ISKO Italia

Incontro ISKO Italia - UniMIB

Milano : 24 giugno 2005 ore 10-17

Università di Milano Bicocca : piazza Ateneo nuovo 1
edificio U6. piano 4. sala lauree di Psicologia

organizzato da ISKO Italia in collaborazione con la Biblioteca d'ateneo dell'Università di Milano Bicocca

Claudio Gnoli and Emanuele Quintarelli / photo by Antonella Pastore Some 30 people attended the first ever meeting organized by the Italian chapter of ISKO, thanks to collaboration with the central library of Milano Bicocca University, where it took place on Friday June 24, 2005. The day was successful in gathering people interested in knowledge organization from various points of view, including librarians and information architects from many cities, and allowing them to communicate in an open and informal environment. A paper concerning activity of the Semantic Web working group, written by Paola Capitani (ISKO Italy) who was unable to attend personally, was distributed and is available on our website, as well as other texts related to the topics discussed at the meeting (see the links under each speaker).

The first two speeches, by Lorena Zuccolo (ISKO Italy) and by Giovanni Varano (graduated at Foreigners University of Perugia), concerned the organization of community information in websites: a stimulating discussion arose from them, also involving Eugenio Gatto, Carla Crivello, Antonella Pastore, Giovanni Acerboni, and others, about similarities and differences between enumerative and faceted interfaces, and their suitability to meet the mental models of users. The morning was completed with an account of the construction of a faceted scheme for nephrology from a pre-existing glossary, by Rosa Anna Vinci (graduating at Bologna University), and a guided visit to the local library, all shelves of which are organized by the Dewey Decimal Classification.

In the afternoon, Emanuela Casson (librarian at Milano Bicocca University) presented the thesauri and classification schemes used in locally available bibliographic databases, and discussed some problems in their search interfaces. Francesca Severino (master graduated at Pavia University) showed how the term development is treated in four thesauri of international organizations, arguing that Western-biased polytical assumptions underlie their semantic networks. Claudio Gnoli (librarian at Pavia University Mathematics department) illustrated the history and possibile applications of the theory of integrative levels in classification schemes, as studied by the Classification Research Group and recently reconsidered in a research project also involving other ISKO Italy members. Emanuele Quintarelli (information architect from Rome) analyzed the recent phenomenon of folksonomies, systems of tags assigned by users to describe the content of Web resources like posts in weblogs. A final excursus into categories in Chinese thought, including the famous pair yin-yang, was performed by Paolo Ferrari Magà (writer from Milan).

Paolo Ferrari Maga`, Lorena Zuccolo and Emanuela Casson / photo by Antonella Pastore and Emanuele Quintarelli



Incontro ISKO Italia-UniMIB : Milano : 24 giugno 2005 (ISKO Italia) -- <> : 2005.04.28 - 2006.01.02 -