ISKO Italia
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Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
sala conferenze del palazzo Malcanton-Marcorà
Dorsoduro 3484/D (calle Contarini)
More than thirty people succeeded in reaching Venice despite a transport strike, to participate in a rich, intense exchange on many different aspects of knowledge organization -- the fifth national meeting of ISKO Italy, organized in collaboration and with auspices by the Department of History of Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Some participants came after an introductory course in KO organized in Mestre with AIB the day before.
A technological morning started with Douglas Tudhope's guest keynote speech, presenting experiences in networked KOS applications, their possible integration and their differences in purpose with ontologies. Roberto Raieli went on to discuss the basic problems in multimedia information retrieval, with special reference to extraction of meaning from images. Maria Taverniti & Erika Pàsceri, Barbara De Santis, and Chiara Zara presented their current work with KOSs and their applications.
After a Venetian buffet, speakers came back for a markedly interdisciplinary afternoon, with introductions to general KO problems in ethnic knowledge (Ilaria Micheli), biological taxonomy (Alessandro Minelli) and epistemology (Riccardo Ridi); indeed, not only books need to be organized but also traditional instruments, animals, university skills, or archaeological findings! More classical library KOSs were represented by Nuovo Soggettario (Isolina Baldi, Elisabetta Viti) and the Colon Classification (Carlo Bianchini). As usual, the conversation continued with an aperitif, this time in its Venetian version: spritz in campo Santa Margherita.
Il giorno precedente all'incontro, 31 marzo, la sezione Veneto dell'Associazione italiana biblioteche in collaborazione con ISKO Italia ha organizzato un corso sull'Organizzazione della conoscenza, tenuto da Claudio Gnoli, con sede a Mestre.
L'aula dispone di 98 posti a sedere. È dotata di connessione wi-fi alla Rete, e due videoproiettori.
Indirizzo collettivo:
5' Incontro ISKO Italia : Venezia : 1 aprile 2011 = (ISKO Italia) — <> : 2010.04.26 - 2011.11.09 -