Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class ii

    broader class

          ii       single rocks  [petrology; petrography; lithology]  ≈ DDC 552
          ii9             alkali-silica content
          ii9f                 felsic
          ii9i                 intermediate
          ii9m                 mafic
          ii9o                 ultramafic
          ii9q                 alkalic
          iibWj            intrusive rocks; plutonic rocks
          iibWp            igneous rocks; magmatic rocks; eructive rocks  ↞ i5k magmatism
          iib            quartzolites
          iibzg            quartz-rich granitoids
          iic            granites  
          iich                 H-type granites; hybrid granites
          iici                 I-type granites; igneous protoliths
          iicm                 M-type granites; mantle derived granites
          iicn                 A-type granites; anorogenic granites
          iics                 S-type granites; sedimentary protoliths
          iiczd            granodiorites
          iid            diorites
          iidze            syenites
          iidzm            monzonites
          iie            gabbros
          iiezn            anorthosites
          iiezs            foidolites
          iif            peridotites
          iifd                 dunites
          iiff                 wehrlites
          iifh                 harzburgites
          iifɭ                 lherzolites
          iig            hypabyssal rocks; subvolcanic rocks
          iigd                 diabases; dolerites; microgabbros
          iihWn            effusive rocks; volcanic rocks
          iih            rhyolites
          iii            trachytes
          iiizd            dacites
          iiizn            andesites
          iiizs            basaltic andesites
          iij            basalts
          iije                 tholeiitic basalts
          iijem                      mid-ocean ridge basalts; MORBs
          iijh                 high-alumina basalts
          iijk                 alkali basalts
          iijn                 boninites
          iijzk            komatiites
          iik            pumices; pumicites
          iikzs            scorias
          iiɭ            pyroclastic rocks; pyroclastics
          iiɭb                 agglomerates; pyroclastic breccias
          iiɭf                 lapilli tuffs; lapillistones
          iiɭi                 coarse ash tuffs
          iiɭn                 fine ash tuffs
          iimWt            metamorphic rocks  ↞ i5m metamorphism
          iim            gneisses
          iimzs            slates
          iin            marbles
          iinzm            amphibolites
          iinzr            granulites
          iio            green schists
          iip            blue schists
          iipzq            quartzites  ↞ gtstb quartz
          iipzt            zeolites
          iiqWqz  rudites
          iiqWu            clastic rocks
          iiqWy            sedimentary rocks  ↞ i5n sedimentation
          iiq            conglomerates
          iiqzb            breccias
          iir            sandstones; arenites including wackes  
          iirb                 quartz sandstones
          iirf                 feldspathic sandstones
          iirɭ                 lithic sandstones
          iis            mudrocks; lutites; shales
          iisi                 siltstones
          iism                 mudstones
          iisy                 claystones
          iitWn            carbonate rocks  ↞ gtm carbonate minerals
          iitWs            biochemical sedimentary rocks
          iit            limestones  
          iitb                 boundstones
          iitf                 framestones
          iiti                 binstones
          iitk                 bafflestones
          iitm                 rudstones
          iito                 floatstones
          iitq                 grainstones
          iitt                 packstones
          iitw                 wackestones
          iity                 carbonate mudstones
          iiu            dolostones; dolomite rocks
          iiuze            chert
          iiv            coal
          iive                 peat
          iivg                 lignite
          iivk                 sub-bituminous coal
          iivm                 bituminous coal
          iivs                 steam coal
          iivt                 anthracite
          iiwWy            chemical sedimentary rocks
          iiw            oolitic limestones
          iix            evaporite rocks
Connected classes:
                 imb           plutons  ↞ ii 
                 imy           flysches  ↞ iip 
                 r5f           lithic technology; Stone Age  ↞ ii vdb 
                 r9e           stone  ↞ ii 
                 r9f           nonmetallic mineral product  ↞ iip 
                 r9pc                coal  ↞ iiv 
                 rtcg                ceramics and glass crafts  ↞ iip 

current: 99 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class ii / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -