ISKO Italia. Documenti

KO across disciplines and media: Brazitalian meeting
online : 14 June 2024

Knowledge organization in ethnic and racism studies

Nina Gomes Sobral Barcellos d'Almeida and Linair Maria Campos




The field of ethnic-racial studies develops mainly from interdisciplinary efforts, involving areas of knowledge such as history, geography, pedagogy, linguistics, anthropology, and different areas of healthcare. The field has been growing rapidly in Brazil and around the world, promoting debates on combating social inequality and reflections on ethnic-racial diversity as well as access to knowledge and social rights. The subjects, items and concepts used in the field of ethnic-racial studies, given the interdisciplinarity in their use, may not be well represented in disciplinary classification systems, causing problems such as underrepresentation, omissions, or allocation in inappropriate classes. Instead, they can benefit from systems created using different theoretical-methodological bases, representing in a more accurate way the relationships between areas of knowledge, theoretical perspectives, and objects of study to improve information retrieval by different user communities.

Therefore, this research aims to study the possibilities of representation in the ILC for a more accurate representation of the phenomena investigated in the field of ethnic-racial studies. The ILC is developed based on the facet method and the integrative levels theory, representing as main classes phenomena instead of disciplines (Gnoli, 2012). In addition to enabling a precise articulation between phenomena, theoretical perspectives and areas of knowledge, the aim is also to represent knowledge in a more inclusive way, where all communities involved can be represented in the classification scheme used. In relation to the organization of knowledge, the importance of investigating and reflecting on the application of field methods and theories in areas of Social Sciences and Humanities stands out, given the historical complexity of their concepts and relationships (Langridge, 1977).

The research can be classified as qualitative, exploratory, developed through bibliographical and applied research (Gil, 2002). Among the expected results, we intend to represent in the ILC a set of concepts related to the field of ethnic-racial studies.


Knowledge organization in ethnic and racism studies / Nina Gomes Sobral Barcellos d'Almeida and Linair Maria Campos = (KO across disciplines and media: Brazitalian meeting) = (ISKO Italia. Documenti) — <> : 2024.06.03 - 2024.06.18 -