Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class wttpe

    broader class

          wttpe                      Born Again incl' fundamentalism, revivalism, puritain free
          wttpeb                           Anabaptism; Mennonites
          wttpec                           Baptism  ≈ DDC 286
          wttped                           Darbysm
          wttpef                           Frères Larges
          wttpei                           Anglican evangelism
          wttpel                           free churches
          wttpem                           Methodism  ≈ DDC 287
          wttpep                           Pentecostism
          wttpeq                           Quakers; Religious Society of Friends  ≈ DDC 289
          wttpes                           Salvation Army
          wttpev                           Adventism  ≈ DDC 286
          wttpew                           Reformed Evangelism
Connected classes:

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class wttpe / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2025.01.29 -