUozpc                 Central Luzon
          uUozpd                 Ilocos Region
          uUozpe                 Cordillera Administrative Region
          uUozpf                 Cagayan Valley
          uUozpg                 Calabarzon
          uUozph                 Bicol Region
          uUozpi                 Eastern Visayas
          uUozpj                 Caraga
          uUozpk                 Davao Region
          uUozpl                 Soccksargen
          uUozpm                 Bangsamoro
          uUozpn                 Northern Mindanao
          uUozpo                 Zamboanga Peninsula
          uUozpp                 Central Visayas
          uUozpq                 Western Visayas
          uUozpr                 Mimaropa
          uUozprd                      Occidental Mindoro
          uUozpre                      Oriental Mindoro
          uUozprm                      Marinduque
          uUozprr                      Romblon
          uUozprw                      Palawan
          uUp            China  ↞ jUjp Huang He basin jUjq Yangtze basin
          uUp91pxp                                     Republic of China; Chunghwa Minkuo 1912-1949
          uUp91pxs                                     People's Republic of China
          uUpbWu                 provinces of China
          uUpb                 Hubei
          uUpc                 Henan
          uUpd                 Anhui
          uUpe                 Jiangxi
          uUpf                 Hunan
          uUpg                 Guizhou
          uUph                 Chongqing
          uUpi                 Shaanxi
          uUpj                 Shanxi
          uUpk                 Hebei
          uUpl                 Liaoning
          uUplzj                 Jilin
          uUplzo                 Heilongjiang
          uUpm                 Shandong
          uUpn                 Jiangsu
          uUpo                 Zhejiang
          uUpp                 Fujian
          uUpq                 Guangdong
          uUpr                 Guangxi
          uUps                 Yunnan
          uUpt                 Sichuan
          uUpu                 Qinghai
          uUpv                 municipalities of China
          uUpvc                      Municipality of Chongqing
          uUpve                      Municipality of Beijing
          uUpvj                      Municipality of Tianjin
          uUpvs                      Municipality of Shanghai
          uUpw                 autonomous regions of China
          uUpwb                      Tibet; Xizang Zizhiqu
          uUpwg                      Xinjiang; Uighur
          uUpwm                      Inner Mongolia
          uUpwn                      Ningxia
          uUpwu                      Guangxi
          uUpxWy                 special administrative regions of China
          uUpx                 Hong Kong
          uUpy                 Macao; Macau
          uUpzb            Taiwan; Republic of China
          uUqWqzn  Koreas
          uUq            South Korea; Republic of Korea; Daehanminguk
          uUqb                 Seoul; Seoul Special Metropolitan City
          uUqc                 Incheon
          uUqe                 Gyeonggi
          uUqg                 Gangwon
          uUqi                 North Gyeongsang
          uUqk                 Daegu; Daegu Metropolitan City; Taegu
          uUql                 Ulsan; Ulsan Metropolitan City
          uUqn                 Busan; Busan Metropolitan City
          uUqo                 South Gyeongsang
          uUqq                 South Jeolla; Jeonnam
          uUqr                 Gwangju; Kwangju
          uUqs                 Jeonbuk; North Jeolla
          uUqu                 Daejeon
          uUqv                 Sejong
          uUqw                 South Chungcheong; Chungcheongnam-do; Chungnam
          uUqx                 North Chungcheong; Chungbuk
          uUqzn            North Korea; Democratic People's Republic of Korea
          uUr            Japan; Nippon; Nihon Koku  ↞ jUx Kyushu jUxzs Shikoku jUy Honshu
          uUrze            Papua New Guinea; Independent State of Papua New Guinea
          uUrzf            Fiji; Republic of Fiji
          uUrzg            Tonga; Kingdom of Tonga
          uUrzi            Samoa; Independent State of Samoa; Western Samoa
          uUrzl            Tuvalu; Ellice Islands
          uUrzm            Micronesia; Federated States of Micronesia
          uUrzn            Northern Mariana Islands; Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
          uUrzp            Marshall Islands; Republic of the Marshall islands
          uUrzr            Kiribati; Republic of Kiribati; Gilbert Islands
          uUrzu            Nauru; Republic of Nauru
          uUsWszy  Oceanian states
          uUs            Australia; Commonwealth of Australia  ↞ jUu Australia
          uUsX                 states and territories of Australia
          uUsc                 Western Australia
          uUse                 South Australia
          uUsh                 Northern Territory
          uUsl                 Queensland
          uUsn                 New South Wales
          uUsq                 Victoria
          uUst                 Tasmania
          uUsv                 Australian Capital Territory including Canberra
          uUszn            New Zealand  ↞ jUv South Island jUw North Island
          uUszv            Vanuatu; Republic of Vanuatu; New Hebrides
          uUszx            Solomon Islands
          uUtWy            American states
          uUt            Canada  ↞ jUf North America
          uUtX                 provinces and territories of Canada
          uUtb                 British Columbia
          uUte                 Alberta
          uUtg                 Saskatchewan
          uUti                 Manitoba
          uUtj                 Ontario
          uUtl                 Quebec
          uUtn                 New Brunswick
          uUto                 Nova Scotia
          uUtp                 Prince Edward Island
          uUtt                 Newfoundland Province including Newfoundland, Labrador
          uUtu                 Yukon Territory
          uUtw                 Northwest Territories including Fort Smith, Inuvik
          uUtx                 Nunavut including Baffin, Keewatin, Kitikmeot
          uUu            United States of America; USA  ↞ jUf North America
          uUu917pvw                                     presidency of George Washigton 1789-1797
          uUu917pvx                                     presidency of John Adams 1797-1801
          uUu917pwop                                     presidency of Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809
          uUu917pwup                                     presidency of Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865  ↞ Upwoxdmh persons born on 12 February 1809 at 6 AM
          uUu917pxop                                     presidency of Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909
          uUu917pxpr                                     presidency of Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921
          uUu917pxr                                     presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945
          uUu917pxt                                     presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961
          uUu917pxup                                     presidency of John F. Kennedy 1961-1963
          uUu917qoox                                     presidency of Barack Obama 2009-2017
          uUu917qoqp                                     presidency of Joe Biden 2021-
          uUu93pvrq                                     George Washington
          uUuX                 states of the USA
          uUuXX                      USA counties; parishes; boroughs
          uUub                 Missouri including Saint Louis, Kansas City, Columbia
          uUuc                 Illinois including Chicago, Metro East
          uUud                 Indiana including Indianapolis
          uUue                 Ohio including Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland
          uUuezk                 Kentucky including Louisville, Lexington
          uUuf                 Tennessee including Nashville, Memphis
          uUug                 Arkansas including Little Rock
          uUugzo                 Oklahoma including Oklahoma City, Tulsa
          uUuh                 Kansas including Topeka, Wichita
          uUui                 Nebraska including Lincoln, Omaha
          uUuizi                 Iowa including Des Moines
          uUuj                 Minnesota including Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Duluth
          uUuk                 Wisconsin including Milwaukee, Madison
          uUul                 Michigan including Detroit, Lansing
          uUulzm                 Maine including Portland, Augusta
          uUulzn                 New Hampshire
          uUulzv                 Vermont
          uUum                 Massachusetts
          uUumzr                 Rhode Island
          uUumzu                 Connecticut
          uUun                 New York State
          uUuo                 Pennsylvania
          uUuoze                 New Jersey
          uUuozh                 Delaware
          uUuozm                 Maryland
          uUuozo                 District of Columbia
          uUuozq                 West Virginia
          uUuozr                 Virginia
          uUuozt                 North Carolina
          uUuozu                 South Carolina
          uUup                 Georgia
          uUuq                 Florida
          uUuqzb                 Alabama
          uUuqzm                 Mississippi
          uUuqzu                 Louisiana
          uUur                 Texas
          uUus                 New Mexico
          uUut                 Colorado
          uUuu                 Utah
          uUuuzi                 Arizona
          uUuuzn                 Nevada
          uUuv                 California
          uUuvze                 Oregon
          uUuvzh                 Washington
          uUuvzi                 Idaho
          uUuvzj                 Wyoming
          uUuvzm                 Montana
          uUuvzs                 South Dakota
          uUuvzt                 North Dakota
          uUuw                 Alaska
          uUux                 Hawaii
          uUuy                 territories of the USA
          uUuyp                      Puerto Rico
          uUuyr                      US Virgin Islands
          uUuys                      American Samoa
          uUuyu                      Guam
          uUuyw                      Northern Mariana Islands
          uUv            Mexico; United States of Mexico
          uUv3q   ⋄                     centre-left party including Democratic Party
          uUvzb            Belize; British Honduras
          uUvzc            Guatemala; Republic of Guatemala
          uUvze            El Salvador; Republic of El Salvador
          uUvzh            Honduras; Republic of Honduras
          uUvzi            Nicaragua; Republic of Nicaragua
          uUvzj            Costa Rica; Republic of Costa Rica
          uUvzk            Panama; Republic of Panama
          uUvzl            Cuba; Republic of Cuba
          uUvzm            Jamaica
          uUvzn            Dominican Republic including Santo Domingo
          uUvzo            Haiti; Republic of Haiti
          uUvzp            Bahamas; Commonwealth of the Bahamas
          uUvzq            Saint Kitts and Nevis; Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
          uUvzr            Antigua and Barbuda
          uUvzs            Saint Lucia; State of Saint Lucia
          uUvzt            Saint Vincent; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
          uUvzu            Grenada
          uUvzv            Barbados
          uUvzw            Trinidad and Tobago; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
          uUw            Colombia; Republic of Colombia
          uUwze            Venezuela; Republic of Venezuela
          uUwzg            Guyana; Cooperative Republic of Guyana; British Guiana
          uUwzi            Suriname; Republic of Suriname
          uUwzo            Ecuador; Republic of Ecuador
          uUwzp            Peru; Republic of Peru
          uUwzv            Bolivia; Republic of Bolivia
          uUx            Brazil; Brasil; Federative Republic of Brazil
          uUxX                 federative units of Brazil; states and federal district
          uUxa                 Federal District of Brazil
          uUxb                 Goiás
          uUxc                 Tocantins
          uUxd                 Maranhão
          uUxe                 Piauí
          uUxf                 Ceará
          uUxg                 Rio Grande do Norte
          uUxh                 Paraíba
          uUxi                 Pernambuco
          uUxj                 Alagoas
          uUxk                 Sergipe
          uUxl                 Bahia
          uUxm                 Minas Gerais
          uUxn                 Espírito Santo
          uUxo                 Rio de Janeiro state
          uUxp                 São Paulo state
          uUxq                 Paraná
          uUxr                 Santa Catarina
          uUxs                 Rio Grande do Sul
          uUxt                 Mato Grosso do Sul
          uUxu                 Mato Grosso
          uUxv                 Rondônia
          uUxw                 Amazonas
          uUxwzc                 Acre
          uUxwzr                 Roraima
          uUxx                 Pará
          uUxy                 Amapá
          uUxzp            Paraguay; Republic of Paraguay
          uUxzu            Uruguay; Eastern Republic of Uruguay
          uUy            Argentina; Argentine Republic
          uUyX                 provinces of Argentina
          uUya                 Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
          uUyb                 Buenos Aires Province
          uUyc                 Entre Rios
          uUyd                 Santa Fe
          uUye                 Corrientes
          uUyf                 Misiones
          uUyg                 Chaco
          uUyh                 Formosa
          uUyi                 Salta
          uUyj                 Jujuy
          uUyk                 Catamarca
          uUyl                 Tucumán
          uUym                 Santiago del Estero
          uUyn                 Córdoba
          uUyo                 La Rioja
          uUyp                 San Juan
          uUyq                 San Luis
          uUyr                 La Pampa
          uUys                 Mendoza
          uUyt                 Neuquén
          uUyu                 Río Negro
          uUyv                 Chubut
          uUyw                 Santa Cruz
          uUyx                 Tierra del Fuego
          uUyzc            Chile; Republic of Chile
          ub       bands
          ue       tribes
          uh       chiefdoms
          uk       city-states; polis; communes  ↞ sdq cities
          uk919rh                                city-states in ancient Greece
          uk919sh                                city-states in Western Christendom
          up       empires
          up919bs                                Assyrian Empire
          up919g                           Achaemenid empire; First Persian empire
          up919jmm                                     Mongol Empire
          up919kc                                Chinese empire
          up919kp                                Japanese empire
          up919rhn                                     empire of Alexander
          up919rr                                Roman empire
          up919sh                                Holy Roman Empire
          up919sm                                Byzantine empire; Eastern Roman Empire
          up919so                                Ottoman Empire; Turkish Empire
          upn            colonial empires  ↞ tywd Age of Discovery
          upn92b                           British colonial empire
          upn92d                           French colonial empire
          upn92e                           Spanish colonial empire
          upn92ezp                           Portuguese colonial empire
          ut       modern nation states; countries; sovereign states; unitary states  ↞ jU landmasses of the contemporary Earth tt peoples tyw modern Western civilization   
          uu       supranational unions; continental unions; leagues
          uu92c                      European Union; EU
          uu92nzw                      Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; APEC
          uu92o                      Association of Southeast Asian Nations; ASEAN
          uw       intergovernmental organizations  ↞ u7t military
          uw7o                 international court  [international law]
          uwt            League of Nations 1920-1946
          uwu            United Nations; UN
          uwu90                      UN specialized agencies
          uwu90rl                                Food and Agriculture Organization; FAO
          uwu90sh                                World Health Organization; WHO
          uwu90vq                                International Monetary Fund; IMF
          uwu90y                           UNESCO; UN Educational; Scientific and Cultural Organization
          v  legal entities; legal persons; juridical persons; companies; owners  [law]  ↞ p6 driven by s services   ≈ DDC 330
          v09            according to economical theory
          v09l                 classical political economy; rational choice theory incl' Smith, Ricardo, Malthus
          v09lp                      Polanyi school of economic sociology
          v09ls                      social structure of accumulation approach
          v09lt                      post-Keynesian theory
          v09lv                      transaction costs analysis
          v09m                 classical Marxism
          v09n                 classical theories of imperialism
          v09o                 modernization theory
          v09p                 theories of worsening terms of trade incl' Prebisch
          v09q                 dependency theories
          v09s                 institutionalism
          v09t                 action theory
          v2   [u]       scale
          v2t            national
          v2v            international
          v3       bound by contract
          v35   ⋄           run by businessman  ↞ px persons
          v43   [u]           sued by plaintiff
          v48   [u]           prohibited by; banned by; punished by; penalized by institution
          v5        legal activity
          v5d            saving
          v5k            trade; commerce; exchange; market  [marketing]  ≈ DDC 381
          v5k2v                       international trade
          v5kb                 gift
          v5kk                 barter
          v5kl                 loan
          v5kr                 renting
          v5ks                 sale
          v5m            investment
          v5p            inheritance  ↞ v6g succession law
          v5q            taxation; levies  ↞ u polities
          v5qc                 income taxes
          v5qcg                      capital gains tax
          v5qi                 social-security contributions
          v5ql                 payroll taxes  ↞ v7bp employment
          v5qp                 property taxes
          v5qpi                      inheritance taxes  ↞ v5p inheritance
          v5qpp                      expatriation taxes
          v5qpt                      transfer taxes; stamp duty taxes
          v5qpw                      wealth taxes
          v5qs                 goods and services taxes
          v5qsd                      value added taxes
          v5qsl                      sales taxes
          v5qss                      excises
          v5qst                      tariffs
          v5qv                 license fees
          v5qw                 poll taxes
          v5s            pensions
          v5sr                 retirement plans; superannuations
          v6       according to; under regulation; institution; legal order; law; norm; rule; act  [jurisprudence; legal theory]  ≈ DDC 348
          v66   [p6]           having right
          v69             economic system  ≈ DDC 339
          v69b                 domestic economies; internal consumption  
          v69c                 reciprocity economies; symmetrical exchange
          v69g                 redistribution economies; centralized exchange
          v69k                 market economies
          v69kf                      feudal systems
          v69kp                      capitalism
          v69kpl                           laissez-faire
          v69m                 mixed economies; compromise systems
          v69mm                      mercantilism; mercantile systems
          v69mq                      liberalism
          v69mr                      dirigisme
          v69p                 planned economies; hands-on systems
          v69pc                      socialism  ≈ DDC 335
          v69pcc                           communism
          v69t                 participatory economies
          v6e            law of property  ↞ v7 owing
          v6g            succession law  ↞ m5x death
          v6i            conflict of laws; private international law
          v6j            corporate law; corporations law; company law  ↞ v legal entities
          v6k            competition law
          v6l            labour law  ↞ v7b labour   ≈ DDC 344
          v6m            commercial law  ↞ v5k trade   ≈ DDC 343
          v6n            intellectual property law  ↞ x creative arts y scholarship
          v6nc                 copyright
          v6ne                 patents
          v6nm                 trademarks
          v6nr                 industrial design rights  ↞ rt factories
          v6ns                 trade secrets
          v6oWy            public law
          v6p            penal law; criminal law  ↞ u4 committing   ≈ DDC 345
          v6s            constitutional law  ≈ DDC 342
          v6t            administrative law  ↞ u7l civil service   ≈ DDC 342
          v6w            international law; public international law
          v7       owing asset; property; estate
          v72   [uU]           in currency, money
          v72b                 pound sterling; GBP; £
          v72c                 euro; EUR
          v72ezs                 Swiss franc; CHF; Fr
          v72q                 yen; Japanese yen; JPY
          v72r                 yuan; Chinese yuan; renminbi; CNY
          v72s                 Australian dollar; AUD; A$
          v72t                 Canadian dollar; CAD; C$
          v72v                 US dollar; USD; $
          v7b            labour; labor; producers; workers; human resources  ↞ px persons   ≈ DDC 331
          v7bb                 volunteering
          v7bc                 housework
          v7bf                 slavery
          v7bg                 unfree labour
          v7bh                 wage slavery
          v7bp                 employment; wage labour; job; occupation
          v7bv                 consulting
          v7d            natural resources; land  ≈ DDC 333
          v7eWs            real capital; capital assets
          v7iWs            capital goods; means of production
          v7i            fixed capital
          v7id                 land; arable land; land control  ↞ j landforms rl farms
          v7ik                 buildings capital  ↞ sde buildings
          v7ip                 plants  ↞ r production
          v7iq                 equipments  ↞ r production
          v7m            movables; movable property; personal property; chattels; objects
          v7r            working capital; inventory
          v7v            financial capital; funds
          v7vc                 commodity money
          v7ve                 representative money; token coins  [exonumia]
          v7vh                 cash; fiat money  ↞ vqc central banks
          v7vhc                      coins
          v7vhn                      banknotes; bill; paper money; notes  [notaphily]
          v7vm                 commercial bank money  ↞ vqb banks
          v7vmc                      cheque; check
          v7vmr                      credit card
          v82   [an89]            size
          v88   [an]            budget $
          v883   [an]                plus $ asset; income; price
          v884   [an]                minus $ liability; expenditure; cost
          v88pp   ⋄                     one hundred dollars; USD 100.00
          v90            in sector; industry
          vb       public; communal ownership  [public finance; government finance]  ↞ u polities   ≈ DDC 336
          vb7X                 public property  ≈ DDC 343
          vd       privates; natural persons; physical persons; personal owners  ↞ tb citizens
          vd7X                 private property
          veWx       juridical persons; artificial persons; fictitious persons
          vg       organized civil society; unions; voluntary associations; non-governmental organizations; NGOs  [organizational studies]  ≈ DDC 060
          vg90   ⋄                dealing with matter of interest; topic; scope
          vg90mU(7jb)   ⋄                                    blood associations
          vg90r                      industry professional association; association of crafts; guild  ↞ uatb   ≈ DDC 369
          vg90wt   ⋄                          religion
          vg90wtt   ⋄                               Christian organizations
          vg90wtth   ⋄                                    Catholic organizations
          vgY            individual organizations
          vgl            clubs  ≈ DDC 367
          vgv            trade unions; labour unions
          vgx            criminal organizations; mafias; ganglands; gangsterism; racketeering  ↞ u4 committing
          vgxt                 terrorist groups
          vj       cooperative businesses; co-ops  ≈ DDC 334
          vjc            non-profit community organizations
          vje            consumer cooperatives
          vjh            housing cooperatives
          vjk            worker cooperatives
          vjx            multi-stakeholder cooperatives
          vl       limited liability companies; LLC; GmbH
          vo       corporations; companies s.s.; firms  ≈ DDC 650
          von            non-stock corporations; not-for-profit corporations
          vos            stock corporations
          vos7Dd                           board of directors
          vos7Dh                           stockholders; shareholders
          vosw                 multinational corporations; MNC; international; stateless corporations; worldwide; transnational enterprises
          vp       corporate groups; groups of companies; conglomerates
          vq       financial institutions; banking institutions  ≈ DDC 332
          vqbWk            depository institutions
          vqb            banks; commercial banks
          vqbe                 savings bank
          vqbep                      postal savings banks  ↞ st6m post
          vqbl                 land development banks; LDB
          vqc            central banks; reserve bank; monetary authority  ↞ ut modern nation states
          vqd            building societies
          vqf            credit unions; co-operative banks  ↞ vj cooperative businesses
          vqh            trust companies
          vqj            mortgage loan companies
          vqnWp            contractual institutions
          vqn            insurance companies  ≈ DDC 368
          vqp            pension funds  ↞ v5s pensions
          vqsWx            investment institutions  ↞ v5m investment
          vqs            investment banks
          vqv            underwriters
          vqx            brokerage firms
          w  customs; uses; habits; lore; tradition; rituals; religion  ≈ DDC 200
          w1       in historical period; calendar time; epoch  ↞ i1uh Holocene bbxprsvxw   ≈ DDC 900 940 950 960 970 980 990
          w1X   [an8]           millennia
          w1XX   [an8]                centuries
          w1XXX   [an8]                     decades
          w1XXXX   [an8]                          years
          w1XXXXX   [j1]                               months
          w1XXXXXX   [j1X]                                    dates
          w1XXXXXXX   [j189]                                    times; hours
          w1XXXXXXXX   [j189X]                                    minutes
          w1XXXXXXXXX   [j189XX]                                    seconds
          w1eWm            9,999 to 1,000 BC  [early history; archaeology]  
          w1e            9999 to 9000 BC; 10th millennium BC
          w1f            8999 to 8000 BC; 9th millennium BC
          w1g            7999 to 7000 BC; 8th millennium BC
          w1h            6999 to 6000 BC; 7th millennium BC
          w1i            5999 to 5000 BC; 6th millennium BC
          w1j            4999 to 4000 BC; 5th millennium BC
          w1k            3999 to 3000 BC; 4th millennium BC
          w1l            2999 to 2000 BC; 3rd millennium BC
          w1m            1999 to 1000 BC; 2nd millennium BC
          w1n            1 to 999 BC; 1st millennium BC
          w1nU   [w1nWos]                Antiquity; 999 BC to 499 AD  [ancient history]  ≈ DDC 930
          w1ne                 999 to 900 BC; 10th century BC
          w1nf                 899 to 800 BC; 9th century BC
          w1ng                 799 to 700 BC; 8th century BC
          w1nh                 699 to 600 BC; 7th century BC
          w1ni                 599 to 500 BC; 6th century BC
          w1nj                 499 to 400 BC; 5th century BC
          w1nk                 399 to 300 BC; 4th century BC
          w1nl                 299 to 200 BC; 3rd century BC
          w1nm                 199 to 100 BC; 2nd century BC
          w1nn                 99 to 1 BC; 1st century BC
          w1nnm                      19 to 10 BC
          w1nnn                      9 to 1 BC
          w1nnnm                           1 BC
          w1o            1 to 999 CE; 1st millennium CE
          w1oo                 1 to 99 CE; 1st century; I century
          w1ooo                      1 to 9 CE
          w1ooop                           1 CE
          w1oop                      10 to 19 CE
          w1op                 100 to 199 CE; 2nd century; II century; 100s
          w1oq                 200 to 299 CE; 3rd century; III century; 200s
          w1or                 300 to 399 CE; 4th century; IV century; 300s
          w1os                 400 to 499 CE; 5th century; V century; 400s
          w1otWx                 Early Middle Ages; Early Medieval Period
          w1ot                 500 to 599 CE; 6th century; VI century; 500s
          w1ou                 600 to 699 CE; 7th century; VII century; 600s
          w1ouqq                           622 CE; Hegira year; Hijrah year
          w1ov                 700 to 799 CE; 8th century; VIII century; 700s
          w1ow                 800 to 899 CE; 9th century; IX century; 800s
          w1ox                 900 to 999 CE; 10th century; X century; 900s
          w1p            1000 to 1999 CE; 1st millennium
          w1pU   [w1otWDps]                Middle Ages; post-classical period; 500 to 1499 CE  [medieval history]
          w1poWqs                 High Middle Ages; High Medieval Period
          w1po                 1000 to 1099 CE; 11th century; XI century; 1000s
          w1pp                 1100 to 1199 CE; 12th century; XII century; 1100s
          w1pq                 1200 to 1299 CE; 13th century; XIII century; 1200s
          w1pqtWDs                      Late Middle Ages; Late Medieval Period
          w1pr                 1300 to 1399 CE; 14th century; XIV century; 1300s
          w1psWt                 Renaissance
          w1ps                 1400 to 1499 CE; 15th century; XV century; 1400s
          w1psxq   ⋄                          1492
          w1ptWv                 Early Modern Period
          w1ptWx                 Modern Age; industrial age
          w1pt                 1500 to 1599 CE; 16th century; XVI century; 1500s
          w1pu                 1600 to 1699 CE; 17th century; XVII century; 1600s
          w1pv                 1700 to 1799 CE; 18th century; XVIII century; 1700s
          w1pvo                      1700-1709
          w1pvp                      1710-1719
          w1pvq                      1720-1729
          w1pvr                      1730-1739
          w1pvs                      1740-1749
          w1pvt                      1750-1759
          w1pvu                      1760-1769
          w1pvv                      1770-1779
          w1pvw                      1780-1789
          w1pvx                      1790-1799
          w1pwWx                 Late Modern Period
          w1pw                 1800 to 1899 CE; 19th century; XIX century; 1800s
          w1pwo                      1800-1809
          w1pwp                      1810-1819
          w1pwq                      1820-1829
          w1pwr                      1830-1839
          w1pws                      1840-1849
          w1pwt                      1850-1859
          w1pwu                      1860-1869
          w1pwv                      1870-1879
          w1pww                      1880-1889
          w1pwx                      1890-1899
          w1px                 1900 to 1999 CE; 20th century; XX century; 1900s
          w1pxo                      1900-1909
          w1pxoo                           1900
          w1pxop                           1901
          w1pxoq                           1902
          w1pxor                           1903
          w1pxos                           1904
          w1pxot                           1905
          w1pxou                           1906
          w1pxov                           1907
          w1pxow                           1908
          w1pxox                           1909
          w1pxp                      1910-1919; 1910s
          w1pxpo                           1910
          w1pxpp                           1911
          w1pxpq                           1912
          w1pxpr                           1913
          w1pxps                           1914
          w1pxpt                           1915
          w1pxpu                           1916
          w1pxpv                           1917
          w1pxpw                           1918
          w1pxpx                           1919
          w1pxq                      1920-1929; the Twenties; 1920s
          w1pxqo                           1920
          w1pxqp                           1921
          w1pxqq                           1922
          w1pxqr                           1923
          w1pxqs                           1924
          w1pxqt                           1925
          w1pxqu                           1926
          w1pxqv                           1927
          w1pxqw                           1928
          w1pxqx                           1929
          w1pxr                      1930-1939; the Thirties; 1930s
          w1pxro                           1930
          w1pxrp                           1931
          w1pxrq                           1932
          w1pxrr                           1933
          w1pxrs                           1934
          w1pxrt                           1935
          w1pxru                           1936
          w1pxrv                           1937
          w1pxrw                           1938
          w1pxrx                           1939
          w1pxs                      1940-1949; the Fourties; 1940s
          w1pxso                           1940
          w1pxsp                           1941
          w1pxsq                           1942
          w1pxsr                           1943
          w1pxss                           1944
          w1pxst                           1945
          w1pxsu                           1946
          w1pxsv                           1947
          w1pxsw                           1948
          w1pxsx                           1949
          w1pxt                      1950-1959; the Fifties; 1950s
          w1pxto                           1950
          w1pxtp                           1951
          w1pxtq                           1952
          w1pxtr                           1953
          w1pxts                           1954
          w1pxtt                           1955
          w1pxtu                           1956
          w1pxtv                           1957
          w1pxtw                           1958
          w1pxtx                           1959
          w1pxu                      1960-1969; the Sixties; 1960s
          w1pxuo                           1960
          w1pxup                           1961
          w1pxuq                           1962
          w1pxur                           1963
          w1pxus                           1964
          w1pxut                           1965
          w1pxuu                           1966
          w1pxuv                           1967
          w1pxuw                           1968
          w1pxux                           1969
          w1pxv                      1970-1979; the Seventies; 1970s
          w1pxvo                           1970
          w1pxvp                           1971
          w1pxvq                           1972
          w1pxvr                           1973
          w1pxvs                           1974
          w1pxvt                           1975
          w1pxvu                           1976
          w1pxvv                           1977
          w1pxvw                           1978
          w1pxvx                           1979
          w1pxw                      1980-1989; the Eighties; 1980s
          w1pxwo                           1980
          w1pxwp                           1981
          w1pxwq                           1982
          w1pxwr                           1983
          w1pxws                           1984
          w1pxwt                           1985
          w1pxwu                           1986
          w1pxwv                           1987
          w1pxww                           1988
          w1pxwx                           1989
          w1pxx                      1990-1999; the Nineties; 1990s
          w1pxxo                           1990
          w1pxxp                           1991
          w1pxxq                           1992
          w1pxxr                           1993
          w1pxxs                           1994
          w1pxxt                           1995
          w1pxxu                           1996
          w1pxxv                           1997
          w1pxxw                           1998
          w1pxxx                           1999
          w1q            2000 to 2999 CE; 2nd millennium
          w1qo                 2000 to 2099 CE; 21st century; XXI century; 2000s
          w1qoo                      2000-2009; the Two Thousands
          w1qooo                           2000
          w1qoop                           2001
          w1qooq                           2002
          w1qoor                           2003
          w1qoos                           2004
          w1qoot                           2005
          w1qoou                           2006
          w1qoov                           2007
          w1qoow                           2008
          w1qoox                           2009
          w1qop                      2010-2019; the Tens; 2010s
          w1qopo                           2010
          w1qopp                           2011
          w1qopq                           2012
          w1qopr                           2013
          w1qops                           2014
          w1qopt                           2015
          w1qopu                           2016
          w1qopv                           2017
          w1qopw                           2018
          w1qopx                           2019
          w1qoq                      2020-2029; the Twenties; 2020s
          w1qoqo                           2020
          w1qoqob   ⋄                               January 1-15, 2020
          w1qoqobb   ⋄                                    1st January 2020
          w1qoqoyq   ⋄                                    31st December 2020
          w1qoqp                           2021
          w1qoqq                           2022
          w1qoqr                           2023
          w1qoqs                           2024
          w1qoqt                           2025
          w1qoqu                           2026
          w1qoqv                           2027
          w1qoqw                           2028
          w1qoqx                           2029
          w1qoro                           2030
          w2       in designated place; official place
          w27   [uU]           in region
          w2a            free space
          w2f            field; outdoor
          w2m            temple; indoor
          w2q            table
          w2r            board
          w2v            video videogames  ↞ suu computers
          w2vo                 online  ↞ suvU the Internet
          w3   [X]      practiced by; played by role
          w31   [w]  ⋄           derived from original custom
          w35   [U]           administered by; organized by; played by officiant; player
          w358   [an]                 number of participants; contestants
          w358np                           solitaire
          w358nq                           match
          w358p                      hundreds participants
          w359                 played by players number
          w359i                      individuals
          w359t                      teams
          w36   [t7]           for recipients
          w38   [an]           for number of players
          w38np                      one solitaire
          w38nq                      two
          w3c            competitor; contestant; entrant
          w3m            team
          w3t            trainer; coach
          w3x            referee; arbitrator
          w46   [u6]           committing; tempted by sin; evil; guilt; vice; taboo
          w5        rite; worship; ceremony; liturgy; divine service  ↞ cp processes   ≈ DDC 390
          w50xn   ⋄                     dance
          w53   [xm7]           with musical instrument
          w56   [x]           through traditional art
          w5b            dressing up; masquerading  ↞ sf clothing
          w5c            procession; parade
          w5d            itinerant begging
          w5e            offering; sacrifice
          w5f            bonfire
          w5fe                 effigy burning
          w5fw                 firewalking
          w5g            fireworks
          w5h            ritual meal; sacred meal
          w5l            blessing; consecration
          w5le                 exorcism
          w6       invoking; appealing; referring to; believing in spiritual entity; power
          w60            set in; setting; simulating
          w66   [u6]           conforming to; pursuing precept; etiquette; conventional rules; good manners; politeness
          w69             sacrality
          w69e                 profane; secular
          w69i                 lay; laic; laical
          w69u                 religious; religion; sacred; holy
          w6b            ghosts
          w6c            souls
          w6d            ancestor souls
          w6e            saints; intercessors
          w6ee                 mother goddess; mother earth; heavenly mother; saint Mary
          w6g            angels
          w6gw                 archangels
          w6m            demons
          w6p            deities; gods
          w6pU                 God  
          w6s            impersonal spirits  
          w6y            pantheistic gods
          w7        symbol; sacred object  ↞ ouy symbols
          w70             symbolic object
          w70rb   ⋄                     food
          w70rf   ⋄                     clothing
          w70ro   ⋄                     agriculture
          w70v   ⋄                speech
          w70vo                      sacred words
          w75   [mq]           with ritual animal
          w76   [mp7]           with ritual plant part
          w77   [mU7]           with symbolic body part
          w7c            clothes  ↞ sf clothing
          w7f            effigies
          w7g            flags  [vexillology]
          w7h            religious symbol  ↞ wt faiths
          w7l            light sources
          w7lc                 candles
          w7lh                 torches
          w7o            ball
          w7p            pieces; miniature figurines; scale models
          w7q            dice
          w7r            cards
          w7s            scriptures; religious texts  ↞ ydi written texts   ≈ DDC 220
          w7sb                 sacred books; written revelation
          w7sm                 sacred commentaries
          w8   [X]      outcome
          w90sb                       cuisine; food style
          w90sf                       fashion; mode
          w91   [j1]           of date
          w92   [uU]           typical of country
          w922   [jU]                typical of region
          w93   [U]           founded by master
          w93niim                                Confucius
          w93nnnj                                Jesus Christ
          w93otvo                                Muhammad
          w93pswr                                Martin Luther
          w93ptox                                John Calvin; Jehan Cauvin
          w95   [qv]           of ethnicity; language speakers
          wb       social rituals
          wbg            greeting and parting customs; salutations  ↞ q7g gestures
          wbi            inaugurations
          wbo            toasts  ↞ sbv drinks
          wbp            banquets  ↞ sb food and drink
          wg       sport; physical games  ≈ DDC 790 796
          wg35                 played by athlete
          wg4             foul
          wg57   [an]                stage
          wg59                  event
          wg59f                      scored performance
          wg59m                      match
          wg59r                      race; racing
          wg59rm                           mass start
          wg59rt                           time trial
          wg69                  event status
          wg69c                      occasional event
          wg69s                      championship
          wg69sc                           title match
          wg69se                           tournament
          wg69sl                           league
          wg69sp                           playoff
          wg69ss                           season
          wg8            result; outcome
          wg8a                 win
          wg8t                 tie
          wg8x                 defeat
          wg91   [w1]                of; edition of year
          wge            acrobatics
          wgep                 human pyramids
          wgf            martial arts; fighting arts
          wgg            gymnastics
          wggc                 artistic gymnastics
          wggi                 rhythmic gymnastics
          wggm                 trampolining; power tumbling
          wggr                 acrobatic gymnastics
          wggt                 team-gym
          wggw                 aerobic gymnastics
          wggy                 display gymnastics
          wgh            athletics
          wgi            swimming; diving; aquatic games  ≈ DDC 797
          wgn            winter sports
          wgo            open air sports
          wgoh                 hiking; trekking
          wgol                 alpinism; mountain climbing  ↞ jd mountains
          wgon                 sport fishing  ↞ ri fisheries
          wgoo                 sport hunting  ↞ rh hunting
          wgt            ball team sports
          wgte                 baseball
          wgtk                 cricket
          wgtr                 rugby football
          wgts                 soccer; association football
          wgts35                           played by player
          wgts35pvuou                                     Maradona; Diego Armando Maradona
          wgts35pxwvm                                     Messi; Lionel Messi; Leo Messi
          wgtw                 basketball
          wgu            blood sports
          wgub                 bullfighting
          wguc                 cockfighting
          wgv            animal sports; riding; driving; horse racing  ↞ mq animals
          wgw            cycle sport; bicycling; biking  ↞ stei bicycles
          wgw35                      run by cyclist
          wgw35pwwtk                                     Gerbi; Giovanni Gerbi; Diavolo Rosso
          wgw35pxpxr                                     Coppi; Fausto Coppi
          wgw35pxstm                                     Merckx; Eddy Merckx
          wgw35pxwtk                                     Froome; Chris Froome
          wgwb                 road bicycle racing  ↞ st2r road
          wgwbd                      road bicycle single-day races
          wgwbd92dm                                     in Hauts-de-France; Paris-Roubaix
          wgwbd92ff                                     in Lombardy; il Lombardia
          wgwbs                      road bicycle stage races
          wgwbs92d                                     Tour de France; la Grande Boucle
          wgwbs92e                                     Vuelta a España
          wgwbs92f                                     Giro d'Italia
          wgwc                 cyclo-cross
          wgwm                 mountain-bike racing
          wgws                 cycle speedway
          wgwt                 track cycling
          wgwx                 BMX; bicycle motocross; bike motocross
          wgx            motor sports  ↞ ste road vehicles
          wgx35                      run by driver; rider; biker
          wgx35pvty                                     Roberts; Kenny Roberts
          wgx35pxsoe                                     Mario Andretti
          wgx35pxvse                                     Loeb; Sébastien Loeb
          wh       vertigo games; dizziness games
          whl            slide
          whm            merry-go-round; carousel
          whs            seesaw; swing; teeter totter
          wi       entertainment; play; recreation; leisure; spare time activities  ≈ DDC 794
          wicWh            tabletop games
          wic            games of chance
          wicd                 dice games
          wicr                 roulette
          wid            card games
          widp                 poker
          wie            tile-based games
          wied                 dominoes
          wiem                 mahjong
          wig            board games; miniature games
          wigb                 backgammon
          wigc                 chess
          wigg                 go
          wigm                 Monopoly
          wii            puzzles; enigmistics
          wiie                 rebuses
          wiio                 crosswords
          wiis                 sudoku
          wim            imitation games; impersonation games
          wim60sh                                healthcare playing doctors
          wir            role-playing games; RPGs
          wird                 Dungeons & Dragons; D&D; DnD
          wiw            collecting
          wl       feast days; holy days; holidays; calendar celebrations  ↞ j19 in
          wlc            middle winter feasts  ↞ j19w winter
          wld            late winter feasts
          wldc                 Carnival
          wldl                 Lent
          wldn                 Chinese New Year; Spring Festival
          wle            vernal equinox feasts; Nowruz
          wlg            early spring feasts
          wlge                 Easter; Passover; Pesach; Pascha; Resurrection Sunday  ↞ j169m full moon
          wlh            middle spring feasts  ↞ j19i spring
          wlhm                 May Day; May Calends; Beltane  ↞ j1jb May 1
          wli            late spring feasts
          wlj            summer solstice feasts; Midsummer; St. Johns Day  ↞ j1mj June 24
          wlk            early summer feasts
          wll            middle summer feasts  ↞ j19m summer
          wlm            late summer feasts
          wln            autumnal equinox feasts; Chuseok
          wlo            early autumn feasts
          wlp            middle autumn feasts  ↞ j19t fall
          wlph                 Halloween; Eve of Winter; All Saints' Eve; Samhain
          wlq            late autumn feasts
          wlqd                 Advent
          wlr            winter solstice feasts; Midwinter; Brumalia
          wls            early winter feasts
          wlsc                 Christmas
          wlsn                 New Year day  ↞ j1bb January 1st
          wlsp                 Epiphany
          wlw            variable calendar feasts
          wlwr                 Ramadan
          wm       sacraments; initiations; rites of passage; sacred passages
          wmf            baptism; Christening
          wmk            puberty initiation  ↞ m8l adolescent
          wmkn                 age of majority feasts; conscription feasts
          wmm            familiar bonds
          wmme                 engagement
          wmml                 civil union; civil partnership
          wmmm                 marriage; matrimony; wedlock  ↞ osm mating
          wmmmm                      monogamy
          wmmmms                           serial monogamy
          wmmmp                      polygamy
          wmmmpg                           polygyny
          wmmmpgc                                concubinage
          wmmmpn                           polyandry
          wmmms                      same-sex marriage; gay marriage
          wmmx                 separation
          wmmxm                      separation by mutual consent
          wmmy                 divorce
          wmu            anointing of the sick; extreme unction  ↞ m5w ageing
          wmx            mourning; grief; funeral rites  ↞ sk funeral services m8x dead
          wo       occultism; paranormal beliefs; esoterism; arcane  [parapsychology]  ≈ DDC 130
          woe            extrasensory perception; ESP
          woec                 clairvoyance
          woecf                      precognition; prescience; future vision; future sight
          woem                 mediumship
          woep                 demonic possession
          woet                 telepathy
          woeu                 multilocation; bilocation
          woev                 psychokinesis; telekinesis
          woex                 close encounter
          woi            divination  ≈ DDC 133
          woie                 haruspicy; extispicy  ↞ mqv chordates
          woih                 horoscopes; natal charts; celestial maps; cosmograms; vitaspheres; radical charts  [astrology]  ↞ h celestial objects
          woihg                      angles
          woihgf                           ascendant; first house; East angle
          woihgm                           midheaven; tenth house; North Angle
          woihgq                           descendant; seventh house; West angle
          woihgu                           imnum coeli; fourth house; South angle
          woiho                      zodiac; sun signs
          woihob                           Aries
          woihod                           Taurus
          woihof                           Gemini
          woihoh                           Cancer
          woihoj                           Leo
          woihol                           Virgo
          woihon                           Libra
          woihop                           Scorpio
          woihot                           Capricorn
          woihov                           Aquarius
          woihow                           Sagittarius
          woihox                           Pisces
          woihs                      houses
          woil                 palmistry; chiromancy; palm reading
          woin                 necromancy
          woit                 tasseomancy
          woiw                 cartomancy
          wom            magic; sorcery
          won            numerology  ↞ an quantities
          wot            theophany; divine appearance
          wow            miracles
          wp       religious practices; spirituality  ↞ ped awe
          wpc            mysticism; religious ecstasy
          wpe            meditation; contemplation
          wpef                 focused attention
          wpefb                      ānāpānasati; mindfulness of breathing
          wpefm                      mettā; maitrī; loving-kindness
          wpefp                      single point meditation
          wpeft                      mantra meditation
          wpeftm                           transcendental meditation
          wpeo                 open monitoring
          wpeom                      mindfulness
          wpeos                      shikantaza
          wpg            prayer
          wpgg                 grace
          wpgh                 hymns
          wpgi                 incantation; enchantment; magic spell
          wpgw                 creed
          wpi            abstinence
          wpif                 fasting
          wpis                 sexual abstinence; chastity
          wpl            pilgrimage
          wpp            preaching
          wps            mission
          wpw            monasticism; monastic living; monkhood; asceticism
          wr       religious beliefs  ≈ DDC 210
          wrc            animism
          wre            fetishism  ↞ s services
          wrf            phallism; sexual worship  ↞ osm mating
          wrh            shamanism
          wri            spiritualism; idealism  ↞ w6 invoking p consciousness
          wrir                 reincarnation; rebirth; transmigration
          wrn            naturalism  ↞ g bulk matter h celestial objects i rocks j landforms k genes l cells m organisms
          wrnm                 materialism  ↞ g bulk matter
          wru            humanism  ↞ t civil society
          wrw            rationalism  ↞ por reason
          wt       faiths; doctrines; denominations  ≈ DDC 290
          wt3            practiced by; professed by adherent; prophet  ↞ px persons
          wt31ts   ⋄                          Judaism
          wt3b                 lay persons; lay adherents
          wt3b(86c)                                non adherents; non believers
          wt3d                 elders; senior members
          wt3f                 lay assistants
          wt3h                 hermits; ascetics; fakirs
          wt3m                 monks; monastic orders
          wt3mn                      nuns
          wt3n                 deacons; assistant ministers
          wt3p                 clerics; clergymen; churchmen; ministers; priests
          wt3po                      seniors; bishops; abbots
          wt3pt                      archbishops; metropolitans
          wt3pw                      general leader
          wt3x                 prophets
          wt3xb                      founder; originator
          wt3xd                      reformers
          wt3xe                      messiah
          wt3xg                      gurus; mahatmas; prophets SS; wise men
          wt3xm                      martyrs
          wt3xs                      saints; bodhisattvas; enlightened ones
          wt3xu                      thaumaturgers; wonder workers; miracle workers
          wt3xw                      shamans; witch doctors; medicine men; sorcerers
          wt3xy                      theocratic sovereigns; divinely appointed kings
          wtc            Vedic Brahmanism; Vedism  ≈ DDC 294
          wtd            Hinduism; Sana-Tana Dharma  ≈ DDC 294
          wtdf                 Nyaya; school of logic
          wtdi                 Vaisheshika; atomist school
          wtdm                 Samkhya; enumeration school
          wtdo                 Yoga; Patanjali school
          wtds                 Purva Mimamsa
          wtdv                 Vedanta; Uttara Mimamsa
          wte            Carvaka; Charvaka; Lokayata
          wtf            Jainism  ≈ DDC 294
          wtg            Sikhism; Gurmat  ≈ DDC 294
          wth            Buddhism
          wth3xb                           Buddha; Siddhārtha Gautama; Shakyamuni Buddha
          wthh                 Hinayana; Theravada; the Lesser Vehicle
          wthm                 Mahayana; the Great Vehicle
          wthq                 Chinese Buddhism including Kosa; Fa-hsiang; T'ien T'ai; Chen-yen
          wths                 Lamaism; Vajrayana
          wthsb                      Bonpo
          wthsn                      Tantrism
          wthst                      Tibetan Lamaism
          wtht                 Japanese Buddhism including Nara, Tendai, Shingon, Kamakara
          wthte                      Zen
          wthtei                           Rinzai
          wthtes                           Soto
          wthtp                      Pure Land Buddhism
          wtk            Confucianism
          wtkn                 Neo-Confucianism
          wtl            Legalism
          wtm            Mohism; Moism
          wtn            Taoism; Daoism
          wtn3xb                           Lao-tzu
          wto            Shinto
          wtot                 Oomoto; Oomoto-kyo
          wtp            ancient Egyptian religion
          wtp3xy                           pharaoh
          wtq            paganism; pre-Christian Europe polytheism
          wtqc                 Celtic paganism
          wtqcd                      druidism
          wtr            Zoroastrianism; Mazdeism; Yezidis  ≈ DDC 295
          wtsWu            Abrahamic religions
          wts            Judaism  ≈ DDC 296
          wts3p                      rabbi
          wts7s                      Jewish scriptures
          wts7sb                           Jewish Bible  ≈ DDC 220
          wts7sm                           Talmud; rabbinic literature
          wtso                 orthodox Judaism
          wtsom                      modern ortodox Judaism
          wtsou                      Haredi; ultra-orthodox Judaism
          wtsouh                           Hasidic Judaism
          wtsq                 Masorti; conservative Judaism
          wtss                 Sephardi
          wtst                 Reform Judaism
          wtsu                 progressive Judaism; liberal Judaism
          wtsuh                      humanist Judaism
          wtsuw                      reconstructionist Judaism
          wtsv                 Samaritans
          wtsw                 Ashkenazi; Mizrahi
          wtsx                 Karaism; Karaite Judaism
          wtt            Christianity  ≈ DDC 230 240 250 260 270 280
          wtt3p                      Christian priests  ≈ DDC 250
          wtt3po                           bishops
          wtt3pt                           archbishops
          wtt3pw                           the pope
          wtt3xe                           Jesus; Christ
          wtt3xs                           Christian saints
          wtt7h                      Christian symbol Christian cross; dove
          wtt7sb                           Christian Bible  ≈ DDC 220
          wttb                 primitive Church  ≈ DDC 281
          wttc                 Melkites; Melchites; Eastern patriarchates  ≈ DDC 281
          wttd                 Orthodoxes  ≈ DDC 281
          wttf                 Monophysites; Eastern churches  ≈ DDC 281
          wttfb                      Armenian church
          wttfc                      Coptic church
          wttfd                      Nestorian and Chaldean-catholic churches
          wttfe                      Ethiopian church
          wttfm                      Maronite church
          wttfs                      Syrian church; Jacobite
          wttft                      St. Thomas Christianity; Malabar; Mar Thoma Syrian church
          wtth                 Roman Catholicism  ≈ DDC 282
          wtti                 non-Roman Catholicism
          wttii                      independent Catholic churches
          wttio                      old Catholic church
          wttn                 Anglicanism  ≈ DDC 283
          wttp                 Protestantism; Reform churches
          wttpe                      Born Again incl' fundamentalism, revivalism, puritain free
          wttpeb                           Anabaptism; Mennonites
          wttpec                           Baptism  ≈ DDC 286
          wttped                           Darbysm
          wttpef                           Frères Larges
          wttpei                           Anglican evangelism
          wttpel                           free churches
          wttpem                           Methodism  ≈ DDC 287
          wttpep                           Pentecostism
          wttpeq                           Quakers; Religious Society of Friends  ≈ DDC 289
          wttpes                           Salvation Army
          wttpev                           Adventism  ≈ DDC 286
          wttpew                           Reformed Evangelism
          wttph                      Hussites
          wttpk                      African churches; Kimbangism
          wttpl                      Lutheranism  ≈ DDC 284
          wttpll                           Presbyterianism; Calvinistic methodism  ≈ DDC 285
          wttpm                      Moravian Church; United Brethren; Unitas Fratrum; Herrnhuters  ≈ DDC 284
          wttpn                      Calvinism; Reformed Presbiterianism including Calvinists, Huguenots  ≈ DDC 284
          wttpnc                           Congregationalism  ≈ DDC 285
          wttpnr                           Arminiens; Remontrants
          wttpnu                           Puritanism  ≈ DDC 285
          wttpnw                           Walloon Church
          wttpp                      Pietism
          wttpv                      Waldensians; Waldenses; Vaudois; Valdesi
          wttpw                      Lollards; Wycliffites
          wtts                 Mormons; Latter-Day Saints
          wttt                 Moonism
          wttu                 Neo-Apostolism
          wttv                 transversal theological groups
          wttvb                      Barth theology; Neo-Orthodoxes
          wttvc                      Charismatic movement
          wttvf                      Liberation Theology
          wttvl                      Theological Liberalism
          wttvld                           Death of God theology
          wttvm                      modern theologies
          wttvs                      social Christianity
          wttvzs                 Christian Science; Scientism
          wttw                 Jehovah's Witnesses
          wttwzs                 Antitrinitaires; Socinians; Unitarians; Christadelphism
          wttwzu                 Universalism; Armstrong  ≈ DDC 289
          wttwzw                 Swedenborgians
          wttx                 Apostolic churches
          wtty                 African indigenous sects
          wtu            Islam  ≈ DDC 297
          wtu3p                      imam
          wtu3xb                           Muhammad
          wtu7sb                           Koran; Qur'an; Quran; Alcoran; Al-Qur'an
          wtub                 Black Muslims
          wtud                 Druze faith
          wtuk                 Nurculuk
          wtun                 Sunni; Sunnites
          wtuq                 Shi'a; Shi'ites
          wtuqh                      Ahmadiya
          wtus                 Sufism; Dervish; Darvesh
          wtv            Bahá'í faith; Bahaism  ≈ DDC 297
          wtvb                 Babism
          wtvzf            Anthroposophy
          wtvzo            Cao Dai
          wtvzw            Rastafarianism
          wtw            New Age
          wtwzs            Scientology; Dianetics
          wtx            Theosophy
          wty            Humanism; International Humanist and Ethical Union
          xWy  intellectual products
          x  creative arts; art works; aesthetic expressions   [aesthetics; art criticism]  ↞ u6u ouu icons g bulk matter   ≈ DDC 700
          x18   [w1]           in historical period
          x2       in art environment; scenery
          x27   [uU]           in region
          x2b            real location
          x2l            atelier; workroom
          x2t            stage; deck; theatre
          x2u            studio; set
          x2ul                 backlot
          x2us                 soundstage
          x3   [X]      by art tool; instrument; equipment
          x35   [U]           performed by performer
          x36   [t7]           for audience; target
          x4        aesthetic limitation
          x45   [s4]           damaged by damaging factor
          x45f                 wear; usury
          x45r                 break
          x4d            didactic
          x4k            kitsch
          x5        creation; technique; procedure
          x5b            conception; ideation
          x5c            design; preparation
          x5d            draft
          x5e            source collection; research; study; finding
          x5n            preparation
          x5o            production; manufacturing
          x5p            publication; exposition
          x5q            reproduction  
          x5s            distribution
          x5u            popularization
          x5v            conservation; preservation; keeping
          x5vs                 shelving; location
          x6        genre; tone  
          x60            treating; representing subject; theme
          x61   [ty]           set in epoch
          x61rr                      ancient Rome; sword-and-sandal; peplum
          x62   [uU]           set in place
          x63   [o]           set after antecedents; prior event
          x65   [o]           narrating plot; quest
          x66   [y84]            fictionality
          x66f                 fictional
          x66g                 allegorical
          x66y                 non-fiction; real
          x67   [U]           with character
          x674   [U]                opposed by evil character; enemy
          x675   [U]                for beneficiary character
          x677   [U]                helped by friend character
          x678   [U]                with hero; protagonist
          x68   [o]           aiming at mission; objective
          x6b            non-fiction
          x6c            epic
          x6cm                 mythopoeia
          x6d            adventure
          x6e            noir; rogue
          x6f            horror
          x6g            tragedy
          x6h            drama
          x6i            speculative fiction
          x6k            tragicomedy
          x6l            satire
          x6n            nonsense
          x6o            comedy
          x6r            romance
          x6t            erotic
          x6tp                 porno
          x6v            lyric
          x7   [X]       art component
          x71   [an]            sequential part
          x73   [xm7]           with musical instrument
          x75   [x]           with artistic component
          x75f                 painting; backdrop
          x75i                 lights
          x75l                 text; lyrics; dialogs
          x75m                 sound; music
          x76   [r9]           made of material; carrier
          x77   [sf]           with costume; dress
          x77e                 dress
          x77m                 makeup
          x78   [X]           with tone
          x8   [X]       pace; rhythm; cadence
          x81   [an89]            duration
          x818   [an]                 duration min
          x81f                 short
          x81u                 long
          x82   [an89]            size
          x86             number of elements
          x88             quantity of elements
          x88nq                      duo
          x88nr                      trio
          x88ns                      quartet
          x88nt                      quintet
          x89   [X]            mode
          x9        style; art movement; artistic movement
          x90            for function
          x90r                 decoration
          x90sd                      architecture
          x90sf                      fashion
          x90sr                      retail commercial; popular; consumerist
          x90t                 monument public art
          x90w                 ceremony
          x90wi                      entertainment
          x90wp                      worship sacred art
          x90x                 art aesthetic; autotelic
          x91   [w1]           typical of time
          x92   [uU]           typical of country
          x922   [jU]                typical of region
          x923   [jU]                descending from region
          x93   [U]           created by artist
          x93pstq                                Leonardo da Vinci
          x95   [qv]           in language
          x9i            classical antiquity; Graeco-Roman culture
          x9j            romanesque
          x9k            gothic
          x9m            humanism
          x9n            renaissance  ↞ w1pwWt 
          x9nm                 mannerism; late renaissance
          x9o            baroque
          x9p            rococo
          x9q            neoclassicism
          x9r            romanticism
          x9s            realism
          x9si                 impressionism
          x9sp                 pointillism
          x9su                 naturalism
          x9t            art nouveau
          x9tzd            art deco
          x9u            modernism; avant-garde  ↞ w1pw 1800 to 1899 CE w1px 1900 to 1999 CE
          x9ub                 symbolism
          x9ud                 dadaism
          x9uf                 futurism
          x9up                 expressionism
          x9us                 surrealism
          x9v            postmodernism
          x9vc                 conceptual art; conceptualism
          x9vd                 deconstructivism
          xbWd       plastic arts
          xbWh       cultural property; tangible heritage
          xb       sculptures  ≈ DDC 730
          xb76d                      wood
          xb76e                      stone
          xb76fg                           glass
          xb76fm                           ceramic pottery
          xb76h                      metal
          xb93njfn                                     Phidias; Pheidias
          xb93psvt                                     Michelangelo; Michelangelo Buonarroti
          xb93ptvt                                     Canova; Antonio Canova
          xbe            megaliths
          xbeb                 monoliths; menhirs; single stones
          xbed                 dolmens
          xbeg                 stone alignments
          xber                 stone circles; cromlechs
          xbl            relief; bas-relief, high relief
          xbs            statues; statuary
          xc       engravements  [glyptics]
          xeWi       visual arts  ↞ o5ed sight
          xe       mosaics
          xf       paintings  ≈ DDC 750
          xf3b                 brush
          xf3g                 sponge
          xf3i                 knife
          xf3r                 airbrush
          xf60                 of subject  [iconography]
          xf7             paint; pigment; colour; medium  ↞ g8 
          xf76                 on support; matrix
          xf76d                      wood
          xf76i                      fiber
          xf76r                      paper
          xf78   [g8]                with colour
          xf7c                 encaustic; hot wax
          xf7e                 watercolor
          xf7g                 gouache
          xf7j                 ceramic glaze
          xf7k                 ink
          xf7m                 egg tempera
          xf7n                 enamel
          xf7o                 oil
          xf7p                 pastel
          xf7q                 fresco
          xf7r                 acrylic
          xf7s                 spray; aerosol
          xf7u                 sand
          xf7w                 water miscible oil
          xf7x                 digital
          xf90y                      illustration
          xf93                 by painter
          xf93pquv                                     Giotto
          xf93pstr                                     Bosch; Hieronymus Bosch; Jeroen Anthoniszoon van Aken
          xf93pswr                                     Raffaello; Raffaello Sanzio
          xf93ptvps                                     Caravaggio; Michelangelo Merisi
          xf93pvuou                                     Hokusai; Katsushika Hokusai
          xf93pvvti                                     Turner; William Turner
          xf93pwrqc                                     Manet; Édouard Manet
          xf93pwtrg                                     van Gogh; Vincent van Gogh
          xf93pwwph                                     Picasso; Pablo Picasso
          xfb            abstract paintings  ↞ ccc surfaces
          xff            figures  ↞ mU human organisms
          xffn                 nudes
          xfh            portraits  ↞ px persons
          xfl            religious paintings  ↞ wt faiths
          xfq            still life  ↞ m organisms r production
          xfs            landscapes  ↞ j landforms
          xfu            vedutas  ↞ sd lodging
          xg       drawings  ≈ DDC 740 760
          xg90y                      illustration
          xgo            comics; BD
          xh       photographs  [photographic arts; reproductive arts]  ≈ DDC 770
          xi       light art; art of light
          xj       calligraphies
          xl       literature  [philology; literary theory; literary criticism]  ↞ poi imagination q language   ≈ DDC 800 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890
          xl71np                           part 1; chapter 1
          xl93   ⋄                by author; writer
          xl93njfi                                     Euripides
          xl93nngn                                     Virgil; Publius Vergilius Maro
          xl93oxvr                                     Murasaki Shikibu
          xl93pqov                                     Gialal al-Din Rumi; Jalāl al-Dīn Mohammad Balkhī; Mòlānā; Mòlavì
          xl93pqpo                                     Saadi
          xl93pqut                                     Dante; Dante Alighieri
          xl93ptsvs                                     Cervantes; Miguel de Cervantes
          xl93pvvty                                     Jane Austen
          xl93pvxxk                                     Balzac; Honoré de Balzac
          xl93pwoth                                     Andersen; Hans Christian Andersen
          xl93pwpxk                                     Whitman; Walt Whitman
          xl93pwuoc                                     Čechov; Anton Chekhov
          xl93pwwwl                                     Pessoa; Fernando Pessoa
          xl93pwxxq                                     Borges; Jorge Luis Borges
          xl93pxouh                                     Beckett; Samuel Beckett
          xl93pxprv                                     Camus; Albert Camus
          xl93pxqow                                     Celan; Paul Celan
          xl93pxqvf                                     Márquez; Gabriel García Márquez
          xl93pxqvs                                     Grass; Günter Grass
          xl93pxros                                     Chinua Achebe
          xl93pxsvm                                     Rushdie; Salman Rushdie
          xl95   ⋄                in language
          xlX            literary forms
          xlb            proverbs; sayings
          xld            riddles
          xlf            fairy tales; fables
          xlm            myths; legends; stories  [mythology]  ↞ qtb narrative texts
          xlp            epic
          xlr            narrative; novels
          xlrc                 short stories; short fiction
          xlrm                 mystery
          xlt            theatre plays  ↞ xr theatre
          xlv            poetry
          xlx            essays  ↞ y scholarship
          xmWr       performing arts; shows
          xm       music  [musicology; musical criticism]  ↞ g5n sound   ≈ DDC 780
          xm35                 performed by music performer
          xm35pxrq                                     Barenboim; Daniel Barenboim
          xm5c   ⋄                composition
          xm5d   ⋄                study; training; exercise
          xm5o   ⋄                performance; playing
          xm60   ⋄                evoking theme
          xm60jUesv   ⋄                                    Moldau
          xm7            for instrument; medium  ↞ s services
          xm70                 for object used as instrument
          xm70sb(3dts)                                     spoons
          xm75l                       lyrics
          xm769                       timbre; timber; sound quality; colour
          xm7a                 voice; song  ↞ mU7e human respiratory organs   ≈ DDC 782 783
          xm7ab                      bass
          xm7ae                      baritone
          xm7ah                      tenor
          xm7an                      contralto; alto
          xm7aq                      mezzo-soprano
          xm7as                      soprano
          xm7b                 body percussion  ↞ mU7 human organs
          xm7c                 idiophones; percussion instruments  ≈ DDC 786
          xm7cc                      vascular structure instruments
          xm7ccb                           bells
          xm7ccbw                                cowbells
          xm7ccg                           gongs
          xm7ci                      triangles
          xm7cl                      xylophones
          xm7cr                      reciprocally struck idiophones
          xm7cs                      indirectly struck idiophones
          xm7d                 membranophones; drums  ≈ DDC 786
          xm7dr                      friction drums
          xm7k                 cordophones; stringed instruments  ≈ DDC 787
          xm7k(7s)                           strings
          xm7kc                      zithers; simple chordophones
          xm7kf                      table cordophones
          xm7kfp                           pianos
          xm7kl                      lutes
          xm7klg                           plucked strings including guitars
          xm7kls                           bowed strings including violins
          xm7kp                      harps
          xm7n                 aerophones; wind instruments  ≈ DDC 788
          xm7n(7m)                           mouthpiece
          xm7n(7r)                           reed
          xm7n(7rg)                                vegetable reed  ↞ mpwb monocotyledons
          xm7n(7rt)                                artificial reed
          xm7nc                      straight closed flutes; Pan flutes
          xm7nf                      transverse flutes
          xm7nm                      clarinets; aerophones with simple reed
          xm7nmx                           saxophones
          xm7no                      oboes; aerophones with double reed
          xm7nq                      bagpipes; aerophones with air reservoir
          xm7nq(7b)                                bag; air reservoir
          xm7nr                      free reed aerophones
          xm7nrh                           harmonicas; mouth-organs
          xm7nrw                           accordions
          xm7nu                      mouthpiece aerophones
          xm7nuh                           horns
          xm7nut                           trumpets
          xm7t                 electrophones
          xm8             musical tempo
          xm86                  ensemble; chorus
          xm88                  medium broad size; formation
          xm88d                      solo; monodic
          xm88f                      ensemble
          xm88f87q                                     duo ensemble
          xm88f87r                                     trio ensemble
          xm88m                      group; band; polyphony
          xm88u                      orchestra
          xm88u7n                                wind orchestra; banda
          xm89   [xmbXX]                in tonality; key  ↞ xmbX octaves
          xm895   [ann]                      scale type; interval
          xm895v                           diatonic scale; heptatonic; heptatonia prima; set form 7-35
          xm895y                           chromatic; dodecatonic
          xm896   [xmbXX]                      musical mode; diatonic scale
          xm896a                           Aeolian mode
          xm896b                           Locrian mode
          xm896c                           Ionian mode; major scale
          xm896d                           Dorian mode
          xm896e                           Phrygian mode
          xm896f                           Lydian mode
          xm896g                           Mixolydian mode
          xm897   [ann]                      number of pitch classes
          xm897t                           pentatonic; five
          xm897u                           hexatonic; six
          xm897v                           heptatonic; seven
          xm897w                           octatonic; eight
          xm899                       tonality type
          xm899b                           major
          xm899c                           minor
          xm899d                           diminished
          xm89c                      C; do
          xm8c                 grave
          xm8d                 largo
          xm8e                 lento
          xm8g                 adagio
          xm8j                 andante
          xm8m                 moderato
          xm8p                 allegretto
          xm8r                 allegro
          xm8v                 vivace
          xm8x                 presto
          xm8y                 prestissimo
          xm90                 for function; purpose; occasion; effect
          xm90sm                           military functions
          xm90u                      official functions
          xm90wp                           rituals; sacred; liturgic music
          xm90xn                           dance
          xm90xs                           cinema
          xm92                 of; traditional of original region
          xm93                 by composer
          xm93ptqt                                     Palestrina; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
          xm93ptuv                                     Monteverdi; Claudio Monteverdi
          xm93ptvw                                     Vivaldi; Antonio Vivaldi
          xm93puwte                                     Händel; Georg Friedrich Händel
          xm93puwtg                                     J.S. Bach; Johann Sebastian Bach
          xm93pvrq                                     Haydn; Franz Joseph Haydn
          xm93pvtu                                     Mozart; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
          xm93pvvo                                     Beethoven; Ludwig van Beethoven
          xm93pvxv                                     Schubert; Franz Schubert
          xm93pwpof                                     Chopin; Fryderyk Chopin
          xm93pwprk                                     Wagner; Richard Wagner
          xm93pwprt                                     Verdi; Giuseppe Verdi
          xm93pwrrj                                     Brahms; Johannes Brahms
          xm93pwuon                                     Mahler; Gustav Mahler
          xm93pwusl                                     Richard Strauss
          xm93pwwpg                                     Bartók; Béla Bartók
          xm93pxprw                                     Britten; Benjamin Britten
          xm93pxqtg                                     Boulez; Pierre Boulez
          xm93pxqwq                                     Stockhausen; Karlheinz Stockhausen
          xm93pxqwv                                     Morricone; Ennio Morricone
          xm93pxsoe                                     De André; Fabrizio De André
          xm9o   ⋄                baroque
          xmb            notes; pitch classes
          xmbX                 octaves
          xmbXX                      notes
          xmbXc                      C; do; ut; si diesis
          xmbXd                      C#; do diesis; re bemolle
          xmbXe                      D; re
          xmbXf                      D#; mi bemolle; re diesis
          xmbXg                      E; mi; fa bemolle
          xmbXh                      F; fa; mi diesis
          xmbXi                      F#; fa diesis; sol bemolle
          xmbXj                      G; sol
          xmbXk                      G#; sol diesis; la bemolle
          xmbXl                      A; la
          xmbXm                      A#; si bemolle; la diesis
          xmbXn                      B; si; do bemolle
          xmbd                 subsubcontra
          xmbe                 subcontra
          xmbf                 contra octave
          xmbg                 great octave
          xmbh                 small octave
          xmbi                 one-lined octave
          xmbil                      standard A; A4
          xmbj                 two-lined octave
          xmbl                 three-lined octave
          xmbm                 four-lined octave
          xmbn                 five-lined octave
          xmbo                 six-lined octave
          xmc            chords  [harmony]
          xme            beats; rhythms; meters
          xmec                 simple duple
          xmed                 simple triple
          xmeg                 compound duple
          xmej                 compound triple
          xmf            phrases
          xmi            motifs
          xmil                 leitmotifs
          xmm            melodies; tunes; voices
          xmme                 themes
          xmmg                 verses
          xmmh                 refrains; choruses
          xmo            movements
          xmo85p   ⋄                          allegretto
          xms            pieces; compositions
          xmso                 sonatas
          xmss                 symphonies
          xmw            music genres; forms  ≈ DDC 781
          xmws                 Western art music; classical music
          xmws9o                           baroque; baroque
          xmws9r                           romantic
          xmww                 Western popular music
          xmwwg                      gospel
          xmwwh                      country
          xmwwi                      blues
          xmwwig                           boogie-woogie
          xmwwit                           electric blues
          xmwwj                      jazz
          xmwwm                      rhythm and blues; R&B
          xmwwo                      soul
          xmwwp                      ska; reggae; dub
          xmwwq                      rock and roll; rock'n'roll
          xmwwr                      rock music
          xmwwrb                           beat music; British beat; Merseybeat
          xmwwrg                           progressive rock
          xmwwrm                           heavy metal
          xmwws                      pop
          xmwwu                      hip hop; rap; rapcore
          xmwwv                      electronic dance
          xn       dances  [choreology]  ↞ wb social rituals q7g gestures
          xn36   ⋄                for social class
          xn71np                           part A
          xn71nq                           part B
          xn87                 for number of dancers
          xn87nq                           couples
          xn88                 for quantity of dancers
          xn88u                      groups
          xn90                 for function
          xn90t                      socialization
          xn90w                      ceremony sacred dance
          xn90wp                           ritual; tradition
          xn92dk   ⋄                          Brittany
          xnbWj            social dance; participatory dance
          xnkWy            concert dance; performance dance; theatre dance
          xnn            classical Indian dance; Shastriya Nritya  ↞ uUn India
          xnp            classical Persian dance  ↞ uUm Iran
          xnt            ballet
          xnv            acrobatic dance
          xnw            modern and contemporary dance
          xo       circus  ≈ DDC 791
          xr       theatre; recitation; plays; performances  [stagecraft]  ≈ DDC 792
          xr35                 played by actor
          xr35pwssu                                     Sarah Bernhardt; Henriette Rosine Bernard
          xr6h                 drama
          xr6o                 comedy
          xr93                 written by playwright; poet
          xr93njfn                                     Euripides
          xr93puqqb                                     Molière; Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
          xr93pwsxc                                     Strindberg; August Strindberg
          xrd            Greek tragedies
          xrm            musical theatre
          xrmo                 opera
          xs       films; movies; motion pictures; cinema  ≈ DDC 770 791
          xs35                 played by; starring actor
          xs35pxrrhj                                     Gian Maria Volonté
          xs5             filmmaking; production
          xs5d                 development; script writing; drafting
          xs5n                 pre-production
          xs5nCc                           casting
          xs5nCe                           crew hiring
          xs5o                 production; recording
          xs5oCp                           post-production
          xs5oCpe                                editing; montage
          xs5q                 showing; screening; projection
          xs5s                 distribution; sale
          xs6b                 documentary
          xs6e                 noir
          xs6h                 dramatic
          xs6o                 comedy
          xs71   ⋄                 scene; shot  
          xs71np                           scene 1
          xs71npp                                shot 1
          xs75h                      photograph  ↞ xh photographs
          xs75l                      script; screenplay  ↞ xl literature
          xs75m                      soundtrack  ↞ xm music
          xs81                  footage
          xs818                       duration min
          xs81f                      short
          xs81i                      medium-length
          xs81u                      feature; theatrical
          xs81v                      series; movie series; movie franchise
          xs93                 directed by director
          xs93pwvtc                                     Griffith; D.W. Griffith
          xs93pwxox                                     Fritz Lang
          xs93pwxsd                                     John Ford
          xs93pwxsr                                     Renoir; Jean Renoir
          xs93pwxxp                                     Hitchcock; Alfred Hitchcock
          xs93pxorx                                     Ozu; Yasujirō Ozu
          xs93pxpwn                                     Bergman; Ingmar Bergman
          xs93pxqoc                                     Fellini; Federico Fellini
          xs93pxqsb                                     Paradžanov; Sergej Iosifovič Paradžanov
          xs93pxqwo                                     Kubrick; Stanley Kubrick
          xs93pxrtw                                     Woody Allen; Heywood Allen; Allan Stewart Konigsberg
          xs9B                  film movement
          xs9Be                      German expressionism
          xs9Bh                      classic American cinema; Hollywood
          xs9Bi                      Italian neorealism
          xs9Bl                      Bollywood
          xs9Bn                      nouvelle vague; new wave
          xs9Bo                      new German cinema
          xs9Bu                      Dogma 95
          x{}  work entitled; called
          y  scholarship; public knowledge; common knowledge; learning; sciences; episteme  ↞ su communication sw schools po cognition   ≈ DDC 001  
          y09l                 realism
          y09n                 constructivism
          y1        knowledge change
          y161                 issued seriality; periodicity
          y161np                           daily
          y161nv                           weekly
          y161or                           monthly
          y17   [w1]           at time
          y1c            ideation; conception
          y1d            development
          y1f            diffusion; spreading
          y1i            discussion; debate
          y1p            updating
          y1r            criticism
          y1v            oblivion
          y2       in academy; research facility
          y23   [sx]           from; by documentation service; library; archive
          y23ls   ⋄                     special libraries
          y25   [sw]           in school
          y25u                 university
          y27   [uU]           in region
          y2h            conference hall
          y2o            office; desk
          y2w            the Internet; online
          y3       using tool; resource  ↞ r9 of
          y31   [y]           derived from source; original knowledge
          y313   [yd]                translation of document in original language
          y3133   [qv]                     translated from original language
          y3134   [yd]                     free translation of
          y314   [yd]                commenting commented source
          y3143   [yd]                     building on; developing on basis
          y3145   [yd]                     answering; reacting to answered source
          y3146   [yd]                     supporting; commenting favourably
          y3148   [yd]                     reviewing reviewed document
          y315   [yd]                abridged from
          y3154   [yd]                     expurgated from; censored version of
          y3157   [yd]                     summary of; abstract; digest of summarized source
          y316   [yd]                paraphrase of
          y317   [yd]                copy of; reproduction; facsimile of original source
          y318   [yd]                adaptation of; dramatization; novelization; screenplay; libretto of source of different genre
          y3188   [yd]                     imitation of; parody of
          y33   [U]           introduced by innovator; inventor
          y34   [y]           criticizing; opposing opposed view
          y35   [U]           by learned person; knower; apprentice; scholar; intellectual
          y352   [U]                distributed by distributor
          y353   [U]                published by publisher; publishing house
          y3537   [U]                     printed by printer
          y355   [U]                translated by translator
          y356   [U]                presented to; dedicated to; Festschrift for honoured author
          y357   [U]                with contribution by contributor
          y358   [U]                edited by editor
          y36   [t7]           for audience; target; pupil; student; public
          y36i                 children
          y36l                 kids
          y37   [y]           influenced by source
          y3j            sensors; transducers
          y3m            measuring and alignment tools  ≈ DDC 681
          y3me                 rulers; rules; line gauges
          y3mf                 set squares; triangles
          y3mg                 protractors
          y3mh                 compasses
          y3mk                 clocks  ↞ cb time
          y3mr                 thermometers  ↞ g5h heat
          y3q            laboratory equipment
          y4        antithesis; aporia; critics; difficulty
          y40            censored by censor
          y40u                 political power
          y40u(7vs)                                state secret prevention of attention
          y40w                 custom
          y4c            contradiction
          y5        intellectual activity; scholarly activity
          y5c            research; approach; method
          y5cb                 observation
          y5cbd                      discreet observation
          y5cbp                      participant observation  
          y5cc                 experience; intuition
          y5cd                 examination of physical tracks
          y5ce                 sensing; detection; measurement
          y5cea                      censusing; counting
          y5ces                      satellite imagery
          y5cet                      telemetry; remote sensing
          y5cett                           acoustic telemetry  ↞ g5n sound
          y5cetu                           ultrasonic telemetry
          y5cf                 recording
          y5cfb                      taking notes  ↞ ydi written texts
          y5cfc                      taking pictures; photographing  ↞ ydi written texts
          y5cfn                      sound recording  ↞ ydn sound records
          y5cfr                      filming  ↞ ydm 
          y5cg                 marking; labeling; tagging
          y5ch                 experimentation; stimulation
          y5chl                      laboratory method
          y5chlb                           isolation; purification
          y5chlc                           separation
          y5chle                           synthesis
          y5chli                           analysis; testing  
          y5chlk                           tests on properties; behaviour
          y5chlp                           spectroscopy; spectrography
          y5chlr                           chromatography
          y5chp                      playback
          y5ci                 case study
          y5cj                 interview  ↞ px persons
          y5ck                 survey; questionnaire
          y5cl                 textual analysis; content analysis; discourse analysis
          y5cm                 mathematical analysis; processing  ↞ yse mathematics
          y5cn                 probability estimation
          y5co                 statistical analysis  ↞ yses mathematical statistics
          y5cod                      descriptive statistics
          y5coi                      inferential statistics
          y5cr                 comparison; comparative method
          y5cs                 modeling; simulation  ↞ yoeu a forms
          y5csg                      game theoretic models
          y5cu                 mapmaking  
          y5cx                 classification; systematics; taxonomy  ↞ yx knowledge organization systems
          y5cxn                      numerical taxonomy; phenetic
          y5cxp                      evolutionary analysis; phylogenetic classification
          y5cxq                      cladistic analysis
          y5g            congresses; conferences; symposia
          y5go                 workshops
          y5p            scholarly publishing
          y5pr                 peer review
          y5prd                      double-blind review
          y5pw                 reviewing
          y5t            education; teaching  [didactics; pedagogy]  ↞ sw schools   ≈ DDC 370
          y5tb                 self-teaching
          y5te                 exercise
          y5tf                 frontal lesson; lecture
          y5u            communication; promotion
          y5uc                 press conference
          y5un                 news note; press agency
          y5up                 popularization
          y5x            indexing; organizing; cataloguing  ↞ sx cultural services
          y5xd                 descriptive indexing
          y5xj                 subject indexing;   ↞ yx knowledge organization systems
          y6        style of thought; level of knowing
          y60             world view; Weltanschauung; lifestance; general belief; prioritized phenomena
          y60e                 materialist; physicalist
          y60g                 mechanistic
          y60m                 vitalistic; biologistic
          y60p                 cognitivistic; phychologistic
          y60r                 economistic
          y60t                 sociologistic
          y60w                 spiritualistic
          y60y                 hermeneutical
          y6e            common sense; popular knowledge
          y6m            magical  ↞ wom magic   ≈ DDC 130
          y6s            scientifical; rational enquiry  ↞ por reason
          y7        component; stage
          y71   [an]            section; part
          y76   [x]           in art work
          y76f   ⋄                painting
          y76l   ⋄                literature
          y77   [su]           recorded in; testified in; presented as carrier; medium
          y77i                 handwritten paper
          y77k                 print
          y77u                 digital form
          y7e            premise
          y7h            hypothesis
          y7n            analysis
          y7p            proof
          y7t            testing; checking
          y7u            result
          y7v            discussion
          y8        expertise; intellectual level
          y84             veracity; truth
          y84b                 false
          y84f                 fictional; imagination; once upon a time
          y84g                 allegorical; parable
          y84m                 ambiguous; not clear
          y84o                 hypothetical; supposition; scenario  ↞ y7p proof
          y84p                 possible; doubtful; perhaps; maybe
          y84v                 likely; belief
          y84y                 realistic; true
          y858   [an89]                 cultural diversity
          y858f                      conformist; single thought
          y858u                      culturally diverse
          y8f            dummy
          y8i            laymen
          y8u            esoteric; initiated
          y8v            expert
          y9   [X]       tradition; school  ↞ yo theories
          y90            of; on; about; dealing with; studying subject; topic; matter
          y91   [w1]           known in time
          y92   [uU]           known in country
          y93   [U]           by thinker; master; author; creator
          y95   [qv]           among speakers of language
          y96   [wr]            faith; religious inspiration
          y96h                 Buddhist
          y96t                 Christian
          ya       oral reports; testimonies; oral knowledge
          yd       documents; recorded information resources; instantiations; knowledge items  ↞ x creative arts su communication   ≈ DDC 090
          ydc            pictures; still images
          ydcd                 drawings
          ydcp                 photographs
          ydd            diagrams
          ydg            maps  ↞ j landforms
          ydi            written texts
          ydi7Cc                           covers; package; box
          ydi7Cf                           front page
          ydi7Ch                           table of contents
          ydi7Ck                           chapter; section
          ydi7Cn                           notes
          ydi7Cu                           appendix; extra; bonus
          ydi7Cw                           bibliography; references
          ydi7Cx                           index
          ydiY                  title
          ydib                 personal diaries
          ydid                 private letters
          ydieWg                 press
          ydie                 newspapers  ≈ DDC 050 070
          ydig                 magazines  ≈ DDC 050
          ydig195nv   ⋄                                    weekly
          ydig7Dc                                column
          ydij                 academic journals; research serials  ≈ DDC 050
          ydik                 academic series; collections
          ydil                 conference proceedings  ↞ y5g congresses
          ydim                 monographs
          ydimb                      essays; non-systematic expositions
          ydimd                      introductions
          ydime                      textbooks; didactic expositions  ↞ y5t education
          ydimee                           teaching program books
          ydimei                           exercise books
          ydimeu                           examination preparation books
          ydimg                      guides; practical information
          ydimr                      treatises; systematic exposition
          ydims                      summae
          ydimx                      classics
          ydin                 working reports
          ydind                      dissertations; theses  ↞ swu universities
          ydinr                      activity reports; research reports
          ydio                 official publications
          ydiol                      law texts  ↞ v legal entities
          ydiop                      patent documents
          ydiq                 sacred texts  ↞ w7s scriptures
          ydit                 tables; data base; statistics
          ydiuWy                 reference works
          ydiu                 atlases  ↞ j landforms
          ydiv                 almanacs; agendas
          ydive                      yearbooks
          ydiw                 dictionaries; encyclopaedia; directories  ≈ DDC 030
          ydix                 indexes; indices; bibliographies; catalogues  ≈ DDC 010 011
          ydn            sound records  ↞ g5n sound
          ydo            videos; moving images
          ydpWy            realia; tree-dimensional objects
          ydq            models; 3D copies
          ydqc                 casts
          yds            specimens; samples
          ydx            finds; exhibits
          yo       theories; conceptual models  [theory theory]  ≈ DDC 161 167
          yoc            concepts; notions  [concept theory]  ↞ po cognition qo words
          yocp                 prototypes  [prototype theory]
          yoe            conjectures; hypotheses  ↞ y7p proof
          yoe7t   ⋄                     testing
          yog            arguments; theses
          yol            laws; principles; statements
          yolc                 axioms; postulates
          yolh                 theorems
          yolr                 corollaries
          yop            paradigms; turns; isms
          ys       disciplines; fields; bodies of knowledge; forms of knowledge; domains  
          ys9   [X]            tradition; school
          ysc            philosophy; wisdom  ≈ DDC 100
          ysc9                  philosophical school  ≈ DDC 180
          ysc90   ⋄                     of problem; topic
          ysc93njl                                     Plato
          ysc93nkfj                                     Aristotle
          ysc93pqqt                                     Thomas Aquinas; Tommaso d'Aquino
          ysc93ptxug                                     Descartes; René Descartes; Cartesius
          ysc93purqq                                     Locke; John Locke
          ysc93purqw                                     Spinoza; Baruch Spinoza; Benedictus de Spinoza
          ysc93pusun                                     Leibniz; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
          ysc93pvppj                                     Hume; David Hume
          ysc93pvqsi                                     Kant; Immanuel Kant
          ysc93pvvoq                                     Hegel; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
          ysc93pvxwc                                     Comte; Auguste Comte
          ysc93pwrxr                                     Peirce; Charles Sanders Peirce
          ysc93pxoqo                                     Popper; Karl Raimund Popper
          ysc9g                      Greek philosophy
          ysc9ge                           pre-Socratic philosophy  ≈ DDC 182
          ysc9gg                           pythagoreanism
          ysc9gh                           sophism  ≈ DDC 183
          ysc9gj                           cynicism  ≈ DDC 183
          ysc9gl                           Platonism including Plato  ≈ DDC 184
          ysc9gm                           Aristotlelism including Aristotle  ≈ DDC 185
          ysc9go                           Pyrrhonian skepticism  ≈ DDC 186
          ysc9gr                           Epicureanism  ≈ DDC 187
          ysc9gs                           stoicism  ≈ DDC 188
          ysc9gv                           neoplatonism  ↞ ysc9gl Platonism   ≈ DDC 186
          ysc9m                      modern Western philosophy  ≈ DDC 190 140
          ysc9md                           rationalism including Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz
          ysc9me                           empiricism including Hobbes, Hume
          ysc9mh                           Enlightenment philosophy
          ysc9mi                           German idealism including Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel  ≈ DDC 141 142
          ysc9mm                           dialectical materialism; historical materialism; socialism; communism including Marx, Engels  ≈ DDC 146
          ysc9mn                           utilitarianism including Bentham, Mill
          ysc9mo                           existentialism including Kierkegaard, Sartre
          ysc9mp                           phenomenology including Husserl
          ysc9mq                           hermeneutics including Heidegger, Gadamer
          ysc9mr                           logicism including Frege
          ysc9ms                           logical positivism incl Vienna Circle, logical atomism, Wittgenstein
          ysc9mt                           structuralism
          ysc9mu                           critical theory including Habermas, Frankfurt School, Foucault
          ysc9mw                           continental philosophy
          ysc9mx                           postmodernism
          ysc9my                           analytic philosophy
          ysce                 epistemology  ↞ po cognition   ≈ DDC 120 121
          yscg                 philosophical logic  ↞ a forms yseb mathematical logic   ≈ DDC 160 161
          yscm                 metaphysics; ontology  ≈ DDC 110 111
          yscr                 moral philosophy; ethics  ↞ t6    ≈ DDC 170 171
          ysct                 political philosophy  ↞ u polities
          yscx                 aesthetics  ↞ x creative arts
          yse            mathematics; maths  ↞ a forms
          yse93                      by mathematician
          yse93nk                                Euclid
          yse93pvovh                                     Euler; Leonhard Euler
          yse93pvvvi                                     Gauss; Carl Friedrich Gauss
          yse93pwppu                                     Galois; Évariste Galois
          yse93pwuqc                                     Hilbert; David Hilbert
          yse93pxoui                                     Gödel; Kurt Gödel
          yse93pxuul                                     Perelman; Grigori Perelman
          yseb                 mathematical logic; foundations
          ysee                 algebra
          yseg                 geometry
          ysel                 calculus
          ysen                 numerical analysis
          yses                 mathematical statistics
          ysg            natural sciences; empirical sciences; pure sciences  ≈ DDC 507
          ysg9   [X]                 scientific school
          ysgd                 physics  ↞ b quantum fields c spacetime d particles e atoms g bulk matter
          ysgd93pusqy                                     Newton; Isaac Newton
          ysgd93pwrpl                                     Maxwell; James Clerk Maxwell
          ysgd93pwsse                                     Boltzmann; Ludwig Boltzmann
          ysgd93pwvxf                                     Einstein; Albert Einstein
          ysgd93pxoqp                                     Dirac; Paul Dirac
          ysgd93pxpwj                                     Feynman; Richard Feynman
          ysgdc                      classical mechanics
          ysgdh                      thermodynamics
          ysgdm                      electromagnetism
          ysgdo                      optics
          ysgds                      special relativity
          ysgdt                      general relativity
          ysgdu                      quantum theory
          ysge                 physical chemistry
          ysgf                 chemistry  ↞ f molecules
          ysgf93puqvc                                     Boyle; Robert Boyle
          ysgf93pvvup                                     Avogadro; Amedeo Avogadro
          ysgf93pxope                                     Pauling; Linus Pauling
          ysgfg                      general chemistry
          ysgfi                      inorganic chemistry
          ysgfo                      organic chemistry
          ysgh                 astronomy  ↞ h celestial objects
          ysgh93opoo                                     Ptolemy; Claudius Ptolemy
          ysgh93psvr                                     Copernicus; Nicolaus Copernicus; Mikołaj Kopernik
          ysgh93ptusd                                     Galileo; Galileo Galilei
          ysgh93ptvpy                                     Kepler; Johannes Kepler
          ysgh93pwwxw                                     Hubble; Edwin Hubble
          ysghc                      cosmology
          ysgi                 meteorology  ↞ j19 in j3 weather
          ysgit                      climatology  ↞ j39 climates
          ysgk                 geology; petrography  ↞ i rocks
          ysgk93pvqul                                     Hutton; James Hutton
          ysgk93pvxvv                                     Lyell; Charles Lyell
          ysgke                      tectonics
          ysgkm                      geomorphology
          ysgn                 palaeontology  ↞ m8y fossil
          ysgo                 biology  ↞ k genes l cells m organisms n populations o agency
          ysgoe                      genetics  ↞ k genes
          ysgoe5Fc                                     expression cloning
          ysgoe5Fe                                     PCR; polymerase chain reaction
          ysgoe5Fg                                     gel electrophoresis
          ysgoe5Fl                                     southern blot; southern blotting
          ysgoe5Fn                                     northern blot; northern blotting
          ysgoe5Fo                                     western blot; western blotting
          ysgoe93pwqqo                                     Mendel; Gregor Mendel
          ysgoe93pxqom                                     Jacob; François Jacob
          ysgoe93pxqwh                                     Watson; James D. Watson
          ysgof                      physiology  ↞ m5 
          ysgom                      morphology; anatomy  ↞ m7 
          ysgom93pvuxq                                     Cuvier; Georges Cuvier
          ysgos                      systematic biology  ↞ np phylogenetic lineages
          ysgos5cxn                                     phenetics; numerical taxonomy
          ysgos5cxq                                     cladistics; phylogenetic systematics
          ysgou                      evolutionary biology
          ysgou93pvssp                                     Lamarck; Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck
          ysgou93pwoxd                                     Darwin; Charles Darwin
          ysgou93pxosn                                     Mayr; Ernst Mayr
          ysgou93pxspr                                     Gould; Stephen Jay Gould
          ysgoy                      ethology  ↞ o agency
          ysgoy93pxorv                                     Lorenz; Konrad Lorenz
          ysgoy93pxovh                                     Tinbergen; Nikolaas Tinbergen
          ysgoy93pxqwl                                     Eibl-Eibesfeldt; Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt
          ysgoys                           bioacoustics  ↞ ou communication g5n sound
          ysgq                 ecology  ↞ n populations
          ysh            technologies; applied sciences  ↞ ysg natural sciences r production s services
          yshg                 agronomy  ↞ rl farms
          yshm                 management; organizational sciences  ↞ u polities s services
          yshn                 engineering  ↞ r production
          yshn93pstq                                     Leonardo; Leonardo da Vinci
          yshn93pwsvd                                     Edison; Thomas Alva Edison
          yshn93pwtun                                     Tesla; Nikola Tesla
          yshr                 architecture  ↞ sde buildings x creative arts
          yshy                 library and information science; documentation; LIS  ↞ yd documents sx cultural services
          ysm            medicine; health sciences  ↞ sh healthcare
          ysm93njhn                                     Hippocrates
          ysm93opqx                                     Galeno
          ysm93pxqqv                                     Christiaan Barnard
          ysme                 epidemiology
          ysmh                 pathology
          ysmi                 toxicology
          ysmn                 internal medicine
          ysmp                 pharmacology
          ysms                 surgery
          ysmt                 anesthesiology
          ysp            psychology  ↞ p consciousness
          ysp93pwtuj                                     Freud; Sigmund Freud
          ysp93pwvto                                     Jung; Carl Gustav Jung
          ysp93pwxup                                     Piaget; Jean Piaget
          ysp93pxook                                     Fromm; Erich Fromm
          ysp93pxoph                                     Lacan; Jacques Lacan
          ysps                 psychoanalysis
          yss            social sciences
          yssc                 sociology  ↞ t civil society
          ysse                 economics  ↞ r production s services v legal entities
          ysse93pvqr                                     Adam Smith
          ysse93pwwrl                                     Keynes; John Maynard Keynes
          yssp                 political sciences; politology  ↞ u polities
          yssp9                       theories of the state
          yssu                 cultural anthropology; ethnography  ↞ w customs
          yssu93pwvri                                     van Gennep; Arnold van Gennep
          yssu93pwwsh                                     Malinowski; Bronisław Malinowski
          yssu93pxpxo                                     Goody; Jack Goody
          yssx                 pedagogy  ↞ y5t education
          ysuWy            humanities
          ysu            linguistics  ↞ q language
          ysu93pwtvw                                     Saussure; Ferdinand de Saussure
          ysu93pwxut                                     Jakobson; Roman Jakobson
          ysu93pxqwx                                     Chomsky; Noam Chomsky
          ysuf                 phonology
          ysuh                 morphology
          ysum                 semantics
          ysup                 pragmatics
          ysus                 syntax
          ysut                 linguistic typology
          ysuw                 historical linguistics; philology  ↞ yd documents q language
          ysv            history  ↞ ty civilizations u polities
          ysv93njfj                                     Herodotus; Herodotus of Halicarnassus
          ysv93njhn                                     Thucydides
          ysv93nmji                                     Sima Qian; Ssu-ma chen; Ssi-ma chen
          ysv93prrq                                     Ibn Khaldun
          ysv93pwwun                                     Bloch; Marc Bloch
          ysv93pxpvl                                     Hobsbawm; Eric Hobsbawm
          ysx            arts criticism  ↞ x creative arts   ≈ DDC 807
          yx       knowledge organization systems; KOSs; documentary languages; indexing languages  [knowledge organization; classification theory]  ↞ y5cx classification
          yx93pwtp                                     Melvil Dewey
          yx93pwuw                                     Paul Otlet
          yx93pwvo                                     Henry Evelyn Bliss
          yx93pwxq                                     S.R. Ranganathan
          yx93pxqv                                     Ingetraut Dahlberg
          yxc            lists
          yxe            keywords; tags
          yxi            taxonomies
          yxn            controlled vocabularies
          yxnh                 subject heading lists
          yxnt                 thesauri
          yxs            classification schemes; classification systems
          yxt            ontologies
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Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


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