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paper presented at 3rd ISKO Italy-UniMIB meeting : Milan : 22 June 2007
La presentazione completa è disponibile in formato MS Powerpoint. Scarica
LinX <> is a database of free resources for education and research, created by the Library of the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca [see last year's presentation]. Resources are selected by the library staff and/or recommended by users.
Following an increase in the number of resources and the adoption of SFX software for e-journals management, the Library website working group decided to reconsider the LinX classification system.
The choice was between the categories provided by SFX, and the more official, institutional MIUR (Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca) categories.
After a thorough evaluation of pros and cons, SFX categories were chosen because it is easier for users to have the same classification system for e-journals and web-sites, and because the system proved to be better when applied to scientific disciplinary areas.
Reorganizing LinX: SFX or MIUR? / Valerio Bianchini, Francesca Verga = (ISKO Italia. Documenti) – <> : 2007.06.14-