ISKO Italia
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Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze
sala Michelangelo
piazza dei Cavalleggeri 1, Firenze
Some 40 people participated in the sixth national meeting of ISKO Italy members, this time held at the Central National Library of Florence (BNCF), an institution having been providing high-quality subject indexing services and tools for decades. Current BNCF tests with linked data and automatic classification of PhD theses were presented by Lucarelli, Viti and Pepe. They then exchanged their experience and views on indexing digital data and collections with those of the University of Calabria research team, here represented by Guaglianone & Chiaravalloti, and of Sapienza University teacher Biagetti. In the afternoon, Giusti discussed how worldwide trends in search engines and social platforms appear to be pushing users away from careful indexing of information. Bruni and Capannelli explained how subject indexing still is kind of a taboo in Italian archives, although some innovations (as well as 18th-century archivist Luca Peroni!) consider it as a promising approach, especially in view of a stricter collaborations between archives, libraries and museums. Finally, librarians Menis and Rescigno presented an experience of shelving with LCC, and a critical discussion of present-day catalogues, respectively. As usual, a group of attenders celebrated the favourable result of the event with an aperitif at a lounge bar nearby.
L'aula, sita al piano terreno della Biblioteca, dispone di circa 50 posti a sedere.
Indirizzo collettivo:
6' Incontro ISKO Italia : Firenze : 20 maggio 2013 = (ISKO Italia) — <> : 2013.01.25 - 2013.05.27 -