ISKO Italia
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Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Sala Galileo
piazza dei Cavalleggeri 1, Firenze [mappa]
hashtag: #ISKOI2019
Some 30 people attended a very international ninth Italian ISKO Meeting, held in the illustrious venue of Central National Library of Florence. The general topic of classification and linked data was touched in most speeches, and especially introduced in Aida Slavic's invited keynote, that suggested some clever ways how classification data can be exploited to enrich bibliographic information.
Digital libraries and their connection to KO were also addressed by German ISKO president Ernesto William De Luca, followed by former ISKO president Peter Ohly who reported about the panel in honour of Ingetraut Dahlberg held at ISKO 2018 in Porto. Then Carlo Bianchini demonstrated an original method for leveraging library linked data to automatically build Colon Classification numbers in the literature class (it can only be replicated in some specific classes, though also with UDC or other systems).
Afternoon speakers shifted to Italian to discuss scientific sources of Ranganathan's thought, subjects (or their absence) in IFLA LRM model, mathematical entities as classified in ILC, computationally economic notation, and the prototype of a faceted version of the SciGator browse interface. Discussion was lively between different speakers and with the public, and several ideas arose throughout the day, including the intention of organizing joint events in the near future by the chairpersons of the German, French and Italian ISKO chapters.
L'aula Galileo è dotata di circa 80 posti a sedere, videoproiettore e schermo.
Indirizzo collettivo:
9' Incontro ISKO Italia : Firenze : 11 aprile 2019 = (ISKO Italia) — <> : 2018.05.10 - 2019.05.08 -