ISKO Italia
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Università di Milano Bicocca : piazza Ateneo nuovo 1
edificio U6. piano 1. aula 30
organizzato da ISKO Italia in collaborazione con la Biblioteca d'ateneo dell'Università di Milano Bicocca
Some 50 people attended the second yearly meeting organized by the Italian chapter of ISKO, again thanks to collaboration with the library of Milano Bicocca University. Even more than past year, the day was successful in gathering people interested in knowledge organization from various points of view, including librarians, information scientists, information architects, computer scientists, and archivists, and allowing them to communicate in an open and informal environment. Material concerning ISKO, including foreign conference proceedings and a sample issue of "Knowledge organization", could be examined at the front desk. Some people who were new to ISKO got in contact and subscribed in this occasion. Texts and other materials related to the contributions are progressively being published on our website (see the links under each speaker). Several photos are available on Flickr.
The morning started with an introduction by Maurizio di Girolamo, the chief librarian at Milano Bicocca, and a chair report on the current activity of the ISKO Italian chapter. Then, Mela Bosch provided a wide overview of the various levels, both logical and technical, involved in the development of ontologies, and Matteo Ballarin focused on SKOS, the markup language recently developed within W3C to express the structure of knowledge organization systems with XML syntax.
A second part of the morning was devoted to the development and application of thesauri, including the Italian thesaurus of Earth sciences, illustrated by Luca Olivetta of the National Agency for Environment Conservation, the Italian translation of Medical Subject Headings, by Maurella Della Seta and Elisabetta Poltronieri from the National Health Institute, and some terminological and syntactic questions in the domains of environment and philosophy, discussed by Melissa Tiberi from EKOLab, a structure belonging to the National Research Council which is quite active within the ISKO Italian chapter.
In the afternoon, Bonaria Biancu and Emanuela Casson presented some choices adopted by the Web staff of the Milano Bicocca university library in using the collaboration and subject facilities of Scout Portal Toolkit -- a platform also used at the Virtual Library for Public Administration, as reported by Alessandra Cornero, who later discussed some questions in self-archiving and indexing institutional repositories. Paolo Avesani of the Trento Culture Institute discussed the problem of selecting relevant resources from the Web, and illustrated a software helping to do this. Susanna Dal Porto, a member of the group of temporary librarians coordinated by Andrea Marchitelli, showed how faceted classification, DDC, and the JITA scheme are applied in three blogs. Maria Cristina Lavazza of Sviluppo Italia, a national agency for economical development, reflected upon models used to organize the architecure of websites, like hierarchies, facets, and breadcrumbs. Finally, Marcella Patania illustrated the ongoing work to apply integrative level classification to a library section on innovation.
Like last year, for those who had not to take their train immediately, an aperitif in a bar nearby was a final occasion to meet and discuss. Indeed, the chapter is trying to keep a practical and informal mood, despite its progressive growth and the increase in the number and richness of speeches.
L'aula dispone di circa 90 posti; non ci sono barriere architettoniche per raggiungerla. È dotata di computer portatile, videoproiettore, connessione alla Rete, e di una cara vecchia lavagna di ardesia.
Incontro ISKO Italia-UniMIB : Milano : 9 giugno 2006 = (ISKO Italia) -- <> : 2006.03.17 - 2007.05.15 -